ITEM 3.3B PSC 10.13.2015 MinutesITEM 3_3B Otsego Public Safety Commission Minutes October 13, 2015 1) Meeting called to order @ 6:01 pm Roll call: CM Warenhime, Mark Driste, Chuck Schauss, Tina Driste, Jim Breitbach, Paul Fields, Greg Hubbard, Mark Lucht, Wright Cty Sheriff Deputy. 2) Meeting agenda approved motion by Mark Lucht, 2nd by Chuck Schauss 3) September meeting minutes approved motion by Chuck Schauss, 2nd by Greg Hubbard 4) No open forum 5) Sheriff- missing person -looks like accidental death. Burglary -daytime, random No fire per CM Warenhime—short meeting due to road clean up 6) Prairie Festival update- went well. Placement of fire, sheriff and commission was an issue, hoping to change.in 2016. Burn trailer was a hit. 7) New business —Mark Driste & Tina Driste will not be able to be at the November 10th meeting. Will need Chuck Schauss to run meeting and another member to take meeting minutes 8) September 14th council meeting Mark Lucht —discussion about hunting. October 12th council meeting: Jim nothing to report. CM Warenhime reported at the Oct 12th mtg there was a discussion re: speed limit on Packard, street is not posted. 70th Street Round -a -bout ribbon cutting is on Nov19th(?). 9) Future council meetings October 26th-Paul Fields November 9th-Chuck Schauss Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:25 pm by Chuck Schauss, 2nd by Tina Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. Nashua Street clean up by Public Safety commission occurred Next meeting on November 10th, 2015 @ 6:30pm Written by Tina Driste