02-09-93 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 2/9/93 Members present: Thomas Bai Ilargeon (chair) Carl Swenson Jacquie Rognli Floyd Roden Jeff Asfahl- Dist.728 park and Roche Martin Andy Beecher Mark Wallace Darlene Solberg recreation director Tom called the meeting to order. The first item on the agenda was the consideration of the minutes from the Jan. 12th meeting. Carl moved and Mark second the correction of the January date from 1992 to 1993 and also Jacquie will contact community people about trees, but doesn't need to research them. Corrections noted. Minutes approved. Tom B. thanked former park commission officers for their work. Members introduced themselves to the newest board member Roche Martin, principal at Handke Elementary. Guests from the community introduced themselves (people interested in helping on the new city park.) Discussion of map and Phase I of the city park. Discussion included access road, parking lot, picnic tables, portable toilets, adopt -a -tree, sliding hill and volleyball courts. Our goal at this point is the excavating. "Refer to preliminary proposed budget for phase 1 of City Hall Park. Randy De Roiser from the Jaycees would like to do a fundraiser to build funds for future use, plus they have the manpower now, if needed. Moved by Darlene S. and second by Jacquie R. to approve the Jaycees begin a fund for the Otsego city parks. passed Review of the operating budget. There is approximately $50,000 in the park fund. *See Budget Sheet Jeff Asfahl has some contacts in Zimmerman on materials for the park. Need to check on aglime. Jeff A. also has information on ballfields and ice rinks. Mark W. suggested we have a contest for: a) park name; b) sign; c) also a model in the city hall so people can see the plan. (This is to coincide with the opening of the new city hall.) It was decided to: 1) put in The Otsego View in March about suggestions for city park names- deadline will be the end of March; 2) Have the three community groups help with naming the park (Jaycees, Homeowners Association, Lion's Club); 3) Article in The Star News. A. It was moved by Jacquie R. and second by Mark W. that the park commission take suggestions from the community until the end of March for names for the park. Name to be decided at the April meeting. Passed. B. Moved by Darlene S. and second by Mark W. that there be a temporary sign placed by the park stating that this will be the future home of Otsego's new community park. (Floyd R. will donate wood, Randy DeRoiser will have it painted.) Deadline by open house. C. Model- delay this until the next meeting. Adopt -A -Tree- Discussion of types of trees to plant, where to plant them, and where to purchase them. Trees can be purchased from the DNR, Wright Co. Soil and Water, and other sources. Trees have to be purchased in quanities. You have to sign that they're not going to be resold, can't be used for landscape, but can be used for windbreak. We would need to order soon/and plant as soon as you get them. Conifers are $22/100 and deciduous are $42/100. Carl suggested small trees and have them planted ($.15 a tree and get weed mat.) What Do We Want To Do With Trees? 1. South tree line (now) 2. Later- plant individual trees in Adopt -A -Tree 3. Moved by Mark S., second by Andy B. to plant 3-4 rows of trees around the south and west border for this year from the DNR- look into types of trees and cost (Norway pine, spruce). Passed Jacquie R. and Carl S. will be a subcommittee to put together cost estimate (lengthy of sides, spacing, and size of trees. Approximately 3,000 plus feet.) 4. We will designate area for people to donate trees. The park commission will stake with type of trees to be donated. Mark W. moved and Darlene S. second to do Adopt -A -Tree (little section of field south of the present tree line.) Jeff Asfahlrho op sal - 1. Identify sites for playgrounds a. New city hall site. Clear this with the city hall. b. River Bend homes- at their community center c. At the Wright County Park *April 9th is his deadline 2. What ways can the recreation program help us? There will be a May brochure Operating Budget- A handout of the Operating Budget with revisions from the January meeting was moved by Mark W. and Second by Andy B. Passed Wish List- Save for the March meeting. Think about a theme and look for catalogs. Adopt -A -Park- leave for now Northwest Trail System- group from Hennepin County will let us know when they meet and decide how to put trail information together. Motion to adjourn, second. Parks & Recreation Commissio , Secretary Darlene Solberg