ITEM 5.2ITEM 5.2 CITY MIN NEie v tSfl TA TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: November 11, 2015 RE: 2015-16 Winter Program Guide Background: Staff is currently putting together program information for the 2015-16 Winter Program guide. Some of the new features that we are including are things like adding actual pictures to the layout and senior programming information. The front page of the program guide will include pictures and information about some of the new additions to the parks and recreation department. The new addition is the Senior Center Program Guide that is now included with the Parks and Recreation Program Guide. This will ensure that all of the senior center information will make its way into each household in the City of Otsego. Staff has also included new programs in the guide, these programs include open gym at Kaleidoscope Carter School on Sunday nights, Daddy -Daughter Dance in February and Health Expo also in February. Adult fitness is one class that the department has seen consistent growth over the past year. Our instructor has worked hard with our participants to offer challenging, fun classes. Another program that is again in the Winter Program Guide is the Otsego Park & Rec Days at the Holiday Inn Water Park. This was one of the Department's first programs and was quite popular. The Holiday Inn has changed some of their policies which now allows us to offer this program once again. You may also notice that we are contracting with a new company to offer our cheer leading classes, the company's name is Cheer Extreme. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and make suggestions on program ideas for the 2015-16 Winter Program Guide.