03-15-04 PCITEM 3-1 I NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: John Glomski / Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 10 March 2004 RE: Otsego — T -Mobile PCS Antenna CUP NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.04 BACKGROUND T -Mobile USA is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the collocation of a personal wireless communication antenna upon a non-public structure. The applicant wishes to collocate a set of personal wireless communication antennas upon an existing 100 foot high communication tower located northeast of the intersection of CSAH 37 and Odean Avenue NE (11519 Odean Avenue NE). The site is approximately 1.4 acres in area and is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. The site abuts the Lin -Bar single family neighborhood to the east and rural uses to the south, west and north. Personal wireless service towers and antennas not located on a public structure are allowed in the A-1 District as a conditional use. A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Tower Elevation ANALYSIS Use. The existing tower to which the proposed antennas are to be attached is privately owned by another PCS provider and does not constitute a "public structure" in that it is not owned, rented, or operated by a federal, state, or local government agency. As such, the processing of a conditional use permit is necessary. In consideration of conditional use permit requests, Section 20-4-2 (F) of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider possible adverse affects of the proposed conditional use permit. Their judgment is to be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: Provision of necessary services within the community of primary importance. However, collocation of PCS antennas on a minimum number of towers is considered preferable to new tower construction for obvious aesthetic and compatibility reasons. The City's antenna regulations have been specifically created to encourage collocation of PCS antennas. As such, the collocation of the proposed antennas upon the existing tower is positive. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the Lin -Bar neighborhood to the east and rural residential uses to the north, west and south. The west and south sides of the subject site abut Odean Avenue and CSAH 37, which are both major roadways. The addition of two more antennas to the existing tower and location of supporting ground equipment is not anticipated to create any compatibility issues. Landscaping should be provided at the base of the tower and adjacent to the equipment buildings for screening purposes. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed location of new antennas onto the existing tower must conform to all requirements of Section 33 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed additional antennas will not create any additional physical impacts to the area. Location of the antennas will allow for better PCS service delivery within the City. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed location of additional antennas and support equipment is not anticipated to impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets servicing the property. 2 Comment: No significant additional traffic is anticipated to be generated by the addition of the antennas and support equipment to the subject site. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The request does not impact the City's service capacity or public facilities. Performance Standards. The Zoning Ordinance establishes specific standards for various antenna types including, but not limited to, personal wireless service types such as proposed. These requirements are listed below and must be complied with as conditions of CUP approval: The antenna is to be in compliance with all City building and electrical code requirements and as applicable shall require related permits. 2. Structural design, mounting and installation of the antenna shall be in compliance with manufacturer's specifications and shall be verified and approved by a registered professional engineer. 3. Written authorization for the antenna erection shall be provided by the property owner. 4. No advertising message shall be affixed to the antenna structure. 5. The antenna shall not be artificially illuminated unless required by law or by a governmental agency to protect the public's health and safety. 6. If applicable, any required federal or state licenses must be acquired. 7. The applicant must demonstrate (via a coverage/interference analysis prepared by a registered professional engineer) that the location of the antenna is necessary to provide adequate personal wireless system coverage. Access. The subject site is to be accessed via an existing gravel access road off of Odean Avenue. A 20 foot wide access easement in favor of the applicant is shown on the site plan, which will follow an existing access easement. This access will adequately serve the site for both access and parking purposes for the inspections made by service personnel. Height. Section 20-33-4.A.2.0 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the height of antennas and towers to 75 feet. The existing tower is approximately 100 feet in height. A lighting rod is proposed to be added that would to extend four feet above the tower's highest point. The existing tower is considered legally non -conforming as it predates the current Zoning Ordinance and under Section 15 of the Zoning Ordinance may be continue use in a like manner and condition. As the heights of the proposed antennas are not greater than the existing mountings, the proposed height is acceptable. The proposed lighting rod would be exempt from the height limitation per Section 20-17-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Equipment. In conjunction with the proposed antenna installation/attachments, a 180 square foot equipment platform is proposed to be located adjacent to the tower along to the south. Section 20-33-4-A.2.d of the Zoning Ordinance states that transmitting, receiving and switching equipment must be housed in an existing structure whenever possible or a new structure located at the rear yard of the principal use. There is no space available within the existing building for the applicant's equipment and the applicant's equipment is designed to be outdoors and not enclosed in a building. Conformance with the Zoning Ordinance requires that the equipment be within a building and screened from view of adjacent properties and rights-of-way. Further, the Zoning Ordinance requires a rear yard location, which would be to the north or east of the tower. CONCLUSION Minor changes to the antenna location and site plan are required for compliance with Section 33 of the Zoning Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the requested CUP allowing the proposed T -Mobile antenna to be located on the existing tower, subject to the conditions outlined below. A. Motion to approve a CUP for location of PCS equipment upon a non-public structure, subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the performance standards of Section 20-33-2 of the Zoning Ordinance is required. 2. Ground located equipment shall be relocated within a building compliant with the material requirements of Section 20-17-4.A.3.b(1) of the Zoning Ordinance within a rear yard and screened from view of adjacent properties and public rights-of-way in accordance with Section 20-16-7 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to City Staff review and approval. 3 Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. E Pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Chuck Beisner Paula Gabriel ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD I A ELEVATION VIEW �1 f Do�E�o O m�00osao s�m0om®m =00ommo ENLARGED ELEVATION VIEW ■■ ■ T Mobile'�rto 11Mo •a�ilna,oMOian°�°n''a Iaacwa r11o,Iv --- e imm ro r1,m OTMniine[ O��Ra o�i�M1�i'a�rdenir. l�a1 �+_ • ra, 1101[ .IOaM,011 amt A SINYMO tlIM10 ua rvaa � u>,m1a .0 .r.,oa..rt ra ra ,or xronn A � � rot rrarwma u1t A mn rulonaa T rnww Mar lncna aaam wi v.Ir r,w ,mna TAaLJ@ 1 rl .1MOY�/CLa Clio A a Cats 000fD W 111!2 ()) IKJlOi6 �p14 1/Y as ra: as1rK IIIc l M5[ V AIU1�w� w� G Ai m CIY[T aIM.'Iltl IOr1f 1 MIIOMf'MY G1a0 DWL Ilam on1a cR 111a10iD u naa rn tura a Aa u rwua A a Ofla1 a ArOt a[ [M] 1mWCYlT COaQ m A awa v+, c W m wai a11ma cart. a anal sru rt av®u wr un nw a � M an r�iwi 1�wc�1c 1a�ir s v u'�s, or�iwc�ro 1Dn1M FUTURE E911 AKENNA REWW ENTS AV101M area oar 0— w11x ma anc EXHIBIT C OTSEGO -KGI TOWER A10744 ANTENNA INFO. 6 TOWER ELEVATION 11519 DOEAN AVE NE — _-_- --R OTSEGO. MINNESOTA pI: .gla 3AV NtJ3a0 ITEM 3.2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Zimmer Property; Phase 2 Preliminary Plat REPORT DATE: 10 March 2004 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.05 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton, Inc. has submitted development plans for the second phase of the Zimmer Farms development, which is located between 70th Street and CSAH 37 east of MacIver Avenue. There are a total of 155 dwelling units in the Phase 2 area. The subject site is guided for low density and medium-high density residential land uses within the west sanitary sewer service district established by the Comprehensive Plan. The property is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District, with portions of the subject site also within the Shoreland Overlay District of Mud Lake. Phase 2 of the project includes areas final platted as Outlots B and C of the first phase and an exception parcel located southeast of 67th Street and MacIver Avenue. The City Council approved a rezoning, PUD -CUP and preliminary plat for the first phase of Zimmer Farms on 25 August 2003 (final plat approval was given on 22 December 2003). The area of the second phase was reviewed as and granted only concept plan approval at that time in conjunction with the Shoreland Overlay District density related PUD -CUP and mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet. The Phase 2 development proposal requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-6, Residential Quadraminium, Townhouse, and Low Density Multiple Family District, a PUD -CUP for development of townhouses, development within a Shoreland Overlay District and certain design flexibilities and a preliminary plat. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Development Plan C. Preliminary Plat D. Landscape Plan E. Grading Plan F. Utility Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The development plan is proposed to occur under the requirements of the R-6 District, consistent with the Phase 1 approvals. A PUD -CUP is also required encompassing all phases of the development for the proposed townhouse uses in a unit and base lot configuration and for development of townhouse uses within a Shoreland Overlay District. The Phase 1 PUD -CUP approvals also allowed a reduced setback requirement along MacIver Avenue, which is outlined in later paragraphs. Sections 20- 3-2.F and 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance state that the Planning Commission and City Council are to consider the following criteria in evaluating the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: Approval of the Phase 9 preliminary plat and concept plan approval for the balance of the property reorients the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan with medium-high density land uses at the north and south ends of the property with lower intensity single family and smaller townhouse buildings near the center of the development plan in response to changes in the anticipated future classification of Maclver Avenue. However, the density of overall development plan is 4.3 units per gross acre, which is appropriate given the land uses guided for the subject site. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The table below illustrates land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed development plan is compatible with the various existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-6 District Martin Farms East LD Residential A-1 District Rural Residential R-4 District Otsego Preserves Park South LD Residential A-2 District Unsewered Residential Commercial B-3 District Agriculture Public/Semi-Public P/IDistrict Cemetery West LD residential R -1A District Agriculture —Albertville Public/Semi-Public P/1 District WWTP — Albertville Commercial A-1 District Nursery 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed use will conform to the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual except as may be allowed and specifically identified on the development plan under the PUD -CUP. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment.- The proposed development provides for logical extension of the City's sanitary sewer and water utilities to allow for implantation of the Comprehensive Plan for the west sanitary sewer service district. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Development of Phases 1 and 2 of the subject site will be accompanied by and provide for upgrades to Maclver Avenue and 70th Street, which are critical roadways for traffic generated within the west sanitary sewer service district. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use provides for utilization of sanitary sewer and water capacities under construction and for a critical transportation system link between 70th Street and CSAH 37 to move traffic to and from the west sanitary sewer service district. EAW. A mandatory EAW was process with the Phase 1 application. Based on the the proposed development being subject to review for compliance. The City Council adopted findings on 25 August 2003 that project compliance with the policies and performance standards within the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, as well as the other agency applications outlined in Paragraph 8 of the EAW will mitigate any potential significant environmental effects and that preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement was not to be required. Shoreland Density. Areas of the overall development are within 1,000 feet of Mud Lake, a designated Natural Environment Lake to the west in the City of Albertville, making them subject to the provisions of the Shoreland Overlay District. The 3 development plan includes single family and coach and villa type townhouse dwellings within the area subject to the requirements of the Shoreland Overlay District, which to be addressed under the PUD -CUP processed with the Phase 1 applications. The analysis done at that time found that the total number of units proposed within the Shoreland Overlay District is consistent with the base density allowed. Access. Primary access to the overall development is to be provided by a reconstruction of MacIver Avenue and extension of 70th Street. There are no direct access points from Phase 2 to MacIver Avenue or 70th Street. One reason for this application is that the applicant has acquired the exception parcel adjacent to MacIver Avenue south of 67th Street and must dedicate right-of-way from this parcel for the MacIver Avenue improvement project. Blocks. Section 21-7-3.B of the Subdivision Ordinance limits the lengths of blocks to not more than 1,200 feet to provide for adequate neighborhood access and circulation. Block 2 and Block 4 (between Lots 12 and 29) do not meet this requirement. The preliminary plat must be revised to provide a 30 -foot wide trail corridor as an outlot between Lots 7 and 8, Block 2 for access to the adjacent neighborhood park dedicated within the Otsego Preserves development to the east, which will also provide for conformance with limit on block length. The length of Block 4 between Lots 12 and 29 is due to limited access to MacIver Avenue and segregation of the single family and coach home uses, and is therefore acceptable. Single Family Lots. The Phase 2 preliminary plat proposes 74 single family lots, which is consistent with the concept plan for this area of the development reviewed with Phase 1. The minimum lot area is 9,000 square feet and the minimum lot width is 60 feet for a single family lot in the R-6 District. All of the proposed Phase 2 single family lots exceed the R-6 District minimum lot area and width requirements. Also, the lots on the development plan fronting the turnaround of the cul-de-sac end 66th Circle all exceed 125 percent of the district minimum width as required by Section 21-7-6.A.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Townhouse Units. The Phase 2 preliminary plat includes 81 townhouse units (59 row style "coach" units and 22 back-to-back "villa" units). Townhouse uses within the R-6 District must provide 5,000 square feet of lot area per unit. Over the entire project, the lot area per townhouse unit is 6,082 square feet. Each of the separate townhouse areas also has lot area per unit greater than 5,000 square feet. Furthermore, the number of townhouse units for Phase 2 is consistent with the approved concept plan. The overall number of townhouses illustrated on the development plan has increased with 10 additional urban townhouses to be built as part of a future phase. We do not view the increase in the number of urban townhouses to be a significant issue as the overall development plan remains consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 0 The units are required to be constructed based on the building elevations approved with Phase 1. The building exteriors include vinyl lap siding over a brick or stone base on the front facade. The Villa units also use a vinyl shake style siding to provide a different texture to the facade materials, further breaking up the mass of the building. Variation in exterior colors will also be required as with the first phase approvals. Setbacks. Setbacks applicable to the proposed development plan based on the requirements of the R-6 District are shown below: Public Street All Uses Single Family Townhouses Wetlands Local Collector/ Side Rear Private Interior Between Principal Arterial Yard Yard Drive Perimeter Bldgs. Bldg. 35ft. 65ft. loft. 20ft. 25ft. 20ft. 20ft. 40ft. The development plan and preliminary plat illustrate a 50 foot setback from MacIver Avenue for Lots 21-29, Block 4, which is consistent with approvals granted for Phase 1 under the PUD -CUP. Flexibility on the standard 65 foot setback was approved due to the requirement that the applicant provide additional right-of-way for the off -set alignment of MacIver Avenue right-of-way between the Cities of Otsego and Albertville to ensure construction of the needed major collector road. The decreased setback from the major collector roadway has been off -set with additional buffer yard landscaping on the approved landscape plan and is supported by City Staff. Landscape Plan. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan for the overall development consistent with the Phase 1 approvals and review of City Staff. The landscape plan provides an excellent mix of plantings throughout the site and as required for the buffer yard adjacent to MacIver Avenue, CSAH 37 and 701h Street in conformance with Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. No land is proposed to be dedicated from the subject site for parks and trails development, except for the 30 -foot wide trail corridor needed through Block 2, as noted above. As such, park dedication requirements of Section 21- 7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land in effect at the time of final plat approval. Credits from the cash fee will be granted for any trail corridors and construction of trails along MacIver Avenue and 70th Street. Construction Plans. Construction plans for the overall development have been submitted and the City Engineer continues to work with the applicant in reviewing these documents. All grading, drainage, streets, easements or other construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5 CONCLUSION The proposed Phase 2 preliminary plat for Zimmer Farms is consistent with the City's development regulations and the previously approved concept plan. Therefore, our office recommends approval of the rezoning, PUD -CUP and preliminary plat applications as outlined below. Decision 1 —Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to rezone the subject site to R-6 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the request. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat and PUD -CUP A. Motion to approve the preliminary plat and PUD -CUP, subject to the following conditions.- 1. onditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The preliminary plat is revised to provide a 30 foot wide trail corridor between Lots 7 and 8, Block 2. 3. Lots 21 to 29, Block 4 shall be allowed a reduced 50 foot setback from MacIver Avenue. 4. The exterior building materials and colors for the coach and villa townhouse units shall be consistent with the submitted elevations approved with the Phase 1 applications. 5. Guest parking shall be provided in accordance with the submitted parking plan, subject to City Staff approval. 6. Landscaping shall be installed within the Phase 2 preliminary plat in accordance with the submitted landscape plan, subject to City Staff approval. R 7. Park and trail dedication requirements of Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance are to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land in effect at the time of final plat approval, subject to any credits for construction of trails within Block 2 and along MacIver Avenue. 8. All grading, drainage, utilities, easements, streets or other construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. PC. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Tim Rochel, City Building Official Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Patty Fowler, DNR Tom Bakritges, D.R. Horton Ed Hasek, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7 NAC i.:. '� Hakanson —=III Anderson Assoc., Inc. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. mOTSEGO ao —+ ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD a J D—lopmmt Data U M a.._o �,• quo ..�. em Mal :,fit 7. RT i i 4------ �0 11 LUTU non NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1� mnvm I�- D.R HORTON Zimmer Property t PI.a i Ph— I RaWniouy PLl EXHIBIT B hill Mal :,fit 7. RT i i 4------ �0 11 LUTU non NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1� mnvm I�- D.R HORTON Zimmer Property t PI.a i Ph— I RaWniouy PLl EXHIBIT B N.. .ra,.eNa, sealaea Yre. 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Lalnt Reviaioo D+t� 3/eZ/" PIBtlIIlttwy Plat Submission tam 02/24/04 -2eo S I _� — Zimmer Farms Development �„� wErnNoodMProfessionalServices,Iflc "~—��a I D.R. HORTON I 6lT M1eYip NN 55524 _ Phase 2 Phase 2 Preliminary Plat vnear SSb55r5, 56rs 549]TS@ .�. I --------- am fie" �• � M r ES/IO)ee u,. w [!m 1 �60r alAlli— els, WftE ssm 0-M mi.— ^ It r € I Ib dee �e i Io ^ ���pi iii 41r 11 a � I•� I� I I 3frt � I II i� .I I l 85 II oil e�YW I til 1pN Z� 5 �W I � � in ea crran rwz.oaim 0•atY11010'601ROOA0•p�IG6011200T4 I � r— ' L= a ,W 92 W�SW N` P mea R w a as uaV fy !W ze ¢ a x c8�67 - u LfagW yy o � e I �W R rr o It r € I Ib dee �e i Io ^ ���pi iii 41r 11 a � I•� I� I I 3frt � I II i� .I I l 85 II oil e�YW I til 1pN Z� 5 �W I � � in ea crran rwz.oaim 0•atY11010'601ROOA0•p�IG6011200T4 Item Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Tom Bakritges, D.R. Horton Fran Hagen, PE, Westwood Professional Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, E.I.T. Date: March 10, 2004 Proposed Development: Zimmer Farms Phase 2 Property Street Location of Property: A portion of the W %2 of Section 31, T121, R23, south of 70th Street NE and east of Maciver Ave. Applicant: Tom Bakritges D.R. Horton 26860 Kenbridge Court, Suite #100 Lakeville, MN 55044 Developer: D.R. Horton Owners of Record: D.R. Horton Purpose: Zimmer Farms Phase 2 is a proposed single-family residential development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permits Required: NPDES (but not limited to) Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\22660mmer Farms 2nd phase RVW1.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITION/SURVEY DEVELOPMENT PLAN/PHASE 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PRELIMINARY OVERALL GRADING PLAN PRELIMINARY OVERALL UTILITY PLAN CENTER LINE PROFILES GRADING DETAILS HYDROLOGY STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2266\Zimmer Farms 2nd phase RVW1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat of Zimmer Farms Phase 2, 3/02/04 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Existing Condition/Survey Plans of Zimmer Farms Phase 2, 2/24/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan for Zimmer Farms Phase 2, 2/24/04 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. General Plans for Development for Zimmer Property by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Construction Plans for Zimmer Property, 1/30/04 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Utility and Street Specifications, January 2004, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Specifications for Zimmer Farms, January 2004, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Final Stormwater Runoff Calculations, 1/29/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Storm Sewer Design Calculations, 1/29/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Wetland Delineation Report, 7/15/01, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Wetland Replacement Plan, 1/19/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Development Plan/Phase 1 Preliminary Plat, 3/02/04 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Final Plat of Zimmer Farms by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Geotechnical Report, 1/06/04, by Braun Intertec. Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Page 3 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2266\Zimmer Farms 2nd phase RVW1.doc SHEET 1 - EXISTING CONDITION/SURVEY 1. No comment. SHEET 2 - DEVELOPMENT PLAN/PHASE 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. Label horizontal curve data for all public streets. 2. Cross -drainage from lot to lot must be covered under a drainage & utility easement. SHEET 3 - PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 1. No comment. SHEET 4 - PRELIMINARY OVERALL GRADING PLAN 1. The grading plan shall include garage floor, first floor, and basement elevations. 2. It appears that there is cross -drainage depicted for Block 4, Lot 29. SHEET 5 - PRELIMINARY OVERALL UTILITY PLAN 1. Hydrant spacing shall be 300' max for med/hi density residential. SHEETS 6 TO 7 - CENTER LINE PROFILES 1. Revise vertical curves at station 26+00 on Marlowe Ave N.E. and at station 20+25 on MacKenzie Ave N.E such that they meet a 30 mph design speed. (The minimum K values for crest and sag vertical curves are 30 and 36 respectively for a 30 MPH design speed.) SHEET 8 - GRADING DETAILS 1. No comment. HYDROLOGY 1. Submitted with Zimmer Farms Phase 1. STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS 1. Submitted with Zimmer Farms Phase 1. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent on the above comments. Page 4 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2266\Zimmer Farms 2nd phase RVW1.doc ITEM 4.2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St, Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 9 March 2004 RE: Otsego — Planning Commission By -Laws NAC FILE: 176.08 The by-laws governing the workings of the Planning Commission specify seven regular members, one alternate and one ex -officio member of the City Council. The City Council previously approved a second alternate member of the Planning Commission in response to the sustained illness of Ing Roskaft, as the one alternate had become a defacto member of the Planning Commission. At their meeting on 8 March 2004, the City Council appointed a third alternate member to the Planning Commission because Carl Swenson will not likely be able to fulfill his position for an extended period due to health issues. The Planning Commission by-laws should be revised to remove reference to only one alternate member. We suggest a more generalized statement referencing alternate members as may be appointed by the City Council to allow responses as long-term absences of regular members. Amendment of the by-laws requires that the Planning Commission to schedule the issue for discussion on a future agenda. We recommend that the Planning Commission vote to discuss amendment of its bylaws in the form attached hereto at their regular meeting on 19 April 2004. Approval of the proposed change requires five positive votes by the Planning Commission membership as well as approval of the City Council. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION BY-LAWS A. Organization. 1. Membership of the Commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the City Council, alternate member(s) as may be appointed by the City Council, and one (1) non-voting City Council representative. 2. The Commission shall elect officers from its membership at its first meeting in February. 3. The officers of the Planning Commission shall be: a. Chair. b. Vice -Chair. 4. Duties of the officers: a. Chair. 1. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission. 2. The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. 3. The Chair shall appoint any necessary committees and shall appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members. b. Vice -Chair. 1. The Vice -Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. B. Work Rules. 1. There shall be two (2) regularly scheduled meetings the first and third Monday of each month, unless an alternative is scheduled due to an unforseen conflict or canceled by the Chair due to a lack of business items. Notice of the change must be communicated to the members at least four (4) days prior to the meeting date. 2. A quorum of the Commission shall consist of four (4) members. 3. All meetings shall be open to the public. 4. A special meeting of the Planning Commission may be called by a motion of the majority of the members stating the purpose of such meeting with written notice posted at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. 5. Any site inspection involving four (4) or more members as a group must be scheduled and noticed as a special Planning Commission Meeting. 6. The alternate member shall sit at the Planning Commission table during any scheduled meeting, but the alternate shall only vote if a member of the Commission is absent. 7. A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reasons of illness, work, or out of town trips. Notice of the member's absence must be communicated to the City staff before 4:00 PM on the date of the meeting. 8. The order of business shall be as listed in the meeting agenda to be prepared by the Zoning Administrator before each meeting. 9. The Zoning Administrator shall take minutes of all Commission meetings or special meetings, which are to be distributed to the members prior to the next Commission meeting. Approval of the minutes is by a majority of the members present at the meeting at which the minutes are on the agenda. Upon approval, the minutes shall be signed by the Chair and attested to by the Zoning Administrator. 10. Motions shall be made only by persons recognized by the Chair. 11. Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on it. 12. When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to table or call for the questions, act on the question, postpone, refer to committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order and the first two shall be without debate. 13. All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present, except a call for the question. Any members or the Chair may call for a roll call vote on any issue. I 14. A call for the question is not a motion, but an indication to the Chair that the person making this statement is ready to have the motion or question acted upon without further discussion. 15. All commission recommendations shall be sent to the City Council in written meeting minutes and shall include a record of the division of votes on each recommendation. 16. Any Commission member having a personal interest, a financial interest, or a family member with a financial interest in any individual action to be considered by the Commission shall: a. Notify the Chair of the conflict in advance of the meeting. b. Allow the Chair to explain the potential conflict to the Commission. C. At the request of the Chair, the member shall excuse themselves from the Commission in advance of the discussion and voting on this item. 17. In the event that a member is contacted prior to a Commission meeting by a person with a concern regarding a pending issue, the member must: a. Refrain from discussing any Planning Commission business with any individual outside of a Planning Commission meeting. This includes their own stand on the pending issue. b Refrain from speculating on other Commission members' stand on the pending issue. 18. Any Commission member who conducts themselves in a manner conflicting with these By -Laws provides grounds for removal by the City Council. 19. Any rule not covered by these By -Laws shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 20. These By -Laws shall not be repealed or amended except by a five (5) member vote of the Commission and after notice has been given at a previous meeting. Changes in these By -Laws become effective upon approval of the City Council. 3 ADOPTED by the Otsego Planning Commission on this th day of 2004. AN Richard Nichols, Chair ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk APPROVED by the Otsego City Council on this th day of 2004. Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk rd CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION BY-LAWS A. Organization. 1. Membership of the Commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the City Council, alternate member(s) as may be appointed by the City Council, and one (1) non-voting City Council representative. 2. The Commission shall elect officers from its membership at its first meeting in February. 3. The officers of the Planning Commission shall be: a. Chair. b. Vice -Chair. 4. Duties of the officers: a. Chair. 1. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission. 2. The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. 3. The Chair shall appoint any necessary committees and shall appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members. b. Vice -Chair. 1. The Vice -Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. C. In the event that the Chair and Vice Chair are absent from an individual meeting. the most senior member of the Planning Commission based on their date of initial appointment shall preside at that meeting. B. Work Rules. There shall be two (2) regularly scheduled meetings the first and third Monday of each month, unless an alternative is scheduled due to an unforseen conflict or canceled by the Chair due to a lack of business items. Notice of the change must be communicated to the members at least four (4) days prior to the meeting date. 2. A quorum of the Commission shall consist of four (4) members. 3. All meetings shall be open to the public. 4. A special meeting of the Planning Commission may be called by a motion of the majority of the members stating the purpose of such meeting with written notice posted at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. 5. Any site inspection involving four (4) or more members as a group must be scheduled and noticed as a special Planning Commission Meeting. 6. The alternate member shall sit at the Planning Commission table during any scheduled meeting, but the alternate shall only vote if a member of the Commission is absent. 7. A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reasons of illness, work, or out of town trips. Notice of the member's absence must be communicated to the City staff before 4:00 PM on the date of the meeting. 8. The order of business shall be as listed in the meeting agenda to be prepared by the Zoning Administrator before each meeting. 9. The Zoning Administrator shall take minutes of all Commission meetings or special meetings, which are to be distributed to the members prior to the next Commission meeting. Approval of the minutes is by a majority of the members present at the meeting at which the minutes are on the agenda. Upon approval, the minutes shall be signed by the Chair and attested to by the Zoning Administrator. 10. Motions shall be made only by persons recognized by the Chair. 11. Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on it. 2 12. When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to table or call for the questions, act on the question, postpone, refer to committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order and the first two shall be without debate. 13. All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present, except a call for the question. Any members or the Chair may call for a roll call vote on any issue. 14. A call for the question is not a motion, but an indication to the Chair that the person making this statement is ready to have the motion or question acted upon without further discussion. 15. All commission recommendations shall be sent to the City Council in written meeting minutes and shall include a record of the division of votes on each recommendation. 16. Any Commission member having a personal interest, a financial interest, or a family member with a financial interest in any individual action to be considered by the Commission shall: a. Notify the Chair of the conflict in advance of the meeting. b. Allow the Chair to explain the potential conflict to the Commission. C. At the request of the Chair, the member shall excuse themselves from the Commission in advance of the discussion and voting on this item. 17. In the event that a member is contacted prior to a Commission meeting by a person with a concern regarding a pending issue, the member must: a. Refrain from discussing any Planning Commission business with any individual outside of a Planning Commission meeting. This includes their own stand on the pending issue. b. Refrain from speculating on other Commission members' stand on the pending issue. 18. Any Commission member who conducts themselves in a manner conflicting with these By -Laws provides grounds for removal by the City Council. 19. Any rule not covered by these By -Laws shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 20. These By -Laws shall not be repealed or amended except by a five (5) member vote of the Commission and after notice has been given at a previous meeting. Changes in these By -Laws become effective upon approval of the City Council. ADOPTED by the Otsego Planning Commission on this th day of 2004. A ATTEST: Richard Nichols, Chair Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk APPROVED by the Otsego City Council on this th day of 2004. 'U Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 4