04-21-03 PCNORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: John Glomski / Daniel Licht DATE: 16 April 2003 RE: Otsego — Dahlheimer Acres; Rezoning & Preliminary/Final Plat NAC FILE: 176.02 — 03.12 BACKGROUND Mr. Dennis Dahlheimer, currently owns a 4.05 acre lot located at 8856 Mason Avenue. Mr. Dahlheimer would like to purchase a 65 foot strip of land totaling 1.05 acres to the south of his lot from two lots owned by Mr. John DeMars. All three lots are zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District and are non -conforming in that they don't fall within the allowable 1 to 2.5 acre lot area requirement for lots of record established prior to October 14, 2002. To accommodate the proposed resubdivision of these parcels, the applicants are proposing to rezone the properties from the A-1 District to the A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urban Service District, which doesn't have a 2.5 acre maximum lot area requirement for lots of record. Application has also been made for a preliminary and final plat to add the 1.05 acres to the Dahlheimer property and combine the two existing DeMars property into one lot. Exhibits: A. Site Location Map B. Preliminary / Final Plat Zoning. The current zoning of the subject site is A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District, which was established for the purpose of preserving and maintaining commercial agricultural use. Residential use is allowed in the district, subject to lots being a minimum of 20 acres and at a density no greater than one dwelling per 40 acres. As previously stated, the three lots to be included in the proposed plat are considered existing lawful non -conforming lots in that they were established prior to the effective date of the Zoning Ordinance and fall outside of the 1 to 2.5 acre lot area allowance for residential parcels. The applicant will rezone the entire 8.6 acre site to the A-2 District. The purpose of the rezone is to bring the parcels closer into conformity with the standards of the Zoning Ordinance. The A-2 district does not have a maximum 2.5 acre lot requirement for lots of record prior to October 14, 2002 as does the A-1 district and the A-2 zoning will match the surrounding zoning as well as the intent and direction of the Comprehensive Plan. Section 20-3-21F. of the Zoning Ordinance lists the following factors for the City Council and the Planning Commission to consider when reviewing a request for a rezone: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Land Use Plan directs the subject site for Agriculture, Urban Service reserve use at a density of 4 units per 40 acres. As existing lots of record, the existing two dwellings exceed the number of allowed development rights. The applicant is requesting to replat the three lots two, which corresponds to the number of allowed development rights. The proposed rezoning also lessens the non -conformity of the lots of record with respect to the maximum lot size allowed in the A-1 District. As such, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: Mason Avenue is lined with non-sewered rural development parcels zoned A-2 District. The rezoning of the subject site to an A-2 District designation is consistent with that of the surrounding area and the existing use of the subject properties. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance. Comment: This site consists of three lawful non -conforming lots of record. The rezoing and replating of the lots will lessen the non -conformity in that the A-2 District does not have a 2.5 acre maximum lot area requirement as the A-1 District has, and the replating of the three lots into two will correspond to the number of allowed development rights. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: There will be no change in use. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 2 Comment: Although no specific study has been completed, no negative impact to area property values is anticipated as there will be no change in use. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed Zoning Map amendment will not impact traffic generation as there is no change in use. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, school's, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: There will be no impact upon the City's ability to service this site related to the proposed rezoning. Preliminary / Final Plat. The combination of the three existing parcels and platting into two lots requires a preliminary plat. A final plat is being processed concurrently as allowed by Section 21-3-3.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. • Lot Requirements. The proposed subdivision will meet the minimum lot area, width, and depth requirements for an existing lot of record in the A-2 District. Further, all of the existing buildings on the resulting lots meet setback requirements. • Utilities. The existing uses are served by on-site septic and well systems, which the subdivision will have no effect. The future sale of the DeMars property will trigger a point-of-sale inspection. • Park Dedication. The proposed plat does not trigger park dedication requirements as no new development sites are being created. • Right -Of -Way. The plat provides 40 feet right-of-way for Mason Avenue as a designated collector street. The existing chain link fence that is within the right- of-way will need to be removed as it presents a liability concern for the City. Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Required 1 acre 150 feet 150 feet 65 feet 10 feet 50 feet Proposed Lot 1 5.05 acres 326 feet 675 feet 135 feet 102 feet 300 feet Proposed Lot 2 3.55 acres 235 feet 675 feet 140 feet 31 feet 340 feet • Utilities. The existing uses are served by on-site septic and well systems, which the subdivision will have no effect. The future sale of the DeMars property will trigger a point-of-sale inspection. • Park Dedication. The proposed plat does not trigger park dedication requirements as no new development sites are being created. • Right -Of -Way. The plat provides 40 feet right-of-way for Mason Avenue as a designated collector street. The existing chain link fence that is within the right- of-way will need to be removed as it presents a liability concern for the City. • Easement. There is an existing private 33 foot wide ingress, egress utility easement running east west along the southern portion of Lot 2. This easement provides access to two lots without frontage to Mason Avenue to the east of the subject site. The City does not intend to require this easement to be dedicated for a future public street as its intersection with Mason Avenue would not meet the 500 foot spacing requirement to 87th Street. Easements at the perimeter of the site and overlaying Otsego Creek have also been provided as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. CONCLUSION The purpose of rezoning the site from an A-1 District to an A-2 District is to bring these existing lots of record into greater conformity with the intent and performance requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Through a preliminary and final plat application, Mr. Dahlheimer is proposing to extend his property south, taking a 1.05 acre strip from the adjacent DeMars property, which is to be combined from two parcels into one bringing the properties into greater conformity with the density allowances of the Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the character of surrounding development. As such, our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below: Decision 1: Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the site to be known as Dahlheimer Acres from the A-1 District to the A-2 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. Decision 2: Preliminary / Final Plat A. Motion to approve the Preliminary / Final Plat to be known as Dahlheimer Acres, subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing chain link fence is to be removed from the right-of-way. 2. All rights-of-way, drainage, utility and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Comments of other City Staff. 4 B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Dennis Dahlheimer John DeMars 5 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD titfilg1.1yy}} % eif z-r�.i z•r•i.i goo �h4 � C -� . fIIiy:pRl.r � ij,app;l.} -------- -- I I i V .> I I S I 6 i Y as i° 1 I I JSf 3 i i I � � h I CAI '609 I 11 .40,00.00 S I i • 1\ 1 i. I i i it I� �I •i .. f � I� I I � � ` I q Q I $;I. !r' �� • . j I � ria / I• �, W I ":9\ \\` ' ' ._._._iron__ �a� ti,ruM. i 7j el � i 4 tl I� N • m I �� p .I j II g �,,��. JIM • • s qtr M_�or.tr.ao,i+----- I I � = I I , ss• r �; � . •. 1. .. ._ .... _.r�'sr.?_... -.- I r: � � .. Ai791T1' .3 ,y,•' I s-..4.....-...,1......,.1....:.. _ � s f 7'V ),; .Ai , it Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc,, Inc. April 14, 2003 14r, Mike Robertson City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Rezoning and Plat Review DalUheimer Acres Dear Mike: 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 P.3/9 We have reviewed the Dahlheimer Acres application for rezoning. The proposed drainage easement along the existing creek ranges from 40 to 60 feet wide. We recommend, as a condition of approval, the applicant deed a more unifonn 60 foot drainage easement centered on the existing creels centerline, We have no other comments and recommend approval contingent upon the above condition. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (763) 427-5860, Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Assoc, Inc. Ronald J. Wagner, PE RJW;sjn cc: Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Dermis Dahlheimer Civil C3 Municipgl \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTS (M\ 50=OmemomrS!doe Lan urveyzng or NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission PC: Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Ray Baird FR: Daniel Licht RE: Otsego — Riverpointe; Comprehensive Plan Amendment REPORT DATE: 16 April 2003 APPLICATION DATE: 19 March 2003 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 03.10 CITY FILE: 2003-14 BACKGROUND Orrin Thompson Homes, Inc. has submitted a concept plan for development of 65 single family homes and 80 townhouse buildings on approximately 37 acres located east of the existing Riverpointe subdivision along CSAH 36. The concept plan also provides land for future expansion of the City's east waste water treatment plant and a five acre neighborhood commercial site. The subject site is currently within the Urban Service Area Reserve designated by the Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for agricultural use as an interim land use until such time as the East Sanitary Sewer Service District is expanded and utilities are available. The applicant is requesting a Comprehensive Plan amendment to expand the East Sanitary Sewer Service District to include the subject site and guide the land uses for low density residential, medium-high density residential and commercial based on the submitted concept plan. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Concept Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting amendment of the Comprehensive Plan to guide the subject site for a mix of low-density residential, medium to high density residential and commercial land use. The amendment of the Comprehensive Plan also involves expansion of the east sanitary sewer service district. Expansion of the sanitary sewer service districts is to be based on 11 criteria outlined in the Comprehensive Plan: a. Land to be included in the sanitary sewer service district is not "green acred" or enrolled in an agricultural preservation program. Comment: No information has been provided that the site is in an agriculture preservation program. b. The land lies within one-quarter mile of the sanitary sewer service district boundary or presents environmental problems that can be alleviated by delivery of City water and sewer service. Comment: The subject site is directly adjacent to the boundary of the east sanitary sewer service district. C. The land is located within the designated urban service area reserve. Comment: The subject site is within the Urban Service Area Reserve. d. The potential sewer discharge of the land area to be included is within available capacity limits. Comment: Short term capacity may be limited. However, the City has applied for a permit to expand capacity in the east sanitary sewer service district to 1.0 million gallons per day with planned expansion to 1.5 million gallons per day of capacity. Although the City does not guarantee access to sanitary sewer capacity, service of the subject site is within planned capacity limits. e. The developer shall hold the City harmless should limitations on sewer hook ups be imposed. Comment: Approval of the preliminary plat will be contingent upon a development agreement specifying that sanitary sewer capacity is allocated only for approved final plats that have paid for such service. f. The developer and/or benefiting property owners assume the significant majority of improvement/service costs. 2 Comment. The City has implemented a number of impact fees and charges to ensure that developers assume the majority of costs benefiting new development within the community. g. The land does not qualify as a premature development or subdivision as regulated by the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Comment: Although there may be short term limits on available sanitary sewer capacity to serve the subject site, the City's plans are that necessary capacity would be available within two years for full -buildout. As such, the proposed expansion would not be considered premature under Section 4 of the Subdivision Ordinance. h. Inclusion of the land in the sanitary sewer service district is necessary to achieve a five year supply and respond to a shortage of land to which service is available. Comment: Based upon an estimated flow of 250 gpd. per household, the City would need to add 118 acres to the existing east sanitary sewer service district for utilization of 1.0 million gpd. of capacity, and 554 acres for full use of 1.5 million gpd. If actual flows are closer to the 200 gpd. per household estimated by the City Engineer, the City needs an additional 318 acres to 886 acres of land for residential uses within the east sanitary sewer service district to utilize available capacity. These projections assume that 30 percent of the total capacity would be reserved for commercial and industrial uses. Moratorium. Lands within the East Sewer District are currently subject to a subdivision moratorium for residential development, which would apply to the subject site even if the Comprehensive Plan amendment is approved. The moratorium Ordinance approved by the City Council exempted those projects that had received preliminary plat approval, allowing these subdivisions to continue development until the available sanitary sewer capacity is fully allocated. Riverpointe is one of the approved preliminary plats exempt from the moratorium and there are 44 lots remaining to be final platted. The applicant has proposed transferring exempted 44 lots from the original Riverpointe plat to the subject site. Such a transfer is reasonable based solely on a capacity standpoint provided that the Comprehensive Plan amendment is approved. However, it must be noted that the City Engineer estimates that only 62 RECs remain available for new connections from the current 400,000 gallon per day capacity of the East Waste Water Treatment Plant. Concept Plan. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is based on the concept plan submitted by the applicant. Subdivision of the property would require application for rezoning, preliminary plat and final plat subject to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. The following paragraphs are preliminary comments regarding the concept plan: 3 ■ Land Use. The development of the concept plan would be based on the requirements of three Zoning Districts. The single family uses would be subject to the R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District, which is the standard zoning district applied to low density residential developments and consistent with the zoning of the single family lots for the Riverpointe subdivision. The townhouse elements of the project would be subject to the requirements of the R-6, Residential Townhouse, Quadraminium, and Low Density Multiple Family District. This District would allow for the eight unit back-to-back style buildings as a permitted use, but a PUD -CUP is also required to plat the dwellings in a unit and base lot configuration per Section 20-17-10.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. From a land use standpoint, the proposed townhouse units are appropriate at the intersection of two collector roadways able to accommodate the traffic generated by the use and provide a buffer for the less intense single family uses farther off of the collector street corridors. The five acre commercial site, which would be northeast of the collector streets' intersection would be an appropriate site for a neighborhood commercial use. The uses and requirements of the City's B-1, Neighborhood Business District are sufficiently limited in scope to provide intended service to the area immediately surrounding the commercial site on a convenience basis. The location of the commercial site is on the "going -home" route for much of the future development of the area east of TH 101 and appropriate from a market perspective. ■ Lot Requirements. Based on the zoning districts outlined above, the three elements of the project would be subject to the following lot requirements: Zoning District Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Width Min. Lot Depth Setbacks From Collector Street Front Side Rear From Private Drive R-4 District 12,OOOsf. 75ft. 100ft. 65ft 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. NA R-6 District 5000 sf./ du NA NA 65ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft 25ft. B-1 District 1 acre. 125ft. NA 65ft. 35ft. 10ft 25ft. NA The proposed concept plan has been designed to generally meet these standards. The one exception noted at this time is that a 22 foot setback has been proposed from the private drives for the townhouse dwellings, whereas the City requires 25 feet. The site plan will have to be revised to provide a 25 foot setback. ■ Access. The subject site has frontage to CSAH 36 and there is a stub of 55th Street at the west property line connecting to the Riverpointe subdivision. There will be no direct access to CSAH 36 from the proposed development. The concept plan illustrates a north -south collector street roadway intersecting with CSAR 36. The development is proposed to have three local street connections 4 to this north -south collector street, which the developer will be responsible for constructing. However, Section 21-7-7.N of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 500 foot spacing between street intersections to collector streets. The spacing between the southern two intersections and the spacing from the southern most intersection to CSAH 36 do not meet this requirement. The concept plan will need to be revised as part of a preliminary plat that meets the spacing requirements. ■ Streets. The concept plan illustrates an 80 foot right-of-way for the north -south collector street and 60 foot local street rights-of-way with a 28 foot street section and sidewalk. These design standards are consistent with the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, subject to further review and approval by the City Engineer. The private drives to the townhouse units are designed to a 22 and 24 foot standard, whereas the City requires private drives serving four or more units to be 28 feet wide. The 28 foot wide section allows for parking on one side with adequate fire access. Guest parking stalls, including one half of the private drive are to be provided at a ratio of 0.5 stalls per townhouse dwelling unit. ■ Park Dedication. No land is proposed to be dedicated as part of the proposed development. The City anticipates the need to provide a neighborhood park in this area of the community in the near future. However, such a park is likely more appropriately located to the north of the east waste water treatment plant to provide greater access and maximize the service area. As such, park dedication requirements will be satisfied with a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval. ■ Exception Parcel. There is an approximate five acre exception parcel at the southwest corner of the subject site and the southeast corner of the existing Riverpointe subdivision. Street access to the northwest corner of this parcel was provided to Radford Avenue with the Riverpointe subdivision. A second street connection on the east side of the parcel is shown on the concept plan which will allow for future extension of a street and subdivision of eight single family lots meeting R-4 District requirements. ■ Burial Mound. The applicant has identified an Indian burial mound on the subject site adjacent to CSAH 36. The concept plan would provide that the burial mound is within an outlot for the townhouse common openspace. Measures should be taken through landscaping to protect this site from intrusion. • Utilities. The applicant will be required to prepare a utility plan for the proposed development, which is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Related to sanitary sewer service and the City's long range plans, the applicant has proposed a 10 acre site east of the existing treatment plant property for future expansion. The concept plan would provide that the existing access to the East Waste Water Treatment Plan be removed and utilized as rear yards for single family uses. The existing easement for the discharge pipe would remain. A temporary road would be provided to maintain access to the treatment plant until such time as direct access to the north -south collector street is available. The main issue the City is seeking to avoid is occasionally driving sludge trucks through residential neighborhoods. The suitability of the proposed access is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading. A grading plan will need to be prepared and submitted with the preliminary plat application, subject to City Engineer approval. The grading plan will need to identify all existing wetlands and provide for a 20 foot protective buffer at the perimeter of each wetland. In addition to the 20 foot buffer, a 40 foot principal building setback is required from the delineated edge of all wetlands. CONCLUSION The proposed expansion of the East Sanitary Sewer Service District to include an additional 37 acres abutting the Riverpointe subdivision is consistent with the criteria outlined by the Comprehensive Plan, recognizing the City's current expansion plans. The more immediate issue of limitations on available capacity can be accommodated by transferring the applicant's development rights exempted from the residential subdivision moratorium to the subject site to allow a start of construction. The City's policy that inclusion within the sanitary sewer service district or preliminary plat approval to not guarantee access to sanitary sewer capacity is an acknowledgement that limitations may be placed on sewer hookups in the near future. From a technical land use standpoint, the proposed concept plan provides an appropriate arrangement of land uses that will be compatible with the existing Riverpointe Development and wastewater treatment plant and future development patterns in the area. There are changes required to fully comply with the requirements of the City, which we expect will be made as part of the preliminary plat application. Based on the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, we recommend approval of the applications as outlined below. Decision 1 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment A. Motion to approve a Comprehensive Plan amendment expanding the East Sanitary Sewer Service District to include the subject site and designate low density residential, medium density residential, and commercial uses generally corresponding to the submitted Concept Plan. 31 B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for expansion of the sanitary sewer service district. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Concept Plan A. Motion to approve a subdivision concept plan for 37 acres subject to the following conditions: 1. Inclusion of the subject site shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer capacity. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Development of the property is subject to City approval of (but not limited to) applications for Zoning Map amendment, preliminary plat and PUD - CUP and final plat. 3. A limited exemption from the current moratorium for residential subdivision within the East Sanitary Sewer Service District shall be subject to City Council approval of a transfer of 44 development rights from the Riverpoine preliminary plat. 4. The preliminary plat is to provide a minimum of 500 feet of space between street intersections to the north -south collector street. 5. Private drives serving four or more units shall be 28 feet wide and those serving three or less units shall be 24 feet wide. A 25 foot setback from the back -of -curb to the townhouse dwellings adjacent to private drives shall be provided. 6. Park dedication requirements will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval. 7. All street, grading, drainage, and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. 7 NAC Z"K M�A'■P D■■AV1 PROVDED BY PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLYAND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD i I �I I I I ¢a FUTURE a WWTP EXPANSION 1•i-c.m�mq i i I NORTf! � Z I..a- O� ) it I FUTURE RESIDENTIAL j I (D --. u. Lam' C✓2. A+rs+ LOCATION ANP Irk-. 1 I PROPOSED ZONING: Ri u MINIMUM LOT WIDTH = 75 FT (O.T. is requesting BO A width) MINIMUM LOT AREA = 12.000 SF MINIMUM LOT DEPTH = 100 FT SETBACK FROM COUNTY ROAD - 65 FT OR 130 FT FROM CL FYSB = 35 FT SYSO = 10 FT FUTURE RYSB = 20 FT RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY - 22 FT FROM BACK OF CURB ROW WIDTH = 60 FT C -D -S ROW RADIUS - 60 FT 50 FT RADIUS TO BACK OF CURB 33 FT B-8 STREET WIDTH OR 2B' B -B STREET WIDTH w/SIDEWALK COLLECTOR STREET =6P ROW 45 FT B-8 STREET WIDTH 65 SINGLE FAMILY 10 - B UNIT LODGES FUTURE RESIDENTIAL / J FUUTURE T COAw1PARCEL OEYEVEl11PMENT EX to W v 0 O O u w z a 0 z a w ° 0 0 U Z LU X 2 ZN Z U 0 IY O onAwe cec�o CONCEPfa HIBIT B Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 ASSOC., Inc. Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 April 15, 2003 Mr. Mike Robertson City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Concept Plan Review Lahn Property Dear -Mike: We have reviewed the Lahn Property Concept Plan. Our comments are as follows: Include centerline horizontal curve data on the plan. The collector street curves need to meet Mn/DOT design criteria. In addition, tangents of at least 100 feet need to be introduced between reverse curves. 2. On the local streets, the minimum roadway centerline curvature shall have a 250 foot radius. Some of the curves appear to not meet this requirement. 3. The multi -family streets shall be 28 feet wide from back of curb instead of the 22 to 24 feet shown. 4. The multi -family street that "Y's" should be reevaluated and designed as the other streets. We have no other comments and recommend approval contingent upon the above conditions. If you have any questions, you may contact me at 763-427-5860. Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson As ociates, Inc. J. RJW:dlc cc: Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Ray Baird, Orrin Thompson Homes Civil crMunicipal �� Engineering G:\Municipal\AOTSEGO2000\2500\2003\ot2500mrizo,04&aygdvg for NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St, Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 962.696.9636 Facsimile: 962.696.9837 plannors@nac;planning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht RE: Otsego — Kittredge Crossing; Rezoning / Preliminary Plat DATE: 17 April 2003 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 03.08 City Staff is requesting that the Planning Commission open the public hearing for a Zoning Map amendment and preliminary plat for Kittredge Crossing and continue the hearing until 5 May 2003. The applicant and City Staff met on 17 April 2003 to discuss issues identified during the project review. The applicant is to revise their plans and submit them for a second review by 25 April 2003 for presentation to the Planning Commission. The continuation of the public hearing will not impact the applicant's schedule as EAW processing requirements meant that the City Council could not consider the applications prior to their meeting on 12 May 2003. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions on this matter prior to the Planning Commission meeting on 21 April 2003. Pc- Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Lucinda Gardner Mike Gair Dave Nash