03-10-04 PROTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 10, 2004 Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Peter Torresani, Mike Brumm, Jessica Stockamp, Kathy Roberts -Alt. arrived at 7:15, Terry Long arrived at 7:15 Counsel members: CM Struthers Staff. Mike Robertson Approval of the March 10, 2004 Aunda — C. Torresani, seconded by C. Stockamp 6-0 Approval of February 11, 2004 Minutes as amended — C. Long, seconded by C.Stockamp. 6-0 New Park Issues — Present to discuss issues with the new parks was Tom Whittlock from Damon Farber Associates. Mike Robertson gave a brief narrative on the background of our association with Damon Farber for Commissioners that were not present last year. Mr. Whittlock presented one of the current "Punch Lists" that they have. Mr. Whittlock reported that the original survey was incorrect and had to be redone. Park Commissioners were never made aware of that fact. C. Torresani reports that he felt at least 2 of the ball fields were to small and he did not think that the concrete around the horseshoe pits and the timber edging around the volleyball court made any sense and might be a safety hazard. VA�iittlock reported that the concrete for placed around the horseshoe pits was according to national standards, but suggested placing rubber mats on the concrete. The timbers around the ,olleyball courts are intended to prevent the sand from migrating, but Mr. Whittlock offered alternatives if concrete .,as not acceptable. Mike Robertson agreed to check on the alternatives available. The size of the ball fields will be reverified by Damon Farber Associates. C. Stockamp reported that some of the School Knoll Park equipment seems to be loose possible due to a loose footing. She also reported that the Kiddie Car Ride may be an eventual safety problem because kids are standing on it. In addition to those 2 items she reported that the water fountain has a faucet on the bottom of it that does not shut off by itself. Whittlock said that it should be a push button feature. This will be checked on and corrected if necessary. Whittlock was told that the mulch around the trees needs to be moved back and not be on the trunk of the tree. Mike Robertson reported that the sliding hill will most likely be moved to another location. Whittlock reported that survey plans were sent again for Lily Pond Park to reverify accuracy. Commissioner requested to see the new survey when completed. Community Education—Charlie Blesener and Carole Mcnaughten —Commers were present to finalize plans for summer community events. Plans were reviewed and approved by Commissioners. Easter Egg Hunt- Plans were confirmed for the day. Eggs and Candy were divided among volunteers to take home and stuff. Comprehensive Goal Plan- Mike Robertson will invite Dan Licht to come to our April meeting to review the city's comp. plan. Community Center- Mike Robertson reports that Becker and Monticello Community Centers are able to provide !ommissioners with a tour of their facilities in order to help us plan for an Otsego Community Center. Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan — Commissioners have decided to pursue a Comprehensive Plan for Otsego's Park and Recreation. Separate meetings will most likely be needed. It will include explanation of Park and Recreation Board member's duties and goals for the board to accomplish, input will be provided by Council -md City Administration. Both short range and long range goals will be included. City Update —CM Struthers and Mike Robertson updated Commissioners on Council Actions. Adiournment — C. Torresani, seconded by C. Stockamp. 9:35pm 6-0