10-12-93 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 10/12/93 Members present: Darlyn Kofoed Tom Baillargeon (chair) Kris Niebler Floyd Roden (Council) Tom Constant Darlene Solberg Roche Martin Debbie Carron (alternate) 1. Tom B. called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. 2. Darlyn K. moved and Tom C. second to approve the minutes of 9/14/93 and the public hearing of 9/20/93. Passed. 3. Budget- short discussion of looking at reviewing our budget, and also $5000 approved by the city council for parks and recreation. **4. Bylaw ammendment approved to allow our two alternates for the Park and Recreation Commission to vote in absence of Park Commission members. Passed. 5. Wood lot program - This was held on Saturday Sept. 25th. Six people attended. The park commission needed to pay $8 to the Recreation Department to cover costs. Darlyn K. reported that it was a good program, and it was decided to try to offer this activity again in the early spring. Moved by Darlene S. and second by Kris N. to pursue community education classes in the spring including another wood lot class. Passed. Darlene S. and Debbie C. will check with Jeff Asfal about classes. -Discussion of planting trees in the city park. Tom C. and Darlyn K. will look into types of trees to order. 6. Skating and skiing -Ski hill- still looking for a location. Skating- Wright -Hennepin will possibly put up lights for the rink. Question about skating lessons at the park. Darlene S. will send letters to the Jaycees, Lions and VFW asking them if they would be willing to: 1) Help in supervision of the skating rink; 2) Donations of materials and labor for construction of the warming house; 3) Some ideas they might have on flooding and care of the skating rink. 7. Grant application- We will be reapplying for ISTEA grants, possibly in December. 8. Articles for Otsego View- Kris Niebler will do. Ideas included: 1) Looking for help with ice rink; 2) Review of wood lot program; 3) Grant application; 4) New park name. 9. Historical preservation- nothing to report at this time 10. Park construction- Roche and Floyd will look into firming up plans and specs for excavation of ball fields and parking lot. 11. Brush clearing- County boys will be doing more clearing some time soon. 12. Darlyn K. moved and Roche M. Prairie Park. Passed. second to name the city park Otsego 13. Moved by Kris N. and second by Dariyn K. to adjourn. Passed 9:30 P.M. Parks and Recreation Commissidd, Secretary Darlene Solberg