11-09-15 Special City Council MinutesSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING
NOVEMBER 9, 2015
8:00 PM
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jason Warehime and Tom
Darkenwald. Absent: Councilmember Doug Schroeder
Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer;
Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Adam Flaherty, Finance Director; Ross Demant, Parks and
Recreation Director; Kevin Lamson, Streets Operations Manager; Kurt Neidermeier, Utility
Operations Manager and Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant.
1. CIP.
Streets; City Administrator Johnson detailed the items for discussion. City Administrator
Johnson and Finance Director Flaherty presented the CIP.
Streets Operations Manager Lamson presented the streets maintenance projects, reviewing
proposed streets improvements over the next five years. James Addition is scheduled to be
redone next year.
There was discussion on 70th Street west of CR 19, noting this is a joint road with Albertville.
Any complaints received by Otsego are also sent to Adam Nafstad at Albertville. Streets
Operations Manager Lamson said this road has been patched by the City of Albertville only once
in the past three years.
There was discussion of Mason Avenue reconstruction due to the new school. City Engineer
Wagner said this would be costly to reconstruct due to the fact that the road has no shoulder,
has steep ditches, and is narrower than normal.
There was discussion of 85th Street Parkway design from Nashua to County Road 19. City
Administrator Johnson requested the Council consider whether they want to spend the
additional funds for a parkway on a short section of the street that will be low to medium
density residential when the remainder of the street is not parkway design. City Engineer
Wagner said that obtaining the right of way is the most important and would need to be
completed first before moving forward.
City Administrator Johnson indicated two buildings were included in the CIP, a fire station and a
public works storage building. She stated the fire station has been discussed previously and the
results of the study in joint grant, if awarded, with Albertville would provide data on timing and
sites for the fire station. The Council concurred. Streets Operations Manager Lamson
discussed the need for the public works facility. The Council questioned the equipment that
would be stored in the building and whether the cost was justified. City Planner Licht said that
a metal building (as presented) is not allowed by the City Zoning Ordinance, although the City
can amend that ordinance to allow such a structure. The Council felt that the City should
follow the ordinance did not recommend amending the ordinance. Streets Operations Manager
Lamson will put together an inventory and information of all equipment. Staff will present
additional information at an upcoming meeting.
Staff indicated that street light poles at intersections are deteriorating and in need of repainting.
This was included in a previous CIP but inadvertently left out in 2014. Staff will report back to
the Council with costs to include in the CIP.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant reviewed the Prairie Center parking lot improvements
and costs. More quotes will be gathered and brought back before the project proceeds. .
Parks; Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an update on Northwood Park which has
already been approved and reviewed the existing and future trails. A copy of the trail
maintenance map will be brought back for view. The decision is for SRF to move forward with
the study on Norin Landing and bring this back for City Council approval.
City Administrator Johnson and City Planner Licht reviewed the upgrade to Waterfront East
Park. Decision is to leave the west side improvements in the CIP and come back with a plan.
IT and Fleet; City Administrator Johnson updated IT changes that need review, stating the need
for a staggered plan of replacing computers in a more timely matter. Finance Director
Flaherty stated the connection for data source is not reliable enough and equipment is not used
to full capacity. That cost is included in the CIP.
City Administrator Johnson and Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the electronic entrance
system that will allow for both keys to be converted for outside and inside doors, AV projector
system and phone upgrades needed, These are future items that will be discussed in future
Streets Operations Manager Lamson reviewed the proposed vehicle and equipment purchases
for 2016 stating that they are going to hang on to a 1/2 ton pickup due to continuously being
short of vehicles. Also adding to the fleet is a Ford 250 that would include a plow attachment.
Funding for this vehicle would come out of the Utilities Fund. Also requesting replacement of a
tandem International plow.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave a cost correction update on a quote for an F350
from $40,000 to $46,000. A mower which is included in the 2015 CIP will be extended and
proposed for 2016. These items will move forward.
Streets Operations Manager Lamson reviewed the security cameras located at City Hall. The
coverage for these cameras needs to be expanded to cover a wider area.
There was discussion on Council Chambers security. No construction changes were authorized
at this time.
City Administrator Johnson requested a Special City Council meeting on November 23 to review
the tax levy and budgets before adoption will be discussed at the December 14 meeting.
City Administrator Johnson said the CIP will be ready for adoption in December.
Mayor Stockamp motioned to schedule a Special City Council Meeting for November
23, 2015 after the regular scheduled City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM
Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor.
Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:25 PM.
Tami Loff, City erk
Mayor Jessica Stockamp'
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant