01-11-94 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF 1/11/94 Members present: Tom Baillargeon (chair) Darlyn Kofoed Tom Constant Darlene Solberg Roche Martin Floyd Roden (council) Debbie Carron 1. Tom B. called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. 2. Minutes of 12/14/93 were moved for approval by Debbie C.. Darlene S. second. Passed. 3. Questio ed abou l e park and recreation budget have been sent to lawyer cAlpine. He will give us a report on how park dedication fees from homes can be used. *"Questions still being raised as to how the $5000 appropriated by the Otsego City Council is to be used by the Park Commission. Is it for engineering fees and grant applications, or is it for Park Commission programming? This matter is to be reviewed by the City Council and clarified for the Park Commission. -Tom B. used $68.90 for fuel to excavate the skating rink area. 4. Tom B. went to the January 5th Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission wanted all our plans for future park development, which the Park Commission members didn't have with them that evening. The Park Commission got approval only for the skating rink. "The Park Commission will have a workshop meeting on January 18th to plan what is needed to be presented to the Planning Commission on Feb. 2, 1994. Floyd R. will ask the city planner for other information needed. 5. Skating rink and warming house- approved by City Council. Bill Olson, a neighbor, will flood the rink. *Bill attended our meeting and is interested in joining the Park Commission. -Two walls are to be built in the shed from bead board. 2'X4' walls, 4'X8' chipboard. Two existing wails will need to be covered. Ken Beaudry will install propane tank free of charge, just price of propane and tank. -Benches and ramp will be installed. **Work crew planned for Saturday Jan. 15th. to put in warming house. -Darlene S. is sending request to Legion for help in funding the heater for the warming house. 6. LCMR grant application- City said we can apply. ISTEA -not going yet. 7. Kris Niebler- contact her (Darlene S.) about articles for Star News. 8. Park Construction- wait 9. Historical preservation- Ron Black filled out information, and it has gone to the lawyers. 10. Otsego staff person- DISCUSSION- Should an Otsego staff person be at the Park and Recreation Commission meetings to take notes, to keep communication open. This is to be thought about, and brought up again at our next meeting. Ron Black is our City Council alternate when Floyd R. cannot be at our meetings. 11. "Park name selection- -Questions by the City Council why the name Otsego Prairie Park. Comments from the Park Commission: 1. Name suggestions for the park were just that, suggestions. 2. Park Commission doesn't want to set a precedent of naming a park after a person, because of hard feelings it could cause. 3. The Park Commission will honor people with significant features in our parks. 4. The Park Commission came to the conclusion on the name after the suggested names were put together. After a Iona discussion, the Park Commission narrowed it down to five, and then three, and combined names. 5. The Commission wanted a name that was not similiar to the county park. 6. SIGNIFICANT REASON FOR PARK NAME WAS: THAT IT ORIGINALLY WAS A PRAIRIE AREA, AND ALSO THE PARKS COMMISSION WANTED IT TO INCLUDE THE NAME OF OUR CITY. WE ARE REINTRODUCING NATIVE PRAIRIE GRASS WHICH THE CITY COUNCIL OKAYED, AND WHICH HAS BEEN APPROVED NOT TO BE MOWED. -AFTER LONG AND SERIOUS DISCUSSION BY THE PARK COMMISSION OF THE SUGGESTIONS FOR THE NAME, THE NAME OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK WAS APPROVED. 12. Election of officers- Chair- Tom Baillargeon Vice Chair- Tom Constant Secretary- Darlyn Kofoed -Moved to approve Darlene S., Second Tom C. passed. 13. Resolution #93-67- no news 14. Jeff Ashfal and the Recreation board- We would like to work on defining Jeff's role with Otsego Parks and Rec. and also his job description. Darlene S. and Debbie C. will meet with Jeff. We will also try to get Ron Black to attend. 15. Skiing trail- This was voted down by the City Council because the Park Commission doesn't have a conditional use permit yet for the city park. The snowmobile trail was approved on Dec. 27th, 1993. Note: Landowners are not liable for snowmobilers injured on their property. 16. Other- If the Park Commission plans to use the city hall, coordinate with Judy Hudson. 17. Tom C. moved and Roche M. second to adjourn. Passed. 9:40 P.M. Parks and Recreation Commissio , Secretary Darlene Solberg