11-09-93 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of 11/9/93 Members Present: Tom Baillargeon (chair) Roche Martin Tom Constant Kris Niebler Carl Swenson Darlene Solberg 1. Budget- if we get bills for ISTEA grant, how much is being paid? How much money has the council budget exactly for parks and recreation? How much money do we have in our operating budget? The Park and Recreation Commission would like some exact figures from the city council. 2. Minutes of 10/9/93 were approved as printed. Kris N. moved, Darlene S. second. 3. Darlyn Kofoed had reported earlier that the DNR will meet with us at out next meeting about ordering seedlings. 4. Hills for sliding and skating help- no information from groups we sent letters to. We need to contact them again if they can help with the skating rink, or finding a sliding hill. Skating rink --Let's Get Going!! Darlene S. moved and Roche M. second to construct rink in next two weeks and start flooding by Thanksgiving. Rink would be approximately 50' X 100'. Passed 5. Articles- Kris N. is working on articles for the paper and Otsego View. 6. Park construction- Brush clearing- the Wright Co. crew will clear rest of brush as soon as snow is on the ground. When there is snow the brush piles will be burned. Ball fields- nothing yet. The $5000 in the operating budget should not be used for recreational programming 7. Questions for Jeff Asfahl: A. How do you get information out to everyone in Otsego ( not in District 728)? B. Activities to co-sponsor *Darlene S. will talk to Jeff. CITY OF OTSEGO PARI{ AND RECREATION CONu?ISSION MEETING December 14, 1993 - 7:30PM ADGENDA 1. Chair 'Phomas Baillargeon will call meeting to order 2. Review of the minutes from the November 9, Meeting. 3. Report on budgets. 4. Welcome guest Mark Wurdeman from the DNR. S. Hills for sledding and skating -rink. 6. Grant application report. 7. Articles for Star News and Otsego View. c. Park Construction / Bail fields / Brush clearing 9. Report on Historical Preservation. 10. Name selection. 11. Election of new officers 12. Resolution #93-67 as per County Road #421 13. Other items and concerns of Members. 1.4. Adjourn.