05-11-93 PRCITY OF OTSEGO Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 5/11/93 Members present: Tom Baillargeon (chair) Roche Martin Tom Constant Carl Swenson Darlene Solberg Carl S. moved and Darlene S. second minutes of 4/13/93. approved Tom B. opened the floor to audience concerns: 1. Vern Heidner expressed his concern about proposed bike trails along power line. Tom B. presented our grant application plan. 2. Dorothy Olson and Margo Braun also expressed their concerns about the proposed trails behind their property. 3. Denny Zych expressed concern about the wetlands. Would they possibly be changed? 4. Concern about people using a trail behind their property and if those people got hurt would property owners be open to someone suing? 5. Brian Bistodeau from Alano was concerned by power lines close to their building. 6. People concerned about keeping their anonymity and crime that might occur along these trails. 7. John Arnold concerned about trails through the swamp or next to their house. MAIN CONCERNS 1. Privacy 2. Property 3. Removal of fences 4. Liability 5. Crime 6. Land Separation 7. Wetlands 8. Lots and Saleablity Budaet- Chairman report our spending of our budget and current balance. Tom C. moved and was second to get budget numbers from Elaine or Judy. Passed. Pictures- Tom C. and Darlene S. will take pictures of important points in our city area. (woods, ponding area, prarie restoration, boat landings, old city hall, old cemetery, new school property.) Report- Drawing of sign is done Name of ark- Tom C. moved and Darlene S. secondneor the Na p ark name. commission to extend the deadline for the p ??Moved by Darlene S. and second by Roche M. for activities for the park. passed. Discussion of trash containers for the park Carl Sp reported on the Clearwater park shelter. Information n whcerment, they got design help and partial cost for its construction. $5100 woo d. 50ft. X 34ft.) They went to the local lumber yard for design help. Weeding -Floyd R. seeded with No. 4 seeds on our seed list. Wish book- Darlene S. will put together a three ring binder to keep list of wishes for our park needs. Plant -A -Tree- Next agenda Playground- Order the kit and have the community put it together to six grants. This is used Minnesota Enhancement Funds- We can write up rant program. 'This for community needs, playground equipment. outdo us or gRoche M., Tom B. can be sent in any time. Technical advisors can help and Mark Wallace will work on this. Historical sites- Carl S. and Darlene S. will look into getting preservation status for some of Otsego's sites. Suggestion of the river National Recreation Trail Funding rk also also ct- Tom a and Kadler to 39. Moved by landing thru creek to the city par send in application. Passed. Carl S. and Secondy Committee for layout of new park- move shelter. Look at concept plan Carl S., Tom C. and Darlene S. Carl S. talked to county about cutting brush in the new city park area (prickly ash). Sheriff's crew might do this. Mark shrubs we don't want cut. Darlene S. moved and Tom C. second to do this. Passed. Sliding area- west of ball fields. 9:48 P.M. Darlene S. moved and Tom C. second to adjourn. Passed. Parks and Recreation Commissio Darlene Solberg Secretary