12-14-93 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF 12/14/93 Members present:. Carl Swenson Debbie Carron Tom Constant Roche Martin Floyd Roden (Council) Darlyn Kofoed Tom Baillergeon (Chair) Darlene Solberg 1. Meeting was called to order at 7:37 by Tom B. Information that Brad Mickelson had resigned from the commission. 2. Review of minutes of 11/9/93. One correction that the Wright county crew will come back to work on clearing park brush when they get other work done. Minutes moved by Tom C., second Carl S. Passed. 3. Budget- The Park Commission has an operating budget of $1000. $5000 is available if needed for professional staff (such as work on ISTEA grant). There is approximately $60,000 for park development. $720 was made at the Otsego Christmas party silent auction for the Otsego Prairie Park shelter. 4. Mark Wurdeman from the DNR was to be a guest. Possibly next meeting. 5. Hills for sledding and skating rink- The ground has been excavated to grade by Tom B. (Fuel under $100). Will need to be seeded next summer. Tom C. Reported on area to be used for warming house. Making an area 18' X 22'- partitioning off area inside pole building for approximate cost of $500 for materials. Heating cost would be separate. Moved by Tom C. and second by Dariyn K., to use up to $1200 for heating and electricity at the rink. Passed. Moved by Carl S. to request of the Planning Commission to apply for a conditional use permit to improve and develop the 73.7 acres of the Otsego city park. Darlene S. second. Passed. Other information-- Darlene S. will talk to Legion about funds for heater for warming house. The Jaycees will help build and maintain the warming house. Earl Green from the VFW may donate some money. Wright Co. power will put in another light. Checking with Randy and Kevin LeFebvre and Jerry Becker about using their milk trucks to haul water for flooding the rink. 6. Grant applications- nothing's been decided yet. 7. Articles for newspaper and Otsego view. Darlene S. will contact Kris N. 8. Construction of ballfields- Use our trails to get to ballfields from parking lot. Construction of other road would be cost prohibitive at this time. 9. Historic Preservation- same information as last meeting. 10. Name selection of park- Council has taken no action on the name Otsego Prairie Park yet. 11. Election of Officers- in January 12. Resolution # 93-67 passed and is now going to the county. 13. Jeff Asfahi- discussed with the Park Commission about activities to look at for spring and summer, and what types of activities we want to do, and what his role is. Debbie C. and Darlene S. will meet with Jeff. -Some suggestions were: 1) 71 -Ball, 2) Building Bluebird houses, 3) Woodlot workshop in the spring, 4) Bike Rodeo, 5) Safety camp. Spring brochure comes out March 23rd, and summer deadline for activities is the 1st of March. Summer brochure comes out early to mid May. -Jeff also brought information on the basics for running a rink. -Discussion of how to get recreational information out to all of Otsego. We will continue to work on this. Suggestion was made to make District 728 recreational brochures available at the city hall, and let people know they are there by Jacquie Rognli putting the information in the Otsego View. 14. Tom C. is working on marking snowmobile trails. He would like to run snowmobile trail along the west and north end of the city park to Nashua. Snowmobile trails are part of our park plan. Tom C. moved and Debbie C. second to request permission to use land for trail. Passed. 15. Darlene S. moved to adjourn, Tom C. second. Passed. 9:45 P.M. Parks and Recreation Commissi6a, Secretary Darlene Solberg