02-14-94 SPRCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PARK AND RECREATION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 14, 1994 AT 9AM - PAGE 1 - Persons in attendance: FLOYD RODEN - COUNCIL REP FOR PARKS & RECS COMM. CARL SWENSON - PARK & RECS COMM. & P.C. MERLIN OTTO - HAKANSON ANDERSON ELAINE BEATTY - DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADM. Merlin Otto said he is working on the DNR Application for the Park and Recs Commission. This is the preliminary application. He has contacted Mr Tom Krantz, who is the State Representative for Wright County in this matter. The preliminary grant application is to be filed by March 15, 1994. The final application is to be filed by August 1, 1994. The reason for the preliminary applications is so they will have some idea as to how many communities are participating. March thru August Tom Krantz will meet with communities and they will help you beef up your grant application so it has a chance. It may help that we don't have any parks developed now, except for the Wright County Park. These grants are 50/50 matching grants. They look closely at contributions from the community (they can be money or in-kind material and labor,etc.) They like to have a letter from the different community organizations stating that they support the project, etc. We need to document what type of activities have gone on with the Parks and Recs Commission so far. A Hearing should be held before the August date for the Park and Recs so public input can be had. Priorities need to be set. What would be built now, etc. The Parks and Recs Commission should stage development as to what is planned at this point and in the future. Mr Otto had prices for the different items in developing the Park. Total is $255,000.00 plus $30,000.00 for Engineering. Carl Swenson said he felt it should be phased in. Floyd Roden agreed, especially with these high figures for development. Mr Otto said that those applications that include acquisition of land will be given priority. Possibly the City would want to consider acquiring land to the West and trail land as part of this application. The yellow on the map was for current development and the blue showed future development. The trail to the North and along #39 could possibly be included as part of the land acquisition. There needs to be an agreement on how it will be developed and what's going to be developed in the City Park. The plan Mr Otto was referring to was dated 9/27/92. $75,000.00 is about as high as they will go on grants. This would also require $75,000.00 in money, labor, material, CITY OF OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1994 AT 9AM - PAGE 2 - (in-kind) participation for a total of $150,000.00 project. we need to get a copy of the approved Park and Recs Plan to Merlin Otto. The parking lot should be included in the ISTEA grant and a portion in the DNR Grant. We need everyone to talk the same language. Merlin Otto said he needs to have the basic approval of the amount to apply for the grant and what are we looking at doing with the money. Carl Swenson said he feels we need the Park and Recs Commission to get together and come to an agreement as what is needed and wanted for parks. We should make the statement that we are applying for an ISTEA grant to help with the parking lot development. We should reserve the option to link the North property line road with the park via a road. The current plan needs to be amended to add the future city buildings. Carl Swenson felt we should have a joint Park and Recs Commission Meeting and Council Meeting. We need an organized plan. The regular Park and Recs Comm. Meeting is 3/8/94 and Floyd Roden will check with the Council on Tuesday night to see if they can make this meeting. Elaine will notice meeting for Council attendance if they can be there. Floyd Roden will bring up to the City Council the possible revision of the Park and Recs Map (to be done by Hakanson Anderson's Firm) to get authorization. A budget needs to be put together for August 1, 1994 deadline for the final grant application. Merlin Otto talked to Mike Hardy of Mn/DOT for the ISTEA Grant. Merlin Otto will fax an estimate for time and amount for the DNR and ISTEA Grant Applications. Minutes by: Elaine Beatty,Deputy Clerk/zoning Adm. 2/14/94