ITEM 1 attach_7 Draft - Final Sewer Fund Budget (11-18-2015)City of Otsego Sewer Utility Fund Budget Summary December 31, 2016 Fund Account Description REVENUES 602 37200 Sewer Sales 602 34000 Charges for Service 602 31900 Penalties and Interest OPERATING 602 36210 Investment Interest 602 36213 Change in Investments FMV 602 36220 Rental Income 602 36232 Developer Contributions 602 38991 Refunds and Reimbursements NONOPERATING TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES 602 49450 101 Full Time Employees 602 49450 102 FT Overtime 602 49450 104 Part -Time Employees 602 49450 119 Payroll Allocation 602 49450 121 PERA 602 49450 122 FICA and Medicare 602 49450 123 Health 602 49450 130 Other Emplolyee Insurance 602 49450 140 Unemployment Compensation 602 49450 150 Workers Compensation PERSONAL SERVICES 602 49450 201 Office Supplies and Expenses 602 49450 202 Fuel 602 49450 206 Postage 602 49450 210 Operating Supplies 602 49450 216 Chemical Supplies 602 49450 220 Repair/Maintenance Supplies 602 49450 225 Uniform/Clothing Allowance 602 49450 227 Safety Supplies 602 49450 240 Small Tools and Equipment 602 49450 298 W/S Fleet Expenses Actual Actual Actual Budget YTD - Nov Proposed 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 1,019,258 1,136,423 1,263,420 1,240,995 1,279,456 1,424,940 9,553 7,873 9,525 7,000 7,226 - 14,520 42,227 52,236 40,000 50,246 40,000 1,043,330 1,186,523 1,325,181 1,287,995 1,336,928 1,464,940 11,639 18,211 28,749 - - - - (23,260) - - - - 640 - - - 38,695 - - - 11,347 30 147 23,626 (5,049) 67,474 147 1,066,956 1,181,474 1,392,655 1,287,995 1,337,075 1,464,940 22,840 75,672 153,339 143,161 117,468 185,948 - - 4,018 3,300 3,999 3,750 - - 11,516 1,350 2,700 - 24,960 3,750 - - - - 1,647 4,785 11,789 10,985 10,313 14,227 1,539 5,408 11,819 12,914 9,257 14,512 1,456 5,257 17,496 26,038 - - 161 662 1,554 - 16,402 23,330 1,264 3,167 7,360 6,723 9,087 52,603 96,798 214,699 205,108 166,862 250,854 6,878 11,651 11,940 8,000 2,721 5,000 5,203 3,208 1,618 6,833 2,766 8,888 4,595 4,702 6,356 6,600 4,665 8,820 - 12,930 50,622 23,628 31,687 29,836 - - - 19,709 14,092 26,947 29,334 26,369 22,796 80,700 21,242 27,000 - 1,254 796 1,250 1,013 1,475 - 3,435 296 1,000 648 1,500 - 7,031 749 500 1,422 7,300 - - 10,402 2,600 1,621 2,600 SUPPLIES 46,010 70,580 105,574 150,820 81,876 119,366 2015 Comments 2016 Comments 5.0 % Rate Increase (2/11/13) 2 % Rate Increase Septic Disposal No longer take waste from Riverbend MH Park. No change. 75 % of Utility Employees 75 % of Utility Employees Utility Total - $4,400 Utility Total - $5,000 Utility Total - $1,650 7.50 % of Gross Wages 7.65 % of Gross Wages Health / Dental / LTD / STD / Life Based on 7/1/15 - 7/1/16 Invoice General Office / Printer Ink / Envelopes / Folding Machine Maintenance 50 % of 3,644 Gallons at $3.75 75 % of 3,950 Gallons at $3.00 50 % of 2,200 Monthly Bills at $0.49 50 % of 3,000 Monthly Bills at $0.49 See Attachment See Attachment See Attachment See Attachment See Attachment See Attachment 50 % of 4 Staff Allowances of $550 50 % of 5 Staff Allowances of $550; Additional $200 for New Staff Traffic Vests / Ear Plugs / Safety Glasses / Traffic Vests / Ear Plugs / Safety Glasses / 1 st Aid Kits / Arc Flash PPE / Cones / Life 1 st Aid Kits / Arc Flash PPE / Cones / Life Jacket Jacket See Attachment 8 oil changes@ $40e, 4 tire rotate @ $15e, Jet Vac oil $420, Crane truck cable, Air Filter, Light, Battery , Brakes, wheel well paint, trany flush@$200.(1/2) U:\Budget\2016\Utility Funds\Sewer Sewer Fund Summary 602 49450 301 Legal Fees 653 1,000 1,000 602 49450 302 Engineering Fees 10,404 6,849 5,963 10,000 34,076 100,000 Increase for West Digester Increase for West Digester 602 49450 303 Planning Fees 760 225 - 1,000 550 1,000 602 49450 306 Permits & Fees 4,142 4,140 7,350 7,700 7,350 7,750 East WWTF ($5,900) / West WWTF East WWTF ($5,900) / West WWTF ($1,450) / SWPP ($400) ($1,450) / SWPP ($400) 602 49450 315 GIS Services 190 57 1,938 4,000 281 4,000 PAID Costs / Mobile / Desktop 602 49450 320 Telephone - 2,834 2,593 2,301 3,406 3,420 2 hard lines @ 213.53/ mo=2562.36 50 % - Hard Lines ($220 Month) / Cell 4 cell = [(50+40(3)]x12=2040 Phones (5 @ $50 Month) / New Devices ($1,200) 602 49450 322 Utilities 124,947 150,225 144,513 160,000 132,578 160,000 602 49450 325 Garbage Service - 3,478 6,839 6,851 6,252 6,900 3 Yards per Week 3 Yards per Week ($378+$193) Monthly 602 49450 350 Print & Publishing 2,250 116 - 200 - 300 602 49450 355 Dues & Memberships - 25 - 340 83 92 MRWA=$225/2 MMUA $404/2; AW WA $25 50 % - MMUA ($400 / 3) / AW WA ($25) 602 49450 360 Education/Training/Conferences - 1,126 2,317 2,859 6,264 1,500 CEU (5 @ $300) 602 49450 361 Liability & Property Insurance 17,913 4,064 26,454 20,610 14,496 32,460 5% Increase + More In Depth Allocation 602 49450 390 Contracted Services 482,537 258,155 116,776 83,714 160,287 175,827 See Attachment See Attachment 602 49450 402 Repairs & Maintenance Services - 73,488 571 - 328 - 602 49450 419 Biosolids Removal 2,500 32,346 - 60,000 6,561 60,000 1.2 Million Gallons @ $0.05/per 1.2 Million Gallons @ $0.05/per 602 49450 437 Bank Service Charges - - - - 9,112 8,400 50 % - Credit Card Fees / PSN Online Payment Fees / ACH / Bank Service Charges @ $1,400 Monthly SERVICES & OTHER CHARGES 646,297 537,129 315,316 360,575 381,624 562,648 602 49450 420 Depreciation 826,242 824,492 823,122 860,117 - 880,000 Rough Estimate of 2 % Growth Rough Estimate of 2% over 2015 Budget. 602 49450 501 Equipment - 320 - - - 98,300 See Attachment 602 49450 530 Improvements Other Than Buildings - 49,677 2,300,000 Based on Draft 2016 CIP 602 49450 550 Motor Vehicles - - - - - 26,250 Based on Draft 2016 CIP 602 49450 610 Bond Interest - - - 755,400 - - All Debt Service Paid from SAC Fund 602 49450 720 Operating Transfers 19,600 57,517 56,638 123,200 140,316 Reimburse General Fund ($56,638) Reimburse General Fund ($100,316) / Jet Vac Debt Transfer($40,000) OTHER 845,842 824,812 880,639 1,672,155 172,877 3,444,866 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,590,752 1,529,319 1,516,228 2,388,658 803,240 4,377,734 NET OPERATIONS (523,796) (347,845) (123,573) (1,100,663) 533,835 (2,912,794) Fund Cash Balance 1,127,629 1,558,600 2,203,977 2,632,372 U:\Budget\2016\Utility Funds\Sewer Sewer Fund Summary City of Otsego Sewer Utility F Cash Flow Sum and mary Revised: November 18, 2015 Rate Increase 5.00% 5.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Base Charge $ 5.00 $ 7.88 $ 8.27 $ 8.68 $ 8.85 $ 8.85 $ 8.85 $ 8.85 $ 8.85 Consumption Charge $ 5.00 $ 4.88 $ 5.13 $ 5.38 $ 5.49 $ 5.49 $ 5.49 $ 5.49 $ 5.49 Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Comments Operating Revenues Sewer Sales $ 1,019,258 $ 1,136,423 $ 1,263,420 $ 1,397,000 $ 1,424,940 $ 1,424,940 $ 1,424,940 $ 1,424,940 $ 1,424,940 2015 Budget was $1,240,995 Charges for Services 9,553 7,873 9,525 7,000 - - - - - Mobile Home Disposal - 2015 Was Final Year Penalties and Interest 14,520 42,227 52,236 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Flat Other Subtotal 1,043,331 1,186,523 1,325,181 1,444,000 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 Nonoperating Revenues Investment Interest (Net) 11,639 (5,049) 28,749 - - - - - - Other 11,987 38,725 Total 1,066,957 1,181,474 1,392,655 1,444,000 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 Expenses Personal Servcies 52,603 96,798 214,699 205,108 250,854 255,871 260,989 266,208 271,532 2016 Prelim Budget - Then 2% Inflation Supplies 46,010 70,580 105,574 150,820 119,366 121,753 124,188 126,672 129,206 2016 Prelim Budget - Then 2% Inflation Services & Other Charges 646,297 537,129 315,316 360,575 562,648 430,081 438,683 447,456 456,405 2016 Prelim Budget - Reduced Eng/Solids - Then 2% Inflation Depreciation 826,242 824,492 823,122 860,117 880,000 880,000 880,000 880,000 880,000 2016 Projection - Then Flat Capital Outlay 8,550 - 26,593 - - - - - - Capital Outlay (CIP) - - - - 2,424,550 135,000 20,000 15,000 52,000 Based on Draft 2016 CIP Nonoperating - - - - - - - - - Transfers Out - - 57,517 56,638 100,316 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Transfer to General Fund for staff reimbursement. Transfers Out - Jet Vac 19,600 123,200 40,000 39,200 38,400 32,800 Transfer to Debt Fund 399for Jet Vac Total 1,599,302 1,528,999 1,542,821 1,756,458 4,377,734 1,971,905 1,872,259 1,878,137 1,899,143 Cash Balance- Beginning 803,364 1,127,628 1,558,600 2,203,977 2,751,636 718,842 1,091,877 1,564,558 2,031,361 Balance Sheet Effects 30,367 (45,995) (27,579) Revenues 1,066,957 1,181,474 1,392,655 1,444,000 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 1,464,940 Expenditures (1,599,302) (1,528,999) (1,542,821) (1,756,458) (4,377,734) (1,971,905) (1,872,259) (1,878,137) (1,899,143) Noncash- Depreciation 826,242 824,492 823,122 860,117 880,000 880,000 880,000 880,000 880,000 Cash Balance- Ending $ 1,127,628 $ 1,558,600 $ 2,203,977 $ 2,751,636 $ 718,842 $ 1,091,877 $ 1,564,558 $ 2,031,361 $ 2,477,158 Current Cash = $2,632,372