09-14-93 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 9/14 Members Present: 1. Tom B. called the meeting to order at 8:30 P.M. after visit by Darlyn K., Tom C. Cart S., Floyd R., and Darlene S. to Pleasant County Park by Annandale. ' n made to approve August minutes. Kris N. moved and Tom C. 2. Motion second. Passed. else spent 3. Budget- Nothing 4. Jeff Asfal's information on activities to be offered : i Otse )gaud Sept. 25 a. Wood lot seminar to be held on Sept. 23 (10:30 A.M-12:00 Noon). $2 7:00.8;30)• Free b. Cross Country skiing -Roland Jao i• mben meparyln Koefed and Debbie 5. Introduction of new park commiss Carron as alternate. rink- o ahead from council. Tom B. will excavate,Floyd who will 6. Skating g Lo istics: 1) who will flood?; will build partition in building. 9 maintain? (city?); ), ) • 3 who will supervise? Moved by Roche M. and second y put skating rink on east side of shed. Passed. Check with o for funds heat and walls. Possibility Of some help from the Jaycees and Lions, and how about used lumber? 7. Grants- We were turned down for National Recreation Trails Trust Surface Fund Hearing Monday Sept. 20th for trail funding-ISTEA(Intermodal Transportation Efficiency Act). 8. Name selection- two weeks after Otsego View comes out. 9. Brush clearing -no more Tom B. b talked een otoeFloyd R. Hasn't gotten anything 10. Park Construction back on bids for the ballpark. ' in l wouldn't work out according to Tom � 1, Slid g hill- hill over by city hal C. Keep looking. Darlyn Kofoed Tom Constant (chair) Kris Neibler Tom Baillargeon Roche Martin Carl Swenson Floyd Roden (Council) Darlene Solberg 1. Tom B. called the meeting to order at 8:30 P.M. after visit by Darlyn K., Tom C. Cart S., Floyd R., and Darlene S. to Pleasant County Park by Annandale. ' n made to approve August minutes. Kris N. moved and Tom C. 2. Motion second. Passed. else spent 3. Budget- Nothing 4. Jeff Asfal's information on activities to be offered : i Otse )gaud Sept. 25 a. Wood lot seminar to be held on Sept. 23 (10:30 A.M-12:00 Noon). $2 7:00.8;30)• Free b. Cross Country skiing -Roland Jao i• mben meparyln Koefed and Debbie 5. Introduction of new park commiss Carron as alternate. rink- o ahead from council. Tom B. will excavate,Floyd who will 6. Skating g Lo istics: 1) who will flood?; will build partition in building. 9 maintain? (city?); ), ) • 3 who will supervise? Moved by Roche M. and second y put skating rink on east side of shed. Passed. Check with o for funds heat and walls. Possibility Of some help from the Jaycees and Lions, and how about used lumber? 7. Grants- We were turned down for National Recreation Trails Trust Surface Fund Hearing Monday Sept. 20th for trail funding-ISTEA(Intermodal Transportation Efficiency Act). 8. Name selection- two weeks after Otsego View comes out. 9. Brush clearing -no more Tom B. b talked een otoeFloyd R. Hasn't gotten anything 10. Park Construction back on bids for the ballpark. ' in l wouldn't work out according to Tom � 1, Slid g hill- hill over by city hal C. Keep looking. City of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Public Hearing Sept. 20, 1993 Commission members present: Tom Baillargeon (chair) Floyd Roden (council) Roche Martin Darlyn Kofoed Darlene Solberg Debbie Carron (alternate) Tom B. called the hearing to order at 7:34. Tom explained the purpose of this hearing was the commission's interest in developing park and recreation trails. Merlin Otto presentation: 1. Purpose of ISTEA 2. Survey of Residents 3. City philosophy towards 4. Conceptual park plan 5. Potential trail plans alternative transportation modes Trails would be for connecting activity centers such as the VFW, Otsego County park, City Hall, Otsego school and commercial areas. ISTEA is through MNDOT. Each year for six years beginning in 1992. $7,000,000 to be used for: 1) Pedestrian and bicycles; 2) Historic; 3) Scenic and environmental. Every community over 5,000 and state agencies are eligible. Minimum money is $50,000 Options: 1. Shared roadway (39) 2. Off road a. Shared road right-of-way b. Separate right-of-way c. Combination of off road and shared roadways. Biking: 1. Level one -bicycles as a nuisance 2. Bicyclists are legitimate- they have rights (Otsego probably here) Some designated bike paths 3. Level 3- Bicycles are beneficial Bikeways- comprehensive plan Public awareness program 4. Level 4- Bicycles are a solution Odean, Quaday, 96th and 39 and 42 are 4 potential projects. Potential 94 Projects: 1. Sign County 39 and 42 as bike routes (no parking) 2. Construct off road paths on Co. 39 from Odean to Co. 42 3. Construct bike lanes at all bypasses on 39 and 42 4. Construct Napier/Nashua from 39 to 85th 5. Construct off road paths on 85th St. and Nashua to Page 6. Construct Page from 39 to 85th 7. Construct off road trail from 39 to 42 via County park. This would probably create controversy about off road. 85th most difficult to do in widening road. This is a narrow road and homes have developed there on the older part. -Hope to develop a link to the new school and Quaday. Properties along Ohland could be done this year. About 14 properties- have to have land acquisition. -Otsego creek later. Also needs acquisition of property OPEN FORUM: -Question from Russ Voght- UPA- How did this become public land? Merlin: It can't- City would have to acquire an easement. Negotiate purchase with individual land owner. City Council has right of eminent domain. -Jeff Christian: Concern about putting trail under powerline. Question how much city would pay. 20% of $50,000 minimum. Concern about patroling of trails and also that city should have say- not county -Vern Heidner- concern with the current given off by powerline. -Darlyn: If we didn't put it under lines where should it be? -Russ Voght- Make it best cost effective -Richard Nichols -do people need cross country skiing? He hasn't seen it in the county park. -Dorothy Olson- More information about the bypasses Merlin: Major problems in turn signals at major intersections. Possibility of running bypasses in the ditch. -Keith Ford -Brought his property to use without problems. Property is low, had standing water this year, would not be good for trail. -Bill Olson- Questioned Resident survey Darlene Solberg: Response to survey that the commission had done a random survey, and we felt that we had gotten a good cross section. Also because of the concern for the children that live in the area and also adults that ride bike, some type of a trail system is going to be needed for the safety of everyone. The commission is trying its best and needs everyone's help. -Richard Dukman(sp?)- Question will the plan come up again to use the UPA right of way. Commission: We're saying no, but cannot guarantee what other members will decide in the future. -Insurance- who pays? City coverage -Fence on trail? Merlin: No. Some places may have it? -Money to maintain trails? How much in taxes? -John Arnold- commented that Crystal parks are not used very much. Get speed down on 39 if it is to be a bike area. Shared road- State law that bikes can use any part of the road. Hearing closed at 9:05. Parks and Recreation Commission t ecretary Darlene Solberg Parks and Rec meeting called by Tom Baillargeon at 9:15 P.M. on Sept. 20, 1993. Moved by Roche Martin to subsidize Community Ed. up to $15 for the Thursday evening wood lot program. Darlyn Kofoed Second. Passed. -"_"� Darlene Solberg- Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary