07-05-04 PCITEM 2_1 OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 5, 2004 7 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order. Chair Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Roll Call: Richard Nichols, Chair; Planning Commission Members: Tammie Fallon, David Thompson, Doug Hackman, and Tom Darkenwald. Excused Absence: Pam Black and Steve Schuck. Unexcused Absence: Jim Kolles. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Karee Rowell, Deputy Clerk; and Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner. Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner and Jerry Struthers. Councilmen Heidner talked about the passing of Commissioner Carl Swenson and Commissioner Ken Fry moving out of Otsego; the City Council appointed Doug Hackman and Tammie Fallon to fill the vacated places. The Council also appointed Tom Darkenwald as 1 st Alternate and Troy Watring as 2nd Alternate. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1. The June 7, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve the Planning Commission meeting minutes of May 17, 2004. Seconded by Commissioner Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. 2.2. The June 21, 2004 Tour. Commissioner Hackman motioned to approve the Planning Commission meeting minutes of June 21, 2004. Seconded by Commissioner Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. PlanningItems: ems: PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3.1. Hempel Properties: A. PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for Outlot A, Waterfront West 2nd Addition, to develop a 10,898 square foot retail building. Mr. Kirmis presented the Planner's Report. Jeff Wrede, Tushie Montgomery Architects, brought in the revised plan with changes of the facade. Mr. Wrede pointed out the West side of the building will have the gas meters and the dumpsters, so they do not want to put a window there as per Dan Licht's request and they will put brick on the wall. Planning Commission Meeting of July 5, 2004. Page 2 Chair Nichols reopened the hearing at 7:08 pm. Commissioner Hackman questioned will the landscaping screen the dumpster. Mr. Wrede said they will. Chair Nichols questioned the elevation about the approximate roof line. Mr. Wrede said the elevation varies from 18 - 24 feet. There were no public comments, Chair Nichols closed the hearing at 7:17 pm. Jon Hempel, Hempel Properties, stated there will be 201 parking spaces and he was fine with the rest of the conditions of approval. Chair Nichols was wondering about the brick on the dumpster site and Mr. Wrede said it was an over sight and will be taken care of. Mr. Heidner asked about a bike path if it is going to continue and Mr. Wrede stated there is a sidewalk there. Commissioner Hackman motioned to approve of the PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront Retail subject to the 10 conditions with the exceptions I.A. to omit windows and 5.201 parking spaces instead of 211 parking spaces. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motioned carried. 3.2. Farr Development: A. PUD Development Stage Plans and Final Plats for Kittredge Crossings 5t' and 6`h Additions. Bob Kirmis presented his Planner's report. Lucinda Gardner of Farr Development said they are fine with the conditions. Ms. Gardner passed around the color schemes for the 5th Addition. Chair Nichols reopened the hearing at 7:34 pm. There was no public comment. Chair Nichols closed the hearing at 7:34 pm. Mr. Robertson suggested the condition read "a minimum of 4 colors" so there could be more if they developer desired it. Commissioner Hackman questioned the landscape plans with the high points for trees and pond. Ms. Gardner stated that is a requirement in item 4 and it will provide some screening in the backyards. Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan for the Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition subject to the 8 conditions with amending item 2. to state a minimum of four color schemes. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motion carried. Planning Commission Meeting of July 5, 2004. Page 3 Commissioner Fallon motioned to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for the Kittredge Crossings 6th Addition subject to the 8 conditions with amending item 2. to state a minimum of four schemes. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motioned carried. 3.3. Quaday Addition: A. Preliminary Plat for a PUD General Development Plan/CUP Conditional Use Permit to allow a shared Driveway and lots without direct access to a Public Street. Commissioner Darkenwald stepped down from the platform due to a conflict of interest. Chair Nichols motioned to have this continued until the August 2, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting per the applicant's request. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motioned carried. Commissioner Darkenwald returned to the planning commission meeting. 3.4. Midwest Landscapes: A. Consideration of amending the Section 20-37-5.5a of the Zoning Ordinance regarding signs. Bob Kirmis presented his Planner's Report. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 pm. Ellen Miller, 6464 Oakland Avenue NE, questioned the AG zoning and does a landscaping operation business fit the zoning. Mr. Kirmis and Mr. Robertson both agreed that is allowed in an AG Zone. Ms. Miller asked if they had a storm water plan. Mr. Robertson said they did and he would have city engineer review it at the Council meeting. Jim Barthel, 6360 Oakwood Avenue NE, asked where the sign is going to be and also expressed concern about the stormwater. Commissioner Thompson asked about the sign being 8 feet, the height looks taller now. Adam Zopfi, Midwest Landscape, answered the sign at this time is 12 feet, but the poles will go down to meet the requirements and plan is to put keystone around it and landscape it. Commissioner Hackman was concerned regarding the location. Mr. Zopfi answered it is the south side of the driveway away from the road in the ditch. Mr. Heidner how long has the sign been there. Mr. Zopfi said in1997 the sign was put up when the storm took down the old sign. Chair Nichols asked about 3.c. tacking on advertising which isn't that what the sign is for? Mr. Kirmis said the wording needs some fine turning. There was no further public comment and Chair Nichols closed the public hearing at 7:57 pm. Planning Commission Meeting of July 5, 2004. Page 3 Chair Nichols motioned to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment to provide for limited business identification signage within agriculture districts as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the allowance of these types of uses in these zoning districts to be reworded. Seconded by Commissioner Darkenwald. All in favor. Motioned carried. 4. Any other Planning Commission Business. 4.1. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner. Councilman Heidner gave an update. 5. Adjournment by 10 PM. Commissioner Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm. Richard Nichols, Chair ATTEST: Karee Rowell, Deputy Clerk