06-16-03 PCITEM 4_1_ NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 10 June 2003 RE: Otsego — Apex Building Center; Zoning Text Amendment NAC FILE: 176.02 — 03.19 BACKGROUND Apex Building Center, located in the Otsego Industrial Park south of 1-94 along CSAH 37, has a potential tenant interested in establishing a basketball facility within a portion of the existing warehouse building. The subject site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. The proposed use would be defined as a commercial recreation use. Such uses are not listed as a permitted, accessory, interim or conditional use within the 1-2 District. The applicant is requesting a text amendment to make allowance for the proposed use within the 1-2 District. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Floor Plan ANALYSIS Use. The applicant's proposed use is for a basketball training facility to occupy a portion of the warehouse space within the 131,104 square foot building. As the proposed use is not allowed in the 1-2 District, consideration of a text amendment is necessary. It should also be noted that a commercial recreation use has occupied (illegally) the JKO Holdings Building on Queens Avenue. Many communities will make allowance in industrial districts for recreational uses such as gymnastics academies, soccer associations, etc., due to the space needs of the particular use. Primary issues raised in allowing such uses within industrial areas include increased parking demand and the interaction of pedestrians, passenger vehicle traffic and large truck traffic. Issues related to site function are address with standardized performance requirements such as off-street parking ratios. Communities approach the compatibility issue differently allowing the recreational use either as a permitted use (Maple Grove) assuming that any potential negative impacts are to the recreational use rather than the industrial use. The other approach used to make allowance for recreational uses is as a conditional use (Plymouth). Because of the land use compatibility issue, we recommend a conditional use approach if recreational uses are to be allowed within the 1-2 District or other industrial districts of the City. Amendment. Based on the preceding discussion, we have outlined draft language for the Planning Commission to consider that would allow for indoor commercial recreation as a conditional use within the 1-2 District. We would also suggest consideration be given to allowing the same use conditionally within the 1-1 and 1-3 Districts as well because of the similar nature of each district. K. Physical recreation or training facilities provided that: 1. Hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. 2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic, shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading stalls are is provided in compliance with Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter. 4. All signs and information and visual communications devises shall be in compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The provisions of Section 20-4-2.1' of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. Site Plan. Application of the performance standards allowing a physical recreation use at the subject site raises the following issues: Access. The subject site has three access points to Jansen Avenue. All of the access points are appropriately spaced from one another and from the 2 intersection of Jansen Avenue and CSAH 37. No access related issues are anticipated. ■ Parking. The approved site plan the Apex Building Center provides for 175 parking stalls under a proof -of -parking agreement deferring construction of 40 required parking stalls. The table below illustrates the parking requirements for the existing office and warehouse uses along with the requirement for the recreational use identified by the American Planning Association: Use Floor Area Office 20,160sf. Requirement 3 stalls + 1 stall / 200sf. Required Stalls 111 Warehouse 98,114sf. 1 stall / 1,000sf. 88 Recreation 12,800sf. 5 stalls / court or hoop 25 TOTAL 224 Based on the conversion of the warehouse space to recreational use, nine additional parking stalls would be required. Unless there is evidence of demand, we would recommend that the existing proof -of -parking agreement be amended to specify that the City may require 224 parking stalls and not require construction of additional parking at this time. • Signs. No plans have been submitted for signs related to the proposed use. Signs for the building are limited to 15% of the total wall area and one freestanding sign not to exceed 100 square feet. Installation of any temporary or permanent signs on the property requires conformance with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and a sign permit prior to construction. ■ Utilities. The subject site is served by on-site well and septic systems. Any impact to these systems through the change in use of floor area from warehousing to recreation will be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Criteria. The request to amend the Zoning Ordinance and application for a CUP under the proposed language is to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Sections 20-3-2.17 and 20-4-25 of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment. The Comprehensive Plan encourages development of a land use pattern based on functionally related uses being clustered together. Implementation of this goal is accomplished through the range of uses allowed in the City's several zoning districts, which seek to allow for a range of similar, compatible uses to locate within a given area. Allowance of a recreational use in the 1-2 District burrs the lines between commercial and industrial development. However, the characteristics of such recreational uses tend to be similar to that 3 of industrial uses with high spatial requirements and relative low intensity of people. In that the proposed use also allows for expanded employment and service opportunities within the City, accommodation is appropriate. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The compatibility of a recreational use within industrial districts can be addressed as part of a conditional use permit review process to determine no impact to traffic, parking, site function or adjacent land uses. The specific proposal for the Apex Building Center raises no potential compatibility issues. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment. The existing Apex Building Center received site and building plan approval in 1999. The change in floor area from warehouse to recreation use also conforms to all applicable performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed amendment will allow for increased business and service opportunities within the City of Otsego responsive to the spatial needs of these particular uses. The proposed recreation use at this location will further allow for full -utilization of an existing building. The applicant's requests on both issues are positive. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment. The proposed use is likely to have different traffic generation characteristics than a typical industrial use. However, the subject site is access via an improved street designed to the City's commercial and industrial street standard. Jansen Avenue connects immediately adjacent to the subject site with CSAH 37, which is designated as a minor arterial by the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. 4 Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. CONCLUSION The proposed location of a commercial recreational use in an industrial district is related to the space needs of certain types of these uses which have been recognized in other communities. Provided that all of the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance are complied with, we believe that such uses would be appropriate not only in the 1-2 District, but the 1-1 and 1-3 Districts as well. As such, we recommend approval of the application as outlined below. Decision 1 — Zoning Text Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance text amendment allowing for indoor commercial recreation uses in the 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 Districts in the form attached hereto based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the proposed use is incompatible with the purpose of the 1-2 District and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. Decision 2 — Conditional Use Permit A. Motion to approve site plans for Apex Building Center with an indoor commercial recreation tenant, subject to the following conditions: 1. All conditions of the site and building plan approval by the City Council on 13 December 1999 remain in full force and effect. 2. The proof -of -parking agreement between the City and the applicant dated 24 May 2000 is amended to specify a parking requirement of 224 parking stalls based on the proposed mix of uses of the building and Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. All signs shall conform to the requirements of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the installation of any permanent or temporary sign shall require approval of a sign permit prior to construction. 4. All on-site utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the proposed use is not allowed in the 1-2 District. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Dino Burge 0 NAC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO ALLOW FOR PHYSICAL RECREATION USES AS A CONDITIONAL USE WITHIN THE CITY'S SEVERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 20-85-6 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provisions: G. Physical recreation or training facilities provided that: 1. Hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. 2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic, shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading stalls are is provided in compliance with Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter. 4. All signs and information and visual communications devises shall be in compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The provisions of Section 20-4-2.F of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. Section 2. Section 20-86-6 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provisions: K. Physical recreation or training facilities provided that: 1. Hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. EXHIBIT B 2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic, shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading stalls are is provided in compliance with Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter. 4. All signs and information and visual communications devises shall be in compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The provisions of Section 20-4-21 of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. Section 3. Section 20-87-6 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provisions: G. Physical recreation or training facilities provided that: 1. Hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. 2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic, shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading stalls are is provided in compliance with Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter. 4. All signs and information and visual communications devises shall be in compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The provisions of -Section 20-4-21 of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. 2 PASSED by the Otsego City Council this day of , 2003. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk Fav • 1 . 2003 ; 1 :4oPM.--�_L.ang Haul Trucking, Inc • 1 1 I ONO A !p } } LLJ ,� � •; 111 , ; I � EX. WAREHOUSE w FFE 971.0 50095 5F � pogo t I ' ' t }r 1 } --------- - -----1 IIS I j O i w� f3 PROPOSED ADDITION ---- '------- AF I�Q•II qO 1 i �i ✓'"g66� C— ItI(j. TiI 11 tt X, N o • 9131;; P . 2/2' ,� .. , IN 1 Is Fewl ! i ! LIJJ O! di O,IC J / ---6TH ST. f � NE J _ ��..�-=-- 1�. z4 MUINOMs 90#b S 89'42'1 .._ (C.S.A.H. No. 37) EXHIBIT D rso C E R 7416 •477A7A BOMATA ,I. aurin wt w-,AAPOW ITEM 4.2_ NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 11 June 2003 RE: Otsego —Watertower #2; Rezoning/CUP NAC FILE: 176.08-03. BACKGROUND The City of Otsego has initiated a rezoning and conditional use permit application to allow for construction of the City's Watertower #2 on a one -acre parcel located along 70th Street east of Kadler Avenue. Watertower #2 is being developed as part of the municipal sanitary sewer and water system for the west sanitary sewer service district. The subject site is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The City has initiated the rezoning of the property to INS, Institutional District consistent with other municipal utility facilities within the City. Municipal utility structures are allowed as a conditional use within the INS District. A reduction in the required minimum lot size is also being considered as part of the CUP application. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Elevations Zoning. Government utility buildings are allowed as a conditional use in the A-1 District. The City also has established an INS, Institutional District for the specific purpose of locating public service facilities. Municipal facilities such as the watertower are also allowed in the INS District by conditional use permit. Site Plan. The subject site has direct access to 70th Street, which is designated as a collector street by the Comprehensive Plan. Watertower #2 will generate minimal traffic and will not cause any congestion with direct access to this roadway. The 24 foot wide driveway and the surface surrounding Watertower#2 is proposed as gravel, which is allowed by Section 20-21- 4.H.12.c. No site improvements beyond the structure and gravel surface are proposed. The area outside of the gravel surface will be grass as the structure height precludes and meaningful screening. The table below illustrates the lot requirements of the INS District. The proposed water tower site meets all of the applicable lot requirements except the minimum lot area. Section 20-90-6.1 of the Zoning Ordinance allows for a reduction in the minimum lot area as a conditional use provided that compatibility with surrounding uses is maintained. Watertower #2 will have almost no on-site activity and no compatibility issues are anticipated due to the reduced lot area. Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Re uired 5 ac. None 65ft. 50ft. 50ft. Proposed 1 ac. 21 Oft. 75ft. 80ft. 80ft. Structure. Watertower #2 has been designed to a peak height of 157 feet with a 52 foot wide base and 74 foot wide tank. Structures in the INS District are limited to a height of 3 stories or 40 feet. However, Section 20-17-3.13 exempts structures such as Watertower #2 from the zoning district height limitations. All of the necessary facilities for Watertower #2 are within the structure. Watertower #2 will be similar in appearance to the colors on Watertower #1 along TH 101. The base and tank sections will be painted a natural buff color and a 1,000 square foot City logo will be painted on the tank with blue lettering on the southeast and northwest sides to be visible from 1-94. Criteria. Evaluation of the rezoning and the CUP applications is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Sections 20-3-2.F and 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan establishes the west sanitary sewer service district for the purposes of accommodating anticipated growth with a compact, urban form with staged expansion polices to manage development, provide for a balance of residential use types and increase commercial and industrial development with the availability of sanitary sewer and water services. The proposed Watertowner #2 facility is an essential service necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan policies. 2 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site was selected based upon topography and the design of the water system to balance the watertower with planned well locations. The area surrounding Watertower#2 is agricultural. The area is planned for future commercial and business warehouse uses as part of the Kittredge Crossings PUD master plan. The proposed watertower is an incidental structure to urban development and is not anticipated to cause any compatibility issues. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed use conforms to all applicable performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Construction of Watertower #2 is necessary to implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for development of the west sanitary sewer service district. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment. Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to generate any significant traffic. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use will contribute to the City's service capacity. CONCLUSION The proposed Watertower #2 site is an essential service necessary to implement the City's plans for the west sanitary sewer service district. As such, we recommend approval of the applications as outlined below: 3 Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment 1. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning approximately one acre from A-1 District to INS District for the purpose of constructing Watertower #2 based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Motion to table the request. Decision 2 — CUP 1. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for construction of a municipal watertowner and reduction in minimum lot area within the INS District based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. 2. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner 4 WATER TREATMENT PLANT/ PUMP HOUSE #3 WELL PUMPS #4 & #59 AND FUTURE WELL C.O.P. NO. 03-04 I. WINK I'M pal E � ..111u 4111�11��1��.'�i ,�►�.,�,�_,K �����:�, .'1 Ii-,.l''ee:iY-, �l. m �JY.1��"e-..rsz�mn3vF- ME? It Inny N.G�L...+.�+1- ?�v C tia9j4J"'. ��1•i I/ CAP ���1���I?� - �_ III ,.I'll��_- I sa M AM ' S : ��2II .. r_��. ON m �� . �i \J I� I \ PROPOSED / TOWER / / N ♦`1 C VEE 1 MACE / \ 1 RRA - -__ __ L I' R i .E— nuc ..D Cp Ec, 10 E.R1NC V411E Ow ND vw flw --- -- ------ 11 ---------------- 1:2---------7---------------- j-- ------�_- - - - - - - 70TH STREET N.E. MINNESOTA—UP-4BTMf-NT OF TfA1SPOP-TALON RIGHj—QF WAY PLAT NO. 86-5 LEGEND CluS1Nt CGI10 —963 PRDNSED C—OAS (> ER ID N GNDNK) 70 0 20 a0 SUa[ M ICf> ba�aM mr N's pe.. 'r.pvl • pafvM SECTION A -A 2f n. E b- ACGRE CUSS 5 PUCCp Dll APP.OVCD SUwAAOE ll'PICAL SECTION GRAVEL DRNEWAY AND PARKING LOT `�" Ankerson Anderson w5 _ Assoc.,Inc ICII EXHIBIT B W 0!. e00) - 1.2fpn x. „ae �^iV� p.Pu)•,01]�1\Y.f\015ia10 SITE GRADING PLAN I G6 ELEVATED STORAGE TANK AND TOWER G CITY OF OTSEGO.-"ESOIA 8 I I' R i .E— nuc ..D Cp Ec, 10 E.R1NC V411E Ow ND vw flw --- -- ------ 11 ---------------- 1:2---------7---------------- j-- ------�_- - - - - - - 70TH STREET N.E. MINNESOTA—UP-4BTMf-NT OF TfA1SPOP-TALON RIGHj—QF WAY PLAT NO. 86-5 LEGEND CluS1Nt CGI10 —963 PRDNSED C—OAS (> ER ID N GNDNK) 70 0 20 a0 SUa[ M ICf> ba�aM mr N's pe.. 'r.pvl • pafvM SECTION A -A 2f n. E b- ACGRE CUSS 5 PUCCp Dll APP.OVCD SUwAAOE ll'PICAL SECTION GRAVEL DRNEWAY AND PARKING LOT `�" Ankerson Anderson w5 _ Assoc.,Inc ICII EXHIBIT B W 0!. e00) - 1.2fpn x. „ae �^iV� p.Pu)•,01]�1\Y.f\015ia10 SITE GRADING PLAN I G6 ELEVATED STORAGE TANK AND TOWER G CITY OF OTSEGO.-"ESOIA 8 CENTE LOGO N 67'30' W GO 45'00' E ORIENTATION NO SCALE C 37' I 1 b N EXHIBIT C 1 GRID SQUARE = 2' 74' Hakonson TANK LETTERING DETAIL G4 of 8 Anderson ELEVATED STORAGE Assoc.,Inc. TANK & TOWER FILE: OT514 CITY OF OTSFCO MINNFCr1TA nCTF- 1/GAru 'Mnl NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED ITEM 4.3_ CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 11 June 2003 RE: Otsego — West WWTP; CUP NAC FILE: 176.08 — 03.06 BACKGROUND The City of Otsego has initiated an application for a conditional use permit for construction of the West Wastewater Treatment Plant to be located adjacent to Otsego Creek west of Kadler Avenue near 77th Street. The Wastewater Treatment Plant site includes the wastewater treatment plant, Well #5 and Lift Station #3. The subject site is zoned INS, Institutional District which allows for municipal utility structures as a conditional use. The subject site is also within the Shoreland Overlay District of Otsego Creek. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Elevations Zoning. Government utility buildings are allowed as a conditional use an INS, Institutional District, which was established for the specific purpose of locating public service facilities. Lot Requirements. The table below illustrates the lot requirements of the INS District. Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Re wired WWTP 5 ac. 23 ac. None 66 ft. 35ft. 200ft. 50ft. 50ft. 200ft. 200ft. The subject site is approximately 23 acres in size to accommodate the proposed treatment plant, lift station and well. The Waste Water Treatment Plant exceeds the setback requirements of the INS District due to a MPCA requirement that the facility provide a 200 foot perimeter setback. Lift Station #3 and Well #5 are located in the northeast portion of the site. Both structures are primarily below ground. Liftstation #3 is setback approximately 55 feet from the closest lot line, whereas Well #3 is setback 5 feet from the closest lot line, which is shared with the park parcel. In that the well is near another City property, a reduction in the setback as part of the CUP is not an issue. Access. Although the property has access via 75th Street off of the frontage road to CSAH 19, a driveway will be provided to 77th Street through the abutting park parcel being dedicated with the Arbor Creek plat. The driveway accessing the site will be a gravel surface with a gate at the 77th Street curb cut. A crossing of Otsego Creek is necessary for the driveway and subject to DNR approval. WWTP Structures. The WWTP consists of several buildings, structures and ditches for the processing of collected waste water. Although elevations have not been prepared, the intent is to construct the above ground buildings with a traditional barn -like appearance to make it more compatible with existing and planned residential uses surrounding the site. The above ground sludge storage tank is also to use a formed concrete surface such as field stone to improve its appearance. Landscaping. There is existing vegetation along Otsego Creek, but the subject site is free from significant tree cover as it was used for agriculture production. Further, the topography of the site is such that the WWTP will be higher than surrounding lands to the east and north. A landscaping plan should be prepared to provide for perimeter plantings of coniferous and deciduous trees to provide long-term screening. A variety of shrubs or a defined hedge may also be provided at Lift Station #3 and Well #5 to screen them from view. Criteria. Evaluation of the rezoning and the CUP applications is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Sections 20-3-2.F and 20-4-25 of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan establishes the west sanitary sewer service district for the purposes of accommodating anticipated growth with a compact, urban form with staged expansion polices to manage development, provide for a balance of residential use types and increase commercial and industrial development with the availability of sanitary sewer and water services. The 2 proposed facilities are incidental to this development plan as an essential service. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site was selected based upon topography andproximity to Otsego Creek which is the discharge point for the treated water. There is an existing block of single family dwellings to the west and the area to the north, east and south is planned for residential uses served by municipal sanitary sewer and water. The City's east WWTP was constructed and low density urban residential uses have developed directly adjacent to the site. The City has not experienced any compatibility issues related to the proximity of the east WWTP and abutting residential uses. In that the proposed west WWTP is the same design as the existing facility, we foresee no compatibility issues with the proposed location. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed use conforms to all applicable performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Construction of these facilities is necessary to implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for development of the west sanitary sewer service district. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to generate any significant traffic. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use will contribute to the City's service capacity. 3 CONCLUSION The proposed West Waste Water Treatment Plant site that includes Lift Station #3 and Well #3 is an essential service necessary to implement the City's plans for the west sanitary sewer service district. As such, we recommend approval of the conditional use permit as outlined below: Decision 1 — CUP A. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for construction of a municipal waste water treatment plant, lift station and well within the INS District, subject to the following conditions: 1. A landscape plan is prepared that provides for a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees at the perimeter of the property to screen the facility from view of adjacent parcels. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the request. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner 4 �m S WATER TREATMENT PLANT/PUMP HOUSE#3 WELL ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS d ABBREVIATIONS E2. ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN PUMPS ELECTRICAL PLAN #4 & #51 AND E5. MCC SCHEMATICS FUTURE PANEL SCHEMATICS E7. ELECTRICAL DETAIL k SCHEMATICS EB. - 5CADA SYSTEM VICINITY MAP WELL SCADA SYSTEM E10. SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS \ C.O.P. NO. 03-04 CITY OF OTSEGO SHEET INDEX AND DRAINAGE PLAN PLAN 'LAN TIC FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN OOR LAYOUT PLAN PIPING SECTION A -A PIPING SECTION B -B PIPNG SECTION C -C PIPING SECTION D -D PIPING SECTION E -E PIPING SECTION F -F JLS IETAILS S HEMICAL FEED DETAILS 1G ELEVATION IG ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION PIPE PROFILE PUMPHOUSE AND WATER TREATMENT M1. MECHANICAL PN U M2. MECHANICAL PUN E1. ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS d ABBREVIATIONS E2. ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E3. ELECTRICAL PLAN E4.MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ONE UNE DIAGRAM E5. MCC SCHEMATICS E6.CONTROL PANEL SCHEMATICS E7. ELECTRICAL DETAIL k SCHEMATICS EB. - 5CADA SYSTEM VICINITY MAP E9. SCADA SYSTEM E10. SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS El 1. SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS E12.SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS E13. SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS EXHIBIT A I her. by certify that Ih;s plan, specification, or rePart — prepared 6y MO Of under my direct auperv'n�on and thatI am a duly Licensed Pralesaional Engineer ander the lees pf lM Slpte of Min—w. WILLIAM L. MORRIS PE. Dote XXXX No. 41600 SHEET 1 OF 22 SHEETS aP• 4T, ice:. e: w,. � u_n!•I�n! p•ej•:la'•,a Tsle';e.�•.CTSISCCv.a. N Ile `�� f ICL9C9-If9 :>•f �r � r�M� � Mild . _ •�.. A Lw �. <,.� >„ �x,..4aN sR2 o xtngv� 1N3ruv3al M31VM315VM 153M � Ih ..,. .s., ,f.a, ...... � .... a.M aU40r no"in•d is �+°a� VIOS3NNIW '003S10 V ti•a�� a a D F-� ,- VA _..---------------- --------------_ -------------- ------ ---------- ITEM 4-4_ NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 11 June 2003 RE: Otsego — Pump House #3 / Well #4; Rezoning/CUP NAC FILE: 176.08-03. BACKGROUND The City of Otsego has initiated a rezoning and conditional use permit application to allow for construction of the City's Pump House #3 and Well #4 on Outlot A of the Pleasant Creek Farms subdivision along 77"' Street, adjacent to the existing Beaudry Addition. Pump House #3 is being constructed for the water system in the west sanitary sewer service district. The subject site is currently zoned R-6, Townhouse, Quadraminium, and Low Density Multiple Family District. Pump House #3 provides for treatment of the municipal water supply and pressurization. The City has initiated the rezoning of the property to INS, Institutional District where municipal utilities are allowed as a conditional use consistent with other existing or planned municipal utility facilities within the City. Consideration of the CUP also includes a reduction in the required minimum lot size. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Elevations Zoning. Government utility buildings are allowed as a conditional use in the R-6 District. However, the City specifically established the INS, Institutional District for the purpose of locating public service facilities. Municipal facilities such as Pump House #3 are allowed in the INS District by conditional use permit. Site Plan. The subject site has frontage to 77th Street and Landcaster Avenue, which will be constructed by the developer of the Pleasant Creek Farms plat. The Pump House is not occupied each day and will generate minimal traffic without causing any congestion with direct access to these local streets. The driveways are proposed as asphalt surfaces. No site improvements beyond the structure and driveway surface are proposed. A landscaping plan should be prepared consistent with that proposed for Pleasant Creek Farms for the west property line. The table below illustrates the lot requirements of the INS District. The proposed water tower site meets all of the applicable lot requirements except the minimum lot area. Section 20-90-6.1 of the Zoning Ordinance allows for a reduction in the minimum lot area and Section 20-32-5 allows for a reduction in setbacks as a conditional use provided that compatibility with surrounding uses is maintained. Pump House #3 will have almost no on-site activity and no compatibility issues are anticipated due to the reduced lot area or setbacks as they will be consistent with those applied to the Pleasant Creek Farms subdivision. Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Required 5.0 ac. None 35ft. 35ft./ 50ft. 50ft. Proposed 0.4 ac. 11 Oft. 77ft. 44ft. / 33ft. 25ft. Structure. Pump House #3 is a 1,530 square foot one storey building with all of the necessary facilities for in the structure. The building is finished with a brick fagade and asphalt shingles intended to be compatible with the design of the townhouse dwellings being constructed with the Pleasant Creek Farms subdivision. Criteria. Evaluation of the rezoning and the CUP applications is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Sections 20-3-21 and 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan establishes the west sanitary sewer service district for the purposes of accommodating anticipated growth with a compact, urban form with staged expansion polices to manage development, provide for a balance of residential use types and increase commercial and industrial development with the availability of sanitary sewer and water services. The proposed Pump House #3 and Well #4 is an essential service necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan policies. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 2 Comment. To the west of the subject site are existing single family dwellings on one -acre lots. We recommend the landscaping proposed along the west plat line of Pleasant Creek Farms be continued to the subject site to provide screening for the existing development. Development of townhouse dwellings will surround the other three sides of the subject site. The limited activity of the use and the design of the site and building are anticipated to ensure compatibility. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed use conforms to all applicable performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Construction of Pump House #3 is necessary to implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for development of the west sanitary sewer service district. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment. The proposed use is not anticipated to generate any significant traffic. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is anticipated to contribute to the City's service capacity. CONCLUSION The proposed Pump House #3 and Well #4 site is an essential service necessary to implement the City's plans for the west sanitary sewer service district. The site and buildings have been designed in consideration of surrounding uses to ensure compatibility. As such, we recommend approval of the applications as outlined below: 3 Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning approximately one acre from A-1 District to INS District for the purpose of constructing Pump House #3 and Well #4 based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the request. Decision 2 — CUP A. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for construction of Pump House #3 and Well #4 based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, subject to the following conditions: 1. A landscape plan is implemented consistent with the plantings for the west plat line of Pleasant Creek Farms. 2. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Il WATER TREATMENT PLANT/PUMP HOUSE # 3 WELL PUMPS WELL /5 SITE PLAN #4 & #51 AND G5. HYDROPNEUMAnC FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN FUTURE WELL � C.O.P. NO. 03-04 CITY OF OTSEGO Hakonson Anderson Assoc.,Inc. SHEET INDEX G7. TITLE SHEET G2. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN G3. WELL /5 SITE PLAN G4. FOUNDATION PLAN G5. HYDROPNEUMAnC FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN G6. FILTRATION FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN G7. ROOF PLAN G8. BUILDING AND PIPING SECTION A -A G9. BUILDING AND PIPING SECTION B -B GIO. BUILDING AND PIPING SECTION C -C GII. BUILDING AND PIPING SECTION D-0 C72 -BUILDING AND PIPING SECTION E -E CIS. BUILDING AND PIPING SECTION F -F G14. BUILDING DETAILS G15. STRUCTURAL DETAILS G16. PIPING DETAILS G17. PIPING AND CHEMICAL FEED DETAILS G18. SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION G19. XORTH BUILDING ELEVATION C20. EAST BUILDING ELEVATION C21. WEST BUILDING ELEVATION G22.. LN51DE WATER PIPE PROFILE PUMPHOUSE AND WATER TREATMENT M1. MECHANICAL PLAN M2. MECHANICAL PUN Et. ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS k ABBREVIATIONS E2. ELECTRICAL SITE PUN U. ELECTRICAL PUN E4. MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ONE UNE DIAGRAM E5. MCC SCHEMATICS E6. CONTROL PANEL SCHEMATICS E7. ELECTRICAL DETAIL k SCHEMATICS Ell . '- SCADA SYSTEM VICINITY MAP E9. SCADA, SYSTEM E10. SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS E11. SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS E12. SCALIA PANEL SC"ELAnCS E13. SCADA PANEL SCHEMATICS EXHIBIT A I here by certify that this pion, ap.co—tion, o repon w prepared aneaof o d o a l air.ct ..Pe m.. d t Profen .—I En Y Licensed ander the lar] of the State .( Minn snots. WILLIAM L MORRIS P.L Dal. xxxx Ui Na. 41600 SHEET 1 OF 22 SHEETS w ar, :C0. - Clpu -•'i•1w r+i.�a•,olv.'•.a.e,dnlrcor �. Y r � S QQ Y o C ^aN W �wi3 q oDO �aao naVO 4F HNC (Sg S a ouv� 1 Frm3 9 C a a I � q 01 0+00 t+00 o 1 14 + N W a • o � � i i pool � � / , / S �}1.33i m trcl nozl 1 B ,gocc I I I I I F. w ! I a 41 I P- OHU OHU) � OH i HUOHU L o � w z mal 1 a Y 5 iq oIn Y k NITA NAURD SIGN__. (CHLORINE GAS AND FLUORIDE) SOUTH ELEVATION EXHIBIT C