02-11-04 PR`yThrough C'r�P DISTRICT 728 ommunityEducation v�le7g `v 1170 Main Street • 2 February 2004 Elk River, Minnesota • 55330 • 763-241-3520 To: Mike Robertson, City Administrator & Otsego Park & Recreat' mmissioners From: Charlie Blesener, Administrator of Community Education Re: Proposal for recreation programming for summer 2004 Thank you for inviting me to the January 14, 2004 Park & Recreation Commission meeting, and for the discussion of possible approaches to recreation programming in Otsego in 2004. At that time you requested a proposal for programs for your review and possible amendment or adoption. Enclosed is a proposal which outlines some summer 2004 programming possibilities and assigns estimated costs and revenues. The proposal is based on direction given me by the commission at the Jan. 14 meeting, and includes up to five daytime "entertainment in the park" type programs as well as up to five evening ones. I believe the commission was interested in these beginning after the July 4th holiday and continuing weekly for five weeks. In addition, the proposal calls for tennis instruction which could be offered either daytime or evening, or possibly both, the indoor/outdoor activity would likely be a playground/park program using the park, as well as an indoor option using the community room for games and table activities. The special event budget is consistent with past costs of providing a penny carnival. The proposal is intended to be a menu from which you and the commission can choose, based on community interest and your budget. As per our discussion of Jan. 14, all of the proposed programs would be at the Prairie Park/City Hall complex. Some additional direction from the commission would be helpful regarding the best time of day to be offering the indoor/outdoor activity and the penny carnival (would there be sufficient children around during the day with transportation to get to the Prairie Park/City Hall complex, or should these programs be offered in the evening?). Input from the commission as to the proposed fees would also be helpful. To that end, Program Manager Carole McNaughton-Commers and I would be available to attend the Commission's Feb. 11 meeting. -3-YO& Don't hesitate to contact me (241-3522) if you have questions or need further clarification. We are looking forward to working closely with you and the commission to provide quality recreation programs for Otsego residents. ISD 728 Community Education Otsego Recreation Proposal for Summer 2004 February 2, 2004 Activity Estimated Participation Estimated Expense Estimated Revenue contract, staff, supply fees Entertainment - daytime Raptor Center 50 $475 $0 Mask Magic 50 $275 $0 Juggler 50 $250 $0 Additional daytime session 50 $325 $0 Additional daytime session 50 $325 $0 $1,650 Entertainment - evening Magician 100 $325 $0 Zoo Mobile 100 $325 $0 Games Guy 100 $425 $0 Additional evening session 50 $325 $0 Additional evening session 50 $325 $0 $1,725 Tennis Lessons 3 classes, 6 nights, $25 fee 18 $262 $450 Tennis Day Camp One week, Mon - Thu 12 $720 $720 Indoor/Outdoor Activity Balance -$475 -$275 -$250 -$325 -$325 -$325 -$325 -$425 -$325 -$325 $188 $0 4 sessions, 2 hrs each, $24 12 $206 $288 $82 Special Event 150 $500 $0 -$500 Administration/Marketing $850 -$850 $0 TOTAL $5,913 $1,458 -$4,455