02-17-04 PCNORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: John Glomski / Daniel Licht DATE: 11 February 2004 RE: Otsego — Arbor Place; Rezoning/Preliminary Plat NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.01 BACKGROUND OhW. LLC, has submitted an application for a residential subdivision consisting of 11 single family lots, one of which includes an existing single family home. The subject site is five acres in area and is located just south of 80 h Street, east of Lander Avenue and north of 79th Street. The subject site is located within the west sanitary sewer district area and is guided for low density residential land uses by the Comprehensive Plan. The property is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service Area. The applicant is requesting to rezone the site to R-6, Residential townhouse, Quadraminium, and Low Density Multiple Family District. Exhibits.- xhibits:A. A. Site Location Map B. Planning Staff Sketch Drawing C. Preliminary Plat D. Grading Plan E. Utility Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned A-1 District, consistent with the interim land use plan provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting to rezone the five acre site to the R-6 District, which allows for small lot single family uses. The site abuts R-6 District residential development to both the west and south. When considering the request for rezoning, Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the following factors as part of their decision. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is located within the west sanitary sewer district and is planned for low density residential use by the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan defines low density residential use as having less than four units per gross acre. The proposed development consists of eleven single family lots with an average lot size of 14,287 square feet and a gross density of 2.2 dwellings per acre. The type of use and density is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The site is consistent with the adjacent R-6 single family residential development within the Arbor Creek Subdivision. The site abuts an undeveloped area to the east. Planning Staff has prepared a sketch plan to shown how that area may be subdivided in the future. Section 20-27-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, restricts new dwelling units from being constructed within 1,000 feet of any animal building on a registered feedlot. The Barthel Feedlot to the northwest of the site is no longer a registered operation. The subject site is outside of the 1, 000 foot setback from the Beming feedlot to the northeast of the site. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance. Comment: The preliminary plat will be required to conform with all applicable performance standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. Consistency with these performance standards will be evaluated in subsequent paragraphs. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed use is consistent in character with the area in which it is proposed and will not have a negative impact upon the area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. I Comment: The preliminary plat is to be adequately served by existing and planned public streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, school's, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The Comprehensive plan anticipates the development of the proposed use. Lot Requirements. Based on anticipated approval of the rezoning of the subject site to the R-6 district, the eleven single family residential lots will be subject to the lot area requirements illustrated in the table below. All of the lots exceed the minimum lot area, lot width, and lot depth requirements. District Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Width Minimum Lot Depth R-6 District 9,000 sf. 60 ft. 100 ft. Setbacks. The following table illustrates the lot setback requirements for the R-6 district. Lots 1-5 of Block 1 are all double frontage lots. 80th Street is designated as a collector street, therefore Lots 1-5 of Block 1 are subject to the 65 foot setback requirement. Front Arterial/Collector Street 65 ft. Local Street 35 ft. Side Interior 10 ft. Corner 35 ft. Rear Interior 20 ft. Double Frontage 35 ft. Access / Circulation. The proposed preliminary plat shows an east -west street off " of Lander Avenue NE connecting to a north -south extension of Large Avenue NE. The applicant must revise the plat to show the east -west street as a through street and stubbed for future connection to the east. It has been directed by the City Engineer that this east -west street be named 79th Lane. Our office has provided a sketch drawing to illustrate how the east -west connection (791h Lane) could continue on and serve the area to the east of the subject site. The existing single family home on Lot 1 of Block 1 has an existing access off of 80th Street. Due to the location and orientation of the attached garage, access to the existing dwelling cannot be moved from 80th Street. Lots 2 — 5 of Block 1 must access from the south off of the newly created public road. 3 The proposed streets are public streets with 60 foot right-of-way for local streets consistent with the Engineering Manual. The preliminary plat will need to be revised to illustrate sidewalk locations running east -west along the northern side of (79th Lane) and north -south along the west side of Large Avenue NE. Landscaping. Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires all double frontage lots or corner lots abutting a collector or arterial street to have a minimum of 10 -feet of extra depth or width and to provide for a landscape bufferyard. A landscape plan must be submitted for the areas abutting the 80th Street right-of-way based on the design standards outlined in Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance with the final plat application. The landscape bufferyard is to be overlaid by a drainage and utility easement. Park Dedication. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of land, a cash fee in lieu of land, or a combination thereof for parks and trail development. Park dedication for the subject site will be taken as a cash fee in lieu of land prior to final plat approval, based on the fee in effect at the time. Existing Accessory Building. It appears from the existing conditions survey that the existing home has four accessory structures. As a condition of approval, all four structures must be removed and any future accessory structure must meet the number, area, and setback requirements as defined in Section 20-16-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Grading. Plans for grading and drainage have been submitted and are subject the review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. Utility plans for sanitary sewer and water service have been submitted with the preliminary plat. The submitted utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires perimeter easements for all lots. These easements are to be 10 feet wide but may be overlaid along side lot lines as shown on the preliminary plat. All easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. Upon approval of a final plat, the applicant is required to enter into a development contract with the City and pay all fees and securities. The development contract is subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The requested rezoning from the A-1 District to the R-6 District is consistent with the surrounding land uses and the future land use designation as described in the Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, the proposed preliminary plat is generally Ig consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision regulations. As such, our office is recommending approval of the applications subject to the conditions outlined below. Decision 1 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment A. Motion to approve rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-6 District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. Decision 2 - Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Arbor Place subject to the following conditions: 1. Sanitary sewer capacity shall be allocated only to approved final plats with executed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The preliminary plat must be revised to show the east -west street as a through street and stubbed for future connection to the east. 3. The proposed east -west street shall be named 79th Lane. 4. Lots 2 — 5 of Block 1 must access from the south off of the newly created public road. 5. All four existing accessory structures must be removed and any future accessory structures must meet the number, area, and setback requirements as defined in Section 20-16-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The preliminary plat is to be revised to illustrate sidewalk running east - west along the northern side of 79th Lane and north -south along the west side of Large Avenue NE. 7. A landscape plan is to be submitted for a bufferyard area abutting the 80th Street right-of-way based on the design standards outlined in Section 20- 16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. 5 8. The landscape bufferyard along 80th Street is to be overlaid by a drainage and utility easement. 9. A cash payment in lieu of land is to be taken in satisfaction of park land dedication requirements at the time of final plat approval. 10. All grading, utilities, easements, streets and right-of-way shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner John Jackles Dave Nash Con OTSEGO, MINNESOTA , .5 0 , SCALE IN MILES MOTETt{S YAP t5 FOR RAWHWG PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOIiO R01 EE USED WHEN PRECISE MEASUREwENTS ARE REOU►REO. BASE MAP SOJRCE wAGHT COUNTY 9LnVEYORS OFFICE 7-25-89 m i iwk BOTH-STREE T, ;C. .._.._.,._. _�J..._ ___._...�-.__.._.._ ".._-..____..,..._.... ._._. ._ _... _ _. _. _... .. .. I I I � I i I I I I .3 ;E.- .3 4 4 3 4 7 8 10 11 12 E IE] ❑1:11 POND IP 4 OUTO I i A 3 2 2 El 3 7 14 \�� 11 0 10 9 12 13 �3 0 n E El 0 0 All - 28 29 0 30 0 /'/ 13 ;� - �❑ ❑DDD❑ 13 14 15 \�.>p 12 12 i .` a. D 17 10 to % 9 MOO, lw4,rm M1 3. ❑ 20 26 21 22 ❑ 7 23 24 5 k 27 LOT 8 29 30 32 31 �/ � ❑ I c�D 3 D _ � 2 ❑ 351 F ❑ i2 I I I EXHIBIT B ' I 60 i 2 3 4 5 o.w F —T FJ F] 75 75 )5' 75' t5l' I iyLtR 115' [� p Y� R I YgS� bC�b C bK n.too q. Y9 N. RLS: w _ Y I 5 5 -a � 2 • �y 13,AA0 aa n. 11.1q N, 0.]1 w - -- 031 ws a iy,e« tiM1 0.31 am lq rL a!o av« I SeT3a' 1e alp sa0.00 '`' AIA- F -2r II _aa3)r.N I 4% k11k60 'K i 2 _j 797H-SWffr N.E. VVV O – --- T �— �1 �I n II Ilol _ �Id OUT IA1 • 1- StrC[1 4aR0.r( t 6 N'4 NBAfi I{' tic 1/i r(R I1.NORTH 0[0 qA2 0 2 700 1 s• - R[AR r170 Lrl(uo12 2N0 5 rzFl N .om, uRr s on<R.4 t7 - IOR-R[Y rl7015xg50im ROILARD. An AD.CYM l0T tAaA A« 10 megr Dw•nrrm .n.as.u....... ..n ,.�.......,. ,��...... ....�_ unlTN�rM .�ri#n «••R44 WKARO. 10 rl. 512 7x0 41RAOt = I TYPICAL LOT M n 422 — .— LOT Ipa4R —Ha0{rL AAD DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AREA — W (MR)n7 C-/rn'Gr.J-. ___ .•NaRcnr. ¢807N - 2 15,112 4 !{ AC LOT1,WAR`y LOTS (l EIOSTwg HOW 70 R[xxN) 3 I� 2 4 M.UO 4 0.> AC I� 7.7 vROv04D M-11-11 N4tV (N[i AREA) 5LZw 3.1 MTS KRR AGR[ 5 R 'gas Y' R i r � AA _ IZ2W q ?, au w« 7.000 4 EOTTINc IO..C: -I, ADOOAUR[ Rlgx 4RV12 W, RRaaosEo za1Na DEVELOPMENT NOTE n 1. Au o.xlerols xR RogrRe To n< x7Aresl root. 7. .1 ARf AS ARE R2Aa[0 TO nR -1 SWART root - ! sTR[1 xAaf, ARE 9 v to -ROYAL {) THE DTT, 8 9 i 2 3 4 5 o.w F —T FJ F] 75 75 )5' 75' t5l' I iyLtR 115' [� p Y� R I YgS� bC�b C bK n.too q. Y9 N. RLS: w _ Y I 5 5 -a � 2 • �y 13,AA0 aa n. 11.1q N, 0.]1 w - -- 031 ws a iy,e« tiM1 0.31 am lq rL a!o av« I SeT3a' 1e alp sa0.00 '`' AIA- F -2r II _aa3)r.N I 4% k11k60 'K i 2 _j 797H-SWffr N.E. VVV O – --- T �— �1 �I n II Ilol _ �Id OUT IA1 • 1- StrC[1 4aR0.r( t 6 N'4 NBAfi I{' tic 1/i r(R I1.NORTH 0[0 qA2 0 2 700 1 s• - R[AR r170 Lrl(uo12 2N0 5 rzFl N .om, uRr s on<R.4 t7 - IOR-R[Y rl7015xg50im ROILARD. An AD.CYM l0T tAaA A« 10 megr Dw•nrrm .n.as.u....... ..n ,.�.......,. ,��...... ....�_ unlTN�rM .�ri#n «••R44 WKARO. 10 rl. 512 7x0 41RAOt = I TYPICAL LOT M n 422 — .— LOT Ipa4R —Ha0{rL AAD DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AREA M I/A CG RfR Of SEC A Irl, R. r. `ROSS VIEAREA7,7,710 (MR)n7 C-/rn'Gr.J-. ___ .•NaRcnr. ¢807N - STREET N.E. 15,112 4 !{ AC LOT1,WAR`y LOTS (l EIOSTwg HOW 70 R[xxN) AKRAGC lOT 91E MINWUY LOT SIH T13R7 4 0.f AC tr..Do 4 0.] AC ITRA — 1r M.UO 4 0.> AC Ea LT Ov05E0 D (.IDSA ARE.) 7.7 vROv04D M-11-11 N4tV (N[i AREA) 5LZw 3.1 MTS KRR AGR[ 1-1/GAMER )ARD R(M 17.000 q fL 028 w« IL -77 q 11. l on — 1200.] q R ala «f.R IZ2W q ?, au w« 7.000 4 i 2 3 4 5 o.w F —T FJ F] 75 75 )5' 75' t5l' I iyLtR 115' [� p Y� R I YgS� bC�b C bK n.too q. Y9 N. RLS: w _ Y I 5 5 -a � 2 • �y 13,AA0 aa n. 11.1q N, 0.]1 w - -- 031 ws a iy,e« tiM1 0.31 am lq rL a!o av« I SeT3a' 1e alp sa0.00 '`' AIA- F -2r II _aa3)r.N I 4% k11k60 'K i 2 _j 797H-SWffr N.E. VVV O – --- T �— �1 �I n II Ilol _ �Id OUT IA1 • 1- StrC[1 4aR0.r( t 6 N'4 NBAfi I{' tic 1/i r(R I1.NORTH 0[0 qA2 0 2 700 1 s• - R[AR r170 Lrl(uo12 2N0 5 rzFl N .om, uRr s on<R.4 t7 - IOR-R[Y rl7015xg50im ROILARD. An AD.CYM l0T tAaA A« 10 megr Dw•nrrm .n.as.u....... ..n ,.�.......,. ,��...... ....�_ unlTN�rM .�ri#n «••R44 WKARO. 10 rl. 512 7x0 41RAOt = I TYPICAL LOT M n 422 — .— LOT Ipa4R —Ha0{rL AAD DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AREA `ROSS VIEAREA7,7,710 4 SD AC R -D- ARrA (WIT, STREET, LANDER AVC.. LARGE AVC) IO.5T%4AC NCI SlE MCA 15,112 4 !{ AC LOT1,WAR`y LOTS (l EIOSTwg HOW 70 R[xxN) AKRAGC lOT 91E MINWUY LOT SIH T13R7 4 0.f AC tr..Do 4 0.] AC ITRA — 1r M.UO 4 0.> AC Ea LT Ov05E0 D (.IDSA ARE.) 7.7 vROv04D M-11-11 N4tV (N[i AREA) 5LZw 3.1 MTS KRR AGR[ 1-1/GAMER )ARD R(M n REI f0 RFI TMD �IHeruIAM° o Rn 07 9R 7.000 4 EOTTINc IO..C: -I, ADOOAUR[ Rlgx 4RV12 W, RRaaosEo za1Na DEVELOPMENT NOTE n 1. Au o.xlerols xR RogrRe To n< x7Aresl root. 7. .1 ARf AS ARE R2Aa[0 TO nR -1 SWART root - ! sTR[1 xAaf, ARE 9 v to -ROYAL {) THE DTT, DESCRIPTION The W eel 720 feet OT me East 311. bet a the NNM.9s Mel, ..—a—.imp Me NOM and Eat IaTes Meed, of Me NOM N.e d Sanrm 25, T—q, 121, Range 24, WngM Comfy, Mlmeaaa, AND The W«1220 feet W the Ea4 2991 Mel & Mn, e NMn 195 fee, a. measured abng Me Nnnh and East 1l Me«ol, of 'he NOM Nag Of S ,,a, 25, Tw,eNp 121, Range 24, WngM Co—'. M.nn.wla Eny/nwAng . PI—Ang . &,rmjejvj FIIA McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc, I,Sa10 2N Iry AN. 1VwY. 11Mr I.RA•. f{,r% rFmlo .ae Jud is-p.sr Client Obw. LLC Mdav{r, MN Prated Arbor Place Otsego, MN Sheol Title Preliminary Plat I a yne.rl lmy a«ie o.m - �7mo 5r 1 Rm o h2 [cA- vrolwIT Cnnn..r un0er ItK Iwo o IM A1e1. o Nnn ol. ygnaw. frit D Lena D.M .1122/0A 1.1— r ACte. O—an.d EDS Cfd Dir MO— JW! 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MN Shoot Title Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan I n..by "My I6dl t,,4 P1on a 6 , e n wee. r t.etl m"� •7iri a 1 Y lcm.e1 P• 1 ny W .Ma Int 1d.s of Ins Sidle .111 4innHdla 6mR1wt o:t o stdend.. 0- 01/22/0• my 110160 Ottidntd IDs billed DA Ord. 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