11-03-03 PCNORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT - addendum TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego —Waterfront East; PUD Development Stage Plan REPORT DATE: 29 October 2003 120 -Day DATE: 25 December 2003 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 03.33 CITY FILE: 2003 - BACKGROUND Landcor Construction, Inc. has made application for a Zoning Map amendment rezoning approximately 50 acres to PUD District, PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat approval for a 270,000 square foot retail / 62 dwelling unit development entitled Waterfront East. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on 6 October 2003 to consider the applications. After a review of the requests, the public hearing was continued to allow the applicant to present additional information. The Planning Commission did act on 6 October 2003 to recommend PUD Concept Plan approval of the proposed development by a 5-1 vote. The City Council considered the Planning Commission's recommendation at their meeting on 13 October 2003 and approved the PUD Concept Plan by a 5-0 vote, subject to 23 conditions. The applicant submitted revised plans and additional information on 23 October 2003 in response to these conditions. The public hearing on the original application is to be continued by the Planning. Commission at their meeting on 3 November 2003. Exhibits: A. Site Plan B. Preliminary Plat C. Landscape Plan D. Commercial Building Elevations E. Residential Building Elevations/Floor plans F. Grading Plan G. Utilitv Plan ANALYSIS The applicant has provided revised plans and additional information for a Zoning Map amendment rezoning to PUD District, PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat approval. The only significant changes to the plans not anticipated by the conditions of Concept Plan approval is an increase in the size of the movie theater by 8,085 square feet. The revised plans are discussed below in relation to the applicable condition of the PUD Concept Plan approval: Approval of the preliminary plat does not guarantee sanitary sewer capacity. Sanitary sewer capacity shall only be allocated to approved final plats with executed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. Comment: The City Engineer estimates that there is approximately 60 RECs of sanitary sewer capacity remaining in the 0.4 million gpd. east waste water treatment plant (E-WWTP). MPCA approval of a permit to expand the E-WWTP to 1.5 million gpd. capacity is pending. Upon approval of the MPCA permit, there will be approximately 0.1 million gpd. additional capacity available immediately for commercial and industrial projects due to oversized facilities at the existing E- WWTP. Until construction of the expanded E-WWTP is completed by Fall 2005, there may be limits on final plat approvals. 2. The submitted EAW is to be processed in accordance with Minnesota Rules and Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance. Comment: Notice for the EAW for the project was published by the Environmental Quality Board on 29 September. The mandatory 30 -day comment period for the EAW ended on 29 October 2003. The only comments received concerning the EAW were from MNDoT Metro Division in a letter dated 23 October 2003. The MNDoT comments focused on plat related issues with traffic generation, the proposed interchange at CSAH 39, other rights-of-way and stormwater drainage. City Staff's recommendation is that the project does not have potential for significant environmental effects not already addressed by the City's development review process and regulations. We do not recommend preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project. 3. The applicant shall revise the development plans to utilize Low Impact Development techniques to minimize the effects of impervious surface equal to an area not exceeding 25 percent, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Comment: The applicant has submitted a Stormwater Drainage Report dated 22 October 2003 prepared by Loucks Associates, Inc. that details use of Low Impact Development techniques within the project. This report is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2 4. The preliminary plat is revised to reflect the design of a standard diamond interchange at TH 101 and CSAH 39/90th Street and provide for dedication of necessary right-of-way, subject to approval of the City Engineer. Comment: The preliminary plat has not been revised to provide for an interchange design at CSAH 39 and TH 101 preferred by MNDoT District 3 staff and the City Engineer. The design of a diamond interchange at CSAH 39 and TH 101 will significantly impact the design of the preliminary plat, particularly the area generally occupied by Lots 1, 9 and 10, extension of streets from the interchange, and the alignment of Quantrelle Avenue. The construction of an interchange at CSAH 39 and TH 101 is required to accommodate existing area traffic and new traffic generated by the project. Until issues related to the design and construction of the CSAH 39 and TH 101 interchange are resolved, approval of the applications may be premature. 5. The preliminary plat is revised to designate the area for residential use as an outlot. Comment: The area to be developed with 60 townhouse and condominium apartments has been revised as an outlot. The outlot is required as the City will not have sanitary sewer capacity for residential uses until Fall 2005 when the E- WWTP expansion is complete. 6. The design of the private driveway accessing the residential units shall be 28 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter with an adjacent 5 foot sidewalk. The northern access to this roadway is to be redesigned to encourage traffic flow into the commercial parking and discourage through traffic into the residential neighborhood. The design of all private roadways and bridges is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Comment: The private driveway has been revised to a 28 foot section consistent with City standards. However, no sidewalk has been provided. Access to the north end of the private drive has been revised with an island and counter clockwise traffic flow to discourage traffic from entering the residential area. 7. The development plan is revised to eliminate the 59 parking stalls at the west edge of Lots 4 and 5 to provide a green landscape area with two staggered rows of ornamental and boulevard trees, subject to City Staff review and approval. Comment: The applicant has not made this change based on pending modifications to the site plan to accommodate the CSAH 39 and TH 101 interchange. The applicant's parking calculation indicates a surplus of 200 stalls. Given that the balance of parking will be changed with modifications to the site plan, we would concur that this issue be subject to further review. 3 The parking impact of the 8,085 square foot increase in the size of the movie theater has also not been accounted for and cannot be evaluated as the overall number of seats is not indicated to estimate parking demand. The overall parking supply for Lot 3 has been reduced from 753 stalls to 546 stalls based on the reconfigured parking ramp. Like restaurants, the movie theater generates significant parking demand that can impact the overall site. The uses of Lot 3 must provide for required parking. 8. A cross parking and access easement shall be recorded against all lots within the PUD District, subject to approval of the City Attorney. Comment: The necessary easements will be recorded with the final plat. 9. The total gross floor area of restaurants within the PUD District shall not exceed 25,150 square feet, unless approved as part of a PUD development plan amendment. Comment: This condition is intended to control the amount of restaurant floor area within the project (including sit down restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, bars, etc.) to protect the parking supply. Restaurants demand approximately 19 parking stalls per 1, 000 square feet, whereas general retail uses demand 5 stalls per 1,000 square feet. The potential for several restaurants to locate at the development or be concentrated in one area of the project could have significant negative impacts to parking supply. As such, it is necessary to review the location of restaurants and parking allocation during individual PUD site plan reviews as the tenant space is leased and the composition of the shopping area better defined. 10. The building plans for the commercial structures shall be revised to specified proposed exterior facade materials. Comment: The applicant will present material samples for the proposed commercial buildings. The specifications within the PUD design guidelines indicate that the proposed buildings will meet the material requirements of Section 20-17-4.8.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 11. The applicant shall submit scale elevations depicting the exterior of the proposed residential structures, including all exterior building materials. Comment: The submitted elevations were not drawn to scale, but material samples have been provided. The height of the buildings will be subject to the next condition. 12. The maximum height of any building shall be 35 feet. 4 Comment: All of the proposed buildings for which elevations have been provided have a height of less than 35 feet as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The landscape plan is revised to specify the type, size, quantities and location of all proposed plantings for the commercial and residential elements of the project. An inventory of existing trees adjacent to the Mississippi River shall be submitted and additional plantings provided as necessary to supplement existing vegetation to screen the riverway. Comment: The proposed landscape plan is generally appropriate and will be subject to further review with each individual site plan. An inventory of trees along the Mississippi has not been provided and is still required to determine the need for additional plantings to buffer the Mississippi River consistent with the intent of the WS District. 14. The following setbacks shall apply within the PUD District, except for Lots 4 and 5 which shall be allowed a zero setback on their common side lot line: Arterial/ Local Private Adj. Wetland &HWM Bluff Collector Street Street Bldgs. Street Commercial 65ft. --Y5- —ft Oft. 20ft. 40ft. 75ft. 30ft. Residential 65ft. 35ft 25ft. % sum 40ft. 75ft. 30ft. of bldg. height 1. The OHWM or Bluff setback shall apply, whichever is greater. Comment: The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat are consistent with these setback requirements. 15. The residential portion of the project shall provide 5,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. Comment: The area of Outlot A is not specified on the preliminary plat and must be identified to confirm conformance with the 5, 000 square foot per unit lot area minimum. 16. The PUD Design Guidelines dated shall apply to the development plan and are incorporated as part of the PUD District. Comment., The PUD Design Guidelines submitted for the project are different than those used for the Waterfront West, but are very similar to those prepared by the project architect for developments in other communities. The proposed design guidelines are less detailed than those used for Waterfront West, but likely will be easier to implement. We have identified a number of instances where the proposed design guidelines conflict with Zoning Ordinance requirements, particularly regarding signs. 5 We recommend that the design guidelines be made subject to City Staff review and approval to be finalized and incorporated as part of the PUD District and the development contract. 17. The preliminary plat and development plan shall be revised to create an outlot adjacent to the Mississippi River generally including the 75 foot setback area to be dedicated to the City. The developer shall construct an 8 foot wide trail within the outlot at their cost. Comment: The applicant agrees to construct the proposed trail, but asks consideration of a public easement for the trail opposed to dedication of land. City Staff is recommending dedication of land along the Mississippi River for the trail consistent with other City trails. More importantly given the flexibility being sought from existing WS District regulations, dedication of land is also consistent with the DNR's goal of acquiring public lands accessible to the Mississippi River. 18. Construction of a pedestrian bridge over TH 101 shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and MNDoT. Construction of the pedestrian bridge shall be at the applicant's cost with potential credits for park and trail dedication fees, subject to approval of the City Council. Comment: No plans have been submitted for the proposed pedestrian bridge. In their comments on the EA W, MNDoT indicated that the location of the pedestrian bridge will be impacted by the CSAH 39 and TH 101 interchange. This issue remains subject to further discussion. 19. Any and all park and trail dedication requirements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. Comment: Park and trail dedication for the proposed development has not been specifically defined. The revised plans do now include public trails connecting the pedestrian bridge to the river trail corridor. Park and trail dedication for the project will likely include a combination of land, improvements, and cash or cash credits subject to approval at the time of final plat application. 20. A lighting plan shall be submitted indicating the location, type and illumination pattern of all proposed exterior lighting, subject to consistency with the PUD District Design Guidelines and City Staff review and approval. Comment: Lighting plans will be reviewed with each site plan for conformance with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. One issue to be revised at this stage is the recommendation of the design guidelines that parking light elements be mounted on 40 foot tall posts. Given the proximity of the site to the Mississippi River, the maximum height for any light fixture should be 25 feet, which is the maximum height allowed by Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning 2 Ordinance. The lower height will require more light elements, but will reduce potential glare cast beyond the parking areas consistent with the intent of the existing WS District guidelines. 21. All signs must comply with the provisions of the PUD Design Guidelines and Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed per lot and only for Lots 1, 2, 3, and 5. All freestanding signs must be located on the property on which the business identified is located. A sign permit is required prior to construction of any signs. Comment: The PUD design guidelines must be revised to conform to Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance concerning allowed freestanding sign height and location of wall signs on more than two building facades. Flexibility from Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance may be considered with individual site plans through the PUD District, as was done for Waterfront West. 22. The development plan is subject to the performance standards of Section 20-94- 7.13 and 20-94-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance unless a Letter of Map Revision from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is submitted removing portions of the subject site from the 100 -year floodplain. Comment: Application for a letter of map revision or conformance with Section 94 of the Zoning Ordinance is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 23. All grading, drainage, utilities and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Comment: Please refer to the Engineering Review of the revised plans for comments on these issues. CONCLUSION The applicant has used the time available between concept plan approval and the Planning Commission meeting on 3 November 2003 to respond to a majority of the issues identified with the present application. However, the issues related to the design and construction of the CSAH 39 and TH 101 interchange have not been addressed and will significantly impact the development that has been presented. Until the CSAH 39 and TH 101 interchange is addressed, we would question approval of a preliminary plat given the scope of potential changes to the project design that are likely to be necessary. The City certainly cannot approve any final plat for the project until such time as the CSAH 39 and TH 101 interchange is settled given existing area conditions and future impacts related to the project and on-going development of the City. Options for the Planning Commission to consider are outlined below: 7 Decision 1 —Zoning Map/Development Plan/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a rezoning to PUD District, PUD General Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat for Waterfront East, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat does not guarantee sanitary sewer capacity. Sanitary sewer capacity shall only be allocated to approved final plats with executed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The submitted EAW is to be processed in accordance with Minnesota Rules and Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The applicant shall revise the development plans to utilize Low Impact Development techniques to minimize the effects of impervious surface equal to an area not exceeding 25 percent, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The preliminary plat is revised to reflect the design of a diamond interchange at TH 101 and CSAH 39/90th Street and provide for dedication of necessary right-of-way, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 5. The design of the private driveway accessing the residential units provide an adjacent 5 foot sidewalk. The design of all private roadways and bridges is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The development plan is revised to eliminate parking stalls in the area of the west edge of Lots 4 and 5 to provide a green landscape area with two staggered rows of ornamental and boulevard trees, subject to City Staff review and approval. 7. A cross parking and access easement shall be recorded against all lots within the PUD District, subject to approval of the City Attorney. 8. The total gross floor area of restaurants within the PUD District shall not exceed 25,150 square feet, unless approved as part of a PUD development plan amendment. Lot 3 shall provide the minimum number of parking stalls required by Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. The maximum height of any building shall be 35 feet. 10. Implementation of the landscape plan shall be subject to further review and approval with individual site plans. An inventory of existing trees adjacent to the Mississippi River shall be submitted and additional plantings provided as necessary to supplement existing vegetation. 11. The following setbacks shall apply within the PUD District, except for Lots 4 and 5 which are allowed a zero setback on the common side lot line: 12. The residential portion of the project shall provide 5,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. 13. The PUD Design Guidelines dated shall apply to the development plan and are incorporated as part of the PUD District and are subject to City Staff review and approval. 14. The preliminary plat and development plan shall be revised to create an outlot adjacent to the Mississippi River to be dedicated to the City generally including the 75 foot setback area. The developer shall construct an 8 foot wide trail within this outlot at their cost. 15. Construction of a pedestrian bridge over TH 101 shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and MNDoT. Construction of the pedestrian bridge shall be at the applicant's cost with potential credits for park and trail dedication fees, subject to approval of the City Council. 16. Any and all park and trail dedication requirements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. 17. All lighting shall conform to Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance and no freestanding light source shall be erected to a height greater than 25 feet. 18. All signs must comply with the provisions of the PUD Design Guidelines and Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed per lot and only for Lots 1, 2, 3, and 5. All freestanding signs must be located on the property on which the business identified is located. A sign permit is required prior to construction of any signs. 19. The development plan is subject to the performance standards of Section 20-94-7.13 and 20-94-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance unless a Letter of Map Revision from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is submitted removing portions of the subject site from the 100 -year floodplain. 9 Arterial/ Local Private Adj. Wetland OHWM Bluff Collector Street Street Bldgs. Street Commer 65ft. 35ft. Oft. 20ft. 40ft. 75ft. 30ft. cial Residenti 65ft. 35ft 25ft. '/i sum of 40ft. 75ft. 30ft. al bldg. hei ht 1. The OHWM or Bluff setback shall apply, whichever is greater. 12. The residential portion of the project shall provide 5,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit. 13. The PUD Design Guidelines dated shall apply to the development plan and are incorporated as part of the PUD District and are subject to City Staff review and approval. 14. The preliminary plat and development plan shall be revised to create an outlot adjacent to the Mississippi River to be dedicated to the City generally including the 75 foot setback area. The developer shall construct an 8 foot wide trail within this outlot at their cost. 15. Construction of a pedestrian bridge over TH 101 shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and MNDoT. Construction of the pedestrian bridge shall be at the applicant's cost with potential credits for park and trail dedication fees, subject to approval of the City Council. 16. Any and all park and trail dedication requirements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. 17. All lighting shall conform to Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance and no freestanding light source shall be erected to a height greater than 25 feet. 18. All signs must comply with the provisions of the PUD Design Guidelines and Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed per lot and only for Lots 1, 2, 3, and 5. All freestanding signs must be located on the property on which the business identified is located. A sign permit is required prior to construction of any signs. 19. The development plan is subject to the performance standards of Section 20-94-7.13 and 20-94-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance unless a Letter of Map Revision from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is submitted removing portions of the subject site from the 100 -year floodplain. 9 20. All grading, drainage, utilities and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the request. Decision 2 - EAW A. Motion to adopt findings that the proposed Waterfront East does not have potential for significant environmental effects and that preparation of an EIS is not to be required based on a review of the submitted EAW and evidence received, subject to the following condition: The project shall proceed in conformance with the PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat and applicable stipulations approved on by the City Council. B. Motion to adopt findings that the proposed Waterfront East does have potential for significant environmental effects and that preparation of an EIS is to be required based on a review of the submitted EAW and evidence received (Specific environmental impacts must be cited). PC. 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LandC.r t CDMUUMn, enc Waterfront East LLC 5 s IL ASSOCIATES i m - f R� +R i PRfIJYINARY amrc. ox,i..cc •^ooYow roNnot nus 1 r emELEVATION ...::- �1 _ .xmt,tn,rl,n r—awtlnunlnur ; a17��s1��Ig�=111R1-11�1�1=moi e � din �Inlp! Cp i. l.. i /'NORTH ELEVAn- KKM"' architects mrnneapolis newport beach KKE Architects, Inc. 300 first avenue north minneapolis, mn 55.101 phone: 613/ 339-4200 fav: 612/ 342-9167 W�Q OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST OTSEGO, MK EXTEkIOR ELEVATIONS EXHIBIT D ... . . ...... I Momal 7 "T" 7 1�15111iiiijill IWO oil, 777� 7777777� 1011 Entry Floor Unit A & Unit B 3,264 sq ft Main Floor Unit B 2,244 sq ft TOR FaEVELOPER LandCor WaterFront East. L.L.C. pp Construction, Inc. 101 &Dalt SI Wal O w. 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EaUX � 1 QiLh Main Level Floor Plan --------------- Sawn goom Sown Room 6cn�n Room I Scrwn Roum @9Il4lQpY➢1 Bonuc Room Bpnucfloom SIM" I St.— _____ -____ QUA" - EOtoc c"try LADiCA f"K I f"K G.... �. .. _ _ ____________ faux Entr Level Floor Plan I -� Town Home Plans \DLDFF• ARCHITECTS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ) R LandCor DEVELOPER WaterFront East. L.L.C. PROJECT ISSUE DATE 10A16.20w ARCHITECT ;� construction, Inc. WaterFront East cu ff Charles J. Radlo AXG HIT EC Te PL IpLODWNGTGN, ft� °"° `"6W'�° M 31S0515 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA N6 ANNE101 Y ESATA 165]44 VOICE p52 p�1-t661 FAi Ip531 pc153 t0 rp IBIT E-6 RIVER 101 OTSECO WATERFRONT EAST C I T Y 0 F Eftc I N N E S 0 T A L. LandCor 1,13crisImclion. inc. Waterfront East LLC S M 0 EDM AssociATEs q IRILIMINIRY .—I x F—=7—F—�