04-07-03 PCITEM 3.1_ NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: John Glomski / Daniel Licht DATE: 2 April 2003 RE: Otsego — Anoka Veterinary Services Rezoning NAC FILE: 176.02 — 03.12 BACKGROUND Dr. Thomas Jurgens is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to rezone a four acre parcel to be subdivided out of an approximately 63 acre site located at the southeast corner of CSAH 37 and Trunk Highway 101 from A-1, Agriculture Rural Service Area District to B-3, General Commercial District. The existing Anoka Equine Vet Services building is allowed within the A-1 District with a CUP, which was approved in March 1993 and amended several times thereafter. The applicant would like the ability to transfer ownership of this use without losing the ability to eventually develop the remainder of the site. However, the A-1 District requires any lot of record after October 14, 2002, to have a minimum lot area of 20 acres with a minimum lot width of 450 feet. Our office notified Dr. Jurgens in a letter dated 3 March 2003 that a rezoning of the proposed four acre portion of the site to B-3 District would be needed in order to subdivide the site as proposed. Exhibits: A. Site Location Map B. Site Survey Zoning. As previously stated, the current zoning of the subject site is A-1 District, which allows the existing vet clinic as a conditional use. The applicant is requesting to rezone a four acre portion of the site to B-3 District, which allows animal hospitals as a permitted use while requiring a minimum lot size of one acre to allow for the proposed lot division. Section 20-3-2F. of the Zoning Ordinance lists the following factors for the City Council and the Planning Commission to consider when reviewing a request for a rezone: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Land Use Plan suggests highway commercial use for the entire property, including the developed portion of the veterinary clinic. While the veterinarian clinic is oriented towards care of horses, it is considered a permitted use within the B-3 District. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses off the area. Comment: Although the horse orientation of the veterinary clinic makes it more of a rural use, the keeping of animals as part of a veterinary clinic is a permitted use of the B-3 District. The rezoning of the subject site to a B-3 District designation is consistent with that which will be allowed in the surrounding area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance. Comment: This is an existing use with an approved CUP, in which performance standards were analyzed and accepted as sufficient. Continuation as a permitted use in the B-3 District would remain subject to the performance standards for keeping animals outlined in Chapter 26 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: This is an existing use, thereby no changes are being proposed in the area. The proposed rezoning will facilitate eventual redevelopment of the balance of the property consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no specific study has been completed, no negative Impacts upon property values are anticipated. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 'ra Comment: The proposed Zoning Map amendment will not impact traffic generation of the existing use to CSAH 37, which is designated as a minor arterial street by the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, school's, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: There will be no impact upon the City's ability to service this site related to the proposed rezoning. The rezoning may facilitate development on the balance of the property, utilizing available infrastructure and expanding the City's tax base. Minor Subdivision. The proposed subdivision qualifies as a minor subdivision as the request will divide a lot from a larger tract of land thereby creating no more than two lots. The following considerations apply to the minor subdivision, which will be processed administratively: • Lot Requirements. The proposed subdivision will meet the minimum lot area, width, and depth requirements for the B-3 District established by the Zoning Ordinance: Lot Area Lot uVdth Setbacks Front Side I Rear Required 1 acre 200 feet 65 feet 10 —feet—F-20 feet Proposed 4 acres 318 feet 128 feet 28 feet (west) 110 feet Required __ 100 feet (east) • Utilities. The existing use is served by on-site septic and well systems. The existing septic system drainfield is to be located outside of the proposed 4 acre subdivided parcel. An easement will be required over the system and an agreement required mandating connection to City sewer and water as soon as those services are made available to the balance of the property. • Park Dedication. The division of the existing veterinary clinic does not trigger park dedication requirements. Park dedication requirements will be satisfied at such time as the balance of the property is subdivided for development. CONCLUSION The proposed rezoning of the Anoka Veterinary Clinic from an A-1 District to a B-3 District is being pursued to facilitate transfer of property and eventual development of the undeveloped portion of the site. In this regard, it is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. However, the rural oriented nature of the veterinary clinic does 3 raise some question as to whether changing from a conditional use to a permitted use is advised given the anticipated change planned for the surrounding area as part of the east sanitary sewer service district. To this end, it must be emphasized that this change is likely to occur in such a way that the veterinary clinic is surrounded by more urban uses regardless of this application and that the keeping of horses will continue to be regulated by existing performance standards. Although issues related to Zoning Map amendments are a policy issue to be decided by City Officials, our office recommends approval of the request for rezoning from A-1 District to B-3 District as outlined below: A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the 4 acre portion of the subject site from A-1 District to B-3 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the existing use of the property is inconsistent with the planned uses of the area and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for land use compatibility. C. Motion to table the application. PC. Mike Roberston Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Thomas Jurgens E NAC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD .21 „'1- 35, TI- 121. p•pNNn 1Mm. t.. 1 170 r.•..m -77. 71 hi 2 14 35.• T-- 121, 1— ...... d: tW It -I -L 1- P CrN D 2 I 4— 6/ 70o 62 vl6l .......... 1— --2 — -`,0t ' �� 15 W E- I0W I—; I—. Noon 31 ..Onu 00 MA ofse.1111c, 1. . wl I ..... .......... . ..I. ... .... .11 . ... ..... .... ..... .. I. I 11.1 I I It.. 1 N ;:­Xts I I.—I ., ... . I ... ...... 11, P_ kii .. I. ... ... i. I .. ... .... ... ... .... ..... i I .. ... .... ... ... P! ......... NORTH AREA es 71 /om— 4 Z3 Aof IWIW 'er fl 9 c E.L r. PONCI e)�IKSs Ii .21 „'1- 35, TI- 121. p•pNNn 1Mm. t.. 1 170 r.•..m -77. 71 hi 2 14 35.• T-- 121, 1— ...... d: tW It -I -L 1- P CrN D 2 I 4— 6/ 70o 62 vl6l .......... 1— --2 — -`,0t ' �� 15 W E- I0W I—; I—. Noon 31 ..Onu 00 MA ofse.1111c, 1. . wl I ..... .......... . ..I. ... .... .11 . ... ..... .... ..... .. I. I 11.1 I I It.. 1 N ;:­Xts I I.—I ., ... . I ... ...... 11, P_ kii .. I. ... ... i. I .. ... .... ... ... .... ..... i I .. ... .... ... ... P! ......... NORTH AREA es 71 /om— 4 ITEM 3 -2 -- NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: John Glomski / Daniel Licht DATE: 2 April 2003 RE: Otsego - Elk River Alano Society CUP NAC FILE: 176.02 —03.11 BACKGROUND Elk River Alano Society is requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a 1,552 square foot expansion of an existing building. The expansion of the building, located at 9231 Odean Avenue NE, is a single level expansion that will extend the assembly area and provide two additional meeting rooms. The site is zoned R-2, Residential -Long Range Urban Service District, and allows for public or semi-public neighborhood or community centers and educational institutions with the approval of a CUP. The subject site pre-existed the Zoning Ordinance and is given CUP status by Section 20-1-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed project is consequently an amendment to that CUP, in which all conditions for allowing such a use are reviewed. Exhibits: A: Site Location B. Site Plan C: Building Elevation ANALYSIS CUP Review Criteria_ Section 20-62-5.13 of the Zoning Ordinance allows for neighborhood community centers and similar quasi -public institutions to be located in the R-2 District as a conditional use. As such, a CUP review is necessary to accommodate the applicant's request to construct a 1,552 square foot addition onto the existing structure. Applications for an amendment of an existing conditional use are to be evaluated based on (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provision of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The proposed action is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following uses: There is extensive mature pine trees and vegetation at the perimeter of the subject site to buffer the existing single family uses to the north, west and south. Odean Avenue is a physical barrier that separates the subject site from the existing single family uses to the east. The proposed expansion of the existing building is not anticipated to impact the facility's compatibility with surrounding land uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance. Comment. The proposed use will be required to conform to all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed use will not have a negative effect on the surrounding area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment. Although no specific study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact property values as all applicable performance standards will be met. 2 Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-2 District Single Family East LD Residential R-3 District Single Family South LD Residential R-2 District Single Family West LD Residential R-2 District Single Family There is extensive mature pine trees and vegetation at the perimeter of the subject site to buffer the existing single family uses to the north, west and south. Odean Avenue is a physical barrier that separates the subject site from the existing single family uses to the east. The proposed expansion of the existing building is not anticipated to impact the facility's compatibility with surrounding land uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance. Comment. The proposed use will be required to conform to all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed use will not have a negative effect on the surrounding area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment. Although no specific study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact property values as all applicable performance standards will be met. 2 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site has access to Odean Avenue, which is designated as a collector street by the Comprehensive Plan. Odean Avenue was upgraded to an MSA standard in 2001 and has adequate capacity for traffic generated by the proposed use. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential too over burden the City's service capacity. Comment. The expansion of the existing use will not negatively impact the City's service capacity. Lot Requirements. The following table outlines the lot requirements of the R-2 District. Institutional uses are required to provide a side yard setback that is double that required within the District, which equals twenty feet. Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Parking From From Side Street Lot Line Required 2.5 acres 150 feet 65 feet 20 feet 50 feet 15 feet 5 feet Proposed 2.34 acres 237 feet 157 feet 66 feet (north) 225 feet 76 feet (south) 35 feet 20 feet The subject parcel of land is 2.34 acres in size and thus is considered a legal, non- conforming lot of record. According to Section 20-15-2.13 of the Zoning Ordinance, an existing lot of substandard size may be expanded or enlarged if such expansion or enlargement meets all other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The expansion of the building will meet all other applicable lot provisions of the Zoning Ordinance suggesting that the intent of the Zoning Ordinance is being met. Screening. There are extensive mature pine trees and vegetation at the perimeter of the subject site to buffer the existing single family uses to the north, west and south. Odean Avenue is a physical barrier that separates the subject site from the existing single family uses to the east. The proposed expansion of the existing building is not anticipated to impact the facility's compatibility with surrounding land uses Off -Street Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requires institutional uses to provide 10 parking stalls plus 1 for every 150 square feet of principal use over 2,000 square feet, totaling 23 parking stalls. The site provides 65 parking stalls, with two handicapped spaces, thereby exceeding the number of parking stalls required. 3 The parking lot has an asphalt surface, but no concrete curb as required by Section 20- 21-3.H.15 of the Zoning Ordinance. Unless required for stormwater drainage purposes, no curb will be required as the proposed expansion does not trigger an expansion of the parking area. It should be noted that the location of the access off of Odean Avenue isn't as shown on the site map, but rather is located approximately 60 to 70 feet to the south. The location of the access was shifted at the request of the City for spacing purposes from CSAH 39 at the time Odean Avenue was improved. CONCLUSION The proposed expansion of the Alano building is consistent with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. As such, our office recommends approval of the conditional use permit amendment subject to the following conditions: A. Motion to approve a CUP amendment, subject to the following conditions: The expansion is constructed in conformance with the plans submitted to the City on 17 March 2003. 2. The proposed expansion is of the same color and building material of the existing structure. 3. Any impact to the on-site septic system shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. Comments from other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table the application. PC. Mike Roberston Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Harry Dellwo 4 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD r i jy �NfrXKF1/Y6.iF 114,-..-�111Y�.T.O E f y.,=nf fs L�L---Rt.,YfX / y-9•k�s6ko..+ f.�_.Ixj/ r/ "&:a 2 "vr%rie. ar-�G[ -- _a.. .. - ki yA W 1l" [f''F{si K N�rlB�.t ��✓rc.'.♦ -Iqa. ll! RI.3 •r s/°..e7 1 .. iu f� -I I c s; v..l 4 4(• I I (uslsrwi e/id ✓..rx a .3� a3 J4:5 _sxera�.�srr..i/n 41 y�"V r s vv:`?n� �:YL • aru yc . V i- �H3;7 / f j Til Lao 711A r`�j t • :r: k 1 1 z,17« r • �,� .�/� � .. I ..I� .. L50 — e'z Ro��•vo'�. es �.� •.� .I _ � i (-- a ,nr'a' �' s � _41 f i sd4 (i6ri7 I = '� SITE 4 ALL k�l"f ELK. �`✓cti_ ALAiY � .. ... .. � K/pq :GP. ...kr3 ':.- Ste• -'-O / t ELM MIM -MR -11., a,4 EXHINT B I EmIll x I 7MMI, m ITEM 3.4_ NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE: NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht Otsego — Pleasant Creek Farms, Preliminary Plat 2 April 2003 APPLICATION DATE: 18 March 2003 176.02 — 03.09 CITY FILE: 2003-13 Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation has submitted plans to preliminary plat Outlot A of Pleasant Creek farms as 324 attached townhouse dwellings. The townhouse dwellings will consist of a mix of row and back-to-back unit buildings constructed by Orrin Thompson Homes, Inc. Outlot A is approximately 41.2 acres in size and is located generally southeast of CSAH 19 and 80th Street. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for medium to high density land uses within the west sanitary sewer service district. The present zoning of the property is A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Area consistent with the interim land use strategy outlined by the Comprehensive Plan. A portion of the site is also within the Shoreland Overlay District of Otsego Creek. The applicant's request involves consideration of rezoning the property to an R-6, Residential Townhouse, Quadraminium, and Low Density Multiple Family District, a PUD -CUP to subdivide townhouse dwellings in a base and unit lot configuration, and a preliminary plat. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Site Plan C. Preliminary Landscape Plan D. Building Plans E. Preliminary Grading Plan F. Preliminary Utility Plan ANALYSIS Use. The proposed development consists of 324 townhouse dwellings within 56 buildings. There are three distinct unit types in four, six and eight unit back-to-back buildings and three to six unit row buildings. Development of the proposed townhouse uses requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to designate the subject site as an R-6 District and a PUD -CUP for subdivision of townhouse units in a unit/base lot configuration. Zoning Map amendments and PUD-CUPs are to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F and 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for medium to high density residential uses. The gross density of the development is 7.9 dwellings per acre which is consistent with the character of a medium density residential land use. Furthermore, the proposed development provides three dwelling unit types resulting in a diverse neighborhood for various stages of the lifecycle and income levels. The provision of a diverse housing stock on a City wide and neighborhood level is encouraged by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The following table highlights existing or planned land uses surrounding the subject site.- Direction ite. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Existing Use North M/HD Residential A- District Farmstead East LD Residential R-6 District Single Family (2003) South M/HD Residential INS District WWTP West M/HD Residential R-3 District Single Family The proposed development has been designed with the four -unit quad homes or row style units at the periphery of the site with increased setbacks to provide for an appropriate transition to existing one -acre single family uses to the west and planned urban single family uses to the east. Landscaping is also to be provided between subject site and adjacent properties to aid in this transition. Overall, the proposed development will be compatible with existing or planned uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 'ra Comment: The proposed subdivision will be required to conform to all applicable performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed development represents an implementation of the City's plans for the west sanitary sewer service district. The proposed use will provide for new housing options in the western areas of Otsego, contribute to the City's tax base and utilize available infrastructure resulting in a positive effect for the area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The traffic generated by the proposed development will be carried on improved local streets to major collector and minor arterial streets to provide for adequate access. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Building Design. Orrin Thompson Homes, Inc. has proposed three distinct unit types for the proposed developments. Within each of the unit types, there are a range of options buyers select that result in a variety of floor plans, exterior appearance, and features. A basic summary of the units is provided below: Unit Description Number of Number of Square Number of Type Units Buildings Footage Bedrooms Quad Back-to-back 56 14 1,843sf. 2 Lodges Back-to-back 190 25 1,741 sf. — 2-3 2,014sf. Villages Row 78 17 1,517sf.- 2-3 1,633sf. 3 The exterior finish of the townhouse buildings consists primarily of vinyl siding with brick and shake accent materials. The fagade designs feature a variety of roofs, gables, and off -sets to minimize visual mass. The applicant is also proposing four color packages which will minimize the overall mass of the project and provide better visual character: Landscaping. A landscape plan has been provided for the overall site and a typical foundation plan for each of the dwelling units. The emphasis of the landscape plan is along 77th Street and the east and west perimeter of the subject site to screen adjacent existing and planning single family uses. Additional plantings have been provided to supplement existing vegetation between the subject site and the west waste water treatment plant to the south-southeast. The variety and size of proposed plantings is consistent with the requirements of Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. However, more shade trees should be added in the yards abutting the north and south loop street as shown on Exhibit C. Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements applicable for townhouse developments within the R-6 District. Minimum Total Lot Area Siding Trim Shakes Brick Door Package #1 Antique Parchment Glacier White Monterey Sand Champagne Advantage Virtual Taupe Package #2 Monterey Sand Natural Linen Clay Silas Lucas Eclipse Package #3 Clay Antique Parchment Monterey Sand Nottingham Tudor Andiron Package #4 Silver Moss Natural Linen Glacier White I Brandywine Rookwood Red Landscaping. A landscape plan has been provided for the overall site and a typical foundation plan for each of the dwelling units. The emphasis of the landscape plan is along 77th Street and the east and west perimeter of the subject site to screen adjacent existing and planning single family uses. Additional plantings have been provided to supplement existing vegetation between the subject site and the west waste water treatment plant to the south-southeast. The variety and size of proposed plantings is consistent with the requirements of Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. However, more shade trees should be added in the yards abutting the north and south loop street as shown on Exhibit C. Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements applicable for townhouse developments within the R-6 District. Minimum Total Lot Area Minimum Lot Area Per Unit Maximum Bldg. Coverage Setbacks Front Side Rear Between Pvt. Bldgs. Street Otsego Creek iced 15,000sf. 5,000 sf. 30% 35ft.1 10ft. 20ft. 20ft. 25ft. 50ft. )sed 41.2ac. 5.545 sf . 22% 35ft.1 25 ft. 25ft. 30ft. 25ft. 30ft. The number of units within Building 21 must be reduced from six to five in order to meet the 50 foot setback from Otsego Creek. The setback of Building 16 is discussed further in the next section. Aside from this one issue, the design of the project meets or exceeds applicable performance standards, including increased side and rear yard setbacks to existing single family uses to the west. Please note that the subject site does not fall within the 1,000 foot setback from the Barthel feedlot. Shoreland Density. The Shoreland Overlay District extends 300 feet from Otsego Creek and includes the southeast portion of the subject site. The preliminary plat must be revised to illustrate the boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District. There are 32 dwelling units within the development that are within the Shoreland Overlay District. The overall density of the dwelling units within the Shoreland Overlay District cannot exceed that which would be allowed based on the tier depth multiplied by the minimum lot width: M Shoreland Area / Allowed Density for Quad Units = Allowed Dwelling Units 206,000sf. / (300ft. x (190ft. / 4)) = 14 units Section 20-92-17.E.3 allows the density within the Shoreland Overlay District to be increased 50 percent provided that the setback from the water body is increased 25 percent and the impact to the water body is reduced further through vegetative management or other means. As such, the maximum number of units within the Shoreland Overlay District may be 21 dwellings if the setback is increased to 63 feet and the provision of additional landscaping shown on the landscape plan. Conformance with the PUD density requirements of the Shoreland Overlay District will require elimination of at least ten units. Blocks. Section 21-7-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance limits block length to not more than 1,200 feet. Outlots B and E at the outside of the north and south loop streets exceed 1,200 feet in length. The uninterrupted length of these streets is due to Otsego Creek to the south, the existing Beaudry Addition plat to the west and an existing stormwater drainage ditch to the north and east, which is to be improved and maintained. As such, the proposed block lengths are due to conditions beyond the applicant's control and acceptable. Access. The proposed development will have access to CSAH 19 via existing right-of- way for 77th Street between Lot 10 of Block 1 and Lot 1 of Block 2 of the adjacent Beaudry Addition. The applicant will be responsible for constructing 77th Street from the west plat line to CSAH 19. Additional access to the subdivision will be provided to the east with construction of 77th Street in the first phase of Arbor Creek. The construction of 77th Street within Arbor Creek will provide an outlet to 80th Street and eventually to MacIver Avenue. The majority of the streets within the development will be public, including 77th Street and the north and south loop streets. These streets must be constructed to the City's 28 foot wide urban street section with a sidewalk on one -side of the roadway as shown on Exhibit B. The City typically requires 60 feet of right-of-way for local public streets, but the north and south loop streets are proposed with 50 foot right-of-ways. The narrower right-of-way is acceptable provided the adjacent outlots are overlaid by drainage and utility easements to provide area for phone, electric, gas or cable utilities. A full 60 foot right-of-way is provided for 77th Street, which will function as a neighborhood collector street. Fifteen of the buildings (66 units) access directly to the north and south loop public streets. Several of these driveways access two two -stall garages resulting in a width slightly greater than 30 feet, which is the maximum driveway width allowed be Section 20-21-4.H.7 of the Zoning Ordinance. Because these driveways serve two separate units and are on loop streets versus through streets, their width is acceptable 5 Private drives are extended off of the public streets for the balance of the units. These drives must be a 28 foot section with concrete curb if they serve more than three dwelling units. The private drive fronting Building 26 must be extended to connect to the drive accessing Building 29 for fire access purposes. Also, the section of this same driveway south of Building 27 should be reduced closer to a 28 foot width to minimize pavement area. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-9.A of the Zoning Ordinance requires two off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit for townhouse uses. Each of the proposed dwelling units has a two -stall garage and a driveway of sufficient length to accommodate two vehicles, exceeding Ordinance requirements. The City has required all other townhouse projects to provide separate guest parking facilities at a ratio of one-half stall per dwelling unit. However, such additional guest parking stalls are not necessary for this project given that the north and south loop streets are to be public, which will allow for on -street parking space of approximately 280 cars throughout the development. One side of the private drives is to be posted as a fire lane to ensure emergency access. Lots/Outlots. The proposed townhouses are to be subdivided in a unit and base lot configuration as required by Section 20-17-10.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. Each dwelling overlays an individual lot held as private property. The common area between the buildings, streets, or plat boundaries is to be held in common by a homeowners' association. Documents establishing the homeowners' association must be submitted with an application for final plat approval and be recorded with the plat. There are five outlots provided on the preliminary plat. Outlot A is to be deeded to the City for construction of a well house for the municipal water system. Outlots B-E are the common open space between the townhouse buildings. These outlots must be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. If future construction of decks or porches is contemplated for any of the dwellings, the unit lots should be drawn to accommodate these structures. Park Dedication. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of land or a cash fee in lieu of land for public parks and trails. There are no parks or trails proposed as part of the preliminary plat. As such, the park dedication requirement is to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $2,100.00 per dwelling unit. The cash fee is to be paid at the time of final plat approval. Grading Plan. A grading plan for the project has been submitted which proposes to provide ponding areas along Otsego Creek and the existing ditch on the north side of the property for stormwater management purposes. There is one wetland at the northwest corner of the property and any impacts to it are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The proposed development is also subject to the impact Al fees for the South District of the Otsego Creek Watershed District. All grading and drainage plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. A utility plan for connection to municipal sanitary sewer and water systems has been provided. The preliminary plat includes Outlot A which the City will acquire for construction of a well house for the water system. The water and sewer within 77th Street should be extended west of the plat line with the improvements to the roadway to provide for future connection of the Beaudry Addition without needing to impact the street. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development contract upon approval of the final plat. Consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, the development contract specifies that approval of the preliminary plat does not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City only allocates sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed contracts to assure the City of timely development. CONCLUSION The proposed development is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan to provide a diverse mix of housing options on a City wide and neighborhood basis. Moreover, the proposed preliminary plat and site plans are generally consistent with the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Some modification of the plans is necessary however to fully conform with the provisions of the Shoreland Overlay District. As such, our office recommends approval subject to the conditions outlined below: Decision 1 —Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from an A-1 District to a R-6 District designation based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the request. 7 Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat and PUD -CUP A. Motion to approve the preliminary plat and PUD -CUP for Pleasant Creek Farms, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City only allocates sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The landscaping plan is revised to provide additional shade trees along public streets, subject to approval of City Staff. 3. The preliminary plat shall be revised to illustrate the boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District. The maximum number of dwelling units within the Shoreland Overlay District shall not exceed 21 subject to a 63 foot setback from Otsego Creek and provision of supplemental landscaping shown on the landscape plan. 4. The applicant shall construct 77th Street at their cost to connect with CSAH 19. All public and private drives shall conform to the Engineering Manual with a sidewalk on one side of all public streets. The north and south loop streets shall be allowed a 50 foot right-of-way. All streets are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The private drive fronting Building 26 must be extended to connect to the drive accessing Building 29 and be reduced closer to a 28 foot width to south of Building 27 minimize pavement area. 6. Documents establishing the homeowners' association must be submitted with an application for final plat approval and be recorded with the plat, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 7. Outlots B, C, D, and E are to be overlaid by drainage and utility easements. 8. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied with a cash fee in lieu of land to be paid at the time of final plat approval. 9. Sanitary sewer and water utilities shall be extended under 77th Street to provide for future connection of lots within the Beaudry Addition without impacting the public street. 10. All grading, drainage and utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The applicant shall enter into a development contract upon approval of the final plat. 12. Comments of other City Staff and the DNR. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding of inconsistency with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. pc. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Patty Fowler, DNR Wayne Fingleson, Wright County Highway Department Lucinda Gardner, Darrel Farr Development Corp. Lee Johnson, Orrin Thompson Homes, Inc. Mike Gair, MFRA Dave Nash, MFRA 0 NAC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD i - :E3' SIV \ ��� a©�oE!!1 a©oa�� \• �nnm ■u■■11 Op ,, o©■ .to©t. as !i aoor�� ttttttttt� canman 000�s .I. .►. .�. .II I[an O©n d©�! a©fin ■©fit 000YIo°�� nQ a_._■ a-_■ oo� aoo� .�. ..IN awl � ` ��� ' • ■1� ,i0�1, ; °tE1i; Dir■ ;, �� i��l _I ■i .■ ■i .■ vv: : A ■^ /rqo,iili• •AEF i••� 0AV� itttttttt� ■i°�i� .:v©:� ♦ 04;• ��o�; � �' o •; tUn -I� a©ug dill �1. • 000E9 Engineering . planning. 5—Y.9 Associates, Inc. /eeSO ISII,�.i. Yr•.Rrrw q.Ym.:t.• SHN plwi. MJ/1)6-6010 MJ/�)6-e5J] Client Farr Development Corp Plymouth, MN Project Pleasant Creek Farms Otsego, MN Sheet Title Preliminary Site Plan I ns.er1-Ylr - .4 — .a rririm it ti:,w ..f U. k 1 q. Slot. I Yin.Wc Ya^� o..0 e.1. e7Ae/0 Ulm / deli o— - w... Yr 6..I.wi h• o61e asne/ot Revisions Sheet Nrvislon UFA -1-1-1 �_ •se'C $ E J 3 i irmi b i A a w arAn ! b $){•){' �1±+w x)e.eeeC ITT +° AI N.E.lm-_T-fj"EET ,i P — R+yRMRR A R,7ri, r WIT _ SRYr.� � sWi iC S S DR / ♦ S , J WII9T C M R . �, z I yy y6 , Ry # # RR Ri # �+ A S >:w,: b RR'St : ;7r A E ,1mi iA„ RiAiR R R) xR_ R) xR3 ) lR_ ,imi ^x!• A .. OYILOT ♦ A) R - _ S SRJ , mmT � m r.vn nA N.E. 77TH STREET "^m' r.,R ArolxF IM.m r �m R2A • A kV ANm�•y r°mvt Z nu l Rn9rbT IYm . T�R ,iAiR RiAi'R ,,,,yy A R{ j R) �r}a RRSR -- t Ail — — — —yy (y, 77 O—OT � Y )•� A 3•RaR{7' At1N� iA; GE E« ,Ff4 �. ti�:°� N.E. 76�H�Tfl E�� ��'�. �,� ♦' RtR ,fes•{ // t, Ar R b Jf s 1 1A4 n 111 �•,^�' ;lA mOU: C b ' 11I.E. 77TH STREET PROPERTY DESCRIPTION awl A, --T arm EMYS• -,I ownt7, Ylmmry DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY �� 94 ARG 1.)%•.x1 OU -T. cu-no1. lC]] Ess 4 W. S L<SS 0 less amT o ou-1 Jn,Nxl 4 tfss OUTDi E R Iej{Ji s 2.— Y MET 9rE MEA mr a�uN.a. Jw,7i7 4 L.rs 7 91E Y YNINUY LO NAiRIUY L IE Oi T' I',u. E 4 Ur.ott gOPOYD O(N9r, g05S .R[A ay.sEn rcN9n jERr Mut I � .u. u�r{rs P°d1En $E B!O ] IRML o REM NARY 9a )Aln x] rtn x! rE[r DEVELOPMENT NOTES 1. ALL OWEN90N] AIR —NIM r0 ME NEAREST I.T. i ALL ARFAJ ARF ROA— r0 TIE —­ s. CM s. 1-1 NAYC] AM 9)etGT TO AP — R TrF an. 1. DIIAEIAR M0 uRIT) EASON. R 91At1 BE PR040M 4 R o,,,o. ORyT,1R by UT GSELFNIS Ru r PRa9oE9 9.rR Au weuc uTunL! Rxn w ro 1 Eaor Mme: nrF NroE wTe ttw a Au P099 NORTH o so xoo zoa {oo Enginee)vrng Plonnmq • Surveying x INFRA McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Imm SSV Arun Nnn • R/rurw YwsN• sw.) F-Yae mNRrrRRsnm Cllenl Farr Development Corp. Plrmoulh, MN Project Pleasant Creek Farms Otsego. MN Sheet Till. Preliminary Plat I Nrs �ar1Nm qol 0u Awa Dr r Nr umn W li[i1�0 PrvfutlanN Fnginr 1 nar nR 7 1 N. SIaY 1 Yiulmrs oaw r. Nan oat. mnea! \N { nex T.,�.a Ila a.ar o]t 6v.n E16 ANwnE eN oat. oJnea] Revlsim Sheet RwIsion EXHIBIT C - LANDSCAPE PLAN no ME■E■ iii iiiii ■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■ MESON ■■■ MEMOS some NONE oonsmmommomm �If �f1l.: EE■ME ■■E■M OMENS ■ENEM ■.■EME■O on, C■. moons an O■■NE moil I .Mill ■S■ l■O.■ now M■E■ 1117�7 zl-P'12111 I It .;, JA 16M p'q Jim It Ir 111 I F1 is �rts�.�������������� 'tniiiii=/ � ti iii ra 11111A gill A2 . a a I I . 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Bmd1 Nmh B.imtl YJC q,.tlW or prvp.<d DJe oat. aene,a Revisions Na. Bal. BY R— Sheet Revision EXHIBIT E. FADING PLAN MFRA FILE NO.: 14153 W ✓A�r.r Www / 2-6 SpT�FRNCE a1RAIL ;� a Awurt M$s 'G COMr.. rp SiWu SCMFA y —od E—NL KB PROPOSea ...OR CCN1R¢ rFNLE NOPOSED SPOT EICVAPIXa YlM1.e OPOSED CO✓TOUR 1110- PRSE OPOD CON SEY.LR �»�. /V//I^\v\ NORTH mol soa ju OIiA.MGe Bnrt[, Engineering • Planning • S✓rvey,ng FRA MCComhs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. I.Wi] ISa A,ma. MvfA •RyeP,M ✓ bmn • ISw] C-✓ot :a Client Farr Development Corp. Plymouth, MN Project Pleasant Creek Farms atsego, MN Sheet Title Preliminary Grading Plan I eamcMily IBaI 4e plm .0 :7 a ed >y m. or aier mY dvecl upin:- IAoI Y licem.n p,Rlevwld Em. ands Ne la.s al SIS— al ✓i,n<sala. Siam W. 7%.�ild<_ ✓am. Bmd1 Nmh B.imtl YJC q,.tlW or prvp.<d DJe oat. aene,a Revisions Na. Bal. BY R— Sheet Revision EXHIBIT E. FADING PLAN MFRA FILE NO.: 14153 W ✓A�r.r Www SpT�FRNCE a1RAIL LEGEND M$s 'G COMr.. SiWu SCMFA y —od E—NL PROPOSea ...OR CCN1R¢ rFNLE NOPOSED SPOT EICVAPIXa YlM1.e OPOSED CO✓TOUR 1110- PRSE OPOD CON SEY.LR �»�. /V//I^\v\ NORTH a so too 2Do soa Engineering • Planning • S✓rvey,ng FRA MCComhs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. I.Wi] ISa A,ma. MvfA •RyeP,M ✓ bmn • ISw] C-✓ot :a Client Farr Development Corp. Plymouth, MN Project Pleasant Creek Farms atsego, MN Sheet Title Preliminary Grading Plan I eamcMily IBaI 4e plm .0 :7 a ed >y m. or aier mY dvecl upin:- IAoI Y licem.n p,Rlevwld Em. ands Ne la.s al SIS— al ✓i,n<sala. Siam W. 7%.�ild<_ ✓am. Bmd1 Nmh B.imtl YJC q,.tlW or prvp.<d DJe oat. aene,a Revisions Na. Bal. BY R— Sheet Revision EXHIBIT E. FADING PLAN MFRA FILE NO.: 14153 0/T0y =WR1L 5. 041010 POND A NK -9M o NUA-951.5 6 _ QQ� I■ pp � 1 �E�1[� �r�0 � EIS �Ii� pad �p 11 n�lr I . ��il I■��� DO !god IE�+'d E>Irll'���� �dt LO�cr_Il R t0 � 11\IG1� IE==m1Emil� ==Rosa ' , i' l0 6 • 111 --_-- •�,� w-wu I 1, 1RYL-N•.B / WETLVA D I 192,713 s I I 1 wa 2 J i 2B eI-nEB I i I / 26 / x 3 4 1 11 2 4 I_s �hlii 3= IPZ&` I e III 10 %x_00 11 IS ] 4NeM1 � 2. 110- ' UTILITY NOTES: 1. NSWT., SEMEA MB SMALL BE e MR SON 35 P. Y•EN I.E. 1N. 16' BEEP. BA Y SEWER GREATER MAN 16' BEEP ARB USBMAR 22' OW .—BE BBN ]6 PUG am MRG MAN 2Y BEEP V1 BE OP. 2 sAwTANY SEAxoE ONES SHALL BE •' BR G'PK - SBR 26. ]. WATER mER VES SHALL BE 2' ME 'I(' Co,PEN. •. ALL wAmER 10 BE PUC 0900 Bf,FLOPER SHALL BE RFBR"an FOR ALL T WAMRNAM EARf.YII MAN C. 0 EASIWENR — BE PROD — LLE Mm AS REOWEG NNRIRN EASENENT ROIM SNNl BE x0 EEET N rWM, OORTEAED a anon VRA. 6. BI . TO BE EOeow _ TYPE - LEGEND MOTE, " WOMNANT 00SMC 5t01RR SERER OOSIe1S i tY . N0 WuhNBMA[ AND MW 3x '— WoIO BSERMEIM) EeIBE GFw 6eGS msne lm ew1G na[nInxP E uEM au m PROPOSER YIBIRR er—sT a—� PROPOSED sAelANY SE SERER PROPOSEDy— •�3 — PROPOSED NMeANTNIT • WE VAEYE NORTH� riz7L==:�a e t a I ��l MM I��WQ�I ISI - I� nQl I� - 1CQ�I i 111 0/T0y =WR1L 5. 041010 POND A NK -9M o NUA-951.5 6 _ QQ� I■ pp � 1 �E�1[� �r�0 � EIS �Ii� pad �p 11 n�lr I . ��il I■��� DO !god IE�+'d E>Irll'���� �dt LO�cr_Il R t0 � 11\IG1� IE==m1Emil� ==Rosa ' , i' l0 6 • 111 --_-- •�,� w-wu I 1, 1RYL-N•.B / WETLVA D I 192,713 s I I 1 wa 2 J i 2B eI-nEB I i I / 26 / x 3 4 1 11 2 4 I_s �hlii 3= IPZ&` I e III 10 %x_00 11 IS ] 4NeM1 � 2. 110- ' UTILITY NOTES: 1. NSWT., SEMEA MB SMALL BE e MR SON 35 P. Y•EN I.E. 1N. 16' BEEP. BA Y SEWER GREATER MAN 16' BEEP ARB USBMAR 22' OW .—BE BBN ]6 PUG am MRG MAN 2Y BEEP V1 BE OP. 2 sAwTANY SEAxoE ONES SHALL BE •' BR G'PK - SBR 26. ]. WATER mER VES SHALL BE 2' ME 'I(' Co,PEN. •. ALL wAmER 10 BE PUC 0900 Bf,FLOPER SHALL BE RFBR"an FOR ALL T WAMRNAM EARf.YII MAN C. 0 EASIWENR — BE PROD — LLE Mm AS REOWEG NNRIRN EASENENT ROIM SNNl BE x0 EEET N rWM, OORTEAED a anon VRA. 6. BI . TO BE EOeow _ TYPE - LEGEND MOTE, " WOMNANT 00SMC 5t01RR SERER OOSIe1S tY . N0 WuhNBMA[ AND MW 3x '— WoIO BSERMEIM) EeIBE GFw 6eGS msne lm ew1G na[nInxP E uEM au m PROPOSER YIBIRR er—sT a—� PROPOSED sAelANY SE SERER PROPOSEDy— •�3 — PROPOSED NMeANTNIT • WE VAEYE NORTH� riz7L==:�a Engfn_mq . Planning . Sur *9 FRA McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Esme 2A, Ate.. ]WN •Ar.rq Mw,•. ]SN) P1PN 11!/IH-la,a . b lf]/N!-BSl] [-Apt n/Nein[an Client Farr Development Corp. Plymoulk MN Project Pleasant Creek Farms Otsego, MN Sheet Title Preliminary Utility Plan I RWME [•Airy INeI IM pWi w P N br Iwa. r b•cl .a.Nw v�mR oT a AY) lsm W PrPknind E"9 u•Cn N, N[�n 1 tlN SI�a1R W WM•P•(n NRIn• bu0 1 N•N W. 03A6/01 LkF 1 ram 1 ram bbor�nF6 _WIG lToctN !EN Mom w b row oJl W03A 3�IL0] Revisions Sheol Revision r—� EXHIBIT F: UTILITY PLAN MFM FILE NO.: 14153 ITEM 3.5_ NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 1 April 2003 RE: Otsego — Arbor Creek; EAW Review NAC FILE: 176.02 — 03.06 BACKGROUND Emmerich Development Corporation has submitted an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Arbor Creek development to be located south of 80th Street on either side of MacIver Avenue. The zoning of the subject site is to be divided between the R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District and R-6, Residential Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low Density Multiple Family District. The preliminary plat was approved by the City Council on 10 March 2003 and included 496 single family lots on 208 acres. The subject site is located in the west sanitary sewer service district and is guided for low density residential land use by the Comprehensive Plan. EAWs are processed in accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410 — 4410.7900 and Section 38 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. ANALYSIS Mandatory EAW. The Arbor Creek development requires preparation of a mandatory EAW under Rules Section 4410.4300, Sudp. 19 for a project with more than 250 dwelling units and Subp. 36 for a residential development with lot sizes less than five acres that results in the permanent conversion of 80 or more acres of agricultural land. The preliminary plat approved on 10 March 2003 is contingent upon a finding by the City that the project has no potential significant environmental effects. Processing. The EAW was prepared and submitted for City Staff review. After modifications directed by the City Engineer and our office, the Zoning Administrator signed the EAW and authorized it for distribution. The EAW was published in the EQB Monitor on 17 March 2003 and the 30 day comment period ends 16 April 2003. To date, no comments on the EAW that have been received. The Planning Commission is to hold a pubic hearing to consider the EAW on 7 April 2003. Criteria. As outlined in Section 20-38-3.D.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, the City Council is to base its decision on the need for an EIS and the proposed scope of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the information gathered during the EAW process and on the comments received on the EAW. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.1700, in deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, the following factors are to be considered: a. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects. b. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. C. The extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority. d. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects. The proposed development has been subjected to City review for Comprehensive Plan consistency and conformance with applicable performance standards outlined in the City's Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual as well as the other agency applications outlined in Paragraph 8 of the EAW. Compliance with these policies and performance standards will mitigate any potential significant environmental effects, which are not anticipated. CONCLUSION An EAW has been submitted an processed in accordance with Minnesota Rule Chapter 4410 and Section 38 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance for the proposed Arbor Creek development. The preliminary plat review and EAW indicates that the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects outside of the City's applicable policies or performance standards. As such, we recommend that the project does not that preparation of an EIS will not be required as outlined below. A. Motion to adopt findings that the proposed Arbor Creek does not have potential for significant environmental effects and that preparation of an EIS is not to be required based on a review of the submitted EAW and evidence received, subject to the following condition: 1. The project shall proceed in conformance with the preliminary plat and applicable stipulations approved 10 March 2003 by the City Council. PA B. Motion to adopt findings that the proposed Arbor Creek does have potential for significant environmental effects and that preparation of an EIS is to be required based on a review of the submitted EAW and evidence received (Specific environmental impacts must be cited). PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner John Jackels Dave Nash Cindy Olness