01-14-04 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2004 - 7:00 PM 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Peter Torresani, Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Absent: Terry Long and Rose Cassady. Councilmembers: CM Scharber. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson Approval of December 12, 2003 Minutes - Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Stockamp, moved to approve the December 12, 2003 minutes. Carried 4-0. Community Education - Charlie Blesner, director of Elk River School District Community Education, was present to discuss partnering with the City on recreation programming. Blesner estimated that what Community Education had done for Rogers in the last year had probably cost them in the neighborhood of $25,000. Commissioners discussed what recreation events had worked in the past and what they would like to see in the future. Administrator Robertson confirmed that the City would not schedule any activities on the new ball fields in 2004 in order to let the grass get well established for future use. Commissioners discussed recreation events that could be put on in the summer and fall. Councilmember Scharber noted that $8,000 had been carried over in the budget for recreation activities. Blesner said in order to advertise the events in the Summer brochure the information would have to be to the printer by March 15, 2004. He stated that based on discussion he would bring some activities and cost estimates back for the next meeting. Commissioners would then make a recommendation to the City Council at their meeting on February 23, 2004. Ice Rink - Commissioner Torresani noted the rink is currently being staffed from 3:30-6:00 Monday through Friday. Easter Egg Hunt - Commissioners established Saturday, April 3, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. at Prairie Park as the time for the 1st Otsego Easter Egg Hunt. Commissioners Stockamp and Thorsted will Co -Chair the event. Robertson said he would have the date advertised in the next newsletter. Bingo Night - Commissioner Thorsted said was checking into State gambling laws to see if the Park Board could hold a bingo night. Robertson said he would check with the City Attorney. Damon Farber - Robertson said a representative from Damon Farber Associates would be attending the March Park Board meeting to discuss their concerns with park design. Commissioners asked for a copy of the punch list of remaining items. City Update - CM Scharber updated Commissioners on Council actions. Other Business - Chair Nelson asked for a copy of the Park Commission bylaws. Adjournment - Commissioner Stockamp, seconded by Commissioner Torresani, moved to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Carried 4-0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 14,2004 Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Co Chair Jessica Stockamp, Peter Torresani, Mark Thorsted. Counsel members: CM Scharber Staff. Mike Robertson Approval of the January 14, 2004 Agenda — Additional agenda item 6A added to discuss Bingo. C. Stockamp made motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by C. Thorsted. 4-0 Approval of December 12, 2003 Minutes — C. Torresani, seconded by C.Stockamp. 4-0 Commissioners Information- It was noted that C. Cassady will be gone until approximately April 1-2004. Community Education — Charlie Blesener from Community Education ISD #728 was a guest speaker. Mr. Blesener provided a detailed explanation of the history of Community Education and how it currently works within other communities. He further provided examples of how the City of Rogers utilizes this service and approximate dollars that they paid to implement. After discussion, Commissioners requested an estimate of cost to have events for the summer of 2004; events included several days and evening entertainment in the parks, one athletic class, one ,d art class and one activity of a party nature. Mr. Blesener confirmed he would have cost estimate by February 2 All Commissioners were positive about partnering with Community Education in order to provide needed services for Otsego. Ice Rink Update — The ice rink is currently open and staffed M -F evenings and Weekends. Mike Robertson indicated that he would have Maintenance put more water on the ice in attempt to fill any holes. He will have this done during the day so the water has a chance to freeze prior to rink being open in evening. C. Torresani will put a simple sign on the comer of CTY 39 and Nashua that informs residents that there is an ice rink and warming house available. Recreation Ideas — After discussion it was decided to host and Easter Egg Hunt and Picture with Easter Bunny at City Hall. C. Stockamp will facilitate planning and organization of the event. Tentative date will be April 3, 2004 at 1 lam. C. Thorsted is still investigating having an all resident Bingo Night at City Hall. Park Update - Mike Robertson is in the process of contacting Damon Farbor to be present at the March 2004 Park and Rec Meeting. Commissioner agreed to have a list of concerns ready for Mr. Farbor to address. City Update — CM. Scharber and Mike Robertson updated Commissioners on Council Actions. In further actions, three candidates have been interviewed for Park and Recreation Commission and should be approved to be in attendance by February 2004 meeting. Afflournment — C. Stockamp, seconded by C. Thorsted, 9:30pm 4-0 OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 14,2004 Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Co Chair Jessica Stockamp, Peter Torresani, Mark Thorsted. Counsel members: CM Scharber Staff. Mike Robertson Approval of the January 14, 2004 Agenda — Additional agenda item 6A added to discuss Bingo. C. Stockamp made motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by C. Thorsted. 4-0 Approval of December 12, 2003 Minutes — C. Torresani, seconded by C.Stockamp. 4-0 Commissioners Information- It was noted that C. Cassady will be gone until approximately April 1-2004. Community Education — Charlie Blesener from Community Education ISD #728 was a guest speaker. Mr. Blesener provided a detailed explanation of the history of Community Education and how it currently works within other communities. He further provided examples of how the City of Rogers utilizes this service and approximate dollars that they paid to implement. After discussion, Commissioners requested an estimate of cost to have events for the summer of 2004; events included several days and evening entertainment in the parks, one athletic class, one ,d art class and one activity of a party nature. Mr. Blesener confirmed he would have cost estimate by February 2 All Commissioners were positive about partnering with Community Education in order to provide needed services for Otsego. Ice Rink Update — The ice rink is currently open and staffed M -F evenings and Weekends. Mike Robertson indicated that he would have Maintenance put more water on the ice in attempt to fill any holes. He will have this done during the day so the water has a chance to freeze prior to rink being open in evening. C. Torresani will put a simple sign on the comer of CTY 39 and Nashua that informs residents that there is an ice rink and warming house available. Recreation Ideas — After discussion it was decided to host and Easter Egg Hunt and Picture with Easter Bunny at City Hall. C. Stockamp will facilitate planning and organization of the event. Tentative date will be April 3, 2004 at I I am. C. Thorsted is still investigating having an all resident Bingo Night at City Hall. Park Update - Mike Robertson is in the process of contacting Damon Farbor to be present at the March 2004 Park and Rec Meeting. Commissioner agreed to have a list of concerns ready for Mr. Farbor to address. City Update — CM. Scharber and Mike Robertson updated Commissioners on Council Actions. In further actions, three candidates have been interviewed for Park and Recreation Commission and should be approved to be in attendance by February 2004 meeting. Adiournment — C. Stockamp, seconded by C. Thorsted. 9:30pm 4-0