08-10-93 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 8/10/93 Members present: Tom Constant Carl Swanson Tom Ba i I I argeon (cha i r) Darlene Solberg Kris Niebier 1. Tom C. ca I I ed the meet i ng to order at 7:41 P.M. 2. Minutes of 7/19/93 were approved with two corrections. P. 1 change guideI ine No. 1 to user fee instead of uses fees, and on P. 2 change pond to skating rink. Moved to approve with corrections by Carl S. Second by Kris N. Passed 3. Report on budget- Park commission members have question as to $2100. Was this a bill to us or money we received? If it was a bill charged to us, there are some major concerns about it. We need more information from the city council. $571.70 - Paid to Floyd Roden for seeding <bs $68.2 Paid to Mark Wallace for printing 4. Adopt new bylaw changes- No changes. needed. S. Suggestions for Jeff AshfaI- Jeff gave us information that a person from the Department of Natural Resources wou 1 d be ava i I ab I e Thursday Sept. 23, or Saturday Sept. 25 to do a workshop on taking care of trees. *It was moved by Darlene S. and second by Tom C. that we approve the DNR person do a workshop on Sat. Sept. 25th from 10:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M.. We would charge $2 per person, cont i gent upon enro I I ment. I t wou I d be adver i sed i n Commun i ty Educat i on literature, Crow River News and the Sherburne Star News. Passed. What the commission would 1 ike this fat I: 1) Cross country ski ing and snowshoe i ng; 2) Clinic on preparation and maintenance of skiing equipment; 3) Football clinic; 4) Nature study; 5) Possibility of camping by groups such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, 6) Ice skating rink; 7) Indoor recreation, such as penny carnival or other activities. 6. Cross Country ski i ng and Skat i ng r i nk- R i nk 100' X 50.' Suggest i ons to put rink by tin shed- Floyd would do work partitioning off shed, Tom B. would excavate. There's a I ight on the building and a I ight by the parking lot. Supervision??- for both cross country skiing and skating. Signage? Cost of grooming? Sliding hill- Discussion of building one, or looking for some land that someone m i ght be w i I I i ng to I end or I ease. Th i s may someth i ng to put on hold until other park activities are more firmed up. A subcommitte will look into land for sl iding hill- Tom C. and Darlene S. 7. Open House- Everyone felt it had been a good day. Lots of positive feedback on plans for the city park. People liked our park display. 8. Grant app i i cat i ons- Roche M. and Tom C. w i I I be work i ng on second grant application. 9. Historical Preservation- Historical group had meeting, lots of interest. Ron Black is checking on an ordinance from the state preservation group. Suggestion of having a 'living farm' in Otsego where people can learn about farm animals and farm life. 10. News articles- Kris N. and Darlene S. will be working on articles for the Otsego V i ew and the newspapers. These w i l l to I I about what i s happening on the building of the new park, recreation activities and The Adopt -A -Tree program. 11. Fal I or Winter parties- Talk to the Jaycees or Lions about parties or activities for kids around Halloween or Christmas time. 12. Report on name suggest i ons. I nformat i on to go i nto the Otsego V i ew that nominations w I I end about Sept. 15, or the end of the month. (Whenever the Otsego View comes out and give a two week notice.) The comm i ss i on w i I I se 1 ect three names at the Oct. meet i ng to send on to the city council for a final decision. 13. Brush C I ear i ng- County was back I ast week. Ma i ntenance crew sprayed with Crossbow (k i I Is brush). *Approved herbicide. C i ty crew brought out back hoe to pu I I up stumps. Tree comm i ttee w i I I check what sma I I trees to take out. Tag those that should be saved. Carl S. w I I ask 'Sentence to Serve' group to come back to do some more clearing. **On Sept. 14th the Park Comm i ss i on w i I I meet at 6:30 to tour the Clearwater/Pleasant County park by Annandale. (This is a new park, and we w i l l be v i ew i ng the i t park she I ter, p I ayground equ i pment, and beach area. **Our regular Park Commission meeting will begin at 8:30 P.M. at the city hal I. 14. Park Construct i on- Park and ba I I f i e I ds are staked. Motion by Tom C. and Second by Carl S. to request bids for excavating three softball fields and one parking lot, and also the placement of a bituminous trail from the existing city hall parking lot to the ball fields. Passed Ice rink- *New idea. Darlene S. moved and Tom C. second to put in an ice skating rink on the east side of the metal building. This would be a short term recreation facility. The rink would be 50'X 100.' The rink would be for recreational skating. Also use part of the tin shed as a warming house. Passed. 15. The Pond- The Otsego Vision Committee would like some help with the pond north of the city hall. We think this is for planting flowers. We need more information. Darlene S. will get that information, and if the pond should be included in the park commissions responsibilities. 16. Adjournment- Tom C. moved and Carl S. to adjourn. Adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Parks and Recreation Comm i ss i tn, Secretary Darlene Solberg