ITEM 4.1 ISD 728IV �tSTe F O MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner November 23, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 4.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution accepting the Feasibility Report regarding the Infrastructure Improvements for the E-8 School for Independent School District #728. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Yes BACKGROUN D/J USTI FICATION: Independent School District #728 has been considering this site for an E-8 School as well as future expansions for a number of years. Recently, funding for a new school passed and the project had moved into the design phase. City Staff has been working with the School District to provide preliminary estimates and designs of the improvements necessary to develop this site for an E-8 school. The School District has requested that the City construct these improvements prior to a 2017 school opening. The City School District has agreed to and signed an agreement with the City to pay for infrastructure improvement costs up to $1,100,000 based on the preliminary cost estimates and designs. This Feasibility Report is being prepared to further evaluate the necessary public improvements and to more closely estimate the costs of such improvements. If the costs of the improvements were to exceed the $1,100,000 that the school has already agreed to, this report may be used to assess the additional costs of the public improvements to the benefitting properties. We have estimated the project to cost $1,060,395. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE • Resolution 2015-70 • Feasibility Report for Proposed Public Street and Utility Improvements for the Independent School District #728 E-8 School MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to Approve Resolution 2015-70 accepting the Feasibility Report regarding Infrastructure Improvements necessary for the E-8 School for Independent School District #728. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Agreement with ISD #728 Potential Assessment NO 601 Water Fund ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: r CITY OF 0 Ot MINNESOTA FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #728 E-8 SCHOOL CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA November 2015 Prepared by: llA Halcanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. / z. f, Ronald J. gner 26052 Reg. No. November 18, 2015 Date 40 Halcanson Main Office: 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 ]]Anderson Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 www.haa-inc.com November 18, 2015 Honorable Mayor and Council Members City of Otsego 13900 901h St Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Feasibility Study for Proposed Public Street and Utility Improvements for the ISD #728 E-8 School Dear Mayor & Council Members: Please find enclosed a feasibility report for the above referenced project. We have determined the proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective and feasible from a technical and engineering standpoint, and benefits the properties proposed to be assessed. The project can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. Based on a preliminary cost estimate of the public improvements required to service the E-8 School, the ISD #728 has previously signed an agreement to pay up to $1,100,000 for the public improvements. This feasibility study has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 429 for projects resulting in special assessments in the event that the costs must be specially assessed. We are available to discuss the contents of the report at your convenience. Sincerely, HAKANSON AND RS N ASSOCIATES, INC. Ronald J. 1 er, P Enclosures cc: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Adam Flaherty, City Finance Director D. Daniel Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Kevin Lamson, City Street Operations Manager Kurt Neidermeier, City Utilities Manager CONTENTS I. OBJECTIVE....................................................................................................................1 11. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS................................................................................. 1-2 A. Project Location............................................................ :........... .............................. 1 B. Existing Conditions................................................................................................. 1 C. Proposed Improvements......................................................................................... 2 Ill. INITIATION.................................................................................................................3 IV. PERMITS.................................................................................................................3 V. RIGHT OF WAY & EASEMENTS.................................................................................. 3 VI. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE........................................................................ 4 i. Table I — Project Schedule VII. PROPOSED FUNDING................................................................................................. 5 A. Estimated Project Cost....................................................................................... 5 i. Table II — Project Cost B. Estimated Funding.............................................................................................. 6 i. Table III — Project Funding Vill. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.................................................................. 6 Exhibits Exhibit A - Project Location Map Exhibit B - Proposed Site Layout Exhibit C1 & C2 Proposed Typical Street Section Exhibit D - Preliminary Cost Estimate Exhibit E - Benefiting Properties Exhibit Exhibit F - Benefiting Property Assessment Summary Preliminary Plat Sheet 1 of 2 OBJECTIVE The purpose of this Feasibility Report is to present the City of Otsego with a preliminary examination of reconstructing 80th Street NE and extending public utilities to service the proposed Independent School District #728 E-8 School in Otsego, Minnesota. The report discusses the proposed scope of improvements, preliminary cost estimates, potential assessment costs, and a proposed project schedule. The report has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 429 for projects resulting in special assessments. II. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS A. Project Location The proposed ISD #728 E-8 School is located in the SW '/4 of the SW '/4 of Section 19, Township, Range 23 City of Otsego, Wright County, MN. The school will be located on a 17.42 acre parcel north of 80th Street NE and west of Marlowe Avenue NE. The public improvements will be located along 80th Street from approximately 500' west of Maclver Avenue NE to Marlowe Avenue NE as well as along the west side of Maclver Avenue NE from 78th Street NE to approximately 800' north of 80th Street NE. B. Existing Conditions The proposed school parcel is zoned A-2 and is currently being farmed for agriculture production. The parcel is currently being re -platted as Institutional. No water or sewer service has been extended to the property as this time. The property accesses 80th Street to the south and Marlowe Avenue to the east. Both roads are 2 lane rural streets approximately 32' wide (14' pave lane with 2' gravel shoulders). 80th Street was construction in 2000. In general the area south of 80th Street has been developed with the exception of a few larger rural lots along 80th Street. The area north of 80th Street is currently undeveloped This location is outside any current City Water and Sewer district therefore public water and sanitary sewer services must be extended to the property. A trunk 16" watermain has been stubbed towards the school parcel within the Arbor Creek .3 Addition development, west of Maclver Avenue. Two sanitary sewer force main pipe stubs (8" and 10") are located at the NW quadrant of 78th Street and Maciver Avenue intersection. These stubs are intended to service the complete buildout of the W2 West WWTF sub -district, which includes the school parcel north of 80th Street. An existing gravity sanitary sewer manhole also exists in the future cul-de-sac at the north end of Mackenzie Avenue in Arbor Creek 3`d Addition. All utility lines are within a drainage and utility easement and/or Right of Way. The storm water runs to the north and to the east in in existing overland swales, ditches and culverts typical of a rural setting with the exception of an existing storm pond in the NE quadrant of 80th Street and Maclver Avenue. No existing wetlands are anticipated within the proposed public improvement project. Page 1 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\393\FEASIBILITY\ot393Feasibility.doc C. Proposed Improvements These proposed improvements include reconstructing a portion of 80th Street, constructing an interim lift station, and extending trunk water main and sanitary force main to service the School property. 80th Street will be reconstructed from approximately 500' west of Maclver Avenue NE to Marlowe Avenue NE to be in conformance to City standards for a commercial/industrial type street. The street will be widened to a standard 46' wide 9- Ton street section with a section widened to 52' to accommodate an additional bypass lane. A 10' wide bituminous is proposed along the north sided of 80th Street. The trail will align with the existing trail at the intersection of 80th Street and extend to the eastern School driveway access. The existing 16" watermain located near the southern right-of-way of 80th Street will be connected to, extended under 80th Street, then west 200' within the 80th Street right-of-way, and then north 800' within the future Maclver Avenue right-of-way. Sanitary sewer service for the School will be provided via an interim lift station and force main. For the purpose of this feasibility study two options were explored for the force main. Option A requires the existing 8" and 10" force main lines to be extended from 78t Street north to the interim lift station. These lines would be extended in the future to a permanent lift station and remain in use. These lines would be paid for using SAC fees from the School and future development. This option was eliminated since the School will not produce enough flow to make efficient use (minimum flow velocities) of these larger pipe sizes and would require significant modifications to the lift station and sanitary sewer system. Option B involves extending a temporary 4" force main from the interim lift station to the existing gravity sewer manhole in the future cul-de-sac at the north end of Mackenzie Avenue in Arbor Creek 3rd Addition. We would recommend that this cost be added to the interim lift station cost as this will only benefit the School and will be abandoned at a later date when the permanent lift station is installed. We anticipate that the added cost of installing the temporary smaller force main will more than counter the additional cost of the interim lift station modifications necessary to use the existing 8" and 10" force mains. Page 2 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\393\FEASIBILITY\ot393Feasibility.doc Independent School District #728 has been considering this site for an E-8 School as well as future expansions for a number of years. Recently funding for a new school passed and the project had moved into the design phase. City Staff has been working with the School District to provide preliminary estimates and designs of the improvements necessary to develop this site for an E-8 school. The School District has requested that the City construct these improvements prior to a 2017 school opening. The City School District has agreed to and signed an agreement with the City to pay for infrastructure improvement costs up to $1,100,000 based on the preliminary cost estimates and designs. This Feasibility Report is being prepared to further evaluate the necessary public improvements and to more closely estimate the costs of such improvements. If the estimated cost of the improvements were to exceed the $1,100,000 that the school has already agreed to, this report may be used to assess the additional costs of the public improvements to the benefitting properties. IV. PERMITS A Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) NPDES General Construction Stormwater permit will be required for this project. Typical MN Department of Health and MPCA permits required for the extension of municipal water and sewer lines will be obtained. No other permits should be required for this project. V. RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENTS The existing 80th Street lies within a 66' wide prescriptive easement with the exception of the area adjacent to the Arbor Creek development (40' wide platted right- of-way). The School is being required to plat 50' of right-of-way plus a 10' wide drainage and utility easement along the entire south and west property lines to accommodate the 80th Street and utility improvements. The existing utility connections (water and sanitary) are located within existing right-of- way. The extensions of the water and sewer will be within existing platted right-of-way or drainage and utility easements. No additional right-of-way or utility and drainage easements are anticipated at this time. If additional utility and drainage easements are required based on the final design, these permanent and temporary easements will need to be provided to the City of Otsego. Page 3 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGQ\393\FEASIBILITY\ot393Feasibility.doc VI. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE With the School already signing an agreement to construct the public improvements the City Council has ordered the preparation of plans and specifications October 12, 2015 in hopes for construct the improvements in 2016 and take advantage of more favorable bidding times. We have prepared a preliminary schedule shown in the following table. Table I Project Schedule E-8 School Infrastructure Improvements October 12, 2015 City Council Orders Feasibility Report & Orders Plans and Specs November 23, 2015 City Council Accepts Feasibility Report. January 11, 2016 Public Hearing January 11, 2016 Council Approves Plans, Orders Advertising Jan. — Feb. 2016 Bid Project February 22, 2016 Open Bids and Award Project Summer 2016 Construct Project August 15, 2016 Substantial Completion Fall of 2016 Set and Hold Assessment Hearing (if necessary) October 2016 A prove Assessment Roll if necessary) July 1, 2017 Final Completion Page 4 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\393\FEASIBILITY\ot393Feasibility.doc A. Estimated Project Cost Costs for street construction along with the proposed trail, and public utilities of storm water, sanitary sewer (interim lift station and forcemain) and water were analyzed. A summary of the estimated cost is as follows: Table 11 Independent School District #728 E-8 School Public Improvements STREET & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ESTIMATED COST ITEM SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION COST STREET STORM SEWER LIFT STATION & FORCEMAIN LATERAL WATERMAIN ESTIMATED COST $ 528,800.00 $ 72, 300.00 $ 118,500.00 $ 86,750.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 806,350.00 10% CONTINGENCIES $ 80,635.00 15% ADMINISTRATION, LEGAL & ENGINEERING $ 120,940.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED SCHOOL PROJECT COST $ 1,007,935.00 CITY CONSTRUCTION COST MAC) WATERMAIN $ 42,400.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 42,400.00 10% CONTINGENCIES $ 4,240.00 15% ADMINISTRATION, LEGAL & ENGINEERING $ 6,360.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY PROJECT COST A detailed cost estimate is located in Exhibit D. $ 53,000.00 Page 5 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGOk393\FEASIBILITY\ot393Feasibility.doc B. Financing and Assessments The IDS #728 is proposed to pay for the Street, Storm Sewer, Interim Lift Station costs of the project. The Watermain portion of the project is trunk watermain and is proposed to be paid for using would be paid from the City's WAC funds. The trunk watermain offers some benefit to adjacent property owners but are not proposed to be assessed with this project. If and when these adjacent properties develop in the future the City will collect the WAC fees which will cover the cost of the trunk watermain. None of the other improvements proposed offer direct benefits to the any adjacent properties. A summary of assessments is located in Exhibit F. Table III summarizes the proposed funding sources: Table III Independent School District #728 E-8 School Public Improvements STREET & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FUNDING ITEM ESTIMATED COST AGREEMENT & POTENTIAL ASSESSEMENT (ISD #728 FUNDING) $ 1,007,935.00 WAC $ 53,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $ 1,060,935.00 VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report analyzed the feasibility of reconstructing 80t" Street as an urban section with a bituminous trail and turn/bypass lanes from approximately 500' west of Maclver Avenue NE to Marlowe Avenue NE. The feasibility of constructing approximately 1,100' of trunk watermain, and an interim lift station with force main to serve the proposed E-8 School north of 80th Street NE was also evaluated. The estimated project cost for these improvements is $1,060,935. The project will be funded through the agreement the City of Otsego has with the Independent School District#728 and the City of Otsego WAC funds for the trunk portion of the watermain. Once the project is complete and the project costs, not including the trunk water main portion, exceeds $1,100,000, the City of Otsego may hold an assessment hearing to assess a portion or all of the exceedance against the ISD #728. The project can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and the entities to incur the project costs should review the project for benefit to determine the economic feasibility of the proposed improvements. The proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective and feasible from a technical and engineering standpoint, and benefits the properties shown on Exhibit E and the list of owners shown on Exhibit F. Page 6 SAMun icipalW0TSEG0\393\FEASIB I LITY\ot393 Feasibility. d oc --- Hakanson illAnderson N. 18, 2MS — U22pm N.\e.dxg\PRO, CTS\NNMOPA \O1 95\tl g\DT393 F MILIN.d g 25D 0 250 500 SCALE IN FEET t ot.ITY OF o MINNESOTA EXHIBIT A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ISD #728 E-8 SCHOOL /— SCHOOL TO CONNECT TO LIFT STATION AND TEMPORARY LIFT WATERMAIN PROVIDED STATION i R-941 i 1-928.2 ! I 1 ii ' `—PROPOSED l - 13' WIDE, 12" THICK FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY CLASS 5 LIFT STATION i ACCESS ROAD i Qi �1 Ld PROPOSED j 4" FORCEMAIN PROPOSED 16" WATERMAIN 10' BITUMINOUS TRAIL -I I START WIDENING 80TH TREET RESTRIPE MACIVER VE I WITH TURN LANES I I' � 1 I - Hakanson Anderson Nov 17. 20I5 — 4:26pm K:\mlong\PRO CTS\M[ ICIPAL\OT393\dwg\OT393 FEAS1EJU1 .dwg CONNECT TO EXISTING l 1 " WATERMAIN CO NE T TO E�ISTING GR VIT SA ITAlY MA HO4E (I V , 7 L 942.6) CITY OF I Ot so ,I 1 � MINNESOTAe OTSEGO E-8 i Z II a ;1 w 0 1� I 1 '1 O O O �I �I j fl I END WIDENING 80TH STREET POTENTIAL FUTURE PLAT CONNECTION 1 —P�OPOSED TUf N SAND BYPASS LANES I j I I I I I ' I I I i 1 I I ' I I j I I I ' I I I I I I 1 K 100 0 100 200. SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT B w z TYPICAL SECTION 66' PERSCRIPTIVE ROW 2' 14' 14' TAPER EDGE 1 + 1/3" PER FT. CITY OF se o MINNESOTA w z 2' I VARIES SHOULDER J DRIVEWAY CULVERT 4" MIN DEPTH 15" MIN m A & B BITUMINOUS MAT CL 2 SHOULDERING C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE (MODIFIED) 26' WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 32' WIDTH TYPICAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL W RURAL STREET SECTION z NO SCALE J VARIES 46' B - B 10' 7' 14.33' 13, 14.33' r i HRU LAN1 E I LEFT TURN THRU LANE iSLO E 1 /4" Pwr� 2% MIN. w z H w IL 0 EL LA & B BITUMINOUS MAT `B618 CONCRETE CURB 3" THICK, 10' WIDE AND GUTTER PLACED BITUMINOUS TRAIL C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE ON APPROVED SUBGRADE ON APPROVED SUBGRADE (MODIFIED) 47 WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 48' WIDTH TYPICAL PROPOSED URBAN MINOR COLLECTOR STREET SECTION — 10 TON NO SCALE IHakanson Anderson Nav 11, 2015 — 1: SSpm K:\coinng\PftOJEC1S\AII/NICIPAL\0793\dxg\0T393 FEASIBIIJT'.dwg EXHIBIT Cl TYPICAL SECTION otCITY OF ego f11r>iFa ESOTA w Z � r 50' 33' PERSCRIPTIVE La Z J x a_ 52.34' B - B w 0 0 0 Of 29.34' 23' 10' 0- a_ 10' 7, 12' 12' 12' 12' RIGHT TURN THRU LANE LEFT TURN THRU LANE SLOPE 4„ PER FT. 4� LA & B BITUMINOUS MAT B618 CONCRETE 3" THICK, 10' WIDE C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE CURB AND GUTTER PLACED BITUMINOUS TRAIL (MODIFIED) 47' WIDTH APPROVEDD SUBGRAD ON APPROVED SUBGRADE D APPROVED SUBGRADE 48' WIDTH TYPICAL PROPOSED URBAN MINOR COLLECTOR W/BYBASS LANES NO SCALE viwi Hakanson'l Anderson Nov 11, 2015 — 1:54pm K \wd_eng\PRWECIS\MUNICIPAL\07393\dw9\0T393 FFASIBIIJTT.dwg EXHIBIT C21 EXHIBIT D City of Otsego PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ISO #728 E-8 SCHOOL PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Bid Schedule "A" - Streets & Trail Item No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Estimated Extension 1 Mobilization LS 1 $20,000.00 $20,000 2 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY 4729 $3.00 $14,187 3 jSawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) LF 100 $4.00 $400 4 lCommon Excavation P CY 5154 $4.50 $23,193 5 Salvaged Topsoil From Stockpile L CY 3255 $3.50 $11,393 6 Salvaged Topsoil in Stockpile EV CY 10308 $3.50 $36,078 7 Aggre ate Base Class 3 or 4 TON 9735 $9.00 $87,615 8 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod TON 3010 $13.00 $39,130 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 1.5" SY 17 $6.00 $102 10 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat GAL 558 $3.00 $1,674 11 fType SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture 3,C TON 910 $68.00 $61,880 12 Type SP 12.5 Wearing Course Mixture 2,6 rail TON 220 $67.00 $14,740 13 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture 3,C TON 1820 $60.00 $109,200 14 Concrete Flume EACH 2 $300.00 $600 15 Concrete Curb & Gutter Desi n B418 LF 5050 $14.00 $70,700 16 6" Concrete Driveway Pavement SY 56 $45.00 $2,520 17 Truncated Domes SF 80 $55.00 $4,400 18 Traffic Control LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000 19 Sign Panels, Type C SF 108 $32.00 $3,456 20 Silt Fence, Type MS LF 3300 $2.00 $6,600 21 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EACH 10 $75.00 $750 22 Stabilized Construction Exit LS 2 $2,000.00 $4,000 23 Seeding ACRE 2.02 $3,000.00 $6,060 24 Erosion Control Blanket - Cate o 2 SY 770 $2.50 $1,925 25 Pavement Message Left Arrow - Paint EACH 4 $75.00 $300 26 Pavement Message (Right Arrow - Paint EACH 5 $75.00 $375 27 Pavement Message hru Arrow - Paint EACH 4 $75.00 $300 28 4" Solid Line White - Paint LF 6000 $0.10 $600 29 4" Broken Line White- Paint LF 275 $0A0 $28 30 12" Stop Line White - Paint LF 144 $2.60 $374 31 24" Solid Line Yellow - Pain1 LF 230 $2.45 $564 32 4" Double Solid Line Yellow - Pain1 LF 3300 $0.20 $660 Total - Bid Schedule "A" Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer "ZS,5U4.UU Item No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Estimated Extension 33 15" RC Pipe Apron EACH 2 $500.00 $1,000 34 4" Precast Concrete Headwall EACH 6 $240.00 $1,440 35 4" Perf PVC Pie Drain LF 600 $15.00 $9,000 36 15" RC Pie Sewer Design 3006 CL V all de the LF 400 $38.00 $15,200 37 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF 150 $41.00 $6,150 38 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III all depths) LF 100 $43.00 $4,300 39 Construct Drainage Structure Design 48-4020 LF 33 $500.00 $16,500 40 Construct Drainage Structure Design H LF 8 $450.00 $3,600 41 Construct Drainage Structure Design N LF 8 $450.00 $3,600 42 Articulated Interlocking Block Open Cell, Type A SY 100 $115.00 $11,500 Total- Ism Scheauie "B" yrz,zso 5:1MunicipaMOT5EGO1393%FEASIBILITY\OT393 EngEst (11-18-1 S).xlsx Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT D City of Otsego PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ISO #728 E-8 SCHOOL PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Bid Schedule "C" - Interim Lift Station and Forcemain Item No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Estimated Extension 43 Connect To Existing Sanitary Manhole LS 1 $1,750.00 $1,750 44 4" HDPE Forcemain Installed by Horizontal Directional Drilling LF 1200 $35.00 $42,000 45 Forcemain DIP Fittings LBS 148 $5.00 $740 47 72" Diameter Liftstaion Manhole {0- 8 feet) EACH 1 $5,000.00 $5,000 46 72" Diameter Manhole - Additional Depth VF 10 $250.00 $2,500 48 5 HP Pumps EACH 2 $10,000.00 $20,000 49 Electrical Enclosure EACH 1 $5,000.00 $5,000 50 Phase 3 Power LS 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 51 Salvaged Topsoil in Stockpile EV CY 400 $3.00 $1,200 52 Aaareaate Base Class 5 Mod TON 815 $15.00 $12,225 53 SCADA LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000 54 Lift Station A urtances LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 55 Testing Forcemain LS 1 $1,500.00 $1.500 i otai - ctia scneauie ••c Bid Schedule "D" - Watermain Lateral $118,415 Item No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Estimated Extension 56 Connect To Existing 16" Watermain EA 1 $1,000.00 $1,000 57 Salvage And Reinstall Hydrant, 6" Pipe And 6" Gate Valve LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000 58 Hydrant With 6" Valve EA 1 $5,000.00 $5,000 59 10" Watermain Ductile Iron Cl 52 LF 1120 $50.00 $56 000 60 6" Watermain Ductile Iron Cl 52 LF 20 $30.00 $600 61 10" Gate Valve And Box EA 3 $3,000.00 $9,000 62 6" Gate Valve And Box EA 1 $2,100.00 $2,100 63 Watermain Fittings LBS 2010 $4.50 $9,045 64 Testing Watermain LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000 rota) - tita scneauie "D" Bid Schedule "E" - Watermain Trunk $86,745 Item No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Estimated Extension 65 10" DIP to 16" DIP Watermain LF 1120 $25.00 $28,000 66 10" Gate Valve to 16" Butterfly Valve EA 4 $1,000.00 $4,000 67 16" to 10" Watermain Fittings LBS 1 2310 $4.50 1 $15,395 i otai - tua scneauie "L) $42,395 Total - Bid Schedule "A" - Streets & Trail $528,804 Total - Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $72,290 Total - Bid Schedule "C" - Interim Lift Station and Forcemain $118,415 Total - Bid Schedule "D" - Watermain Lateral $86,746 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $806,254 10% Contingencies $80,625 16% Administration, Legal, & Engineering $120,938 TOTAL ESTIMATED SCHOOL PROJECT COST $1,007,817 Total - Bid Schedule "E" - Watermain Trunk $42,396 10% Contingencies $4,240 15% Administration, Legal, & Engineering $6,359 TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY PROJECT COST $52,994 S:1MunicipaMOTSEGO\393\FEASIBILITY\OT393 EngEst (71-78-75)xisx Page 2of2 BENEFITING PROPERTIES LEGEND PROPOSED ASSESSED PROPERTY K Hakanson Anderson Nov 11. 2015 — 2.•11pm K\md_mg\PROJECTS\MUNICIPAL\OT393\dag\0T 23 FE/SI51UJ ..dwg 150 0 150 300 SCALE IN FEET 0 CITY OF so I:3I;;I,ESOTe JE EXHIBIT E LL M� W x W O o O -a o .� L6 co N w rn o w o E Q a o O J a Z O E- <t cc C o r 0 Q Q O W a X � Q X Ob r ~ Z wa �z 00 N O U) o w Lu a. 'L 0 a)O a N o 'a F � Q r Q J U o O � a. � CO U) of L- r a a Z Uj Z E- ~ w � Z 0 m O U) O Z W Q O 0 Z L Om W n W Q Z :y p SfE SHEET 2 OF 2 \ /i �-Fotw 1/2 INCH R ' � 9 ) / ,- - 33.00- Pre nARKED RL541578 h o { r—IL LW OF SWI/4 OF WIj4 r SEC. H, TWP. 12L RNG. 3 40 ,- PROPOSED DRAINAGE AN UTBUTY NT BY SEPARATE to l ; �OUTLOT� B ; I o ROI+QSFD DRAWACEAND ! IASEfA 58979'14'E - P - QyS ' 9f I o 3 1 ' ' 539.24 PROPOSED 20% WATERMAIF(.EME1NT ) • /' .` o PROPOSED BUILDING a w IId ♦, e a o LOT 1 r >; v. L) = �:• � N89'4Y46"E /4:' - _-. ' 9 ^-10.00 �. I 1, - 74 1e ,/ i C "943 1 1 4-0 it 4> t u' 50 =ris o< r, OUT A g m a L K1 r 441 PROPOSED DRAINAGEAND .- . WETLMID AS Olel"TEO BY KJOLHAUC -942 -_q45 { PROPOSED PARKING ENMOWENTAL SERVICES -'I ON APRL'1z 20" SATE51' CORNER OF j AND UTILITY EASEMN MWEME 39� SECTION 19, TOVN5NP 12LR=5thQ0 - I RPNGE 23 .as - __'" I I�r < `1 Q �✓ L-7910 G� RON rbNUFEar 50 � i�� _ \ c 630' RLDG S , -____ —_ 700 60 1 J _s 77 S89.19'WE I 501.11-HEAST CORNER OF— '-SOUTH Ot19, OF SWNS I/4 WEST SW ECTION Iq,TOWNSHIP 121, SELTVJN 19, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 23 RANGE 23 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES: LEGEND: FLOOD INFORMATION: 7HE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD ® FOUND MONUMENT (AS NOTED) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE UNSHADED ZONE X, AREAS DETERMINED TO SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO BE OUTSIDE THE 500 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN, AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL FLOOD GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPROMISE ALL E— GUY WIRE > SANITARY sEvvER INSURANCE RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 2707470001 A, HAVING AN SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE -a- POWER POLE >>—STORM "ER EFFECTIVE DATE OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1992. SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFY 7p T81PHON-c PNESTAL —. WIRE FENCE NOTED) EXISTING PARKING THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE CURB I YPICALI '} INFORMATION AVAILABLE. THIS SURVEY HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE ® SANITARY MANHOLE -----I230. CONTOURS THERE ARE 0 VISIBLE PARKING STALLS DESIGNATED ON THIS PARCEL INCLUDING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKET CATCH BASIN x .n0.a SPOT ELEVATION 0 HANDICAP STALL. NUMBER(S)150070133. SOME MAPS WERE RECEIVED, WHILE OTHER UTILITIES DID NOT RESPOND TO THE LOCATE REQUEST. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OF ® FLARED END SECTION WHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST. OTHER UTILITIES MAY EXIST ON THIS O STORM MANHOLE SITE THAT WERE NOT MARKED UP. WATER CONTROL STRVCTURE CALL 4E'OREYOU DIGI V HYDRANT Gopher State One Call m WATER VALVE _Nc_AREA 651- S -0002 TOLLFREE 1-600-252-1166 nD MAILBOX EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION (per Wright County tax records): OTS EG O E— 8 The west half of the southwest quarter of Section 19. Township 121. Range 23. SCHOOL ADDITION EXCEPT: That part of the hereinbefom described property described as follows: PRELIMINARY PLAT Beginning at a point on the east line of said west half lying 28 feet South of the northeast comer thereof: thence North a distance of 28 feet along said east line: thence West a distance of 21 feet along the north line of said west half; CONTACT - thence southeasterly to the Point of Beginning. $, ' Wright County, Minnesota NEIL TESSIER SAFEngineering, PLLC 6574 Sioux Lane Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Phone:612-213-9859 VICINITY MAP 4 EXISTING EASEMENT NOTES: o / } < No title work was provided for the benefit of this survey. (NOT7o St o SEG 19, 21, rr C CITY OF OTSECO, ECO, WRIGtIT COUNTY, EXISTING AREAS: mINNEsOTA ¢ REVISIONS: PARCEL AREA PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE REVISION 3,608,647 sq. ft., being 82.84 acres, more or less 10-15-15 INITIAL ISSUE APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AREA: 10-22-15 MARLOW ROW REV 87,886 sq. ft., being 2.02 acres, more or less PARCEL AREA LESS APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY 3,520,761 sq. ft- being 80,83 acres, more or less CERTIFICATION' I hereby C Fy tbar this plan was prepared by m under my direct supervision, and that I — a duly Licensed land Surveyor Under the laws of the staze of Mmnesata, PROPOSED AREAS: Daniel 25T8 LOT 1 AREA - 763,960 SQ. FT. LThurmes RE buadon nber. OUTLOT A AREA = 436,691 SQ. FT. Da 10-15-15 OUTLOT B AREA = 2,113,305 SQ. FT. MACIVER AVER.O.W. = 110,283 SQ. FT. 80th STREET N.E. RO.W..= 68,100 SQ. FT. MARLOWE AVE R.O.W. = 43279 SQ. FT, 85th STREET N.E. R.O;W. = 73,029 SQ. FT. SCHEDULE B2 NOTES: NORTH $ 0 100 200 7. Title work was not provided for this survey. BENCHMARKS ELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MND07 GEODETIC PROJECT LOCATION: WEBSrTE.ESTABLISH SURVEY DISK C 12123 WITH IS ELEVATION OF 943.90 WAS USED TO / \ / _ a ESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAND 88) X 80th ST NE PID#118500193200 SURVEY NOTES: 1. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLIED BY THE WRIG HT COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE. 2, THERE MAY SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOT SHOWN OR LOCATED. 3. WETLAND DELINEATION FLAGS WERE FOUND OR LOCATED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY. ZONING NOTES: 1. SITE 15 ZONED A-1, AGRICULTURAL - RURAL SERVICEAREA, PER CITY OF OTSEGO ZONING MAP Suite*] 6750 Stillwater Blvd. N. Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone 651.275.8969 Fax 651.275.8916 don@ assurvey ,net CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC. FILE NAME PREPLATSAFi 5 PROJECT NO. SAF14015 PRELIMINARY PLAT SHEET I OF 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-70 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the council adopted October 12, 2015, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. with reference to infrastructure improvements necessary for an E-8 School located near the intersection of Maclver Avenue and 80th Street and this report was received by the council on November 23, 2015; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The council will consider the making of such improvement in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefiting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 with the estimated total cost of the improvement being $1,070,395. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 11th day of January, 2016 in the council chambers of the city hall at 7:00 p.m. and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the council this 23rd day of November, 2015. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk ot393 Res Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement - E-8 School