10-26-15 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING
OCTOBER 26, 2015
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder, Jason
Warehime and Tom Darkenwald.
Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer;
Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Adam Flaherty, Finance Director; Ross Demant, Parks and
Recreation Director and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Open Forum.
Special Presentation: Charles VonBerg, Senior Center Activity Update.
Senior Center Volunteer Charles VonBerg updated the City Council on current Senior Center
activities. The City Council thanked him for his work.
2. Consider agenda approval.
CM Heidner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor.
Motion carried.
3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items).
3.1 Approve Claims List.
3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes.
A. October 12, 2015 Meeting.
B. October 19, 2015 Special Meeting.
3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes.
A. Parks & Recreation Commission August 18, 2015.
B. Heritage Preservation Commission September 8, 2015.
C. Public Safety Commission September 8, 2015.
D. Planning Commission September 21, 2015.
3.4 Approve hire of the Receptionist Position.
3.5 Approve East WWTF VFD Replacement.
3.6 Approve request to waive rental fees from United Legacy.
3.7 Pay Estimates/Requests:
A. Approve Estimate #4 to Fehn Companies, Inc. for the 70th Street/CSAH 37
Improvement Project.
CM Heidner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion
4. Community Development.
4.1 Otsego E-8 School:
A. Comprehensive Plan amendment to include the subject site within the West
Sewer District and guide the subject site from A-1 District to INS District.
B. Zoning Map amendment rezoning the site from A-1 District to INS District.
C. PUD -CUP for development of an E-8 school facility.
D. Preliminary/Final Plat.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Heidner asked what the plan is for Outlot B the
parcel to the north. Applicant Representative Josh Grenier, Wold Architect, said that is yet to be
determined. CM Heidner said when this school is full and they decide to build another facility
what will this school be repurposed as. Mr. Grenier said it's undetermined. CM Heidner said his
concern is he has heard there are talks on putting a high school there and he is very concerned
about the transportation access stating most high schools are on County Roads and he would
suggest that. City Planner Licht said City staff did talk to Superintendent Mark Bezek at one
point about potential high school sites and did discuss facilities in this area and staff expressed
concerns with the roads planned for this area would accommodate that level of traffic for the
CM Darkenwald asked what the capacity of the school will be when it opens. Mr. Grenier said
750 right away. CM Darkenwald asked the project cost. Mr. Grenier said an estimated $30
million for everything.
CM Warehime asked if Mr. Grenier is familiar with the traffic count is on 80th Street. Mr. Grenier
said the district has not done the mapping on where student's attendance boundaries will be.
So it's not clear on which direction the students would be coming from so there was not a
traffic study done.
CM Heidner motioned to approve Resolution 2015-64 amending the Comprehensive
Plans; adopt Ordinance 2015-09 amending the Zoning Map; approve a PUD -CUP and
the preliminary/final plat of ISD 728 E-8 School Addition for development of an E-8
School subject to the findings of fact and decision dated October 20, 2015; and
adopt Resolution 2015-65 approving a development agreement with ISD 728.
Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried.
4.2 Martin Farms 3rd Addition Final Plat.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report and he said he also is recommending an extension
in the requirement to 200 days for the finalizing of recording to accommodate the applicant's
Applicant, Paul Debone, Lennar Homes, said they had paid a grading security to be able to get
the grading underway; he said the development agreement is requiring grading a fee will that
be deducted. City Planner said yes that security will just roll over into this development
CM Warehime said at the last Public Safety Commission meeting it was brought up concern with
the gravel hauling within this area and the hauling trucks going through the neighborhoods.
City Planner Licht said City staff did receive the complaint the issue is that Lennar only has
access to this addition through existing public streets. He said the City Engineers office did
follow up on-site and addressing the speed of the trucks and cleaning the streets the best
possible. City Engineer Wagner stated this route affects less homes then the other options that
would affect up to 30 homes.
CM Warehime motioned to approve the Martin Farms 3rd Addition final plat subject
to the conditions as outlined in the findings of fact and decision dated October 18,
2015 and adopt Resolution 2015-66 approving a development agreement. Seconded
by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried.
5. Parks and Recreation.
5.1 Northwoods Park.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the staff report and SRF Representative Tim
Wold reviewed the park design.
Mayor Stockamp asked regarding the community garden water source; who will pay for that
ongoing; she stated her concern with if the water was left on and running. Parks and
Recreation Director Demant said it will be tied into the irrigation system and it can be timed and
locked. Mayor Stockamp also asked how individuals will get their spot for the community
garden. Parks and Recreation Director Demant said the intention is to send a letter to the
townhomes located in that facility and then open up the rest of the spots to the community.
City Attorney MacArthur said to participate a waiver would need to be signed by the individual.
CM Heidner asked on the maintenance of the proposed fence. Mr. Wold said it would need
some maintenance at around 10 years. City Administrator recommended looking at minimal
maintenance options. Mr. Wold said he would look into options.
CM Schroeder motioned to approve SRF to proceed with plans and specifications
and advertisement for bids for the construction of Northwood Park. Seconded by CM
Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Administration.
6.1 Consider Request for Support of Wright County HSIP Application.
City Administrator Johnson reviewed the request from the County for a letter of support of the
HSIP application to improve the intersection CSAH 19 and 70th Street. City Engineer Wagner
said the County is requesting funds to improve the safety of the intersection by constructing a
round -about. He said a round -about is eligible for the funding through HSIP due to the record
of lowering crashes at intersections. He further stated he is not sure if it would be a single lane
or a double lane and that would be determined by an Intersection Control Evaluation report. CM
Heidner asked how much money could they potentially get from this and will they use money
they get to fund their portion and we still have to come up with the money. City Engineer
Wagner said he would think it will be shared and he is not sure what the maximum amount of
money they can receive. He said they are already getting federal funding in 2018 for the road.
Mayor Stockamp asked regarding the interim solution. City Engineer Wagner said the interim
solution until 2018 is the four way stop that has just been added. CM Warehime asked if at this
point it is only acknowledging our support to look for the financing it's not a round -about. City
Engineer Wagner said the only way the County would get the HSIP money is with a round-
about but yes they are just looking for the support. There was discussion on funding. City
Administrator Johnson said the details of the funding will be worked out later and the City is not
committing funding with this action; right now we are just giving support for the application for
the grant. CM Warehime asked if the County is for sure doing a round -about or are they looking
at lights. City Engineer Wagner said that would be determined by an Intersection Control
Evaluation report. CM Warehime asked if they will look at traffic counts. City Engineer Wagner
said yes they will look at all the legs of the intersection. CM Darkenwald asked on cost
difference of round -about verses street lights. City Engineer Wagner said a round -about is less
and the big savings is you don't have to replace and maintain the traffic signals. CM Darkenwald
said by giving his indorsement to this is doesn't mean he fully supports a round -about but he is
warming up to them. CM Warehime agreed he doesn't fully support a round -about stating they
have to fit the application.
CM Darkenwald motioned to support Wright County's application for 2018 HSIP
funds regarding a round -about at the intersection of CSAH 19 and 70t" Street.
Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
6.2 2014 Audit Follow-up- Metro Appliance and Recycling.
City Attorney MacArthur said this is a follow up from the September 28 meeting. After review he
is recommending continuing the present method of approving occasional minor bills for
6.3 Approve Metro Appliance and Recycling Claim List.
CM Heidner motioned to approve the claims list for Metro Appliance and Recycling.
Seconded by CM Schroeder. Motion carried 4-0. CM Warehime abstained.
7. City Council Reports and Updates.
7.1 Commission Liaison Updates.
A. Heritage Preservation Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp.
Mayor Stockamp said the commission is in the process of rebinding their books; they will have
two of the books done and ready for the 25th Year Anniversary party. She said the binding is
being donated and there will be a cost for the printing which will come out of their budget.
B. Parks & Recreation Commission Liaison CM Schroeder.
CM Schroeder said the commission reviewed and recommended the Northwoods Park Project
that was on the agenda tonight.
C. Planning Commission Liaison CM Heidner.
CM Heidner said at the last meeting the commission reviewed and recommended the Otsego
E-8 School Addition and the Martin Farms 3rd applications. The next meeting is November 2.
D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Warehime.
CM Warehime said the commission reported a good turnout at the Prairie Festival with the burn
trailer, He said the commission has asked for the ambulance reports from ER and Allina and
there was discussion with concern of gravel trucks in the Martin Farms development as talked
about earlier. The commission held their road clean up last month.
CM Darkenwald asked on the activity on the gravel mining on Quaday Avenue. City Engineer
Wagner said they are moving to the Martin Farms development. CM Darkenwald also asked on
the timeline for the gravel mining. City Engineer Wagner said around 2019. CM Darkenwald
asked about gas lines in that area. City Planner Licht said City staff just called the Darkenwald's
and McCrossin to set up a meeting regarding that to talk on timeline for extending Quaday
Avenue south of CSAH 37 to bring on more industrial sites.
CM Warehime acknowledged Tate Mills from Albertville Fire who was awarded Chief of MN
Cities of Population fewer than 10,000.
Mayor Stockamp asked for an update on the 62nd Street item from the last meeting. City
Administrator Johnson said Street Operations Manager Lamson and her have met with two of
those property owners. She said it appears they are willing to give an road easement to the
city. She stated a follow-up meeting is planned with the residents.
Mayor Stockamp acknowledged the thank you card received by Packard resident Ms. Ann Bentz.
Mayor Stockamp also said she received a phone call today from a resident upset with the gravel
road condition on 60th Street. She said the City Administrator and City Engineer have been
7.2 25th Anniversary Event update.
Mayor Stockamp gave an update on the event to be held on November 21 at the Public Works
garage. She said there will be a band, jumpies for the kids, one food vendor (pizza and walking
tacos), POUR Wine will have finger foods, there will be a medallion hunt a week before that the
winner will be recognized that evening, the Otsego Lions will have a beer garden and popcorn,
there will be t -shirts for sale, she said it was discussed there will be some sort of city vehicles
out and also all three fire departments have said they will be present and have some sort of
equipment out as well. She reviewed a map designed with drawings from Heritage Preservation
Commissioner Chris Wilson; she said the HPC has been working on history boards and a
slideshow for the event. The committee will also be sending letters to past and present
commissioners. Mayor Stockamp acknowledged and thanked the committee for all their work.
CM Warehime suggested inviting the Sheriff Department. Mayor Stockamp agreed.
8. Staff Reports and Updates.
City Administrator Johnson gave an update on the P & F Machining, Inc. project; she stated the
City received a DEED Grant for approximately $317,700 which will pay half of the road
improvement cost of about $635,400. The original intent was that the remaining half,
$317,700, would be assessed to benefitting property owners. Based on preliminary appraisal
results it appears unlikely that the full amount will be assessed leaving a gap of approximately
$110,000-115,000. She stated an option to fund the balance is to include it in the TIF district
project costs. That would bring the TIF District total up to about $540,000. The City Council
City Administrator Johnson gave condolences to Elaine Beatty and family for their loss. The City
Council concurred.
Finance Director Flaherty said the Accountant position closed today. City staff will be evaluating
and interviewing and will bring back recommendation at a future meeting.
City Engineer Wagner said the rest of 70th Street will be opened this Friday.
Mayor Stockamp said the pumpkin patch this last weekend had a good turnout and thanked
Parks and Recreation Director Demant.
9. Adjourn.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in
favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:47 PM.
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Tami Leff, City Clerk