03-09-93 PRCITY OF OTSEGO Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 3/9/93 Members present: Tom Baillargeon (chair) Roche Martin Carl Swenson Jacquie Rognli Mark Wallace Andy Beecher Tom Constant Floyd Roden (City Council) Darlene Solberg Tom B. called the meeting to order at 7:41 P.M.. Motion to approve minutes of 2/9/93 with corrections by Mark W. , second Andy B. Change page 2 from Mark S. to Mark W., and change Jeff Asfahl and Roche Martin to guests. Passed. Motion by Mark W., second Tom C., to have sign in for guests at meetings for future references. This will be secretary's responsibility. Passed. Report on name, sign and layout of park: 1. Suggestions for park names: a. Perrrault Community Park b. River Road Community Park c. Central Community Park 2. Discussion of park planning - a. What do we want? b. Do we hire an architect? c. Check with landscaping companies? Moved by Mark W. and second by Andy B. to have Hakanson and Anderson Associates give us an estimate of a color layout of our park plan. Passed. 3. Report on Tree planting- DNR prices have doubled and tree planting has gone up. Planting 3,000 ft. on south and west with 5 rows- 2 rows of Norway and 3 rows of spruce in the inside would be $700. Use of herbicide $500. Carl S. didn't think this was feasible at this time. Jacquie R. reported that DNR has varieties that are more desirable. Their trees are 12 cents a tree (small). Soil and Water has less desirable trees. 65 cents for larger trees (spruce -12 meters, pine -18 meters). Guest Nancy Brunell from the Homeowners Association shared information on planting trees- lots of people in neighborhoods and groups were interested in helping. Moved by Darlene S., Second Jacquie R. to plant trees the following spring. Passed. Task Force suggested by Floyd R. - Possibly Jacquie R. , Tom C., Nancy Brunell, Mary Ziner (?) Budget (Put in public record book -*See Preliminary Proposed Budget for Phase I of City Hall Park) Floyd R. and Tom B. will be going to a meeting on 3/10/93 on how to apply for grants. Option 1 Moved by Mark W. and Second by Carl S. to submit a preliminary proposed budget for Phase I of City Hall with nonrecycled Class 5. Option 2 If we get grant then we would use recycled Class 5 for back half of park and parking area. *Note- 1) recycled is more stable, 2) county is receptive. Passed. Letter from Sandon Eggers- Proposal to use new city park for nonmotorized bike racing. He would need three acres of land to build parking area, track and fence. Park and Recreation commission will study and think about it. Wish Book Theme for the park is needed- look at catalogs for ideas. 1. Style of park, 2. Low maintenance, 3. put on beginning of next meeting. Jacquie R., Andy B. and Darlene S. will meet and check on some ideas for equipment for the park, such as: tables, benches, trash containers, shelters, ect. Ideas for summer youth program with Jeff Asfahl: 1. Wood Duck boxes around the pond 2. Scavenger hunts in open areas 3. Math/nature activities 4. Art in the park (volunteers from the community) 5. Mural painting on the old barn (artist in residence program) Weed problem: Floyd will look into direct seed and spraying. Check for next meeting. Motion to adjourn Andy B., second Mark W. Passed Parks & Recreation Commission, ecreta ry Darlene Solberg SPECIAL MEETING-OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MARCH 31, 1993 AT 7:15 P.M. PURPOSE: Discuss application for Enhancement Funds Discuss letter drafted to Wright County and IDS #728 Members present: Tom Baillargeon, Tom Constant, Jacquie Rognli, Roche Martin, Carl Swenson, Darlene Solberg, Floyd Roden (City Council). Meeting discussed: 1) Enhancement funds grant application; and 2) Letter to Wright County and Independent School District #728 officials. Letter is to open lines of communication on how the grant money may be used, if Otsego were to receive funds. Carl S. moved to approve the letter. Tom C. Second. Passed Roche M. moved to adjourn. Second. Passed. LZ Parks & Recreation Commission, ecretary Darlene Solberg 40