10-08-91 PR MINCity of Otsego PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF 10-8-91 Carl Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Members present: Andy Beecher Jacquie Rognli Darlene Solberg Mark Wallace Tom Constant Richard Savitski Carl Swenson Floyd Roden The first item was the consideration of the minutes of 9-10-91. Jacquie Rognli motioned to adopt the minutes with the following changes: I. 11th paragraph first page should have read "Jacquie Rognli offered to contact Ramsey's park board and check on their input on the possibility of a tour. 2. 3rd paragraph 2nd page, the name Dennis Moeller was misspelled. Andy Beecher seconded the motion to adopt the minutes' All voted in favor. Carl Swenson discussed Brooklyn Park's "Joint Powers Agreement for Community Schools" with Anoka (Dist. 11) and Brooklyn Park's "Joint Agreement of Recreational Facilities" with Osseo (Dist. 279). A copy of each was circulated to the members of the Park's and Recreation Committee. The material from the U of M Center for Community Studies on Hassan Township was discussed and given to the members who had not had and opportunity to view them before. Floyd Roden provided copies of a Recreation System Classification from the Metropolitan Council to all the members and also a survey from the city of Egan' Carl Swenson introduced Randy Cantrell, the program leader from Project Future and Dennis Moeller from the Wright County Extension Office,, Randy Cantrell described the different types of surveys that could be used to provide information on people's recreational wants and needs in the area. Of door to door, mailing, and phone surveys, the phone survey be the most beneficial for our needs. Also Mr. Cantrell offered to help us set up a survey questionnaire at our next meeting in November and stated that he would contact the State Demographers Office for further information' Jacquie Rognli made the motion to use the November Park and Recreation Commission meeting to work with the Wright County Extension Office for compiling data for a future survey for the purpose of identifying different recreational preferences. Tom Constant seconded the x:+imr All .,"+"H in �=..".' Jacquie Rognli stated that she would bring information from SCORP to the November meeting. Mark Wallace motioned to have November's Park and Recreation Commission meeting held at Christ Lutheran Church in Otsego due to the City Council meeting at the City Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of November and if the Church is not able to allow us to meet there, to then meet at a location in Monticello. Seconded by Jacquie Rognli. All voted in favor. Jacquie Rognli discussed information on her contacts with different park departments and distributed an outline to each member, Darlene Solberg made a motion to wait until spring for any other park tours. Seconded by Rick Savitski. All voted in favor. Discussion on a Comprehensive Park Plan and when it should be worked on. Mark Wallace stated that due to the large amount of information that we will be dealing with for the survey, the Park and Recreation Commission should wait until a later date to begin any work on a Comprehensive Plan. Floyd Roden explained the Park Dedication ordnance to the Commission members. Mark Wallace stated that he would invite the Forestry volunteer to the next meeting. Tom Constant stated that he will bring a map of a proposed snowmobile trail through Otsego. Jacquie Rognli made a motion to adjourn. Darlene Solberg seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 Mar A Wallace, Secretary