ITEM 1 attach_5 Draft - Final General Fund Budget (11-18-2015)City of Otsego General Fund Budget - Summary �y Year Ending December 31, 2016 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Adopted 2016 Proposed Adjustments 2016 Preliminary 2016 Final Change Comments Revenues: Taxes 3,366,010 3,321,316 3,334,000 3,499950 44,402 3,544352 3,544,352 - Licenses and Permits 830,076 1,238,823 592,000 622:350 19,215 641:565 641,565 - Intergovernmental Revenue 217,630 337,779 323,122 343,590 - 343,590 343,590 - Charges for Service 38,321 192,168 50,700 57,000 57,000 57,000 - interest Revenue (4,766) 37,427 95,000 50'000 50000 50,000 - Cable Franchise Fees 83,681 120'964 105,000 107'000 107:000 107,ODD - Other Revenues 72,924 58,815 149,047 133,755 3,000 1313,755 136,755 Total 4,603,876 5,307,292 4,648,869 4,813,645 66,617 4,880,262 4,880,262 Expenditures: General Government' City Council 44,216 52,853 82,317 96,838 96,838 116,276 19,438 Administration 339,696 405,229 415,273 438,225 438,225 469,467 31,242 All changes within personal services, due to the re organization of the Finance and Administrative Departments. Elections 1,486 25,672 745 29,825 29,825 29,825 - Assessor 67,463 72,517 74,700 76,941 76,941 76,941 - Finance 242,381 318,213 342,703 341,431 341,431 288,531 (52,900) All changes within personal services, due to the re organization of the Finance and Administrative Departments. Legal 78,996 101,013 82,000 86,000 86,000 86,000 - Information Technology 22,760 40,926 66,300 71,000 71,000 72,000 1,000 Late addition of $1,000 for GB Data Switches City Hall 71,270 82,267 82,063 82,851 82,851 82,851 - Planning 70,016 92,152 68,500 91,500 1,950 93,450 93,450 - Building Inspection 181,882 189,193 229,723 234,118 19,215 253,333 250,588 (2,745) All changes within personal services. The final budget is more accurate based upon current staffing and actual workers compensation insurance. Subtotal: General Government: 1,120,166 1,380,035 1,444,324 1,548,729 21,165 1,569,894 1,565,929 (3,965) Public Safety: Police 882,601 912,365 941,700 978,200 978,200 978,200 - Police Commission 1,399 605 1,350 1,350 1,500 2,850 2,850 - Fire 365,873 377,926 454,560 497,462 497,462 497,462 - Emergency Management 2,950 1,413 7,450 6,900 6,900 14,400 7,500 Late addition of $7,500 for three 800mhz Radios. Animal Control 11,058 14,610 11,300 13,500 13,500 13,500 Subtotal: Public Safety: 1,263,881 1,306,919 1,416,360 1,497,412 1,500 1,498,912 1,506,412 7,500 Public Works, Streets 678,991 620,483 681,123 676,167 10,502 686,669 689,681 3,012 All changes within personal services. The final budget is more accurate based upon current staffing and actual workers compensation insurance. Engineering 160,825 92,876 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 - Street Lights 109,667 111,465 114,100 115,968 115,968 115,968 - Fleet Maintenance 148,131 190,113 187,260 209,502 (1,063) 208:439 208,303 (136) All changes within personal services. The final budget is more accurate based upon current staffing and actual workers compensation insurance. Subtotal: PublicWorks 1,097,614 1,014,937 1,067,483 1,086,637 9,439 1,096,076 1,098,952 2,876 Culture & Recreation Park Maintenance 166,490 293,212 343,851 356,544 29,412 385,956 381,806 (4,150) All changes within personal services. The final budget is more accurate based upon current staffing and actual workers compensation insurance. Recreation 115,471 139,020 128,927 142,211 10,019 152,230 151,396 (834) All changes within personal services. The final budget is more accurate based upon current staffing and actual workers compensation insurance. Prairie Center 20,220 26,968 35,622 33,1177 33,877 33,877 Subtotal: Culture & Recreation: 302,181 459,200 508,400 532,632 39,431 572,063 567,079 (4,984) Economic Development 3,286 4,095 14,100 14,300 14,300 14,300 Total 3,787,128 4,165,186 4,450,667 4,679,710 71,535 4,751,245 4,752,672 1,427 Excess of Revenues over /(under) Expenditures 816,748 1,142,106 198,202 133,935 (4,918) 129,017 127,590 (1,427) Net Transfers In / (Out) (339,457) (127,590) (127,590) (127,590) NET GENERAL FUND: 816,748 802,649 198,202 133,935 (132,508) 1,427 (1.427) City Council Fund Department Object Account Description Preliminary Final Change 101 41100 801 CONTINGENCY 53,700 73,138 19,438 Totals 53,700 73,138 19,438 Administration Fund Department Object Account Description Preliminary Final Change 101 41400 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 238,701 298,339 59,638 101 41400 104 PART-TIME - EMPLOYEES REGULAR 33,280 - (33,280) 101 41400 121 PERA 20,399 22,375 1,976 101 41400 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 20,807 22,823 2,016 101 41400 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 21,941 23,185 1,244 101 41400 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,046 694 (352) Totals 336,174 367,416 31,242 Finance Fund Department Object Account Description Preliminary Final Change 101 41600 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 146,487 182,394 35,907 101 41600 104 WAGES - PT EMPLOYEES 78,263 (78,263) 101 41600 121 PERA 16,294 13,680 (2,614) 101 41600 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 17,193 13,953 (3,240) 101 41600 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 21,623 17,285 (4,338) 101 41600 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,046 694 (352) Totals 280,906 228,006 (52,900) Information Technology Fund Department Object Account Description Preliminary Final Change 101 41650 501 EQUIPMENT - 1,000 1,000 Building Inspection Fund Department 101 42410 101 42410 101 42410 101 42410 101 42410 101 42410 Totals Object Account Description 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 104 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 121 PERA 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION Totals - 1,000 1,000 Preliminary Final Change 52,107 52,107 - 16,640 16,877 237 5,183 5,174 (9) 5,286 5,277 (9) 10,976 8,364 (2,612) 1,046 694 (352) 91,238 88,493 (2,745) Emergency Management Fund Department Object Account Description Preliminary Final Change 101 42500 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY (GENERAL) - 7,500 7,500 Totals - 7,500 7,500 Streets Fund Department 101 43100 101 43100 101 43100 101 43100 101 43100 101 43100 101 43100 Object Account Description 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 102 FULL-TIME - OVERTIME 104 PART-TIME - EMPLOYEES REGULAR 121 PERA 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION Preliminary Final Change 300,599 307,505 6,906 8,000 8,000 - 23,402 21,542 (1,860) 24,112 23,663 (449) 24,595 25,784 1,189 46,081 42,500 (3,581) 20,640 21,447 807 Totals 447,429 450,441 3,012 Fleet Maintenance Fund Department Object Account Description Preliminary Final Change 101 43240 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 55,756 55,756 - 101 43240 102 OVERTIME - 101 43240 121 PERA 4,042 4,182 140 101 43240 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 4,265 4,265 - 101 43240 123 HEALTH - 101 43240 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 10,619 10,313 (306) 101 43240 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,831 1,861 30 Parks Maintenance Fund Department 101 45200 101 45200 101 45200 101 45200 101 45200 101 45200 101 45200 101 45200 Totals Object Account Description 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 102 OVERTIME 104 PART-TIME - EMPLOYEES REGULAR 121 PERA 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 123 HEALTH 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION Totals 76,513 76,377 (136 Preliminary Final Change 132,256 131,089 (1,167) 27,466 28,015 549 9,698 9,832 134 12,218 12,172 (46) 15,212 11,754 (3,458) 3,074 2,912 (162) 199,924 195,774 (4,150) Recreation Fund Department Object Account Description Preliminary Final Change 101 45250 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 42,861 42,861 - 101 45250 104 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 31,873 31,073 (800) 101 45250 121 PERA 4,983 5,155 172 101 45250 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 5,932 5,931 (1) 101 45250 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 10,831 10,726 (105) 101 45250 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 750 650 (100) Totals 97,230 96,396 (834)