1992CITY of OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION BYLAWS ' (Revised 12-10-92) ORGANIZATION: 1. The Parks and Recreation Commission officers shall be: Chair Vice Chair Secretary 2. Duties of the officers: A. Chair: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission. The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. The Chair shall appoint any necessary committees and shall appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members. The Chair may call special meetings by written notice stating the purpose of such meeting and delivered at least twenty four hours in advance of the meeting. B. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. C. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for recording detailed minutes of all Commission meetings and having them distributed to the members at least a week before the next commission meeting. CITY of OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ORGANIZATION: 1. The Parks and Recreation Commission officers shall be: Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary 2. Duties of the officers: A. Chairman: The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission. The Chairman shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. The chairman shall appoint any necessary committees and shall appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members. The Chairman may call special meetings by written notice stating the purpose of such meeting and delivered at least twenty four hours in advance of the meeting. B. Vice Chairman: The Vice Chairman shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the chairman and perform such duties as requested by the chairman. C. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for recording detailed minutes of all Commission meetings and having them distributed to the members at least a week before the next commission meeting.