09-10-91 PR MINW(H�' cat 0--c-k,m^*5
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City of Otsego
MINUTES OF 9-10-91
Carl Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.
Members present:
Andy Beecher Tom Constant
Jacquie Rognli Richard Savitski
Darlene Solberg Carl Swenson
Mark Wallace * Doug Lindenfelser
*(sitting in for Floyd Roden as the Council
Carl Swenson introduced the newly appointed members
of the Park and Recreation Commission, Andy Beecher and Tom
Constant. Each new member gave a brief outline of their
Darlene Solberg made a motion to approve the minutes of
Aug 13th. Jacquie Rognli seconded the motion. All voted in
Carl Swenson gave a brief description of other city
park plans that we have been looking through and distributed
them to the new members. Also a pamphlet of the Wright
county parks was given to each member.
Carl Swenson opened the floor for discussion on the
Brooklyn Park tour.
Jacquie Rognli commented on the methods of land
acquisition and that most people seem to be willing to pay
for extra parks. The point that setting standards and
keeping them for all parks was also mentioned.
Mark Wallace commented on how small parcels of park land
on bordering developments were combined into a large park.
Tom Constant was impressed by the size of the park
system and how the park system blended with the school
System's property.
Carl Swenson commented on the change in Brooklyn Park's
system over the last 20 years. The trail system and
sidewalks vs. bike paths were also discused.
Jacquie Rognli suggested a tour of a newer cities park
system. Tom Constant suggested the city of Ramsey. All
members agreed.
Jacquie Rognli motioned to look into researching
Ramsey's park system. Tom Constant seconded the motion. All
members voted in favor.
Jacquie Rognli offered to contact Ramsey's park board
and schedule a time and date for the tour. Also Jacquie
mentioned that she will also visit the Maple Grove park
office to acquire some information..
Wright County Extension Office. The possibility of a
Community Development speaker from the Rochester office to
attend our October meeting was also mentioned.
Carl Swenson explained the previous Wright county
survey for recreation needs. Inoe IXe'~
Darlene Solberg motioned to have Dennis Moleer from the
extension office be invited to the October meeting of the
Park and Recreation Committee. Andy Beecher seconded the
motion. All voted in favor.
Carl Swenson Discussed his contact with the U of M
Center for Community Studies describing the various kinds of
programs that they can provide. The cost can be between
$1,500 and $10,000. Carl mentioned that Hasson township had
the study done, and distributed a copy of the study.
Tom Constant discussed his work on a snowmobile trail
through Otsego and his work with the Wright County Trails
Mark Wallace motioned to have the Otsego Parks and
Recreation Committee to assist on the work that Tom Constant
had started towards snowmobile trails. Jacquie seconded the
motion. All voted in favor.
Darlene Solberg motioned to adjourn. Mark Wallace
seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 Pm.
Ma,Q Wallace, Secretary