07-14-04 PRMEMO Date: July 8, 2004 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: City Update 1. Lily Pond Park Update - Work has begun on Lily Pond Park. Its turns out there were more salvageable pine trees than initially expected. I meet with American Liberty next Wednesday and should have more to report on the work at the Park Commission meeting. 2. Park Shelter Reservations - Council agreed to implement a park shelter reservation system as of January 1, 2005. Staff will provide a draft policy for Council review and I assume Council will seek Park Commission comments as well. I don't expect the draft will be done until September as staff will be focused on the budget until then. 3. Summer Recreation - Tuesdays in the Park had a great turnout its first week, even though it had to be held inside due to rain. I estimate approximately 80 people showed up, about 55-60 kids and 20-25 adults. The show was the Minnesota Raptor Center, it lasted about an hour, and everyone who commented to the front desk was very happy with the show. 4. Prairie Park Improvements - Six new picnic tables have been ordered. The Maintenance Department will start work on moving the sliding hill in the next few weeks. Yes Rose it will be done well before the Festival. I will be negotiating prices on the other work (fences, grills, trash cans, etc.) with American Liberty on Wednesday. If they don't give me reasonable prices I will get somebody else to do it. 5. Porta -Potties - A second Porta-Pottie has been added to Prairie Park. The potties will be upgraded with hand sanitizers as those units become available. A porta-pottie will be installed at School Knoll Park. 6. Irrigation Well - A fence will be installed around the new irrigation well in Prairie Park. The ball fields are currently being irrigated twice a day at 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. The new fields will be fertilized and treated with herbicide in the fall. The older fields are looking very good. The City Engineer, when he has time, will develop cost estimates for a water fountain and for irrigating the rest of Prairie Park. 2