02-08-94 PR--�iEFm_V' CITY OF OrSEGO PARK AND RE�..REA'I' 0.N ,c-1-4JvISSION February 8, 1994 1. Chair T cmas BailI arge.0" wi? ca.s.'. :ne�-irg to orde 2 . RevieW of tie mir_utey from the 7a:ra_,r v 3. Report on budgets. 4. Report from PlaimilrLS CammI_sa-cn 5. Skating rink 6. Gr anta pplication report. 7. Articles for Star News and 0tse9c Vie'rl. 8. Park Construction / Pall fields / Bru-sh clearing 9. Report an H7 6torical Pre 9e:^vatIL' -on - 10. Name selection. 11. pr,:grecs on Resolution #93-67 per County Read #42 12. progress report meetingw- Lt:,"- wcr_- -.7--f-"A(Afhal Fcr spri.:ig. i3. Snojnr:ob..le trail and Skiing Trai= 14, Fund Raising\ Open House Other items and cor�c.eriis of 16. Adjourn.