04-13-93 PRCITY OF OTSEGO Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 4/13/93 Members preset Tom Baillargeon (chair) Carl Swenson Floyd Roden (Council) Tom Constant Roche Martin Jacquie Rognli Darlene Solberg -Tom B. called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. -Carl S. moved and Roche M. second to approve the minutes of 3/9/93. Passed. Tom C. moved and Carl S. second to approve the minutes of 3/30/93. Passed. -Discussion of sign for the city park. It was agreed to have a 4' X 8' plywood (two 4' X 4' signs in T shape.) The signs would say "Future Home of- Otsego City -Community Park. Construction started May 1993." Colors to be navy blue waves. Tom C. moved and Darlene S. second the motion for the sign. Passed. -Newest suggestions for name for city park: 1) Prarie Creek and 2) Gathering Place Park. Committee report on park eauipment- 1. Discussion of containment fencing around our large dumpster. Adopt -a -park program might find someone who would be responsible for the dumpster. Fencing- who would make, and who would be responsible for it? Possibly Jaycees. 2. Discussion of where to put? 1) parking lot, 2) ballfields, 3) Shelter. 3. Discussion of types of shelter - Darlene S. presented some types of shelters the committee had looked at suggestions were that we look at Albertville's and Clearwater's. Carl S. will get us information on Clearwater's and possibly a blueprint. 4. Tables- Discussion of types of tables and should we buy them, build part or them, make our own? Tom B. knows a company (Minnesota Playground?) where we can possibly get 6 tables for $1400. We may also check with the City of Elk River and how they make their tables. 5. Trash containers- galvanized -3' X 3' high with treated cedar fencing around them. Darlene S. will check with Menard's. 6. Grills- Five grills with 3' ring. 7. Benches- to be decided. Construct our own? Review of Enchancement Funds -The grant application for $198,000 has been completed. Merlin Otto a landscape architect has looked at our proposal. Moved by Jacquie R. and second by Tom C. to approve our application. Passed. Budget- $52,000 Our operating budget comes out of the general revenue Weeds -seeding at new park *See seed sheet from Floyd. 1. What to plant? 2. What to seed- 10-15 acres in back, 10 acres in front (city). 15 acres would be apprx. $260 in seed. We chose No. 4 on list (BCM)- balance mixtures with a change in one of the grasses. This is found in the Cenex 1993 catalog . Roche M. moved we use this, Darlene S. second. Passed.. Floyd will drill it in, if we pay his expenses. (One crop and we will pay his fuel.) Motion by Jacquie R. and second by Darlene S. to have Floyd R. arrange to harrow and seed in exchange for fuel and first crop in 1994. Passed. Adopt -A -Tree- Wait until fall or May meeting State grant- It's for park equipment. City pays 50%, state pays 50%. Darlene S. moved to adjourn, Roche M. second. Passed. 9:31 P.M. Parks & Recreation Commiss' n, Secretary Darlene Solberg