ITEM 3 ParksP1 City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2016 thnr 2020 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source Project# Priority 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 202 Trail Management Fund Trail Maintenance PARK-2016-04 n/a 25,000 25,000 Trail Maintenance PARK-2017-02 n/a 25,000 25,000 Trail Maintenance PARK-2018-01 n/a 28,000 28,000 Trail Maintenance PARK-2019-01 n/a 30,000 30,000 Trail Maintenance PARK-2020-01 n/a 30,000 30,000 202 Trail Management Fund Total 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 30,000 138,000 203 - Park Development Northwood Park PARK-2016-01 n/a 792,469 792,469 County Road 37 Trail Extension PARK-2016-02 n/a 43,000 43,000 Prairie Park Ballfield Additions PARK-2017-03 n/a 171,000 815,870 986,870 Prairie Park Ballfield & Soccer Lighting PARK-2019-02 n/a 960,000 960,000 West Lefebvre Creek Park PARK-2019-03 n/a 750,000 750,000 Prairie Park Shelter PARK-2019-04 n/a 65,000 65,000 East Lefebvre Creek Park PARK-2020-02 n/a 750,000 750,000 Prairie Park NE Section Parking Lots/Drives PARK-2020-03 n/a 152,000 152,000 203 - Park Development Total 835,469 171,000 2,590,870 902,000 4,499,339 208 - Community Facilities Norin Landing Park PARK-2017-07 n/a 510,000 510,000 208 - Community Facilities Total 510,000 510,000 414 - Capital Improvements Waterfront East Park PARK-2016-03 n/a 35,000 35,000 414 - Capital Improvements Total 35,000 35,000 GRAND TOTAL 895,469 706,000 28,000 2,620,870 932,000 5,182,339 Wednesday, A'oven:ber 04, 2015 N d C U] J E o E E a N U - a d � U .(U c o C, a.. 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O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 D P4 Capital Improvement Plan 2016 thri, 2020 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# PARK 2016-01 Project Name Northwood Park Description Development of a neighborhood park within the Wildflower Meadow's subdivision. Justification Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $792,469 The City accepted donation of 6.38 acres of land for development of a neighborhood within Wildflower Meadows subdivision based on the Future Parks and Trails Plan. The Parks and Recreation Commission has selected a concept plan and hosted a neighborhood meeting in order to receive feedback from the residents. A cost estimate will be provided to the commission at their August 2015 meeting and is projected to go before the Council at their last meeting in August. Construction of the park is planned for Spring of 2016, with a completion date of Fall of 2016. Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 792,469 792,469 Total 792,469 Funding Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 792,469 203 - Park Development 792,469 792,469 Total 792,469 792,469 Wednesday, November 04, 2015 W Capital Improvement Plan 2016 lhru 2020 City of Otsego, Minnesota 'roject # PARK 2016-02 'roject Name County Road 37 Trail Extension Description Contruction of a Trail on County Road 37 Between 72nd St. and Queens Ave. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation - Trails Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $43,000 A trail connection from 72nd Street to Queens is included in the Parks and Recreation Masterplan. With 2016 construction of the Riverbend South Development and the Park in Wild Flowers Meadows, it would be cost effictive to add the trail connection in conjunciton with one of these projects. Currently the project estimate is for the trail to be constructed on the south side of County Road 37, staff is currently pursuing adding a board type trial on the north side of 37 which would remove crossing 37 once the trail connects with Quenroe. Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 43,000 43,000 Funding Sources Total 43,000 43,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 203 - Park Development 43,000 43,000 Total 43,000 43,000 Wednesday, Norember 04, 2015 w Capital Improvement Plan 2016 rhrt, 2020 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project 4 PARK 2017-03 Project Name Prairie Park Ballfield Additions Description Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $986,870 Development of three additional ballfields and parking facilities at Prairie Park. The project will be broken down into three phases. Estimated Ball Field Expansion Costs: • Phase 1 Grading of Parking Lot & Ball Fields $171,000 (2017) • Phase 2 Construction of Ball Fields $663,870 (2019) • Phase 3 Northeast Parking Lot $152,000 (2019) Justification The Prairie Park Master Plan identifies development of three ballfields west of the existing four fields on area used for material storage. These facilities are to be developed to meet increasing field needs for local programs and improve capacity to host tournaments. The project will be broken up into three phases; the first phase will be grading the entire site, the second phase will be construction of the ballfields including backstops, turf establishment, dugouts, outfield fencing, and irrigation. The third and final phase will be constructing a parking lot northeast of the existing complex; this parking lot will be a curb and gutter lot and will attach to the current parking lot located north of the current complex. The parking lot initially is proposed to be dirt and will be included with the phase one grading. Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 171,000 815,870 986,870 Total Funding Sources 2016 171,000 2017 2018 815,870 2019 2020 986,870 Total 203 - Park Development 171,000 815,870 986,870 Total 171,000 815,870 986,870 Wednesday, November 04, 2015 P7 Capital Improvement Plan 2016 rhn, 2020 Department Parks &Recreation City of Otsego, Minnesota Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Project # PARK 2019-02 Useful Life Project Name Prairie Park Ballfield & Soccer Lighting Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: S960,000 Description Construction of exterior lighting for four existing ballfieldsand three full size soccer fields at Prairie Park. Justification The addition of exterior lighting to the existing ballfields at Prairie Park will increase the capacity of the facilities to host local recreation programs and improve capacity and attraction for recreational baseball/softball tournaments. August 2012 - This project was moved from 2016 to 2017. October 2014 - This project was moved to 2019 in the CIP schedule Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 960,000 960,000 Total Funding Sources 2016 2017 960,000 2018 2019 2020 960,000 Total 203 - Park Development 960,000 960,000 Total 960,000 960,000 Wednesday, November 04, 2015 Capital Improvement Plan 2016 thrtt 2020 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# PARK 2019-03 Project Name West Lefebvre Creek Park Description Development of a neighborhood park facility at Ohland Avenue and 75th Street. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $750,000 Justification The Future Parks and Trails Plan identifies development of a Greenway corridor along LeFebvre Creek from 75th Street to 78th Street. The City acquired 10.69 acres of land as part of the Crimson Ponds West subdivision and will acquire 8.72 acres of land from the Boulder Creek subdivision for the LeFebvre Creek Greenway. The preliminary plat approval for Boulder Creek requires that the developer dedicate this land as well as construct improvements with the Greenway corridor in satisfaction of park dedication requirements. The City would need to fund construction the trail corridor, which may consist of a combination of paved trails and raised boardwalk across wetlands, from 75th Street to the Boulder Creek development concurrent with the Developer installed improvements such that the initial Greenway Corridor extends from 75th Street to Parell Avenue, where it will connect with other public sidewalks. Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 750,000 750,000 Total Funding Sources 2016 2017 2018 750,000 2019 2020 750,000 Total 203 - Park Development 750,000 750,000 Total 750,000 750,000 Wednesday, November 04, 2015 Capital Improvement Plan 2016 rh, a 2020 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # PARK 2019-04 Project Name Prairie Park Shelter Description Construction of a second shelter at Prairie Park. Jusfificaflon Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $65,000 A proposed 60'x30' shelter was constructed at Priarie Park in 1995. The City has experience increased demand for reservations and observed increased unscheduled use of the shelter as development of the city has occurred. To meet increasing demand for shelter use, the Priarie Park master plan illustrates construction of a second 60'x30' shelter to the northeast of the splash pad, and a concession type building inbetween the current complex and new complex. Either of these locations would be suitable for a shelter, and one the fields are built a better assessment can be done to determine a optimal location. October 2014 - This project was moved to 2017 to coincide with the development of additional ballfields and expanded parking. Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 65,000 65,000 TOW 65,000 65,000 Funding Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 203 - Park Development 65,000 65,000 Total 65,000 65,000 Wednesday, November 01, 2015 P10 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # PARK 2020-02 Project Name East Lefebvre Creek Park 2016 thru 2020 Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $750,000 Description The park will be developed as the area is built out. Property owners will pay a park dedication fee for a neighborhood park. Justification Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 750,000 750,000 Total Funding Sources 2016 750,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 750,000 Total 203 - Park Development 750,000 750,000 Total 750,000 750,000 Wednesday, Norember 04, 2015 P11 Capital Improvement Plan 2016 ,j 2020 Department Parks &Recreation City of Otsego, Minnesota Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life 20 Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: S152,000 Description This parking lot does not currently exist. The parking will provide 263 additional parking spaces in the NE section of Prairie Park. Justification The additional parking will be necessary as the activity level in Prairie Park continues to increase. Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 152,000 152,000 Total 152,000 152,000 Funding Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 203 - Park Development 152,000 152,000 Total 152,000 152,000 Wednesday. Noreniber 04, 2015 0 Piz a C 7 (0 N N �• 0 Q N t+ N E " o E m m LL � G1 o 0 LL E N N 0 N U C) U Z 'o„ ,I Q. U o N m N co m N N t0 N CO Cl m aD .N. N (0 N fD N O ro v N .n ' O O N O N O O co O N O O O aD A 10 V u) N M r- M 1: m � V V v a as � 0 ' CM Lo V' N M W Ci O m M O V '0 tN0 G VI� Lo N V Crp N O r- N O N N N r N to M r- r• 69 � N C N N C N i` G N UC1 -E�2 �mmmm� oo� Nw ) C 0>>>> O U rn E N C � yL0000 c mom- Gl N N y N O Q U w0 c6 YO w75 y O C c> m m m m> o. m =�F- Qn. OODUUUH ymK W a w W 0 0 0 (14 N m w C 3 v LL IA m ai O L }J N U m LL � � m O y C N d 3 w E E U o m ti N ell ^ N O N Z u o O 0 o 00 0 o O 1 O C C O C O O O O O � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o o m 0 a m u P13 Capital Improvement Plan 2016 r iru 2020 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # PARK 2017-01 Project Name Norin Landing Park Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $510,000 Description Construction of a community park facility to include an improved boat landing and vehicle parking facility at Mississippi River/ Kadler Avenue. Justification The DNR established a designated boat landing on the Mississippi River at Kadler Avenue. The existing landing consists of an unimproved gravel water access without provision of parking or other amenities. The City acquired additional property through park dedication as part of the Norin Landing development consistent with the recommendation of the Future Parks and Trails Plan. A concept plan and cost estimate to improve the boat landing and add passive site amenities have been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council. Plans and specifications were prepared and approved for construction of the boat landing and vehicle parking areas to be constructed in partnership with the DNR using grant funding. The project cost of $510,000 includes the improvements to the park, boat landing, and vehicle parking. October 2012- These projects were combined into one and moved to 2017 in order to seek DNR funding and a change in park development Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 510,000 510,000 TOW 510,000 510,000 Funding Sources 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 208 - Community Facilities 510,000 510,000 Total 510,000 510,000 Wednesday, November 04, 2015 cl Pi It j N a Q N LL C E E C E M O m E O a m LL o �. aN N U U U N a E Z o y m N r � a v m () rT Y m w O R O s •c � rn m uEu11 tEt�� m¢ c9aaa� mw m m N W R R BE R N • N• > ~mQQ aciw c`- 0000 >. 0 Yt- N 'C O N R R N N �p Yp RU O R U C C R d N p, •- •- N N N iy C R a 7 4 '- N N N N U c I- N o_ •d �. O. a C 1-- m R j O. m c c E d d> ttl h c R R R t0 R l0 UI ?aErnm Scn 2F- aUUUUc�i- NmWu'Sy � 0 N .mi ry m 0 ry v m LL LA O m N N } 0 C y� W C N d Q (Q V U o N N N N 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 . o o o0 0 c o O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m a N o m •u v N P15 Capital Improvement Plan 2016 1hrt, 2020 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # PARK-2016-03 Project Name Waterfront East Park Description nstallation of additional landscaping and site amenities. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Parks & Recreation Useful Life Category Parks & Recreation Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $35,000 Justification Outlot "A" Carrick's Waterfront Park was developed with a regional storm water pond and surrounding one -mile trial existing trees and turf grass. The City was initially granted park and trail easement over the parcel but acquired fee ownership from the three ownership groups in 2011. The Waterfront East project approvals included a landscape plan for Outlot "A" that was not completed by the developer. City staff revised the landscape plan to lower costs, provide more appropriate plantings and allow easier maintenance. The project involves implementation of the landscape plan in phases. Phase 1 was completed in 2012 and included installation of plantings and site furniture on the east side of the regional storm water pond overlooking the Mississippi River. Improvements on the west side of the regional storm water pond will be completed by the City in subsequent phases as adjacent lots are developed. Per the 2012 CIP review meetings, phase 2 (west side) of the project was pushed to 2016 (originally 2013) to coincide with the commercial build out of the Waterfront East area. It was also decided that the funding source should be changed from 203 Park Development to 414 Revolving Expenditures 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Parks & Recreation 35,000 35,000 Funding Sources Total 35,000 35,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 414 - Capital Improvements 35,000 35,000 Total 35,000 35,000 Wednesday, November 04, 2015