04-19-04 PCOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 19, 2004 7 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order. Roll Call: 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1. Planning Commission Meeting of April 5, 2004 Note: The procedure for the Public Hearing is written on the back of this agenda. Thank you for turning off your pagers and cell phones. 3. Planning Items: PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3.1. Mississippi Cove. Applicant is Mike Leuer. A. Rezoning from A-1 District to R -C Residential Cluster Development. B. Preliminary Plat for 20 Single Family Lots. C. Vacation of underlying Otsego Town Site. 3.2. Angel Acres. Applicant is Cheri Kuhn, Edina Realty. A. Rezoning from A-1 District to R-4 Residential -Urban Single Family District. B. Preliminary Plat to develop 3 single family lots. C. Variance to allow a setback from the bluff line less than 30 feet. 3.3. Concept Plan. Applicant is Solid Ground Development. A. Concept Plan Review for development of a Mixed Use Residential Development consisting of 114 units. 4. Any other Planning Commission Business. 4.1. Temporary Sign Ordinance. 4.2. Consideration of allowing more than one access to large parcels. 4.3. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner. 4.4. Update on upcoming Planning Items by Judy Hudson. 5. Adjournment by 10 PM. The next Planning Commission Meeting is Monday, May 3, 2004, 7 PM.