12-10-91 PR MINCity of Otsego PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of 12-10-91 Carl Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Members present: Tom Constant Carl Swenson (Chairperson) Darlene Solberg Richard Savitski Jacquie Rognli Mark Wallace Floyd Roden Andy Beecher The first item on the agenda was the consideration of the minutes from the meeting of 11-19-91. Jacquie Rognli moved to approve the minutes with the following changes: 1. Page 1, paragraph 5, sentence 2 should read "A report, giving an activity profile of in-state outdoor recreation time of Minnesotans by age and gender, was presented." 2. Paragraph 6 the word "copies" should be inserted after "distributed". 3. Page 2, paragraph 6 sentence 1 should read "Mark Wallace moved that the second trail access be located along the northeast corner of the development..." Darlene seconded the motion to accept the minutes. All voted in favor. John Sem of the University of Minnesota Department of Tourism was introduced. He briefly discussed two systems for park planning. First, the physical planning -- planning ahead where parks should be located (and start early). And secondly, he suggested to try low cost things out first -- see how they go, see what works, without spending a great deal of money. He also discussed some important issues for the commission to consider for our survey: 1. WHEN do the people of Otsego want activities to take place? 2. FOR WHOM do they want the activities? 3. FEES — Would they be willing to pay a nominal fee for the activities? Mr. Sem also suggested we coordinate small group processes, get area people involved, ask them questions, and let them participate with ideas and suggestions. Jacquie Rognli suggested we take time out of each meeting to talk about plans and goals -- both short term and long range. This time would be used for targeting things we think are important. The commission agreed and a "wish list" will be added to the agenda to brainstorm about specific items. Floyd Roden will bring large maps to the January meeting for the commission's purposes. It was decided to keep Joan Spence, and the forestry programs she talked of at the November meeting, in mind but to do nothing further at this time. The county had no argument with the three accesses proposed for the new Otsego Park. They also agreed to be responsible for the accesses, although the commission would like to retain some control in case any problems or concerns should arise in the future. Carl Swenson read a letter from Dave Licht regarding what he thought might be the possibility of our acquiring a lot for future sale instead of opting for the park dedication fees. The commission agreed that had not been the intention. A parking lot had been discussed but we had ultimately decided in favor of the park dedication fees. Carl Swenson introduced Trygve Holl, owner of the land where the new park will be located. Mr. Holl voiced a concern that, at the lots adjacent to the park accesses, there may be problems with people going on to private property. The commission agreed this was something to keep in mind but Carl assured him he believed the accesses were going to be well-marked and retain definite boundaries. Darlene Solberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mark Wallace. All voted in favor. The December meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ,—An 4Be#cher In the absense of Mark Wallace, Secretary