07-19-93 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreat i o:i Committee Minutes of 7/19/93 Members present: Tom Constant Roche Martin Floyd Roden (Council) Darlene Solberg Tom Bail largeon (Chair) Kris Niebler Carl Swanson Jeff Asfahl attending as District 728 Park and Recreation Director Tom Bai I largeon called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. 1. Welcomed new park member Kris N i eb l er. 2. Minutes- Roche M. moved and second by Tom C. to approve the May minutes. Passed. 3. Budgets- Floyd R. reported that $600 had been spent to seed new city park. We Had also received a bill of $3200 from Marlin Otto, the landscape engineer, which is still being negotiated. 4. Jeff Asfahl reported and discussed with the commission programs the Recreation department can do in Otsego. Some gu i de I i nes wou I d be 1) uses f ee or i ented; 2) doesn't step on any other groups toes; 3) User friendly; 4) No particular ages, but must be age appropriate. Jeff needs to know by mid-August what kinds of activities our park commission would I ike the Recreation department to help with. Some suggested ideas included: 1) Bird houses (blue bird and duck); 2) Nature studies of trees/birds/bugs or plants; 3) Information meeting on park; 4) Volleyball; 5) crafts (such as basket making.) A suggestion, was made of an activity called 'Nature's Walk Start to Finish.' Winter activites could possibly include: 1) Cross Country skiing; 2) Snow shoeing; 3) Ice skating. Tom B. talked about new grant application that is being applied for and referring to our parks as an "Environmental Learning Center/Trail.' It was also discussed about what different sport organizations might want to use the park. Jef f A. gave a red f I ag warn i ng about i ndependent associations using the fields. How they treat them and who pays for any damages that might occur. Do organizations pay for use of fields? The 728 Recreat i on i nvo i ces groups at the end of season for use of f i e I ds. Taken by percentage of participation. Also Maintenance issue. Discussion of where to put the pond. What do we want to do? Moved by Darlene S. and second by Tom C. that we try to have an activity this fal I on Orientation to Trees/Plants. Passed. Possible other suggestion of a footbal I clinic, such as a run, pass and punt competition. S. Report on s i gn and p i ctures of new c i ty he 11. Tom C. took p i ctures of h i gh I i ghts of Otsego. Tom C. and Dar I ene S. w i I I get together to� make display of the pictures for the City Hal I Open House. No news on park sign (Randy DeRoiser?). 6. C i ty He I I Open House- Make d i sp I ay w i th name suggest i ons f or park, and also give citizens a chance to make suggestions. Darlene wi I I have forms available for people to make suggestions. Sheets will be available for people to give suggestions for activities they would like to see the park commission sponsor. 7. Wish book- Darlene brought wish book that is ready to be used with suggestions for the park. Keep in the Park Commission file cabinet. 8. Adopt-A-Tree. Roche showed the layout for trees. Citizens may either donate a tree or money. Information will be available at open house. 9. Historical Sites- Carl S. reported that his wife Joy (who is a member of the Otsego Historical Committee) talked to the state preservation office. The local preservation commission has to be separate from any other groups. It has to be a local ordinance approved by the city count i I. 10. Brush c I ear i ng- Car I S. reported that th i s has been progressing. The group 'Sentence to Serve,' has been here three times. Maintenance people have also been very helpful. It takes about nine days, they've done six so far. Maintenance needs to be continued. 11. Review of grant applications. First grant application turned down, applying again this fall. The biggest problem was our readiness to go. New application- $50,000 application to get tra i Is in parks. 12. Layout committee of park (Floyd, Tom C., Carl S., Tom B.) The park has been scaled out. Discussion of all original trails. Also keep softball fields rather than baseball (check with Jeff A.?) Next step is to start staking it out. 13. Articles for the Otsego View- Darlene S. and Kris N. will work on this. 14. Other? Open House- July 31 st. 15. Darlene S. moved and Carl S. second to adjourn. Passed. Parks and Recreation Commission, Secretary Darlene Solberg