09-10-91 PRII. SURVEY FINDINGS Question No. 1 Considering the park activities that the members of your household most often parr cipat in, at what point would a park be beyond walking distance? Dict_r LL °ia- 4 Mile or Less 3/4 Mile or Less 1 Mile or More 1 13 25 6 19" 2 41 61 25 29', 3 18 28 18 394 4 13 20 13 39'. 5 23 35 18 341 6 16 24 17 42, TOTAL 124 43Z 193 67% 97 33% Total Responses: 290 Summary: Two-thirds of the respondent households indicated a willingness to walk 3/4 mile or less to neighborhood park facilities. Comments: 1. Districts 3, 4, 5 and 6 were more open to longer distances. 2. Respondents to longer distance tend to be households with no children or older children. Some households with children in the 0-5 category did, however, respond. It could be assumed that these are households with infants or very young children who have not confronted the question of neighborhood park activities. Question No. 2 Please check the following items that would be unnecessary or excessive in a park in your neighborhood. District No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Multi-purpose heated building 20 60 34 23 47 35 219 74.5; Open grassy field 3 2 0 4 3 12 4.0s Backstop 3 15 3 3 16 7 47 16.0".• - Play equipment 8 5 3 8 6 30 10.27 Tennis court 3 18 3 4 11 10 49 16.71 Restrooms 4 19 8 8 22 16 77 26.0'= Lighted fields or courts 9 48 26 22 36 25 166 56.59: Improved ballfield 4 25 15 10 24 15 93 31.6: % based upon 294 responses Summa ry At a neighborhood park level, respondents strongly felt that multi-purpose. heated buildings are unnecessary. A majority also believe that lighted fields or courts at a neighborhood park level are not necessary. Improved ballfields and restrooms were also seen as questionable items by over 25 percent of those responding. Comments: Slightly over ten percent of the survey responses indicated that no play equipment was considered necessary. Without exception, these responses were from households with no children. B-31 Question 3a Is there a city park located close enough to your home that ycur household would identify it as your "neighborhood park"? Yes No District No. 1 22 (71%) 9 (29%) 2 62 (76%) 20 (24,) 3 24 (52%) 22 (4V, 4 8 (24%) 25 (76-,) 5 31(57%) 23 (43.) 6 16 37%) 27 (63") TOTAL 163 (56.4%) 126 (43.6X) (289) Summary The survey suggests that overall, there is a slight majority of City residents which can identify park facilities. The statistic is, however, dominated by Districts 1 and 2 and within District 2 by Comprehensive Planning District 19. There is poor park recognition in Districts 4 and 6. Question 4a Does your household use trails in Eagan. If so, which means of travel? Number your choices in order of how often you do each activity. For example, if you both bike and jog, but jog more than you bike, put a 1 in front of jog and a 2 in front of bike. Leave activities in which you do not participate blank. Priority City-wide Summary Total 1 2 3 Use: Don't use 42 (14.3%) Bicycle 206 (70.0%) 82 (28';) 62 (21-) 24 ( 8%) Walk 185 (63.0%) 81 (281) 60 (20%) 21 ( 7`.) Jog 79 (27.0%) 14 ( 5%) 24 ( 8/) 25 ( 9':) Roller skate/Skate Bd. 23 ( 8.0«) 3 ( 1%) 2 ( 1%) 6 ( 2;) Cross country ski 100 (34.0%) 23 ( 8%) 16 ( 5%) 27 ( 9:) Snowm bile 24 ( 8.0%) 8 ( 3%) 5 ( 2<) 1 ( 0'.) Horse 6 ( 2.0%) 2 ( 1%) 0 ( OM) 2 ( 1`) Others mentioned: snowshoing, wheelchair, mini -bike Summary: Summer use dominates trail activities. Priority Bicycle Use Response Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 28 (90<) 11 7 2 2 87 58 (67;) 31 19 2 3 46 29 (63+) 11 10 4 4 33 18 (55%) 5 6 4 5 54 37 (69%) 11 11 7 6 _U 36 (84%) 13 9 5 TOTAL 294 206 (70%) 82 62 24 Strong use throughout City - District 4 the lowest user ratio. Priority Walking Use Response Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 25 (81%) 10 9 1 2 87 45 (52%) 20 22 8 3 46 27 (59%) 14 5 3 4 33 15(45%) 7 4 2 5 54 40 (741) 18 11 2 6 43 33 (77%) 12 9 5 TOTAL 294 185 (63%) 81 60 21 Districts 1, 5 and 6 strong use. District 4 the lowest user ratio. B-32 Cross -Country Priority Skiing Response Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 8 (261) 2 1 2 2 87 28 (32X) 8 6 5 3 46 12 (26:) 3 2 2 4 33 13 (397�) 4 2 5 5 54 22 (41'-) 3 1 9 6 Al 17 (407:) 3 4 4 TOTAL 294 100 (347.) 23 16 27 Summary: Use is relatively strong (34% of total respondents), however, priority is low. Priority Snowmobile Use Response Total 1st. 2nd 3rd. District No. 1 31 3 1 0 0 2 87 9 6 1 0 3 46 5 0 2 0 4 33 1 1 0 0 5 54 2 0 1 1 6 43 4 0 1 0 TOTAL 294 24 8 5 1 Use is surprisingly low as well as the priority of use by those indicating participation in this activity. Priority Horse Use Response Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 0 2 87 1 1 4 33 2 0 0 10 5 54 2 1 0 1 6 Al 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 294 6 2 0 2 B-33 Priority Jogging Use Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. l 8 1 1 2 2 18 4 4 9 3 14 1 5 7 4 9 1 4 2 5 16 4 5 3 6 14 3 5 2 TOTAL 79 14 24 25 Roller Skating/Skateboard Total 1st. 2nd 3rd District No. 1 6 2 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 3 3 1 1 0 4 2 0 0 0 5 7 0 1 3 6 3 0 0 0 TOTAL 23 3 2 6 Cross -Country Priority Skiing Response Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 8 (261) 2 1 2 2 87 28 (32X) 8 6 5 3 46 12 (26:) 3 2 2 4 33 13 (397�) 4 2 5 5 54 22 (41'-) 3 1 9 6 Al 17 (407:) 3 4 4 TOTAL 294 100 (347.) 23 16 27 Summary: Use is relatively strong (34% of total respondents), however, priority is low. Priority Snowmobile Use Response Total 1st. 2nd 3rd. District No. 1 31 3 1 0 0 2 87 9 6 1 0 3 46 5 0 2 0 4 33 1 1 0 0 5 54 2 0 1 1 6 43 4 0 1 0 TOTAL 294 24 8 5 1 Use is surprisingly low as well as the priority of use by those indicating participation in this activity. Priority Horse Use Response Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 0 2 87 1 1 4 33 2 0 0 10 5 54 2 1 0 1 6 Al 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 294 6 2 0 2 B-33 Questior 4 b Where -,houid the trails for most of the above activities to Responses Along Other tha Responses to Question Streets Along :t— District No. 1 31 29 2 7 2 87 75 3 27 3 46 46 6 4 33 26 0 3 5 54 46 3 12 6 43 R 0 8 TOTAL 294 261 14 (5.) 64 (25 70') Vast majority want both. Reasoning is possibly shown in question 5 :he priority given to access to special activity areas. Question 5 If additional expenditure is put into the trail system, which of the following should result? Number your choices to indicate the priority cf eacn, with 1 being the highest priority. Priority of those Commenting Responses Total 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Additional Trails in General 294 219 (75"-) 169 (77%) 24 (1K) 12 ( 6'.) Separation by Activity Type 294 108 (37-) 13 (37�) 37 (34'') 27 (25') Access to Special Activities 294 134 (46`) 31 (23-) 61 (45'.) 26 (19'.) Improved Surfaces 294 102 (35"1 13 (13') 30 (29':) 21 (21') Elimination of Conflicts 294 70 (14;) II (16'1 4 ( 6'-) 11 (16') A strong majority felt that additional trails are needed and additionally have assigned this a high priority of trail efforts. Access to special activities areas ranked second in overall concern. District Responses: Total Responses Priority Additional Trails Responses To Question 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 24 (77°x) 17 4 3 2 87 61 (70'=) 49 7 3 3 46 35 (76:') 27 4 2 4 33 25 (76'.') 21 1 0 5 54 44 (82" ) 33 5 2 6 43 30 (72) 22 3 2 TOTAL 294 219 (75<) 169 (58:) 24 12 Users = (77,) Separation of Activity Type District No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL c B-34 Total Responses Responses To Question 31 15 (48;) 87 29 (33:) 46 21 (46F) 33 12 (36',) 54 16 (30':) 43 15 (34"=) 294 108 (37<) Priority 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 5 2 3 2 15 4 2 4 8 1 3 3 1 6 7 2 7 2 13 (12'x) 37 (34')27 (25'-) Access to Activities District No. 1 31 14 (45"; i (71:) 1 2 87 34 (3;t: (44::) 8 3 46 25 (54:: 10 (40-) 5 4 33 16 (4q'': 10 (62:) 3 5 54 27 (50 :2 (44'.-) 4 6 43 18 (42: 1 (221. 5 TOTAL 294 134 (46:.; c1 (452) 26 (19-,) Strong second priority in Districts I and 4 - Improved Surfaces District No. 1 31 11 2 4 2 87 26 7 7 3 46 22 9 2 4 33 12 _ 4 3 5 54 16 0 3 3 6 43 15 3 5 2 TOTAL 294 102 (35s) 13 (13Z) 30 (29=) 21 (21') Eliminate Conflicts District No. 1 31 8 1 1 1 2 87 17 2 0 3 3 46 16 1 0 2 4 33 6 2 0 0 5 54 11 2 1 3 6 43 12 3 2 2 TOTAL 294 70 (24%) 11 (16%) 4 (6a) 11 (162) Cross-country skiing and snowmobiling was most frequent conflict identified. A relatively low concern of the respondents felt this important plus it was ranked low on their list of priorities. Question No. 6 From your participation and involvement in recreation, check the box indicating whether the corresponding activity is served with sufficient number of facilities in the City. The response to this question is difficult to interpret as a result of the varied indications to specific items ranginq between not enough, enough, too many and don't know. It can be stated, however, that the vast majority of responses were indicated as don't know and not enougn. Question No. 7 What recreational opportunities that members of your household envoy are totally missing in the City? Of activities cited, swimming and beaches were mentioned the most. An ice arena/ recreation center was mentioned, but relatively infrequently. Picnic facilities were rated relatively high. Other activities receiving mention were: camping, fishing, sailing, boating, horseshoe pits, a gym, canoeing, day camp, down hill skiing, driving range, concerts, roller skating, mini -bike facilities, ruby, La Crosse, preschool tumbling/gym, nature study and trails, tennis, exercise trails, archery, volley ball and snowshoe trails. One highly unique response was received. One individual strongly supported an airport for recreational use. Question No. 8 If you regularly drive outside of Eagan for recreational purposes (more than six times a year), what activities do you seek? Response City -Wide Summary Total Response To Activity Organized Recreation 294 45 157 Picnicking 294 110 382 Skating 294 28 10% Swimming 294 139 477, Cross -Country Skiing 294 50 171. Bicycle Trails 294 51 17% B-35 Other items listed were: Fishing —' Curling Boating -+.^ Racket Ball Sailing _ Basket Ball Canoeing Roller Skating Hiking Down Hill Skiing Sutura ry : Swimming and picnicking were t^- tw+ a tai ties most frequently noted as being conducted outside the City. 1'- '^9 to note that these are activities most frequently noted as needec :n c; -,e 6; -,.—.,unity. District Responses: Response Organized Activities Tctat r:es:),nse To Activity District No. 1 31 2 7% 2 87 13 15, 3 46 4 7`- 4 33 7 2i, 5 54 11 20'. 6 43 8 19' TOTAL 294 45 15" Picnicking District No. 1 31 14 45:- 2 87 39 45' 3 46 14 30:: 4 33 13 39' 5 54 16 30" 6 �U 14 30. TOTAL 294 110 38`. Skating District No. 1 31 2 7, 2 87 10 12`' 3 46 4 9` 4 33 3 9=; 5 54 6 W. 6 43 3 7% TOTAL 294 28 10" Swimming District No. 1 31 13 42` 2 87 47 54' 3 46 17 37-; 4 33 19 58' 5 54 24 44'- 6 43 19 44: TOTAL 294 139 47': Cross -Country Skiing District No. 1 31 9 29' 2 87 17 20 3 46 6 13'" 4 33 5 15°- 5 54 5 9,_ 6 43 8 19" TOTAL 294 50 17: 1 r. B-36 Response Bic/cTotal Response To Activity , ., District ',. 31 2 6% 87 18 21% 46 8 17% 33 9 27% 54 8 15% 43 6 14. T0TA1_ 294 51 17% Question Nt;. 0 Do you thir?: ;..-. �f the lakes and ponds in the City should be improved to provide recreational opportunities. Total Response Yes No Don't Know District No. 1 31 23 (84%) 2 4 2 87 55 (63%) 12 19 3 46 26 57%) 6 11 4 33 22 (67%) 4 6 5 54 35 (651) 9 9 6 _U a (61:) 9 7 TOTAL 294 187 (64%) 42 (14%) 56 (19x) The majority of residents responding indicated an interest in developing lakes in the City for recreational use. Of those indicating to leave them, a typical comment was to preserve their natural beauty. Question No. 9C What lake or pond activity would you be most interested in? Number your choices according to interest. For example, if you are interested in swimming and canoeing, but more interested in canoeing than swimming, place a 1 in front of cannoeing and a 2 in front of swimming. Total Response Priority City -Wide Summary Responses To Activity 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Sailing 294 97 (33%) 8 ( 8%) 13 (13%) 22 (23") Canoeing 294 168 (57%) 34 (20%) 52 (31'.) 37 (22°:) Swimming 294 196 (67%) 111 (57%) 36 (18x) 18 ( 9") Aesthetics 294 105 (367) 31 (30%) 27 (26x) 17 (16:) Fishing 294 166 (57%) 37 (22%) 48 (29.) 30 (18) Others: wildlife preserve, nature studies and trails. Summary: Swimming is an activity most souqht after with regard to lake development. This follows the preferences for items wanted in the community, as well as done outside of the City. Fishing and canoeing rank second in the second priority of activities seen as needed. B-37 Total Response Priority District Summary: Response To Activity 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Sailing District No. 1 31 11 (36%) 1 2 2 2 87 20 (23%) 1 1 5 3 46 21 46%) 2 4 4 4 33 12 36%) 2 2 4 5 54 21 (39.) 1 1 4 6 92 12 (281) 1 3 3 TOTAL 294 97 (337) 8 (81) 13 (13"x) 22 (23: B-37 Canoeing District No. 1 31 17 (55%) 4 7 0 2 87 43 (49;) 7 14 12 3 46 31 (67X) 5 3 6 4 33 23 (70%) 8 6 5 5 54 31 (57X) 3 9 11 6 43 23 (54%) 7 7 3 TOTAL 294 168 (57X) 34 ':20':,) 52 (31':) 37 (221:) Swimming District No. 1 31 23 (74<) 15 3 2 2 87 55 (63%) 30 13 4 3 46 29 (63%) 17 5 2 4 33 24 (73`:) 14 4 3 5 54 38 (70'_) 24 8 2 6 Al ZZ (63:) 11 3 5 TOTAL 294 196 (67%) 111 (57:) 36 (18::) 18 (9°) Aesthetics District No. 1 31 16 (5211) 4 2 2 2 87 28 (32') 7 9 4 3 46 22 (48:) 4 4 6 4 33 15 (45--) 4 5 0 5 54 16 (3M) 5 3 3 6 43 18 (42") 7 4 2 TOTAL 294 105 (36-) 31 (30.) 27 (26") 17 (16':) A significant difference amongst districts Fishing District No. 1 31 17 (55`) 1 4 6 2 87 53 (61:) 19 18 6 3 46 26 (57':) 5 5 4 4 33 19 (58:1) 0 5 7 5 54 31 (57:;) 8 11 4 6 43 20 (47T) 4 5 3 TOTAL 294 166 (570 37 (22"+) 48 (29':) 30 (18') Question No. 10 Where should the empahsis of improvements to the City park system be placed? Again, number your choices beginning with 1 indicating the most emphasis. Total Response Priority City -Wide Summary Responses To Activity 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Organized Programs 294 161 (55") 13 ( 8%) 26 (16") 31 (19`) Acquisition of Land 294 183 (62:) 57 (317) 29 (16':) 20 (11, Physical Improvement to Existing Parks 294 216 (744) 96 (44.;) 58 (27`:) 29 (13:) Improvement or Enlarge- ment of Trails 294 199 (68:) 58 (29'-) 53 (27-:) 32 (16`) Grooming of Parks 294 180 (61t) 23 (13:) 33 (18:) 38 (21-) Park Supervision/ Policing 294 156 (536) 9 ( 6d) 22 (14%) 29 (19'.) Summary: Acquisition was ranked high by those not identifying neighborhood park facilities. While low in priority, policing by those ranking as a high priority, typically commented on a specific problem District Summaries: Total Response Priority Responses To Activity 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Organized Programs District No. 1 31 14 (45�) 1 0 7 2 87 48 (55.) 3 6 12 3 46 21 (46-) 3 2 3 4 33 21 (64") 2 4 1 5 54 32 (59:) 1 11 3 6 43 25 (58%) 3 3 5 TOTAL 294 161 (551) 13 (8%) 26 (16) 31 (19') MM Acquisition of Land District No. 1 31 " (48%) 5 2 1 2 87 4 (62%) 14 8 3 3 46 23 ( 5%) 4 5 4 4 33 24 (73%) 12 5 4 5 54 35 (65%) 12 3 4 6 43 32 (74%) 10 6 4 TOTAL 294 183 (62X) 57 (31%) 29 (16%) 20 (111) Total Responses Priority Responses To Activity 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Physical Improvements of Existing Parks District No. 1 31 19 (53%) 7 7 3 2 87 66 76%) 32 18 10 3 46 29 (63%) 13 7 4 4 33 28 (85%) 10 8 4 5 54 40 (74%) 21 8 4 6 43 34 (79%) 13 10 4 TOTAL 294 216 (74%) 96 (44%) 58 (27:) 29 (13%) Trail Improvement District No. 1 31 17 (55%) 7 5 1 2 87 59 (68%) 17 16 10 3 46 26 (57%) 12 6 3 4 33 27 (82%) 4 8 9 5 54 38 (70%) 10 8 4 6 43 32 (74%) 8 10 5 TOTAL 294 199 (68%) 58 (29%) 53 (27%) 32 (16K) Grooming of Parks District No. 1 31 15 (48%) 2 4 2 2 87 51 (59%) 6 10 9 3 46 28 61%) 4 8 7 4 33 24 73%) 4 3 4 5 54 36 (67%) 3 4 8 6 43 26 (61%) 4 4 8 TOTAL 294 180 (61%) 23 (13%) 33 (18%) 38 (21°.) Supervision/Policing District No. 1 31 12 (39%) 3 2 1 2 87 47 (54%) 3 8 12 3 46 19 (41%) 1 3 2 4 33 20 (61%) 1 2 3 5 54 34 (63%) 1 5 7 6 43 24 (56%) 0 2 4 TOTAL 294 156 (53%) 9 (6%) 22 (14'�) 29 (19") Question No. 11 Does anyone in your household belong to a country club. health spa, racket club or any other facility of this kind or to an athletic association? Total Response Yes Percent No Percent District No. 1 31 5 10% 26 84% 2 87 28 32% 59 68% 3 46 13 28% 33 78% 4 33 12 37% 21 63% 5 54 20 37T 54 63% 6 43 17 40% 26 60% TOTAL 294 95 32% 199 681 B-39 Summary: The majority of respondents �;o not ceionq to private facilities. Of those responding yes, the predominant location was close to work. Egandale was the most common response within the immediate community area. Question No. 12 Which of the following choices describes your household's primary usage of the parks? If more than one applies, number the choices according to frequency (1 being most frequent use). District Summary: Organized Activities District No. 1 31 13 (42:) 4 1 8 2 87 37 (43") 12 4 20 3 46 17 (37") 5 3 9 4 33 14 (42^-) 3 6 5 5 54 20 (37t) 7 0 13 6 43 14 (33:) 0 5 9 TOTAL 294 115 (397) 31 (27?:) 19 (171) 64 (56 ) While about 40T list as an activity, the priority is quite low. Unstructured Total Response Priority City -Wide Summary Response To Activity 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Organized Activities 294 115 (39%) 31 (27%) 19 (17A) 64 (56;) Unstructured Individual 87 59 (68-.) 27 25 6 Activity 294 194 (66%) 99 (51") 76 (39") 16 { 8':) Unstructured Family 33 20 (61T) 12 5 3 Activity 294 204 (69;.) 125 (617:) 61 (30') 15 ( 9'.) District Summary: Organized Activities District No. 1 31 13 (42:) 4 1 8 2 87 37 (43") 12 4 20 3 46 17 (37") 5 3 9 4 33 14 (42^-) 3 6 5 5 54 20 (37t) 7 0 13 6 43 14 (33:) 0 5 9 TOTAL 294 115 (397) 31 (27?:) 19 (171) 64 (56 ) While about 40T list as an activity, the priority is quite low. Unstructured Total Response Priority Individual Activities Response To Activity 1st. 2nd. 3rd. District No. 1 31 19 (61T) 5 13 1 2 87 59 (68-.) 27 25 6 3 46 29 (637) 19 9 1 4 33 20 (61T) 12 5 3 5 54 38 (701') 16 17 3 6 43 29 (67%) 20 7 2 TOTAL 294 194 (66%) 99 (51;) 76 (39<) 16 (8;:) Unstructured Family Activities District No. 1 31 24 (779') 15 6 3 2 87 57 (661) 35 17 5 3 46 29 (63%) 17 10 1 4 33 27 (82.) 16 8 3 5 54 41 (76") 22 15 2 6 43 26 (617) 20 5 1 TOTAL 294 204 (69T) 125 (61.) 61 (30"Z) 15 (97:) B-40 RECREATION SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION Component Use Mini -Park Specialized facilities that serve a concentrated or limited population or specific group such as tots or senior citizens; may be in locations such as apartment complexes, town- house developments or commercial centers. Neighborhood Area for intense recreational Playground activities such as: field games, court games, crafts, apparatus area, skating, neighborhood centers. Service Area Less than 1/4 mile 1/4 to 1/2 mile radius to serve a population of 4, 000 to 5,000 (neighborhood) Community Area for intense recreational 3-5 neighbor- Playfield facilities such as: athletic hoods fields and swimming pools. (community*) Could include neighborhood use . Community Area of natural or ornamen- 3-5 neighbor - Park tal quality for outdoor re- hoods creation such as: walking, (community*) viewing, sitting, picnicking; could have some field and court games. Site Less Than 1 acre. 10-25 acres 25-50 acres Site Attributes Physiography suited for intense development Physiography suited for intense development 25-50 Affords natural acres features with varied physiogra- phic interest Site Location Proximity to elementary schools Proximity to secondary and other public facilities Proximity to community facilities and where resources are available *Community in this context is a grouping of neighborhoods, as defined above, and not a unit of government.