05-12-92 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 5/12/92 Members present: Jacquie Rognli Floyd Roden Tom Constant Rick Savitski Andy Beecher Mark Wallace (Chair) Darlene Solberg The Commission took a tour of the new City Hall location and proposed park property - 6:30 pm. Mark called the meeting to order at City Hall - 7:30 pm. First was the consideration of the minutes for the meeting of 4/14/92. Darlene moved to approve minutes. Seconded by Tom. Minutes approved. Mark introduced Randy DeRosier. He, on behalf of the Otsego Jaycees, was interested in what kind of manpower the Commission might be needing at the future park site (i.e. cleaning projects, mowing, taking down fence, etc.). Rick suggested we keep the grassy areas around the trees clipped to create a lawn; he made a motion to have the grass areas kept clipped (maybe even for a possible festival site for 1993). Tom seconded. Those voting in favor: Rick, Tom, Mark, Darlene and Andy. Jacquie was opposed. Motion carried. A site inspection of the property with Randy and members of the Jaycees was set for Tuesday, May 19th at 6:15 pm (meet at City Hall) to see about mowing. Mark asked if the Jaycees might be willing to help with the snowmobile trails. Randy said they would be glad to help. Jacquie moved to table agenda item 5: Discussion of new City Hall location and additional land. All agreed; item 5 tabled until June meeting. Darlene moved to decline the offer of a discount in trail fees, proposed by developers of Country Ridge Estates, unless it is an improved trail. Jacquie seconded. Motion carried. Otsego Vision and Jaycees planted day lilies by the lily pond south of County Road 39. Floyd brought up the proposed vacating of old Nashua in relation to a future park on the property (SW corner of 39 and old Nashua). It must go before City Council where there will be a hearing regarding the vacation of this road. It is something the Commission should keep in mind. The latest draft of the Comprehensive Plan was reviewed, discussed and changes made. Revised copies will be distributed to Commission members, Dave Licht and the Council members in about a week. With their comments received, the Commission should be able to set a hearing date at the July meeting. Andy will not be able to attend the June meeting; Darlene agreed to be responsible for the minutes. Thanks Darlene. Floyd suggested the Commission be thinking about a contribution to the Otsego promotional packet in the form of a brochure, etc. Andy moved to adjourn. Jacquie seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.