07-06-04 PCITEM 3-1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 30 June 2004 RE: Otsego - Waterfront 5th Addition; Revised Building Plans NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.22 BACKGROUND At the Planning Commission meeting on 7 June 2004, discussion of the PUD development stage plan for the Waterfront 5th Addition was tabled. The Planning Commission directed the applicant to make revisions to the proposed building exterior to make it more consistent with the existing Market Place West buildings on the adjacent parcel to the north. The applicant has submitted revised plans for the proposed building exterior for consideration at the Planning Commission's meeting on 6 July 2004. Exhibits: A. Original Building Elevations B. Revised Building Elevations ANALYSIS The direction from the Planning Commission was that the building elevations were to be revised to, 1) provide for a two-story appearance to the structure using height and detailing, and 2) create horizontal segmentation of the building to minimize a retail strip center building appearance. The overall goal is to make the appearance of the proposed building more consistent with that of the existing Market Place West buildings to the north. The revised building plans provide for revised designs above the first floor store windows and entrances with five faux second floor elements included across the north side of the building and use of different materials for the pilasters for various sections of the building. The effect breaks up the horizontal length of the building, but does not necessarily create the appearance of separate building butting up against one another (like the existing Market Place buildings), especially since the first floor store fronts and entrances are identical. We would recommend that brick be extended on the pilasters at sections E, F, G, and H of the building to just below the cornice to add greater emphasis to this area. A secondary issue is that City Staff supported the reduced setbacks to Quaday Avenue, 91St Street and Parrish Avenue only if the south side of the building matched the north front fagade. To this end, the parapet designs on the north side of the building must be mirrored on the south fagade as well. The amount of masonry building material on the east, south and west facades has been reduced on the revised plans to the extend that we would also recommend use of brick facing between the rock face block portion of the pilasters above the CMU base where no window is provided for each of these facades. Provision of additional windows or faux window panels is also recommended for the west elevation of the building. We also want to emphasize an issue identified by the City Engineer in their review of the site plan. Because of the reduced setback of the building to 91St Street, the slope from the floor of the building down to the adjacent sidewalk is quite steep. This slope will make maintenance of lawn or plants difficult. The City Engineer has recommended construction of a low retaining wall such that the slope between the side walk and the building can be reduced to 3:1 or less. We concur with this recommendation, which is covered by the condition that all grading plans are subject to approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION Subject to the Planning Commission's response to the revised building elevations, we recommend approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront Retail, subject to the following conditions: The proposed building elevations are revised to: a. Extend the use of the rock face block material on the pilasters at sections E, F, G and H to just below the cornice on the north fagade of the building. 2 b. Miror the parapet and cornice details of the north elevation on the south elevation of the proposed building. C. Increase the amount of brick facing between the rock face pilasters above the rock face block base on any building section not having an exterior window. d. Additional windows shall be provided on the west elevation of the proposed building. e. 2. Wall signs for individual tenants shall be limited to 32 square feet and one sign may be allowed on the north and south facade for each tenant. 3. A freestanding 64 square foot message sign is to be installed at the south site entrance from Quaday Avenue and made available to tenants with the proposed building and those tenants within the existing buildings on Lot 1, Block 1 Waterfront 2 d Addition. 4. The applicant shall extend the sidewalk along CSAH 42 along the west lot line and a sidewalk connection shall be made from the south side of the building to the sidewalk/trail along CSAH 42 or 91St Street. 5. There must be a total of 211 off-street parking stalls shared between the subject site and Lot 1, Block 1 Waterfront 2"0 Addition. 6. All exterior lighting fixtures shall comply with the PUD District design guidelines, subject to City Staff approval. 7. All grading, utility and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, including provision of a retaining wall(s) to eliminate slopes greater than 3:1. 8. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $7,000 to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements. 9. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and pay all applicable fees and securities, subject to approval of the City Attorney. 10. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and PUD District. C. Motion to table. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Jon Hempel il STANDING MTL. ROOF 'RCGP PEAT BIZ' -4 T.O. BRICI T 0 T.O PARAF STANDING MTL. ROOF II� T.O.AWNIN II� B.O. AWNII I� T O.DCCR T o cnu. J 100'-0' tFIRST FLC ARCHITECTL._ BEAMS W/ ALUM CLADDING I_ BEAMS W/ ALUM. \ CLADDING SUE -FASCIA W/ ALUM. CLADDING AIiS'J' c;: 4 6.0. TRUSS _' -:�5'- FABRIC AWNING T.O. BRICK _ T . EIFS �. NAILS �— STANDING EIFS � __..._._ NAILS - -zr_ _ - _ - j 116'_O• 6.0 EIFS t I I I I i NORTH ELEVATION SCALE I/E' . I'-0" T 1 I PREF. ML. COPPING PRECAST CONC. CAP a- T.O. BRICK W� T OY PARAPET QFS — FABRIC AWININ, J 71A' -A' �T.O.AWNING POP. 6.0. AWNING { `— IQZ �-0' �LO. cnu. .. _ .. BRICK 0T-0 0 0 CttU. 100'-a i I 7/5' ARCHITECTURAL 6EAMS(:� W/ALUM. CLADDMG STANDING SEAM MTL ROOF SUB -FACIA W/ALtfil. CLADDING I ALUM //411100 NFp- I FIRs�I� I I I I I ALUM. WINDOW W/ :PANDREL i I ROCK FACE 61' PRECAST COW - SILL oil 1 I PREF. ML. COPPING PRECAST CONC. CAP a- T.O. BRICK W� T OY PARAPET QFS — FABRIC AWININ, J 71A' -A' �T.O.AWNING POP. 6.0. AWNING { `— IQZ �-0' �LO. cnu. .. _ .. BRICK 0T-0 0 0 CttU. 100'-a i I 7/5' ARCHITECTURAL 6EAMS(:� W/ALUM. CLADDMG STANDING SEAM MTL ROOF SUB -FACIA W/ALtfil. CLADDING I ALUM //411100 NFp- I FIRs�I� I I I I I ALUM. WINDOW W/ :PANDREL i I ROCK FACE CMU. PRECAST COW - SILL ASPHALT ROOF 410 PEAK T.O.PI!e RAPET ,I O eBRICK T�� �ino....nnn'��.u.�l�a•4n un.uw�n.���nn�i�unnum unr.••n.r.•.nn.:.n.r.•.n.r �i_:�ii�liuiii•.j li.i.uiil:i:i:j ir.. AWNING � - 1 0 0 T.0 DOOR miI 102'-0' TO CMU ` FYI I I I I I 'ATO PARAPET I I I 1.120'-0' I I I 4TO.PARAPET ^ �- - ..FFEEI ( I ' NAILS FIRST F100R I I I I CEDAR ARCHITECTURAL I I I BEAD �1NORTH ELEVATION SCALE I/Z" - I'-0" ASPHALT SHINGLE'_ CEDAR 5118 -FASCIA MO TRDES T 0 BRICK T 0 EIFS CEDAR ARCHITECTURAL—' BEA ME 'FB.O BEA- EIFS _ BRICK ---� PRECAST CONC — SILL t !FIRST FLOOR ROCK FACE CMU —� I I I I I I n EAST ELEVATION CEDAR ARCHITECTURAL BEAMS 102'-0' A T O C lu Y ALUM. WINDOW COS �ino....nnn'��.u.�l�a•4n un.uw�n.���nn�i�unnum unr.••n.r.•.nn.:.n.r.•.n.r �i_:�ii�liuiii•.j li.i.uiil:i:i:j ir.. . n:r�:.n.r��.n.r.r•.'I ......... ....� ........ ir..ni.i �.:i:i!ii.%4..i:;,� - PREP. MTL, COPING - miI I I I I I I n EAST ELEVATION CEDAR ARCHITECTURAL BEAMS 102'-0' A T O C lu Y ALUM. WINDOW COS PREP. MTL, COPING PRECAST CONIC. EIFS CAP — IIT'- ' TO. BRICK gam" ..'i" �.:. t - -_: I ! .tE-"'�'1- �,' -..•.. F ,,;�,.s�"'"_ _.l'C'F.. %' �I _-.:vr........... ............._...._...._.__....._.._._._. T OT O.P411 d1 R:,PET FABRIC AWINING ''. ...�,. . •. ^"' i f'.'u� I I ", y � a T - ...............lr.':... :+ ..._ .. • & 5;.......q4 .-', ;...:.... `---�----=- �'r ....4..._ ..r .�... IiTAI ~� r� _..Y�.,. 1_ *` ....1... 4:._ L..._.1�- L......----------- I. ALUM WINDOW BRICK 4-4 - T.O CMU FIRSFLOORI I I I ROCK FACE CMU I I I PRECAST CONC. PILL 4 SOUTH ELEVATION _- E I,z' _ - .-IWU arm' 1DAaslo J .. O�m W� oo Oiplam luo.z�.zal�m o asap W I -+g T a� ff� 4 WW o wa m - �'� X W Q 0 r:gWgF m 3 z' o ww ZV >oq% `r� -A ON --------I. &------------- CV - C7 C O I AM CO C CO CO ;.r': U LLQZ U m U Y OU b`1�-t V uYu J F QQ 4W1 uu Z `�qq Y K L V CV - C7 C O I AM CO C CO CO V W�(OYw W J� O U { y LR pIX L � .ri ri-1-l'. y(5 pppyeee� � L�£`U�+ Yj 8 yf � U ��� -lo �F- oo'o-o'o 0 205-0 - �F--F-f m -f MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Bob Fields, LandCor Steve Fischer, LandCor Rhonda Pierce, Pierce Pini & Associates From: Ronald J. Wagner, PE Date: June 2, 2004 Re: Otsego Waterfront 3rd Addition Lot 1, Block 1- Retail We have reviewed the Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utility Plan, dated 4/27/04, for the above -referenced subdivision and would offer the following comments: Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control, and Utility Plan Existing and proposed contours for the entire project area must be shown on the grading plan. Additional spot elevations are necessary along the curb line to verify a smooth connection between the existing and proposed curb. 2. In the northeast corner of the site, the proposed curbing must be shown connecting to the existing curb. Please verify. 3. 91" Street NE is labeled wrong, Please verify. 4. Quaday Avenue NE is not labeled on the grading, drainage, erosion control and utility plan. 5. Insulation is required between the sanitary sewer and storm sewer at the crossing located south of sanitary MH 1. 6. The sanitary sewer material type and classification must be labeled on the plan. (i.e. PVC piping must be SDR 35/SDR 26, depending on depth of bury. Refer to the City of Otsego Engineering Manual.) \1101\shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2500\ot2500retailrvwl.doc Page 2 of 2 The length and size of pipe should be labeled on the plan for the water service. 8. The proposed rim elevation of the sanitary manhole must be shown on the plan. 9. Various green areas around the building and curb have slopes greater than the allowable 10%. 10. The curb in the parking lot should be labeled tip -out where applicable. The B612 curb detail should be updated to show both types of curb. 11. A detail for pavement thickness should be included in the plans. 12. CB and CB/MH sizes should be shown on the plans, or referenced to a detailed storm sewer table. 13. Chimney Seals are required on all sanitary manholes. 14. All sanitary manholes must be moisture proof inside and out with Hi -build Tneme Tar 46H-413 or approved equal (refer to City of Otsego Engineering Manual Standard Plates.) 15. An erosion control detail must be shown on plans. 16. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Standard Plate 311 must be referenced to, or shown on the plans. 17. A hydrology report must be submitted. 18. Sawcuts and milling along the edge of the existing bituminous pavement shall be depicted on the plans. We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. Resubmittal is required for approval. Ma01\shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2500\ot2500retailrvwl.doc ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 30 June 2004 RE: Otsego — Kittredge Crossings 5th/6th Additions NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.20 BACKGROUND The Planning Commission tabled discussion of the above referenced applications at their meeting on 7 June 2004 and directed the applicant to submit additional information regarding proposed building designs and landscaping. The applicant has submitted this information and we offer the following comments. Exhibits: A. 5th Addtion Building Plans B. 6th Addition Building Plans C. Landscape Plans ANALYSIS 5th Addition Detached Townhomes. Minks Construction has submitted plans for a single lever, split entry and two-story detached townhomes to be built within the 5th Addition. The basic floor areas of the structures are 1,027 square feet for the split entry design, 1,234 square feet for the single level dwelling and 1,504 square feet for the two- story dwelling. Additional floor area can incorporated with finished (potential walk -out) basement space and optional four season porches for each design. The attached garage area of the single level and split entry dwellings is 440 square feet with minimum 20 foot width. The area of the attached garage for the two story dwelling is 400 square feet with a 20 foot width. The Zoning Ordinance requires single and two- family dwelling units to provide a minimum area of 480 square feet for an attached garage. The twin home dwellings approved for the Kittredge Crossings 3`d Addition were required to conform to 480 square foot standard, as should these dwelling units. The building exteriors feature distinctive architecture between the three types of units and the single level structures have three exterior appearance options for the front fagade. The materials for the exterior of each of the structure types is a mix of brick/stone wainscoting, vinyl lap siding and vinyl shake pattern siding. We recommend that the wainscoting from the front of the structure also extended to the sides of the garage portion of each type of structure given the garage -forward designs to improve the curb appearance. No colors for the proposed dwelling units is specified. The City required the Kittredge Crossings 3d and 4th Additions to provide four distinct color packages with no single color scheme used for more than 30 percent of the total number of dwellings within each addition. We recommend the same condition be applied to these structures. 6th Addition Row Townhomes. Eagle Crest Builders has submitted plans for two types of row style townhouse structures within the 6th Addition, which are similar to the structures this builder constructed within the Pheasant Ridge development. The Bass Lake Villa units are single level dwellings with potential walk -out basements have a base floor area of 1,032 square feet and the two-story Champlin dwelling unit has a minimum floor area of 1,674 square feet. The attached garages measure 18 x 21 (378 square feet for the Bass Lake dwellings and 20 x 20 (400 square feet) for the Champlin dwelling units. The actual wall-to-wall width of the garages for the Bass Lake dwellings is 17 feet. If the average car is approximately six feet wide, the width of these garages is cramped. We would recommend a minimum width of 20 feet and minimum area of 400 square feet be required. Like the 5th Addition buildings, the structures exterior of these structures is a mix of vinyl lap and shake siding with brick/stone wainscoting on the front fagade. As with the 5th Addition, we recommend extending the wainscoting along the sides of the garage. Because of the mass of the side elevations for these structures, we also recommend shake pattern siding be provide in the roof gables. No colors are specified and we recommend that four distinct color packages be provided with no single color scheme used for more than 30 percent of the total number of structures. Landscaping. The submitted landscape plans address the streetscape plantings to be provided for by Farr Development Corporation and the foundation/yard plantings to be provided for by each of the builders for the respective additions. The streetscape plantings are consistent with the overall project landscaping that has been previously approve and is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for type and size. 2 The foundation plans for the 5th Addition detached townhomes includes a minimal amount of shrubs on the entry side of front corner of the dwelling and two shade trees. We recommend that additional plantings be installed on the garage side of the dwelling to provide some break up of the horizontal length of the building. Plantings should also be added at the rear corners of the structures. The landscape plan for the 6th Addition provides a good mix of shade trees and evergreens throughout the common area. The foundation plantings focus on the entrance area of each dwelling and again, we recommend that additional plantings be provided at the outside walls of each structure and at the rear corners. An estimate for the cost of the proposed plantings and their implementation must be submitted to determine the security to be required with the development contract. RECOMMENDATION The applicant has provided the information requested by the Planning Commission for future review. Subject to the revised conditions outlined below, our office recommends approval of the proposed 5th and 6th Additions to Kittredge Crossings. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — 5th Addition (detached townhomes) A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for the Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. The development plan is revised to provide one-half stall of off-street guest parking per dwelling unit. 2. The exterior building elevations are revised to extend brick/stone wainscoting along the sides of the attached garage. The applicant shall specify four distinct color packages (siding, trim, and shutters) for the proposed buildings, with no scheme used for more than 30 percent of the building exteriors. 3. Each garage shall be at least 480 square feet in area in conformance with Section 20-16-4.13.4 the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The landscape plan is revised to provide additional foundation plantings on the garage side and at the rear corners of each structure, subject to City Staff approval. 3 5. The final plat shall provide a minimum 5 foot perimeter between the building and the boundary of a unit lot for conformance with the Building Code. 6. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $27,086.10 to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements. 7. All grading, drainage, utilities, streets and other required improvements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. The applicant must enter into a development contract with the City, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and PUD District. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — 6th Addition A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for the Kittredge Crossings 6th Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. The private driveway north of 74th Street is revised to intersect the public street at a 90 degree angle, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 2. The exterior building elevations are revised to extend brick/stone wainscoting along the sides of the attached garage, provide shake patterned siding in the gables of the side elevations and specify four distinct color packages (siding, trim, and shutters) for the proposed buildings, with no scheme used for more than 30 percent of the building exteriors. 3. The building plans are revised to provide attached garages with a minimum width of 20 feet and minimum area of 400 square feet. 4. The landscape plan is revised to provide additional foundation plantings on the garage side and at the rear corners of each structure, subject to City Staff approval. 5. The final plat shall provide a minimum 5 foot perimeter between the building and the boundary of a unit lot for conformance with the Building Code. Ii 6. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $156,143.40 to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements. 7. All grading, drainage, utilities, streets and other required improvements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. The applicant must enter into a development contract with the City, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and PUD District. C. Motion to table. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Lucinda Gardner FJW 691M AS FLgro. 8/12 9/12 now vmm SONG SFII' SLX t FX. PFR GWX Man VD" LEFT ELEVATION WU&T F RA. PRC& REAR ELEVATION I� -0 P i a i r,. RIGHT ELI/ATION fes'=r 14 16'a.rD OA M ./uau tis s m PAID A1�R mfts�s as FM f 1 RIO n*m fVAU RISU- s4tFf . a fNfY£ P[3d1YE7FF r sf AR�(r►p) • ONn Spam • wraxw GPWS AS SIP^ f2 �e FRONT ELEVA TION ri4 =f, -a - T 1234 W FL NDN LM } 44 A7. FI. 4 sv" PoRc i 356 A7. fT fVffgfED Fi A&Y FdM W RQfl i SINGLE LEVEL DWELLING 0200 CWYM T, OM CUSTOM W- PM NEW HOW PU4V Ma W (SED TO MFa9XMR D TO PURa*LSf A W -"SE 110FIS n2ozs R.i 14 i Y llmsave Eg;g c �ogg3g�gif� Z ��Z�LT NVQ S y4WUi`Q,�C(fV Fpai374�I ['1 V 2U,o��n1� F G. L p A Y fat {L VJ Z` O , 4 U JJ?- OD -00-03 AS NOTED 03435 l s FRONT ELEVATION -0 - OPTION B SINGLE LEVEL DWELLING m a N 6' FREIE FALSE LUMM © IC ©EU FRONT ELEVADON lir-r•--o' OPTION C � Ofl25ZR. A NOR R.A a � jv.�! �u W4 t±E �� j �Y� r� �a oP J oE��inZy c 4 �eSiowc��v 2ti U 8 g O 4 �al U J.R. OD—DD-0J AS NOTED Daass t 5 •-- m x Z ra M4 a AUAAMW somm a sic W K sKxw/CajNm m RIGHT ELEVATION v+=t-a- `a° `)WY SOCIAL ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION ri+-r-, Marny FFWw r E FM51W HUL OM Ail MW 7RU3MS a UiMSU ar HERM _rSMTH'C. AT TER O MW AtTA%PjI . /7 SPLIT ENTRY DWELLING YOF 6 dt & FYE Ira—U"--F 4]rrn�nr llw uxwl Yo aom si VI a3M�no�3L��iN3°ruKsn� ��93��vH° j U.rw'v naafi 0000-rbc-(tNcls+l Ino-O➢c-(?Ce1rYJ 97&SNOni9d ]Idl dor yipro0w0 OK+ H'J�0 ��� {� f0000 'KN '�H.7 rti'N N�3N9 1Srlh' SLQt�vaWa�-sns aNr SJpllddn5 Oof •1WC 1'K 7wnC W.>ovR Olnf n L] Y3MM0 ➢kl� A91'a,'/177V y0J N3Hl 7NIN73HJ � d � Ip ti. N Vol i nu a " 'A nor .V2 a0ONL7lMU h Nolba (l q � �.. ■ rt938 :YM 1LCil9 ♦Y9n5 a•wa f��av0� w�iii0 O iW Sohm4a 7+7N1 SHOISSNIO ➢D makill bO9 S.Ldlimolo Nollsaa Mai V .Wflga"43Y ON S1d=ol W.MAOO n0190 k10dn ;3DLlG/+ aw73dS 'Ad &?M(d UnOH A2W p ISO Nal ism '010• Wal EXHIBIT A-5 tiwioisilal�( ." !"UMA" "! f�,, - m 0 all co Tv FICLItlaiMMINIE'li: rt RAIN fill— Z-F; l MEN almls Ilillolm 1 0 all co Tv FICLItlaiMMINIE'li: BASS LAKE BUILDING 24047 RES RES S .,.....: r.. 1�1 'eee��eie l01 I�1 Will' I \ Ail SIR I, � I� `( i �wrriu i ee"iwrrur.. lJ � .www w�awrw•sNrr�•ror•a •� ":� iI !. I : , i Wilton ism jgs i isiwififfil I' " D MA S00 3 Norman Spirea 4 Crirsp Leaf Sp SOD . t. FOUNDATION PLANTING DETAIL %FOUNDATION PLANTING DETAIL Sr•, e, 1• . m'4 IAl LANDSCAPE LEGEND KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SQE ROOT OTYT REMARKS DECIDUOUS TREES s Acer X freemanii •Jeifersred• Tilia omericona 'Redmond" Froxinus Pennsylvania 'Summit" AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE REDMOND LINDEN SUMMIT ASH 2.5' BB - ORNAMENTAL TREES 0 Malus 'Prairifire' Syringo reticula PRAIRIFIRE CRAB JAPANESE TREE LILAC 1.5 Be - 1.5• Be SHRUBS Spimea japonica 'Norman' NORMAN SPIREA #1 CONT - Spiroeo trilobata 'Fairy Queen' FAIRY QUEEN SPIREA #1 CONT - Spiraeo x bumalda 'Crisps' CRISP LEAF SPIREA #2 CONT - Toxus x media 'Nigro' NIGRA YEW I{2 CONT - 5TH ADDITION PLAN EXHIBIT C-2 Engineering Planning • Sur.eying FRA McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 1.1 Sir A. Abe• fl ­t Ylnmb•SSM) Mov nJ/ala-euro • ru. nql,] Wm E -Yee mfio-eft Client Darrel A. Farr Development Corp Minnapolis, MN Project Kittredge Crossing s�=' Otsego, MN I t`TIDr Sheet Title Foundation Landscape Plan I hw:y unty ..t Mhie pVlan •n pr ed by e o du YllcenaeEeLonGerops Archla I1 at under tAa tan of lbe Stale of Ylnnowtn Sbn9lure Nome Dole Ycew � Deel9n.d cl. 1o00IX Dram ODS Ap.r Dot. 6-72-04 Revisions Sheet flerteion 1 /]E a' .I Ill FILE Ii n, t; 1picAL, U ti rr 6TH ADDITION PLAN fV=1" twt &-atbrJCiS OLSt*C, Htil mx.: Cato- 1) Q tH , 6gWr 1.l J�L�wsc�� 19M ZbURnYF 5r KU w I Vkh.2- A K) s583o 'WA- 0%4- 2.0& EXHIBIT C-3 KSI ov ouutmuj -Tia ko, MA%k, wxmh), gieLR $� 5-b' Ve-4Wou3 ICtz Fi,WY-N uA- O5m+te, tao. 5veuce w]K�rE4�rJ�, AtrnwM,7�1tn1E Y'l 0 l �lZ CUAMAKkt, -f rr FtoRAXr.X, 4Ra6, kaxM+o¢A.IE &)DS;'f WL6VAL9 t4jC CI 10 Md1CN 41, U, Fct't I -m - 6TH ADDITION PLAN fV=1" twt &-atbrJCiS OLSt*C, Htil mx.: Cato- 1) Q tH , 6gWr 1.l J�L�wsc�� 19M ZbURnYF 5r KU w I Vkh.2- A K) s583o 'WA- 0%4- 2.0& EXHIBIT C-3 Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Commercial and Anderson Residential Subdivision 1 Assoc., Inc. for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Lucinda Gardner, Darrel A. Farr Development Corp. Dave Nash, PE, McCombs Frank Roos Assoc., Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent Larson Date: June 3, 2004 Proposed Development: Kittredge Crossings Phase II Street Location of Property: A portion of the south '/z of Section 26, T121 N, R24W, 124.3 acres, north of 70th Street NE, west of LeBeaux Avenue NE, and east of Kadler Avenue NE. Applicant: Lucinda Gardner Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation 3025 Harbor Lane, Suite 317 Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 553-9972 Developer: Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation Owners of Record: Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation Purpose: Kittredge Crossing Phase II is a proposed multi -family residential development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: (but not limited to): City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2287\ot2287REV1.doc (but not limited to):NPDES TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET OVERALL PLAN STREET PLAN AND PROFILE SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER DETAILS GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2287\ot2287REV 1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Existing Conditions and Boundary, dated 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Kittridge Crossings 5th Addition Final Plat, dated 5/18/04, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Kittridge Crossings 6th Addition Final Plat, dated 5/18/04, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, revision 5/20/04, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. General Plan of Development for Kittredge Crossings — Phase II, dated 5/25/04, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc P.U.D. Master Guide Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Phasing Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Illustrative Site Plan, 4/1/03, by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003. FINAL PLAT 1. A 20' drainage and utility easement centered on the storm sewer is required over the storm sewer between Block 11, Lot 1 and Block 12, Lot 6 in Kittredge Crossings 6th Addition. 2. A 20' drainage and utility easement centered on the storm sewer is required over the storm sewer between Block 11, Lot 1 and Block 12, Lot 1 in Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2287\ot2287REV1.doc CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET 1. No Comments. OVERALL PLAN (SHEETS 2-3) 1. Please clearly label all streets and private drives. 2. CB 64 is mislabeled CB 62. 3. CB 74 and CB 75 are all mislabeled CBMH. 4. The hydrant coverage is insufficient for the townhouse south of 73rd Street near CB 74. STREET PLAN AND PROFILE (SHEETS 4-12) 1. The PC and PT information is needed for all horizontal curves. 2. Sheet 4, the curb radii at the intersection of Kalland Avenue and 70th Street shall be 50'. 3. Sheet 4, please remove the overlapping text for street elevations from 9+00 to 14+00 in the plan view. 4. Sheet 5, please remove the overlapping text for street elevations from 12+00 to 15+00 in the plan view. 5. Sheet 7, a minimum vertical curve length of 90' or a minimum k value of 30 is required for the vertical curves at stations 10+64.77 and 5+00. 6. Sheet 7, a minimum vertical curve length of 90' or a minimum k value of 36 is required for the vertical curve at station 7+72.77. 7. Sheet 8, the grade and centerline elevations in the profile do not those in the plan for 73rd Street. 8. Sheet 8, the centerline elevations do not match in the plan and the profile. 9. Sheet 8, a minimum vertical curve length of 90' or a minimum k value of 30 is required for the vertical curve at station 9+00. 10. Sheet 9, the curb radii at the west ends of "Drive A", "Drive B", and "Drive C" shall be 30'. 11. Sheet 9, the centerline grades in the profile do not match the centerline grades in the plan for "Drive D". \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2287\ot2287REV1.doc 12. Sheet 10, the curb radii at the intersection of 74th Street and Kahler Circle should be 20'. 13 Sheet 11, the centerline elevation in the profile does not match the elevation in the plan at station 20+00 on Kittredge Parkway. 14. Sheet 11, the centerline grades in the profile do not match the centerline grade in the plan for "Kittredge Drive" from station 6+50 to 6+95. 15. Sheet 12, please move the pond information so it does not overlap with the "Kittredge Circle" street label. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN (SHEETS 13-23) Call out the class of sanitary sewer and watermain pipe for all stubs shown in the plans. 2. Sheet 13 & 24, separation between the watermain and storm sewer between sanitary MH 5 and MH 6 on sanitary sheet 13 appears to be less then the separation shown on storm sewer sheet 24. Please verify separation, insulation may be required at these crossings. To avoid conflicts at these crossings, we suggest moving the storm sewer to the other side of the street. 3 Sheet 14, shorten the sanitary riser at 0+80 out of MH 11. 4. Sheet 14, maintain separation between the hydrant lead and the storm sewer approximately 565' west of MH 7. 5. Sheet 15, the sanitary riser at 0+60 out of MH 2 is shown incorretly in the profile. 6. Sheet 15, please provide the service information for services between MH 2 and MH 3. 7. Sheet 15, shorten the sanitary riser at 0+60 out of MH 2 to maintain separation from the watermain and storm sewer. 8. Sheet 15, please revise the information for the sanitary sewer stubs out of MH 17. 9. Sheet 17, shorten the sanitary risers to the west side of the private drive to maintain separation from the watermain. 10 Sheet 17, the water services to the last 3 lots on the north side of 73rd Street shall be lowered to maintain 2' of separation or 12" of separation with insulation from the storm sewer. 11. Sheet 18, the water service to the last lot on the south side of "Drive A" shall be lowered to maintain 18" of separation between the sanitary sewer. 12. Sheet 18, maintain 18" separation between the sanitary service and watermain at 1+34 out of EX MH 4 on "Drive B". 13. Sheet 18, lower the water services to the lots west of MH 13 on the north side of "Drive B" to maintain 18" of separation between the sanitary sewer \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipalWotsego2xxx\2287\ot2287REV1.doc 14. Sheet 18, shorten the sanitary risers to the last 2 lots on the east side of "Drive C". 15. Sheet 18, there is a conflict with the sanitary services and watermain at 0+98 and 1+21 south of MH 13. 16. Sheet 19, the inverts labeled for the west drop structure do not agree in the profile for MH 39. 17. Sheet 19 & 20, eliminate the additional sanitary manholes and sanitary sewer line along the north side of 74th Street and south sides of 74th Street and Kahler Circle (MH 36 to MH 33) supplying service lines to lots along these streets. These services shall be supplied by "Piggy Backing" the 24" trunk sanitary sewer with an 8" line at an appropriate depth. 18. Sheet 20, a temporary hydrant is required at the west end of Kittredge Parkway for flushing purposes. 19. Sheet 21, Eliminate the separate 6" watermain along the south and west side of Kahler Circle. Water services shall be supplied by the 12" watermain in the street. 20. Sheet 22, shorten the sanitary risers on the east side of "Kittredge Drive" to maintain 18" minimum separation between the sanitary services and the watermain. 21. Sheet 23, shorten the sanitary risers on the east side of "Kittredge Circle" from MH 29 to MH 30 and at 0+65 out of MH 25 to maintain 18" minimum separation between the sanitary services and the watermain. 22. Sheet 24, maintain 18" minimum vertical separation between the water services and the sanitary sewer at 0+60 and 0+75 out of MH 29 and at 1+01, 1+07, and 1+39 out of MH 26. 23. 18" of vertical separation shall be maintained when sanitary and water services are installed in the same trench. STORM SEWER (SHEET 24-30) 1. Show transverse draintile between catch basins at low points. Example, between CB 45 and CB 82. 2. Please revise plans to call out trash guards for all flared end sections 24" and larger. 3. Sheet 24, the minimum cover of 2' is not provided at MH 10, over the 15" stub to the southeast. 4. Sheet 24 & 25, please provide 0.8' diameter points fall for the northwest invert at MH 5. 5. Sheet 27, CB 74 and CB 75 are mislabeled CBMH in the plan view. 6. Sheet 27, CB 41 and CB 42 are mislabeled CBMH in the profile. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2287\ot2287REV1.doc 7. Sheet 28, please provide 0.8' diameter points fall for the southwest of invert at MH 53 and the north invert at MH 52. 8. Sheet 28, the minimum cover of 2' is not provided at CB 58 and CBMH 57, please revise. 9. Sheet 28, CB 70 is mislabeled CBMH in the plan view. 10. Sheet 29, the outlet structure south of STMH 59 is not labeled. Please label and provide a profile of the storm sewer from this structure to STMH 59. 11. Sheet 29, CB 81 and CBMH 80 are located in the radius at the intersection. Move the structures to the end radii on "Kittredge Drive". 12. Sheet 29, STMH 60, STMH 71,and STMH 76 have type R-4342 castings called out in the storm sewer schedule. Please verify the type of castings called out correspond with type of structures. 13. Sheet 30, provide 2' of cover over the 15" pipe to the north at CBMH 48. 14. Sheet 30, CB 45 and CB 82 are mislabeled CBMH in the plan view. DETAILS (SHEETS 31_-33) 1. No Comments GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLANS 1. Label all emergency overflows and include the overflow elevation. 2. Please include spot elevations behind Block 14, 15, and 16, Kittredge Crossings 5th Addition. Currently the grading depicted shows grades less then the minimum of 2% required. STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS 1. Submit for review. HYDROLOGY REPORT 1. Submit for review. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Revise and resubmit for review. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2287\ot2287REV 1.doc ITEM 3-3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego - Quaday Addition; PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat DATE: 30 June 2004 ACTION DATE: 27 July 2004 NAC FILE: 176.02 - 04.11 CITY FILE: 2004-20 City staff met with Mr. Tom Darkenwald on 28 June 2004 to review a new plan for the TH 101 corridor related to access for CSAH 42. Mr. Darkenwald indicated that Clem Darkenwald as well as the D & Y Partnership supports this proposed plan which provides three legged interchanges at CSAH 42 and CSAH 37 with a connecting two- way frontage road along the west side of TH 101 to provide for access to southbound TH 101 from CSAH 42 at CSAH 37. City Staff discussed with Tom Darkenwald that it is likely in the interests of both the City and the developer to delay action on the current development request until MNDoT formally submits a concept plan based on this design to the City for approval. Given the City's limited review period under Minnesota Statues 15.99, extending the review beyond 27 July 2004 would require agreement by the applicant. If the applicant is not agreeable to this approach, we would recommend approval of the PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat be made subject to the conditions outlined below: Decision 1 - PUD -CUP A. Motion to approve a PUD -CUP allowing for use of a private drive to provide indirect access to public streets for the lots within Block 1 of the preliminary plat, subject to the following condition: 1. The preliminary plat is revised to provide for dedication of right-of-way to the City for an interchange at the northwest quadrant of CSAH 42 and TH 101, consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan that access to TH 101 at CSAH 42 is to be maintained. The configuration of the necessary right-of-way is subject to further discussions with the City, Wright County, MNDoT and applicant. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for the Quaday Addition, subject to the following conditions: Approval of a preliminary plat does not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service capacity. Only those projects with approved final plats and executed development contracts that include payment to receive such services shall be allocated sanitary sewer service capacity. 2. The existing non -conforming building is removed with the first final plat. 3. Development of each individual lot will be subject to site and building plan review in accordance with Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The applicant shall prepare a traffic study evaluating the effects of the proposed development to area roadways and implement any recommendations to manage traffic recommended by the City, Wright County and MNDoT as a result of the traffic study. 5. Construction and cost responsibility for Quaday Avenue shall be determined by the City Council as a condition of preliminary plat approval. The right-of-way for Quaday Avenue must be expanded to abut the 310 foot lot line of the adjacent parcel to the northeast. The design and construction of Quaday Avenue is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Only one access shall be allowed to Lot 1, Block 2 from Quaday Avenue at an alignment with the access to Block 1 and no direct access to CSAH 42 shall be allowed. 7. The private drive shall provide concrete sidewalks on both sides. The design and construction of the private drive within Block 1 is subject to approval of the City Engineer with access to CSAH 42 subject to review and approval of Wright County. 8. The concept plan and preliminary plat are revised to illustrate a 65 foot setback from Quaday Avenue. Within Block 1, buildings and off-street parking/drive aisles shall be setback from the private driveway 35 feet and 15 feet respectively. 9. All shared utility lines must be overlaid by drainage and utility easements. And all other easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. Grading and drainage plans as required by Section 21-6-2.0 of the Subdivision Ordinance are submitted for review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. Park and trail dedication shall be in the form of cash fee in lieu of land as specified by Section 21-7-18.1.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 13. Upon approval of a final plat, the applicant shall enter into a development contract and pay all required fees and securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 14. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and/or Subdivision Ordinance. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Clem Darkenwald Review No. 1 (Revised) ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Preliminary Plat Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Mike Robertson, Administrator cc: Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney RLK — Kuusisto, Ltd. Clement & Idona Darkenwald Family LP Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, PE Shane M. Nelson, EIT Date: August 23, 2002 (updated May 12, 2004) Proposed Development: Quaday Addition Street Location of Property: Part of the NW'/ of Section 26 and the SW'/ of Section 23, Twp 121, Range 23, Wright County. Applicant: Clement & Idona Darkenwald Family LP 7535 NE River Road Elk River, MN 55330 (763) 441-3700 Owner of Record: Clement & Idona Darkenwald Family, LP Purpose: Rezone from A-1 & B-3 to Commercial Jurisdictional Agencies (but not limited to): Permits Required (but not limited to): Considerations: City of Otsego Wright County Highway Department MN/PCA MN Department of Health NPDES Sewer Extension — MN/PCA Watermain Extension - MDH MN Department of Natural Resources City of Otsego (wetland) Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2253\ot2253RVW1Revised.doc INFORMATION AVAILAB Plan set dated 8/13/02, by RLK Kuusisto, Ltd. Sheet 1 of 2 — Preliminary Plat Sheet 2 of 2 — Concept Master Plan City of Otsego Engineering Manual, 2/27/01 revision City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances as revised National Wetlands Inventory Map 1991 City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan dated September 1998 REVIEW AND COMMENTS 1. Include a key map of the site. (21-6-2.A.5) 2. Label existing zoning classifications for land abutting the site as well as within the site. (21-6-2.B.2) 3. Verify location of existing Quaday Ave NE south of CSAH 42. Show Quaday Ave NE Right -of -Way. (21-6-2.B.4) 4. Show existing utilities to the south of CSAH 42. Include invert elevations for all existing sanitary sewer manholes. Label existing sanitary sewer and watermain with sizes. (21-6-2.B.5) 5. Adjoining subdivided and unsubdivided land shall be identified by name and ownership. (21-6-2.B.6) 6. Call out 100 -year flood elevations. (21-6-2.B.9) The 100 -year flood elevation will be that of the adjacent Mississippi River. 7. Street intersection jogs with centerline offsets of less than 200' are prohibited. (21-7- 7.E) Centerline of Quaday Ave NE north of CSAH 42 shall be in-line with Quaday Ave NE south of CSAH 42. 8. Show proposed centerline elevations, gradients, and proposed typical cross-sections. (21-6-2.C.1) The parking lot and road shall not be more than 2' in elevation below the 100 -year flood elevation. 9. Call out proposed building elevations. (21-6-2.C.10) Elevations must be at least 1.5' above the 100 -year flood elevation. Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego2xxx\2253\ot2253RVW1Revised.doc 10. Streets shall be designed for a 30 mph design speed. Minimum horizontal curvature is 250' radius. (21-7-7.G) 11. The intersection of Quaday Ave NE and CSAH 42 shall be rounded by a minimum radius of 50'. 12. The ROW shall be rounded parallel to the curb at street intersections to allow for utility installations behind the curb within the Right -of -Way. 13. The private street width is subject to approval from City staff (there currently is no private commercial streets within the City of Otsego). 14. Drainage easements covering Lefebvre Creek (see attached easement exhibit), any wetlands, and the proposed pond shall be provided. 15. Verify existing 50' wide permanent utility easement is shown correctly (see attached easement exhibit). OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. 2. Submit a wetland delineation report for review. 3. Mn/DOT is in the process of preparing plans for TH101 to be improved to freeway status. These plans are not finalized and depending upon city, county, and state input could have significant impacts to this property. Page 3 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipaMotsego2xxx\2253\ot2253RVW1Revised.doc ITEM 3-4 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP APPLICATION: Midwest Landscapes — Sign Ordinance Amendment REPORT DATE: 30 June 2004 APPLICATION DATE: 17 May 2004 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.23 CITY FILE: 2004-38 BACKGROUND Midwest Landscapes Inc. has recently relocated their main operations from Maple Grove to a site located along Oakwood Avenue (CSAH 37) between 60th and 70th Streets in south-central Otsego. They also maintain a tree farm on a separate parcel just east of the City of Albertville, part of which is to be developed by D.R. Horton. In establishing the Oakwood Avenue site as their primary business location, Midwest Landscapes, Inc. has sought to relocate their existing 64 square foot sign just to the east of the 1-94/CSAH 37 interchange to this site and requested a Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow for a sign of this size for their use. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Photos of the existing sign C. Draft Ordinance Amendment ANALYSIS Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance, which regulates signs, does not address allowances for uses allowed in the agricultural zoning districts such as wholesale nurseries, commercial recreation or other uses that have identification needs. The most applicable regulation is a farm identification sign, which is allowed to be 32 square feet in area with a maximum height of 6 feet by Section 20-37-3.A.8 of the Zoning Ordinance. Only the name of the farm and type of farming on the property may be identified on these signs. While generally consistent with the nature of the applicant's use of the property, these existing regulations would not allow for relocation of the existing sign the applicant has on their property near 1-94/CSAH 37. City staff discouraged the applicant from seeking a variance as we believe no justifiable hardship meeting the criteria outlined in Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance exists. As such, the only recourse the applicant has is to seek a Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow for a specific type and size of sign applicable to their use and similar uses in the agriculture districts. We have drafted the following language to accommodate signs such as the applicants for further discussion by the Planning Commission: 3. Signs identifying wholesale nurseries, commercial riding stables, commercial animal kennels or veterinary clinics consistent with the following provisions: a. One (1) sign shall be allowed with an area not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet. b. Freestanding signs shall be limited to a maximum height of eight (8) feet. C. The sign shall identify only the name and or type of use and any advertising display on the sign shall be prohibited. d. The sign may be illuminated provided that glare from fixtures shall be oriented so as not to cast glare towards the public right-of-way or adjacent properties. Uses such as the applicant's wholesale nursery are allowed in agricultural districts because of unique requirements of the use or their anticipated minimal impact to City service requirements. However, these uses still involve interaction with patrons and business services that necessitate some form of business identification signage. Provided that such signage is limited, (i.e., not necessarily to the scale allowed businesses in commercial or industrial district) no compatibility issues or disruption to the character of the area would be anticipated. RECOMMENDATION Uses such as the applicant's wholesale nursery have unique needs for a business in an agricultural area. To provide for identification of these types of uses, our office supports approval of a Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow a limited business signage as outlined herein. 2 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment to provide for limited business identification signage within agriculture districts as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the allowance of these types of uses in these zoning districts. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Adam Zopfi ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 37 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR LIMITED BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGNS WITHIN AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 20-37-5.A of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Signs identifying wholesale nurseries, commercial riding stables, commercial animal kennels or veterinary clinics consistent with the following provisions: a. One (1) sign shall be allowed with an area not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet. b. Freestanding signs shall be limited to a maximum height of eight (8) feet. C. The sign shall identify only the name and or type of use and any advertising display on the sign shall be prohibited. d. The sign may be illuminated provided that glare from fixtures shall be oriented so as not to cast glare towards the public right-of-way or adjacent properties. 34. No other signs shall be permitted in these districts unless deemed essential by a governmental agency. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication and the filling of a final plat. EXHIBIT C ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 12th day of July, 2004. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk