ITEM 2 Waterfront East Incentive PaymentsITEM 2 0 tsTe F o MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: November 19, 2015 SUBJECT: Waterfront East Incentive Payments With the original approval of Otsego Waterfront and Waterfront East developments and subsequent agreements, the Council approved development incentive payments that now total $849,530.80. These incentives are due to owners of Waterfront East lots upon construction of a building before December 31, 2021, meeting the valuation requirement specified in the agreement. For instance, the Accurate Home Care building will qualify for an incentive of $105,762.10 upon certification from the County Assessor that the building is valued at $1,368,686 or above, which we believe it will meet. There are currently no funds set aside or identified to pay the incentives as they become due. Revenue from storm water impact fees on property north of Otsego Waterfront that has not yet developed was originally expected to be the funding source for these incentive payments. Since that was not guaranteed revenue and merely contingent upon development, no revenue was received to meet the $849,530.80 incentive payment obligation. In fact, that watershed has a deficit cash balance of $301,000. Therefore, staff is requesting direction from the Council on the funding source for payment of these incentives, both the current incentive due to Accurate Home Care (upon certification of the value) and future projects. Staff identified several options to fund the incentive payments: 1. A tax abatement district could be set up for each lot/building project to recapture the City's share of tax revenue to reimburse the City for the incentive paid to the property owner. Typical repayment would be approximately 10 years. The Capital Improvement Revolving Fund would be a likely source to cash flow this method. 2. The Capital Improvements Revolving Fund is one of the only funds with available cash to pay the incentives. If this fund is used to reserve funding for future payments, the fund's unrestricted balance drops from $1.8 million to roughly $550,000 (this factors in funding Quaday, the Accurate Home Care incentive, and Prairie Center parking lot improvement). While this funds the incentive payments as they become due, it restricts the City's ability to fund other projects. 3. WAC and SAC payments could be used to offset the incentive payments to the extent of the WAC and SAC fees applicable to the project with the balance being paid from another source such as the Capital Improvements Revolving Fund. This shorts the water and sewer debt funds because they would not receive WAC and SAC payments that are due when the building permit is pulled; however, the benefit of offsetting those against the incentive is that it is not a cash payout. The water and sewer funds could be repaid later if or when the impact fees are collected. This method does affect cash flow for the water and sewer debt funds because cash that would have normally been received is not, and therefore is not available to meet debt service payments. 4. Interfund loans could beset up with the North Mississippi Watershed to repay the WAC, SAC, and Capital Improvement Revolving funds if they are used to fund the incentive payments. The current Accurate Home Care project had water and sewer connection charges of $97,173.20 due at time of permit issuance. Per the development agreement, those were not required to be paid and were offset against the incentive payment of $105,762.10 leaving an $8,588.90 cash payment due to the owner. (This is contingent upon meeting the minimum valuation requirement.) Depending upon the funding mechanism the Council prefers, that payment could either be paid from the Capital Improvement Revolving Fund or the entire $105,672,10 could be paid from the Capital Improvement Revolving Fund to make the water and sewer funds whole. One other factor to take into account in setting a funding method is whether the entire $849,530.80 will actually be paid. If development doesn't occur before December 31, 2021, or if the building values don't meet the minimum threshold, the incentives won't be paid. It's a gamble, however, to assume that the payments won't be made or that revenue from some other source will appear in the future to meet this obligation. From a financial planning perspective, it is better to plan for the worst case, yet realistic, scenario. Staff will be prepared to discuss this in further detail at Monday's meeting. For your information, attached is the page from the agreement that lists the minimum valuation and the corresponding incentive payment. 2 Outlot K, Otsego Waterfront East 8.0781% Outlot A, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition 39,5865% Outlot B, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition 20,0061% Outlot C, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition 6.8530% Outlot D, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition 5.9341% Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Waterfront East ,Third Addition 15.1225% Lot 1, Block 2, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition 4,3645% TOTAL 99.9448% 11) The sum of approximately $11,000,000,00 shall be spread over each Parcel Percentage to determine the threshold value of land and building improvements for each Parcel of the Property (the "improved Value Thresholds"). The Improved Value Thresholds are as follows, Outlot K, Otsego Waterfront East $888,591 Outlot A, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $4,354,515 Outlot B, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $2,200,671 Outlot C, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $753,830 Outlot D, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $652,751 Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $1,663,475 Lot 1, Block 2, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $480,095 TOTAL $10,993,928 iii) The sum of approximately $850,000,00 shall be spread over each Parcel Percentage to determine the "Incentive Payment" for each Parcel of the Property. The incentive Payment for each Parcel is as follows: 0% - a•1I-C)OUIto 1146-&LgIJ.00®010 l\� -C'�,wq _00000: 1166• ��4p cc 0640 t1"t«a(,q- ®utrit0 rk� ? 4-014 Im - 30 � " Qo okv Pt Outlot K, Otsego Waterfront East $68,663.85 Outlot A, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $336,485.25 Outlot B, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $170,051,85 Outlot C, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $58,250.50 Outlot D, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $50,439.85 Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $128,541.25 Lot 1, Block 2, Otsego Waterfront East Third Addition $37,098.25 TOTAL $849,530.80 0