04-05-04 PCITEM 3-y NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE: NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Michael Darrow / Daniel Licht Otsego —Schmitz— Rezoning/CUP March 31, 2004 176.02 — 04.06 ACTION DATE CITY FILE: April 30, 2004 2004-13 Ms. Cindy Schmitz is proposing to subdivide a lot from the balance of a 20 acre property owned by Mr. Bradley Praught located on the corner of MacAllister Avenue and 60th Street (CSAR 37). The site is currently guided for agriculture land uses within the Urban Service Reserve Area and zoned A-1 Agricultural Rural Service Area District. The request requires application for a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the site to the A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urban Service District and a conditional use permit (CUP) for a residential lot size less than 20 acres. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned A-1 District consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan regarding interim land use until sanitary sewer and water services are available. The proposed subdivision the subject site to create a lot less than 20 acres would need to be developed under the requirements of the City's A-2 District. Section 20-3-2.F and Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance guides City Officials to consider the following factors in their evaluation of the Zoning Map amendment and CUP applications: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for continued agricultural use as part of the Urban Service Resource Area. Residential uses in this area are allowed at a density of four units per forty acres, subject to the requirements of the A-1 or A-2 District. The property currently is used as farmland. The proposed rezoning and CUP is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by rural residential and agriculture uses to the north, east, south, and west. The division of the existing homestead from the balance of the property does not create any compatibility issues. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed CUP will be required to conform to all applicable performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed subdivision is not anticipated to have any negative effect to the area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use is anticipated to generate traffic consistent with that of a single family home, which is within the capacities of MacAlister Avenue.. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Administrative Subdivision. The proposed subdivision of the subject site qualifies as a minor subdivision under Section 21-2-1-C of the Subdivision Ordinance. The applicant must submit a certificate of survey illustrating the proposed subdivision and all required rights-of-way and easements. The administrative subdivision is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Access. MacAllister Avenue is currently a gravel road by prescriptive easement and is adequate for the traffic generated by the proposed use. The applicant will be required to dedicate 30 feet of right -of way on the Certificate of Survey. Density. The maximum number of dwelling units that can be subdivided from the existing parcel is two. Upon subdivision of the property, both resulting parcels must be subdivided to restrict further subdivision in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Lot Area/Width. Lots within the A-2 District are required to be a minimum of 20 acres in size and have 450 feet of frontage to a public street. Section 20-52-5.1-1 allows for subdivision of residential lot sizes less than 20 acres and with less than 450 feet of frontage by CUP. The subdivided lot must be at least 1.0 acres and not to exceed 2.5 acres in size, with 150 feet of frontage to a public street. The proposed lot has an area of 2.5 acres and a frontage width of approximately 250 feet. Setbacks. The setbacks applicable to the proposed lot are outlined below. The applicant must submit a certificate of survey illustrating the proposed lot and all required setbacks. ront F Side Rear 5 feet 10 feet 50 feet Easements. Section 21-7-15.A of the Subdivision Ordinance requires a ten -foot drainage and utility easement be provided at the perimeter of the subdivided lot. All easements must be shown on the certificate of survey. Utilities. The subject site is to be served by existing on-site septic and well systems. The applicant must provide sites for primary and secondary septic systems. Single family residential septic and well locations are subject to the review and approval of the Building Official. Park and Trail Dedication. The proposed subdivision creates one new buildable parcel and is therefore subject to park and trail dedication requirements. The applicant must pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $2,820.00 prior to release of the administrative subdivision for recording. CONCLUSION The proposed Zoning Map amendment and CUP to allow subdivision of a 2.5 acre residential site are consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. We recommend approval of the applications as outlined below. Decision 1- Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to A-2 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2- Conditional Use Permit. A. Motion to approve a CUP allowing an A-2 District lot size less than 20 acres and a width less than 450 feet, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide a certificate of survey for the proposed subdivision to be processed in accordance with Section 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator. 2. A deed restriction is recorded against both parcels limiting further subdivision except as may be allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The certificate of survey shall provide for a 10 foot perimeter drainage and utility easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The Building Official shall review the minor subdivision application and determine that adequate area exists on the proposed parcel for the required primary septic system and an alternative site. 5. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $2,820.00 to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements. 6. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance. PC: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Tim Rochel, Building Official Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Cindy Schmitz Brad Praught SASE MAP D■■AA PRO VDED B Y IHakpAnderson nson -.. Assoc.,Inc. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. x0TSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD a m rNa a Nm LciEcui. Irtco� µlA fTpY CR p CWNT} p sT.rc wo 4IINggf11E5 M SpV�CC M4 w - �� � NORTH p.p Atxief5on uvwlm wv u.ww uv D...N T,-= Sv`Tn l��oeq bW�b 1 171427 A.ti /oda I��eb lAld] .w.IgaiwR SG I 111//P -3m fAi 112-�n-0p�p � LEGEND PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION PUT NUMBER #OSB & P.I.D. #037310 ADDRESS MAP ADDRESS—LAST 2 3083-30 CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT DIGITS OF ZIP CODE PREPARED BY: LYNN NARTLEY NUMBER COUNTY 35 s/91 SHEET Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 To: Honorable Mayor Fournier and City Council From: Ronald J. Wagner, PE, City Engineer cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht Date: March 24, 2004 Re: Schmitz CUP and Rezoning Application We have reviewed the application for the Cindy Schmitz for CUP and rezoning. The front footage and acreage appear to be adequate although we cannot be certain as there is no survey drawings showing exact dimensions. A condition of any approval should include a drawing reviewed and signed by a Registered Land Surveyor and dedication of 33' of right-of-way along McAllister Avenue. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 763-427-5860. Civil e'rMunicipal �� Engineering G:kMunicipaMotsego2xxx\2500\2004\ot2500schmi&4M4aSurueying far ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Michael Darrow / Daniel Licht RE: Otsego —Heritage Development; Rezoning/Preliminary Plat REPORT DATE: March 31, 2004 ACTION DATE: May 17, 2004 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.07 CITY FILE: 2004-17 BACKGROUND Heritage Development, Inc. has submitted an application for development of 77 single family lots on 40 acres of land. The subject property is located north of 70th Street, approximately one-quarter mile east of CSAH 19. The subject site is guided for low density residential use by the Comprehensive Plan. The present zoning of the property is A-1, Agriculture Rural Service Area District consistent with the City's interim land use plan. Portions of the subject site are also within the Shoreland Overlay District of Otsego Creek, which is a designated tributary waterway. The applicant has requested consideration of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-6, Residential, Townhouse, Quadraminim and Low Density Multiple Family District and of a preliminary plat. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat C. Preliminary Grading Plan D. Preliminary Utility Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned A-1 District consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan regarding interim land use until sanitary sewer and water services are available. The applicant has proposed the subject site be developed under the requirements of the City's R-6 District, where single family uses are allowed as a permitted use at urban densities. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance guides City Officials to consider the following factors in their evaluation of the Zoning Map amendment: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential uses, which is defined as a density of less than four units per gross acre. The proposed development has a gross density of 1.93 units per acre. As such, the type of use and density is consistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Low Density Residential R-6 District Sunray Farms East Low Density Residential A-1 District Agriculture South Albertville- Towne Lakes PUD Residential West Commercial A-1 District Agriculture Existing land uses on all sides within the City of Otsego are currently agricultural, but planned for urban development within the west sanitary sewer service district. Sunray Farms to the north is just starting development of the single family homes. The proposed use will be compatible to that of Sunray Farms, as well as urban development occurig within the City of Albertville to the south.. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment. The proposed preliminary plat will be required to conform to all applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual discussed further in this report. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment. This project will utilize trunk service lines from the treatment plant available infrastructure capacities. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment. Primary access to the preliminary plat will be off of 70tt' Street and Lambert Avenue (from within Sunray Farms). The Cities of Otsego and Albertville plan to jointly provide for the upgrade of 70th Street to handle regional traffic volumes, with the City of Otsego collecting road access fees to help fund its portion of the project.. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity as the level of development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Blocks. Block length is limited to a minimum of 300 feet and a maximum of 1,200 feet per Section 21-7-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance to ensure safe and convenient access within and between neighborhoods. The general block layout conforms to these requirements with access provided from extension of Lambert Avenue (east -west), "Street A" providing access off of 70th Street NE and "Street B" providing access off of Lambert Avenue. No direct access from the subject site to the property to the west is provided as the adjacent site is planned for commercial use and the mixing of traffic would be undesirable. Lot Requirements. The following table outlines the applicable minimum lot requirements for the proposed preliminary plat: District Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Width R-6 District 9,000 60 ft. Shoreland District -Otsego Creek n/a 75 ft. Cul -de -Sac Turnaround n/a 75 ft. All of the lots exceed the minimum lot area requirements of the R-6 District, with the average lot size of 16,202 square feet and most lots larger than 12,000 square feet. Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 do not meet the minimum lot width standards for the Shoreland Overlay District of Otsego Creek and must be revised to conform to these requirements Setbacks. The setback requirements for the R-6 District are shown in the table below. The preliminary plat identifies basic setback requirements, which are also shown on the grading plan. The proposed lots meet the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Front Side Rear Wetland Arterial Local Corner Interior DoubleInterior Front 65ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 10 ft. Same 20 ft. 40 ft. as Front Access. The preliminary plat is to be accessed via a roadway extended by Lambert Avenue from Sunray Farms to the north. Primary access will eventually come off of 70th Street, which is designated as a minor arterial roadway and anticipated to become a County road in the future. The developer must provide for acquisition of necessary right-of-way from the abutting property for construction of the easterly access to 70th Street, as a condition of preliminary plat approval. The City is planning accesses to 70th Street based on Wright County spacing requirements whenever possible. The easterly access to 70th Street is one-half mile from CSAH 19 and aligns with a proposed intersection from the south within the City of Albertville. The westerly access to 70th Street, labeled as "Street A" on the preliminary plat, is approximately 150 feet less than one quarter mile from CSAH 19. It also is less than one-quarter mile from intersections on the south side of CSAH 19 within the Towne Lakes subdivision in Albertville. The location of this intersection is due to a wetland at the rear of Lots 1-4, Block 4. Options to address this issue are to shift Street A approximately 150 feet west to meet quarter -mile spacing requirements (resulting in a loss of four lots) or to construct the intersection as shown on the plat recognizing that this access will likely be restricted to right-in/right-out in the future. The easterly access will likely be maintained in the future as a full -intersection and provide sufficient access to this subdivision and other adjacent properties. Furthermore, the location of the westerly access is at least 500 feet from other existing intersections to 70th Street, so no short term traffic conflicts would be anticipated. Based on these factors, our office is accepting of the proposed location of the west access to 70th Street, subject to further comment by the City Engineer. Currently, 70th Street exists as a gravel surface, rural section roadway. The City will collect road impact fees at the time of final plat approval from this and other area developments to partially fund Otsego's portion of improving 70th Street to urban collector street standards. Improvement of 70th Street must be coordinated with the City of Albertville and the two City staff's have had preliminary discussions regarding timing of this project. Improvement of 70th Street would not be anticipated to occur prior to 2005. All of the streets within the proposed preliminary plat are to be public with 60 foot rights- of-way consistent with the Engineering Manual. The preliminary plat must incorporate the City's updated urban street section with sidewalks to be installed on one side of the street as recommended by City Staff. Streets are to be named in accordance with the County's grid pattern and all street designs are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Outlots. The applicant has identified four outlots on the preliminary plat. Outlot A (located on the western portion of the plat) is identified as an outlot necessary to provide access to a pond. Outlot B, C, and D are shown on the south-central, eastern, and southern portion of the plan respectively. The applicant should submit a revised plan incorporating all of these outlots as part of the adjacent lots with an overlying drainage and utility easement. Landscaping. A landscaping plan must be submitted prior to final plat approval for the required bufferyard along the yards abutting 70th Street, per Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. Section 21-7-18.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance states that when a subdivision is proposed, the developer shall make a dedication of land for public park use, or the City may require a fee in lieu of land dedication. The Park and Trail Plan anticipates no park facilities in the area of the preliminary plat. Trails will be provided along 70th Street as part of the major collector improvement project. As such, the park dedication requirement will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land for this subdivision. This fee equals to $2,820.00 per dwelling unit paid at the time of final plat. Grading and Drainage. A preliminary grading plan has been submitted for review by the City Engineer. The preliminary grading plan identifies four wetlands within the site. They are located in the central portion of the site (Wetland A) eastern portion (Wetland B) and south central (Wetland C & D). The wetlands boundaries are identified on the preliminary plat. Wetland D may be impacted if "street A" is shifted further to the east to meet spacing requirements. Preliminary plat approval will be contingent upon the review and approval of the City Engineer regarding wetlands, grading, and drainage. Utilities. Plans for sanitary sewer and water utilities have been submitted. These plans provide for the extension of trunk and water service within the roadway extended from the north within Sunray Farms. All utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 10 foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots, which may be overlaid on side lot lines. These easements are shown on the preliminary plat. Easements are also required over all waterways, wetlands, and ponding areas not dedicated to the City. All easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Existing Structures. The preliminary plat shows buildings located in the southwestern portion of the plat (Block 3 Lot 9, Block 4, Lot 1). The existing structures are currently within the rights-of-way or overlying property lines as shown on the plat. As a condition of approval, these structures will need to be. The applicant has discussed preserving the existing residence by moving it to a lot within the plat. Relocation of the dwelling would require conformance with applicable setback requirements, but no conditional use permit would be required as the structure is being moved within the same parcel. Development Contract. Upon approval of a final plat, the applicant must enter into a development contract. The development contract specifies that sanitary sewer capacity is reserved only to those developments final platted that have paid for such services consistent with the polices of the Comprehensive Plan. The development contract is subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed preliminary plat provides for a compact urban single family neighborhood, which is consistent with already approved or planned uses surrounding the subject site. Furthermore, the proposed preliminary plat is generally consistent with the City's development regulations. Therefore, our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. Decision 1- Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve rezoning the area of the subject site from A-1 District to R- 6 District as being consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on the finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat. A. Motion to approve the preliminary plat for Heritage Development subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The preliminary plat is revised to illustrate the boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District from Otsego Creek. 3. Lots 5-6, Block 2 shall be revised to meet the 75 -foot width requirement of the Shoreland Overlay District. 4. Access locations onto 70th Street shall be subject to the review and approval the City Engineer. 5. The developer shall be responsible for rights-of-way costs associated with the extension of Lamert Avenue. 6. All local through streets shall have sidewalks as recommended by the City Planner and all street designs are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7. The applicant shall submit a revised plan incorporating Outlots A, B, C, and D as part of the adjacent lots with the overlying dwelling unit easement. 8. A landscape plan providing for a gateway treatment at the residential neighborhood entrance from 70th Street and landscape bufferyard on Block 3 Lot 9 and Block 4 Lots 1, 12-19 shall be submitted subject to the review and approval of City Staff. 9. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat based on the fee in effect at that time. 10. All existing structures and accessory buildings shall be removed. Relocation of the existing residence to a location within the plat shall be subject to City Staff review and approval. 11. All grading, utilities, easements, streets, and rights -of -ways shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The applicant shall enter into a development contract upon approval of a final plat, paying all fees and securities, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. 13. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance. PC: Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArhur Ron Wagner Patty Fowler Tom Von Bische NAC SAW MAP DAVI PRO VDED B Y PHc*amn 7■ • Anderson . ■ ■ As=., Inc. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. gOTSEG0 —+ ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD a _ —------ ---- R____ _r______�y_____________ _ 2EPARED FOR: DE5'GNEO I CNECKED HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT DRAIN PRu }/11/ps 422 EAST CO. RD. D SGLE ST. PAUL, MN 55117 Do' 108 NO. LO GARAGE FU RICH' 100 0 100 20o app Scale: 1' — 100• LEGEND DENOTES EXISTING INDEX CONTOUR DENOTES EXISTING INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR 0 DENOTES PROPOSED INDEX CONTOUR DENOTES PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR •— DENOTES PROPOSED STORM SEWER 0972, DENOTES SOIL BORING & EXISTING ELEV. S.O.F. X .0 DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERFLOW SWALE LOCATION 907 — — — — — DENOTES EXISTING WATERMAIN & HYDRANT DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER •—+•4-- DENOTES EXISTING SANITARY SEWER ■uuunu DENOTES SILT FENCE ••••••^•••--••••-• DENOTES TREE FENCE ILLUSTRATION KEY EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR GROUND ELEV. BLOCK NUMBER HOUSE TYPE d LOW BOOR ELEV. NOUSE PAD SETBACK UNE SEIDI',= FRONT YARD — 35 FEET SIDE YARD — 70 FEET REAR YARD — 20 FEET CORNER LOTS — 35 FEET OFF BOTH STREETS Preliminary Grading Plan OTSEGO r V UHMIT n SNEET REv. I 3 i_ or 2 a D $ rl �m Cl ;m 3: Z yt1 RR i i r 4 £ TJ � 1 i ' �m O TSEG O I i i T P L A N OUTLOT A ° � (B 'I 1iuto H E R S) s C+ 32'a 9' err ,am.� ``a \` S'? � �L � I' IJ II 6 rr .'��^•� s ��m.a'.�` �1 r1 rfa.w ) .` aw. 91 ) l:� Qi�•L F___�4__-I I-'- ' 7 ` � ' 1-w� . -1,_ z •ur ,�'' v er'�'^MBeRT La -ailLnJ L J�� r/.y.� a"`� vs�` 215 ld -\ :� i� . /�'• 5 �T � � 8'. �'' . ��,�3�."yr' i i •.:�. 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TbT I B I 1 I r, `• .•r. /C —..__---_--- ` .LP==' • I L'_-_1al=M � I ` �' �'� \v'1 � d/ rR-�r-i-�r-f—ter-Y-ter-i- r-A-� I ___11____11 IUMI I I i •��1 13 ; ` __, i 11 II II 'JI f L____ L- ---J va ,/ vuwwl -. OUTLOT O _ J Irrlirs MI •m��1 16 TI CJI 18 +�I 19 1 Ier... II • a.� 11 : M �1 :. ,x-11 :r. ��lae I •7 s _.--__--- - — — ---- �o la• 1 70TH STREET NE A VICINfTY MAP J TOTAL AREA = 40,00 ACRES / 1,742,430 S.F. +•-+ R/W AREA = 2,83 ACRES / 123,337.55 S.F SINGLE FAMILY LOTS = 77 SINGLE FAMILY DENSITY =77/400=1.93 •, AREA OF EXIST. WETLANDS -1.51 ACRES / 65,990 S.F. EXISTING ZONING - AGRICULTURAL LOTS/ACRE PROPOSED ZONING - R-4 PROPERTY OWNERS RONALD h NANCY DUERR 11230 70ST NE AL13ERTVILLE MN., 55301 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION — — Tnal pall oI 1M1e Easl Hall oI IM1e Sou b—I Owner and Ine East Hall o11 East hall of Ine West Ha" al Ine aootnwesl Owner of Sectao 75. Towmnp 121, ganga 24, h Y� w a• ' Wngnl Caonly, Mnnesola oescnpea as IOYows. Zj)[ � ^w9H aEa�Ea Oulryre CO ,7 IaAOr fFAlw IMT n4 RENSIDN6 PREPaYEO Fba' ROBE NSULTING FFP dNR3, I.vaap w awlaaw T --' wr Il PLANNERS tl W!O SUfiJEY0R5 61^a"�" ^•'p EPlot NGINEERING pa Y L _— HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT Preliminary 422COMPRNV — z EARD. 0 INC.. _ 6T. PAUL,L, MN NN 53117 _ nTfiF.r-(1 �.... � Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Thomas Von Bische, Heritage Development Probe Engineering, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, E.I.T. Date: March 30, 2004 Proposed Development: Duerr Property Street Location of Property: A portion of the S '/z of Section 25, T121, R24 40.0 Acres, north of 70th Street NE and east of CSAH 19 Applicant: Thomas Von Bische Heritage Development of Minnesota 422 East County Road D Little Canada, MN 55117 Developer: Heritage Development of Minnesota Owners of Record: Wilfred and Nancy Duerr 1123070th Street NE Albertville, MN 55301 Purpose: A proposed 77 lot single family residential development on 40.0 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permits Required: NPDES (but not limited to) \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal Aotsego2xxx\2280\ot2280RVW1.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY STREETS EXISTING CONDITIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN WETLANDS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2280\ot2280RVW1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat, 3/11/04, by Probe Engineering, Inc. Preliminary Utility Plan, 3/11/04, by Probe Engineering, Inc. Preliminary Grading Plan, 3/11/04, by Probe Engineering, Inc. Preliminary Detail Plan, 3/11/04, by Probe Engineering, Inc. Wetland Delineation Report, November 2003, by Peterson Environmental Consulting, Inc. Hydrology Report, 3/19/04, by Probe Engineering, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 1. The plan shall be revised to show the 75' minimum lot width within the Shoreland Overlay District. STREETS 1. A minimum of sixty (60) feet of right-of-way must be provided for all public streets. It does not appear that adequate right-of-way is proposed at the east entrance. (21-7- 7.A.) 2. Include centerline horizontal curve data on plan. 3. The minimum roadway centerline curvature shall be 250' radius. Most curves throughout the preliminary plan do not meet this. (21-7-7G) 4. Tangents of at least 100' shall be introduced between reverse curves. (21-7-7.C.) 5. Streets shall be named in accordance with the Wright County street name grid system. Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2280\ot2280RVW1.doc EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. We recommend providing a separate Existing Conditions Plan. 2. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.2.) 3. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided and subdivided land, identified by name and ownership, shall be shown within 150 feet of the plat. (21-6-2.B.6.) 4. Existing 100 -year flood elevations shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.9.) 5. Existing easements shall be depicted on the plan. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. Location, dimensions, and purpose of all proposed easements shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.C.5.) 2. The ROW shall be rounded at intersections parallel to back of curb. 3. The outlots shall be revised such that they are incorporated into the adjacent lots and covered under drainage and utility easements. 4. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District shall be depicted on the plan. 5. Lots abutting 70th Street NE shall have an additional 10' of depth to be overlaid by drainage and utility easement to allow space for a residential bufferyard. Earth berms at least four (4) feet in height shall be depicted on the Grading Plan for said bufferyards. (20-16-7.D.) PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1. The plan is difficult to read due to the small scale and the small text size. Please provide a plan with a scale of 1" = 50'. WETLANDS 1. Avoidance of wetlands must be attempted. If wetlands must be disturbed or filled they must be mitigated as per WCA requirements. (20-16-9.E.2.) 2. Wetland delineations are subject to review and verification by Wright County SWCD, MN DNR, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2280\ot2280RVW1.doc 3. A protective buffer of natural vegetation at least 20' wide from the delineated edge shall surround all wetlands. A principal building setback of 40' from the delineated edge of all wetlands or 20' from the protective buffer easement, whichever is greater, shall be provided. (20-16-9.E.) SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. The hydrology of the site is under review and comments will be forthcoming. TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE 1. Access will be provided to the site via 70th Street NE, which is an existing gravel road. It is planned that 70th Street NE will be upgraded to an urban section with a bituminous surface and curb and gutter as a joint City project with Albertville to provide primary access to the proposed subdivision. Secondary access will be provided by a connection to Lambert Avenue NE that is to be constructed with the Sunray Farms development. 2. It is planned that 70th Street NE will become a County Road in the future and it is therefore desirable to maintain the '/4 mile spacing requirement of Wright County. The plan does not show this. We anticipate that the west access will be required to be a right in/right out intersection in the future if the street locations remain as shown. SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. Sanitary sewer manholes shall be located on the centerline of the road. If it is necessary for a manhole to be located near the curb, a sealed lid will be required. 2. The sanitary sewer collection system is under review and comments will be forthcoming. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. The water distribution system is under review and comments will be forthcoming. ENVIRONMENTAL 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. (21-6- 2.B.10.) OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Benchmarks need to be shown on each sheet (see page 7 Section 111.14 of Engineering Manual). Page 3 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipalWotsego2xxx\2280\ot2280RVW1.doc 2. The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map and Wright County Soil Survey map indicate that there is a large area surrounding the existing creek that historically had wetland qualities and is mapped with soils that are unsuitable for development. It is our opinion that additional geotechnical exploration must be preformed to determine if the soils in these areas are suitable for the proposed development. 3. A permit from the Department of Natural Resources will be required for the proposed creek crossing. 4. It appears that there is an overhead electric utility line along the east plat line that will have to be moved considering the proposed location of the east entrance road. The developer must coordinate this and all associated costs are to be borne by the developer. 5. We assume that there is an easement associated with the overhead electric utility line that will have to be vacated for the proposed development, assuming that the line is moved. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments. Page 4 \\Ha011Shared Docs\MunicipalWotsego2xxx\2280\ot2280RVW1.doc ITEM 4_7 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 18 March 2004 RE: Otsego — Zoning Ordinance; Temporary Signs FILE NO.: 176.08 — 03.10 BACKGROUND The Planning Commission has been discussion changes to the temporary sign provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission has reviewed the existing language, considered allowances in other communities and heard input from interested business and property owners. Based on the direction of the Planning Commission, we have drafted proposed language for amendment of the Zoning Ordinance. ANALYSIS The first section of the draft ordinance deals with signs that do not require a sign permit, which are allowed for Churches, Schools and the City. The second section of the draft Ordinance applies to uses within business and industrial zoning districts. The draft ordinance attached to this memorandum proposes the following significant changes from the current Zoning Ordinance: Prohibition of freestanding temporary signs. Allowance of one sign per year per property, except that an additional sign may be allowed for grand openings for new tenants/businesses. Property owner must sign -off on permit application and an escrow will be required to ensure compliance. CONCLUSION The attached draft Zoning Ordinance amendment is for discussion by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may direct additional staff research or changes or call for a public hearing to consider recommendations to the City Council. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Tim Rochel Andy MacArthur Rudy Thiboedeu John Hemple 2 ORDINANCE NO.: 2004 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 37 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE (SIGNS) REGARDING TEMPORARY MESSAGE SIGNS AND SPECIAL MESSAGE SIGNS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 20-37-3.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Temporary Signs: Temporary signs announcing any public, charitable, educational or religious event or function, located entirely within the premises of that institution shall be allowed, provided that: a. Freestanding or freestanding portable signs are prohibited. Only wall mounted signs or banners shall be allowed as temporary signs. b. The sign area may not exceed thirty two (32) square feet. C. The sign may be illuminated, but flashing signs or electronic changing messages are prohibited. d. A temporary sign may be displayed for a period not more than twenty one (21) days prior to the event and shall be removed within three (3) days after the event. e. The Zoning Administrator may order the immediate removal of any special message sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section. Section 2. Section 20-37-5.C.6 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 6. Special Message Signs. Special message signs may be allowed on a temporary basis by an administrative permit subject to the following provisions: a. Freestanding or freestanding portable signs are prohibited. Only wall mounted signs or banners shall be allowed as special message signs. b. The sign area may not exceed thirty two (32) square feet. C. The signs may be illuminated, but flashing signs or electronic changing messages are prohibited. d. An individual special message sign may be displayed for a period not to exceed ten (10) days and not more than one (1) sign may be displayed per property at any one time. e. Administrative permits: One (1) sign permit per property or one sign permit per tenant with an exclusive exterior entrance within a multiple occupancy building shall be allowed per calendar year. 2. In addition to the sign permit allowed by Section 20-37- 5.C.6.e of this Section, one (1) additional sign permit may be issued within ninety (90) days of issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other documentation satisfactory to the Zoning Administrator of new occupancy of a property, building or tenant space. 3. The owner of the property on which the sign is to be located shall endorse in writing all applications for a special message sign and shall be responsible for the proper location, maintenance and removal of the sign. 4. The applicant for the administrative permit shall provide an escrow in an amount determined by the Zoning Administrator to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Section. 5. The Zoning Administrator may order the immediate removal of any special message sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this 2 section at the administrative permit holders' expense. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this day of , 2004. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 To: Honorable Mayor Fournier and City Council From: Ronald J. Wagner, PE, City Engineer cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Date: March 24, 2004 Re: Local Street and Driveway Access Issues We understand the issue before the Planning Commission and City Council is the number of driveway entrances from a local street. Minimizing or eliminating private accesses for collectors and county roads is always a positive in terms of safety. For local streets, the number of accesses or the proximity to one another is not a significant safety issue due to the relatively low speeds. There are other considerations to take into account on limiting access to local streets and those are cost and maintenance. On rural section roads, a maintenance issue with driveway culverts can arise when the culvert becomes plugged with ice, mud or debris or when the culvert may be crushed or has deteriorated to a point of needing replacement. The more driveway culverts, the more issues the City will have to deal with. Secondly, the cost during reconstructs or overlays are increased. Each driveway will require some extra work to return it to the pre-existing condition after the road is improved. These are items the Planning Commission and the City Council should take into consideration when setting a policy on private driveway access to local streets. Civil &Municipal �� Engineering Land Surveying for