07-13-93 PR AgendaCITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION C0MMI55ION Agenda for Meeting on July 13, 1993 7:30PM 1. Chair Baillargeon will call the meeting to order. 2. Review minutes of May 11, 1993 meeting 3. Report on budgets 4. Report from Jeff Asfahl 5. Report on sign and pictures for new City Hall 6. Report on name selection 7. Wishbook 8. Organize sub -committee for Plant A Tree project 9. Report on 5ta.te Historical Sites 10. Report on brush clearing 11. Review Grant Applications 12. Fund rasier offer from Burger King 13. Report on layout committee 14. Article for Otsego View 15. Other items and concerns of Members 16. Adjourn