01-11-94 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING January 11, 1994 - 7:"1OPM AOnENnA 1. Chair Thomas Bail largeon will call meeting to order 2. Review of the minutes from the December 14, meeting. 3. Report on budgets. 4. Report from Planning Commission 5. Skating rink 6. Grant application report. 7. Articles for Star News and Otsego View. 8. Park Construction / Ball fields / Brush gearing 9. Report on Historical Preservation. 1.0. Name selection. 11. Election of new officers 12. Progress on Resolution #9? -67 as per County Road #42 13. Progress report meeting with Jeff Asfhal for spring. 14. Snowmobile trail and Skiing Trail 15. Other items and concerns of Members. 16. Adjourn. DOCUMENT HAS BEEN COPIEu TO MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK CITY PLANNER ---- CITY ATTORNEY CITY ENGINEER PLkNNING COMMISSION Q" w Ret. UiHER