07-14-04 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 14, 2004 - 7:00 PM 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Vice Chair Jessica Stockamp, Aaron Stritesky, Mike Brumm, Kathy Roberts, Peter Torresani, Rose Cassady, and Mark Thorsted. Absent: Pauline Nelson and Terry Long. Councilmembers: CM Heidner. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Aip-oroval of June 9, 2004 Minutes - Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Torresani, moved to approve the June 9, 2004 minutes as amended. Carried 7-0. Fall Recreation Event - Commissioners set a date of Saturday, October 23, 2004 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for a fall event. The event will have pumpkin painting, wagon rides, and Halloween costume judging. If Park & Recreation Commissioners cannot attend this event, they must recruit a replacement. Lily Pond Park - Beth Shaffer of 9800 Kadler Avenue presented a petition from area residents with 28 signatures asking that a tennis court be installed in place of a basketball court or volleyball court. Administrator Robertson stated that room had been left on the Lily Pond Park Plan for additional equipment. He said that he had asked the Lily Pond Park construction company to provide a price for installing a tennis court. He thought they might have an estimate by the next Park Commission meeting. Beth Shaffer thanked the Commissioners for considering the request. The Commissioners were in consensus they did not want to remove the basketball court. There was some discussion of removing the volleyball court. Robertson was directed to place this on the next month's agenda. Park Improvements - Administrator Robertson said the Lily Pond Park contractor would provide price estimates for all of the changes the Park Commission had recommended to Council. Robertson noted that the additional porta-potties had been added and that all of them now had hand sanitizers. The City maintenance crew would be moving the sliding hill within the next few weeks. Festival Update - Rose Cassady updated the commission and said she would be asking the Council to set up a few pedestals with electric outlets. She asked if the Park Commission wanted to rent a booth. Consensus was no. 2005 Budget - Administrator Robertson reviewed the budget. Commissioners discussed having $15-20,000 available for recreation events in 2005. Robertson said he will bring this item back on next month's agenda with the additional information they requested. Park Plan - Commissioners discussed future needs for ball fields. They were in consensus they would like to start work on updating the Park Plan at the August meeting, and asked Robertson to have the City Planner attend with information on national standards for parks and ball fields. City U-Qdate - CM Heidner updated Commissioners on Council actions. Adjournment - Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Carried 7-0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator