07-12-92 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES of 7/12/92 Members present: Floyd Roden ( Council Rep.) Mark Wallace (Chair) Carl Swenson Tom Constant Jacqui Rognli Dailene Solberg Meeting was called to order by Mark S. at 7:30 p- 1. Consideration of May 12th minutes- Correction- add second page, first paragraph to Comp. plan. Included in these discussions were the map style and the credit page. I was agreed by the members present to use maps similar to our present comprehensive plan and not to include any credit other than the park commission members in the final draft. Moved by Carl S., second by Tom C. Passed. 2. June meeting correction- we had not approved May minutes. Now approved with the addition of adding Wright County bikeways to Comp. plan. Moved by Carl S., seoond by Tom C. Passed. 3. Discussion of Steward Turnquist's PUD home. Carl S. moved and Darlene S. second, that Park and Trail fees be based only on single family under PUD. Passed. ►tcomprehensive Plan— Discussion and map corrections. (2.21 and 6.31- take section numbers out and make larger stars) Credit page- Committee had discussed. Discussion by commission members present that individuals and groups should possibly be left off. City council didn't want to be included. The Planning Commission members were after the fact. Carl S. moved and Tom C. second the adoption of the Parks and Recreation' Comprehensive Plan. A cover letter will be sent to the City Council listing those who contributed to the plan and credit given to those who did the production of the document. Only Park Commission members listed on credit page. Passec 5. Next meeting- Look at Park Plan and how to do hearing presentation. 6. Pamphlet on parks- What needs to be included??? a. New people- What's available and where? b. Reference to our county park c. What existing things the city has to offer d. Boat landings e. Start of snowmobile trail f. Pictures of people walking, biking, swinging g. Explain the Park Commission h. Explain the county park system 7. Park and trail funding- look for funding through grants, ect. trail funding- Jacqui will look into it. Get the Community working together. Snowmobile trail will be totally funded through the Minnesota Snowmobile Association 8. Should we join the National Recreation and Park Association? Jacqui will find out what the benefits are. $18 a year for their magazine for non members. 9. Carl S. with note for last meeting- The County put up the bikeway signs. The county didn't know why the bike signs weren't up in Otsego. Wright County proposal passed to put a paved bike path from Buffalo to Hanover. -2 - Park and Rec. Commission mtg. cont. 10. Council report from Floyd Roden: a. Antelope Park- Construction cost of trail was $2633.62. Easment was given City Council reimbursed Antelope Park $2100 in trail fee money. b. School District #728- Report on cost of Park and Recreation Director - *Council concerned about the budget- Otsego's cost towards the director was more than they had planned. c. Public hearing on Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan will be Sept. 21. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Moved by Darlene S. and second by Carl S. passed. Respectfully submitted by Darlene Solberg (Substituting for Andy Beecher)