07-07-03 WSITEM 3_2_ CITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF JULY 7, 2003 8:OOPM JOINT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Discussion of East Waterfront Proposal Roll Call: City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, and Virginia Wendel. Planning Commission: Chair Richard Nichols, Commissioners Steve Schuck, Ken Fry, David Thompson, and Carl Swenson. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson and City Planner Dan Licht. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 8:00 P.M. Present representing LandCor, developer of Waterfront East, were Bob Fields, Audie Tarpley, and Steve Fischer. LandCor presented slides of a variety of LifeStyle Center developments similar to what they want to do in Waterfront East. Among them were Arbor Lakes, Chaska Commons, Plymouth Station, Tamarack Village, etc. LandCor has also hired McCombs & Associates to do a market study for the area. This study showed that the average household income in the trade area is $60-65,000. Council expressed concern whether the market study could accurately capture household information about all the people who have moved into the recent developments. The market study also showed the need for a small grocery store and for service retail establishments. The proposed Waterfront East would be anchored by a small grocery store and a multi -screen theatre. It would have a traditional downtown design strip of retail along the extension of County Road 39. Along the river would be a row of townhouse. Council and Commissioners expressed concern that the design's main visual impact was a sea of parking in front of the larger retail establishments. There was considerable discussion of how to alter that visual impact while maintaining sightlines to the large retail stores. Bob Fields said that they were considering putting the theatre on top of a parking structure, with the parking structure surrounded by small retail stores to mask its visual impact. He thought they might need Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to support the cost of constructing a parking structure. Fields said that the town homes would probably be in the range of $400,000 to $750,000. Council and Commissioners were generally ok with town homes but said that they did not want too much density. Staff suggested that the town homes should look different from other town homes in the community. LandCor said they were considering designs where the town homes would look somewhat like an old Victorian mansion. LandCor said that they would refine their plans based on the comments received and then bring them back to a future meeting. With no further business the workshop adjourned at 10:16 p.m. f �- ichael Robertson City Administrator