06-09 92 PRMembers present: Floyd Roden (Bd. Re .) Mark Wallace (chair Carl Swenson Jacquie Rognli Darlene Solberg CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES of 6/9/92 City Council members present: Larry Fournier Douglas Lindenfelser Ron Black Norm Freske (Mayor) Recreation Coordinator: Jeff Asfahl Mark called the meeting to order at City Hall- 7:30 Pm. Consideration of the minutes For 5/12/92. Approval of minutes. The draft of the new Comprehensive Park, Trail, and Recreation Plan was discussed, reviewed and revised. DRAFT REVISIONS include: *Credit page- discussion as to whether this page should be included or not. No decision was made, and will be brought back to the commission at the July meeting. *Section Three- Change Standards to Minimum Guidelines. 3.2- Change Facility Standards to Minimial and Guideline only 3.3 -Standards change to Guidelines *Section Four- Needs 4.6- To the 65+ group add walking 4.6- Needs Analysis - 3) Change: There is a concern not to wait too long to acquire park land. It has to be acquired as the development occurs. 4) Change: Future park locations should to must 5) Change: deserves to requires special consideration 4.7- 2) Add: to Elk River School District 728 building 7) Change: utilized to identified as *Carl Swenson addressed bike ways two concepts: 1) To get from here to there, and 2) Local needs- loops around. There is a 10-20 year plan for bike trails. Cost ranged from $18,000 per mile, up to $30,000 now. Carl is checking on signage- Why weren't signs put up in this area for bike routes? Who did other signs? Maybe it was MNDOT, maybe it's still coming after 42 is finished. *Section Five- General Policies Put in what we get in fees or land amount- this is not in general policy. *Section Six- Plans Two suggestions to 1) have an appendix; and 2) have districts as park areas and not as industrial areas. 2) and 3)- discussion of parks 5) City park 6) Neighborhood park 7) and 9)- discussion of what kind of park should be put there. 9) Undeveloped land. Suggestions: Scenic overlook, riverside park, trout pond. -2 - Park and Rec. Commission mtg. cont. *Comprehensive Park and Trail System Plan Map - Comments on map: 1. Show where everything is- good 2. UPA lines not correct on map- Jacquie gave us new map 3. Add destinations to maps and leave UPA on Destinations- 85th, Kadler, River Accesses, shoreline trails 4. Take off section number 5 5. Put map as 7.1 after Recreation Program Coming up in the near future: 1) Voting on Park plan and also hearing on same - both yet to be decided. Other Business: 1. Discussion of City Hall park property at July meeting 2. Membership in the National Recreation and Park Association 3. Discussion of pamphlet about City of Otsego parks to be included in City of Otsego information. What kind of information should be included? Meeting adjourned Res ectfully submitted by Darlene Solberg (Substituting for Andy Beecher)