02-18-03 PCHORT"reit%T ASSOCI Tto CONSULTANTS" M"C' 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht RE: Otsego - Riverwood Conference Center, Office Expansion REPORT DATE: 11 February 2003 APPLICATION DATE: 15 January 2003 NAC FILE: 176.02 - 03.03 CITY FILE: 2003-02 BACKGROUND Riverwood Inn and Conference Center has submitted plans to convert an existing garage/shop building into office space. The new office space is necessary to provide space for employees currently occupying what is intended to be guest rooms and to allow for remodeling of some existing spaces for new guest suites. This project is part of an overall effort to update and expand Riverwood Inn and Conference Center. The subject site is guided for commercial uses by the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning applied to the site is divided between an R-1/PUD District on the north portion of the site (also within the W/S District) and a PUD District on the south portion of the site which includes the inn and conference center. The conversion of the existing accessory building to an office use requires amendment of the PUD District. FYhihitc- A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Floor Plans ANALYSIS Use. Riverwood Inn and Conference Center operates under a PUD District agreement executed on 30 December 1991. The following table outlines the uses allowed under the PUD agreement, existing facilities and proposed facilities being undertaken as part of the remodeling of the facility based on information provided by the applicant: The number of rooms in use currently or under the proposed conditions is less than approved under the PUD agreement, although the allotments are changed. The current seating capacity at the restaurant exceeds that allowed under the PUD agreement. Expansion of the seating area for the restaurant was not to be more than 120 persons without a reevaluation of on-site sewage treatment and parking supply. Setbacks. At the time the PUD District was established, a twenty foot setback was to be required from the east property line. The subject structure encroached into this setback and is only 15 feet from the east lot line. The City has since amended its Zoning Ordinance reducing the comparable setback in the B-3 General Business District from 20 feet to 10 feet. As such, the 15 foot setback of the building does not present an issue despite the increase intensity in use of the building. Building Design. No elevations have been provided for the existing building, which is a two story structure with wood siding. The existing wood siding does not conform with the material requirements for commercial buildings outlined in Section 20-17-413.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Accommodation of the wood siding is appropriate under the PUD District given the construction of other buildings on the property and their intended character. The two story height of the building is within the 35 feet typically allowed for commercial buildings. The interior of the building will include four formal offices, open office space, two restrooms, a shop area, and a mechanical room. Not shown on the plans is an attached garage space that is slightly larger than a two stall garage. The office space measures approximately 2,600 square feet. 7 Approved Existing Proposed 77 59 61 Guest Rooms Offices 4 11 11 Storage Rooms 1 2 2 Conference Rooms 6 7 7 Restaurant Seating 120 170 170-200 The number of rooms in use currently or under the proposed conditions is less than approved under the PUD agreement, although the allotments are changed. The current seating capacity at the restaurant exceeds that allowed under the PUD agreement. Expansion of the seating area for the restaurant was not to be more than 120 persons without a reevaluation of on-site sewage treatment and parking supply. Setbacks. At the time the PUD District was established, a twenty foot setback was to be required from the east property line. The subject structure encroached into this setback and is only 15 feet from the east lot line. The City has since amended its Zoning Ordinance reducing the comparable setback in the B-3 General Business District from 20 feet to 10 feet. As such, the 15 foot setback of the building does not present an issue despite the increase intensity in use of the building. Building Design. No elevations have been provided for the existing building, which is a two story structure with wood siding. The existing wood siding does not conform with the material requirements for commercial buildings outlined in Section 20-17-413.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Accommodation of the wood siding is appropriate under the PUD District given the construction of other buildings on the property and their intended character. The two story height of the building is within the 35 feet typically allowed for commercial buildings. The interior of the building will include four formal offices, open office space, two restrooms, a shop area, and a mechanical room. Not shown on the plans is an attached garage space that is slightly larger than a two stall garage. The office space measures approximately 2,600 square feet. 7 Off -Street Parking. The approved site plan illustrates 144 parking stalls and additional space for 20 stalls, which were deferred until there was a demonstrated need based on a planned expansion of the restaurant. The table below shows the calculation of required parking from 1991: Use Ratio Required Stalls Conference Center 1 stall / room + 102 (77 rooms / 25 employees) 1 stall / employee Restaurant 1 stall / 3 seats 40 (120 seat capacity) TOTAL 1 142 The changed allotment of space within the conference center and expansion of seating within the restaurant requires reevaluation of the parking supply using the same ratios originally applied to the site: Use Ratio Required Stalls Conference Center (61 rooms) Restaurant (170-200 seat capacity) 1 stall / room + 61 1 stall/ employee 1 stall / 3 seats 57-67 TOTAL 1 118-128 The current supply of rooms and seating at the restaurant require 118 to 128 stalls. The applicant will need to identify how many employees there are on a maximum shift at Riverwood to determined the total required number of stalls. Continued deferment for construction of required parking stalls will require documentation that the present supply is adequate. Screening. Section 20-16-7 requires minimum landscape and screening be provided wherever a commercial use abuts a residential use. The location of the existing building is immediately west of a dwelling on the adjacent property. No addition landscaping or screening measures have been proposed as part of converting the existing garage to an office use. City staff has been on the property within the last several weeks and observed that there is significant vegetation between the building and the east property line. This vegetation effectively screens the building. Furthermore, the orientation of the building is to the north, south and west with no windows or doors along the east wall. 3 Lighting. The floorplans do not identify installation of any new exterior lighting. Any new lighting that is to be installed must be a shoebox design with a full 90 -degree horizontal cut-off in compliance with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Utilities. The proposed office space includes two restrooms. No utility plan has been submitted for sewage disposal. The terms of the PUD Development agreement specify that prior to any additions or remodeling, the existing on-site septic systems are to be evaluated by the City Engineer. An evaluation of the on-site system is appropriate at this time given the changes in allotments for guest rooms, offices, storage, conference rooms and seating capacity at the restaurant. Any and all additions or modifications to these systems deemed necessary by the City Engineer are to be undertaken in accordance with the PUD agreement. Development Contract. If the requested PUD amendment is approved, a revised development agreement will be required specifying the terms and conditions under which the use is to continue operations. The development agreement is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. Criteria. Amendments to established PUD Districts are processed as Zoning Ordinance amendments. As such, the Planning Commission and City Council are to consider the request in light of the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance with their decision based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the existing commercial use of the subject site and anticipates it being continued_ The proposed conversion of an existing building for office uses is part of a larger remodeling effort for the Riverwood Inn and Conference Center, which is encouraged by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The proposed use is anticipated to be compatible with the existing use of the subject property and the existing and planned rural residential character surrounding it. Existing vegetation and the orientation of the building to be used as an office minimize compatibility issues. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 0 Comment: The proposed use will be required to comply with all applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements and those requirements previously entered into as part of the PUD District and development agreement. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although there is an existing residence immediately to the east of the subject building, no negative impact is anticipated because of existing vegetation, the orientation of the existing building and low intensity character of office uses. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment. Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment. The subject site is accessed via CSAH 39, which has adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the site. The PUD District and development agreement includes specifc requirements that the City may cause changes to the site access if necessary. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity provided that the on-site septic system is found to be functioning properly and capable of handling the expanded office and restaurant use. CONCLUSION The proposed conversion of an existing garage building to an office use for Riverwood Inn and Conference Center does not appear to present significant impact. However, the proposal to install bathroom facilities and the expanded seating that has been added to the restaurant require that the existing on-site septic system be evaluated. Additional employment information must also be provided to determine if the existing supply of off- street parking is adequate. Subject to resolution of these issues, our office recommends approval of the request as outlined below. 5 A. Motion to approve an amendment to the PUD District for Riverwood Inn and Conference Center, subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions of the PUD Agreement dated 30 December 1991 remain in full effect except as expressly modified herein. 2. Riverwood Inn and Conference Center shall not exceed the total allotments for guest rooms, offices, storage rooms and conference rooms as listed below. Any expansion or alteration of the allotments below is to be processed as an amendment of the PUD as provided for by the Zoning Ordinance. Guest Rooms Offices Storage Rooms [1200 Conference Rooms Restaurant Seating 3. Information on employment is to be provided to determine required off-street parking. Continued deferment of facility parking requirements may be allowed provided justification is submitted by the property owner and approved by the City Council. The City shall hold the right to require the construction of the deferred parking space if it determines a need exists. 4. Prior to the issuance of any building permit necessitated by new additions or remodeling of any portion of the Riverwood Inn and Conference Center and its related accessory activities, on-site sewage disposal systems shall be evaluated by the City Engineer. Any and all additions or modifications to said systems deemed necessary by the City Engineer shall be undertaken in accordance with their directives and if such improvements are phased over time, security deposits shall be posted with the City at the time of building permit application if considered necessary by the Zoning Administrator. 5. Any exterior lighting that is to be installed shall be fully shielded with a 90 degree horizontal cut-off, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 6. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City, abide by its terms and conditions and pay all applicable fees and securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 0 7. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and PUD District. C. Motion to table the request. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Alena DeCandia 7 D ffm THE MINNEAPOLIS INSTITUTE OF ARTS NoK�j T-- - - - — - — -T I I DOD GARAGE � �,► a0 57bR146F y I I I I I� r` Z40o Third Avenue South Minneapolis, .Minnesota 55404 TEL 612 $^O 3000 FAX 6411 870 3004 WER wwxv.artsmia.or€ ''� WAK-r -1 URN 4 U I S 7- 9&"P IN r -Ndn1H5lA0Vn MILDREP 7uRNgIJIST 5-e-,4 .f I/8 1 pr a I I I I I � T W DOD GARAGE � �,► a0 57bR146F y I I I I I� r` Z40o Third Avenue South Minneapolis, .Minnesota 55404 TEL 612 $^O 3000 FAX 6411 870 3004 WER wwxv.artsmia.or€ ''� WAK-r -1 URN 4 U I S 7- 9&"P IN r -Ndn1H5lA0Vn MILDREP 7uRNgIJIST 5-e-,4 .f I/8 1 pr NAC BASE MAP DADA PROVDED BY Hcdurwn Anderson PREPARED OCTOBER ]001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. OTSEGO -� ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD a J PROPOSED OFFICE I1'MIT RESTAURANT OCCUPANCY TO 120 PERSONS OFjLRE-EXAMINE PARKING/SEWAGE TREATMENT Z 5 8 usWJ' J W 3 O J C Z 5 8 d �� Hakanson 1 ' Anderson Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Ronald J. Wagner, PE cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Dan Licht, NAC Judy Hudson, Clerk Date: February 11, 2003 Re: Riverwood Convention Center Garage Conv. to Offices We have reviewed the PUD Application by Riverwood and find no engineering issues as no buildings are being added and no grading is occurring. We recommend the City hire an on-site septic system specialist to evaluate the current system. The additional wastewater from the two proposed bathrooms must be able to be accommodated by the current system. Civil e'rMunicipal �� Engineering G:\Municipal\AOTSGGO2000\2500\2003\ot2500rivhd,c #d c cveying for