02-46CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION 2002 :46 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FRANCHISE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS WHEREAS, the City of Otsego ("City") is a municipal corporation organized under the laws of Minnesota; WHEREAS, the predecessor to Charter Communications Holding Co., LLC ("Charter") was issued a "line extension permit" authorizing the delivery of cable service; WHEREAS, Charter's predecessor requested that the City renew the line extension permit which expires on or about December 31, 2002, and; WHEREAS, the City subsequently received an inquiry from WH LINK, LLC ("WH Link") concerning grant of a cable franchise authorizing the delivery of competitive cable services in the City; WHEREAS, in response to these requests, the City initiated the cable franchising process mandated by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 238, provided notice of its intent to consider issuance of franchises, received cable franchise applications from Charter and WH- Link, held a public hearing concerning the applications on May 13, 2002, permitted submission of additional written comments, received timely written comments from WH Link and no comments from Charter, and considered the applications at several separate Council meetings and a worksession; WHEREAS, the City Council received and considered a report from its special cable counsel dated August 21, 2002 concerning the applications; WHEREAS, on October 14, 2002, the City adopted a cable regulatory ordinance setting forth certain requirements generally applicable to all providers of cable service operating in the City; WHEREAS, the City may require adequate assurance that the applicants have the financial, technical, or legal qualifications to provide cable service, may consider whether the applicants' proposals for providing cable service are reasonable and in the public's interest, and may require each successful applicant to accept a franchise containing reasonable terms and conditions; WHEREAS, the City has reviewed and considered the franchise applications, including the proposals for providing cable service in the City, and proposed franchise ordinances authorizing the delivery of cable service in the City; WHEREAS, the City considered and approved Charter's qualifications in 1999 when the City approved transfer of rights under the line extension permit to Charter; WHEREAS, the City has reviewed and considered Charter's franchise application, including Charter's proposal for providing cable service in the City, and a proposed franchise ordinance authorizing Charter's continued delivery of cable service in the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, competition in the delivery of cable services may benefit residents and businesses in Otsego by increasing the availability of advanced telecommunications services and infrastructure and contribute to the overall vitality of the community; BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, federal and state laws and regulations encourage competition in the provision of telecommunications and cable service and the City may not unreasonably refuse to award an additional competitive franchise; BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, Charter continues to possesses the requisite legal, technical and financial qualifications to provide cable television services in the City; BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, Charter's franchise application is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Charter must promptly accept and execute the cable franchise ordinance offered by the City; 2. Charter must construct and operate a system, provide services to residents, and provide other consideration to the City in accordance with the franchise and franchise application, which shall be incorporated into any franchise issued by the City; BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that this Resolution shall be effective immediately. Approved thisagl,- day of October, 2002 by the City Council of Otsego, Minnesota. Its: Mayor